
ooi1955 | Joined since 2013-08-02

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2013-12-19 22:32 | Report Abuse

Oh dear... I think I scared KC away.....


2013-12-19 22:29 | Report Abuse

Sephi... you appeared!


2013-12-19 22:28 | Report Abuse

Dear man..be glad you got yourself a smart wife!
OMG...is that pic you...? KC... you just spoil my image of you!
Now I cant dream of you at night!


2013-12-19 22:21 | Report Abuse

Poor KC... attacked by 2 bored ladies... ha! ha! ha!


2013-12-19 22:19 | Report Abuse

Connie... I totally syn with you on this but unfortunatly I like to browse in FOOD sections too loh. So what I do is ... you go do your thing and lets meet later say 2hrs time here... So he happy & me also happy!


2013-12-19 22:13 | Report Abuse

Ya loh... KC ... and you men will either end up buying EXPIRED goods or pay more for it... cos you men just walk in & out with one thought in mind... to complete the mission... case close! Am I right?


2013-12-19 22:11 | Report Abuse

KC... when ladies want to buy something real expensive and good hubby dearest is paying for it, they will normally think & think & think...BUT if no good hubby than lantar-pi....just sign and YOU pay!


2013-12-19 22:07 | Report Abuse

Oooo... you are getting into Inwest's trading tactic loh.

OK.. I'll pay more attention to my N2N.. thanks KC.


2013-12-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

KC... pls reply on N2N... me very kancheong leh....

Tell your pretty wife to close one eye and just sign.......KC dear hubby will foot the bill... kepala sakit instant relief!


2013-12-19 21:53 | Report Abuse

Oh dear... there discount 50% ta mahu...? KC ... I wonder too...maybe 25k ta cukup ke?


2013-12-19 21:51 | Report Abuse

KC dear... I want to SELL not BUY. I am holding n2n warrant leh...so if good news I key in everyday... can cover cost... cabut cepat cepat.

Everyday I see almost no transaction ... so sad.


2013-12-19 21:48 | Report Abuse

Connie dear... congrats on your OCK.


2013-12-19 21:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Dec 19, 2013 09:13 PM | Report Abuse

and something is brewing in n2n hopefully upwards! chinaman in singapore into warrants transferring! :)

KC... is this good news for n2n?..... pls say yes! :)

Read that you just came back from holiday? Or....


2013-12-19 21:43 | Report Abuse

Mc...I'm fine too but this brain of mine cannot absorb so much and so fast…loh.
Mc! MC! MC!... drop us a line when you can.. just to let us know you are OK also will do… :): )


2013-12-19 20:58 | Report Abuse

MC... you must be having a fantastic time in Japan.. with your favorite food and all. We all miss you and said so every now and than but Inwest ask us to sabar and let you enjoy your holiday first...


2013-12-19 20:55 | Report Abuse

MC... you have lots & lots to catch up here! We had a fun & very profitable roller coaster ride with Rchi in baby bambi & WOG (a)......
The ladies... Connie,Christine, Sky, Moonie and of course your Inwest too... we had such a great time! And our sifu Bro Sj3, supporting us with his adorable song all the way. Dashing Sephi too join in the fun whenever he decide to glide down from his fantasy world.... it would have been so much better if you are here.....


2013-12-19 20:50 | Report Abuse

MC..MC..MC... so glad to see you here... so much to share with you.... we all miss you soooo much !


2013-12-19 20:49 | Report Abuse

Ha!ha!ha!... I can just imagine dear Connie jumping mad when she sees you kena flag.......:) :) :)


2013-12-19 20:46 | Report Abuse

Inwest... I like your positive attitude very much!!


2013-12-19 20:42 | Report Abuse

Inwest... like you said before as long as our conscience is clear there’s nothing to fear! I see nothing wrong in your posting too... you are only giving advise to your ladies here.... I like!


2013-12-19 20:38 | Report Abuse

Dear Bro Sj3… TQ for awarding me “A” for quick exit & switching counters… after kena burnt so badly ,now I learn to follow advise from good sifus here. Wish I could get an A for picking stock like dear Connie to. Bro Sj3.. Connie has improved by leaps & bounds thru your lesson and guidance. You should be very happy to have a bright student like her. Me too have benefited a lot. At least now I’m not as stupid as I first started. .. but my birds brain need more time to process. I think I have to go back and read your notes from lesson 1 again………….better late than never… aja! aja! Fighting 001!


2013-12-19 11:32 | Report Abuse

Connie dear... the big bad bursa will herefor us ro make $$$$... so go party with an easy heart... lock in some profits first. Sweetie... xray eyes ban from bedroom, K! Boss no like! :)

Sky/Christine.... Me too going to MIA like boss..... see u all later.

Hope Moon... got the message.


2013-12-19 11:18 | Report Abuse

Rookie932... I cut now too much loss... sakit hati.. so I still hold.
It is not PN17, still got profit and contract coming in... so I was thinking..I wait and see how the story unfold...


2013-12-19 11:13 | Report Abuse

Sky... high5 ya...... boss is alway right!


2013-12-19 11:11 | Report Abuse

Connie... very wise more. Wog too volatile, dear Rchi might not have enough time to inform. Remember, advise from Inwest...


2013-12-19 11:03 | Report Abuse

iWarrants... Me think Rchi is too busy taking care of our WOG & baby Sonic leh... dont think anyone here is holding this stock except me loh :(


2013-12-19 10:53 | Report Abuse

Yes! Inwest... I have so much to learn from you, Bro Sj3 and all the sifus here. TQ.


2013-12-19 10:48 | Report Abuse

Hi! iWarrants, I'm also holding Instaco-WB and hope for the best but not venture into that thread.... YiStock is very good. I like.


2013-12-19 10:38 | Report Abuse

Connie dear... you & Sephi... sometimes I dont compute half of what you both converse... so very deep into your Final Fantasy world!


2013-12-19 10:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by ooi1955 > Dec 19, 2013 10:35 AM | Report Abuse X
Inwest... you are sooo right!
Sky... I ditch Daya (small gain) & Poh Kong (loss)... I gain much more loh!

---- Thank you very much, Rchi!


2013-12-19 10:35 | Report Abuse

Inwest... you are sooo right!
Sky... I ditch Daya (small gain) & Poh Kong (loss)... I gain much more loh!


2013-12-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

Sephi... ooooo... no wonder Connie is into u !
Too handsome & young for me... cannot tahan lah... nanti kena stroke.... :)


2013-12-19 10:11 | Report Abuse

Yes.. dear Connie... I let go at 0.32... very happy with gain already.
But still holding wog (g) very small lots.


2013-12-19 10:09 | Report Abuse

Oh... Inwest.. you are back with us...:)
Rchi... caught your messsage in time... all out at 0.32... not going to q... But still holding wog(g).. very small ot. Thanks.


2013-12-19 10:05 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all kakis & Sifus!

Good morning Bro Sj3.....

Inwest... happy marketing with your lucky wife.

Rchi, thanks for keeping us updated.
Connie/Christine/Sky/Moon..... our baby wog is doing fine with papa Rchi nursing it...:)

MC... happy holiday!

Sephi... took a peep at your upload. Are you the guy with long white hair?... handsome dude loh....

Hello & welcome to all new to this thread.... :)

Happy trading.


2013-12-18 20:40 | Report Abuse

Hello Bro Sj3... just came back from dinner with the kids.
Thank you for your support... Wog is doing well and I am happy.

Rchi is doing all the work & research...and shared with us his good fortune....so kind of him. Like you said Bro Sj3... good karma will go to those who contribute. Good happenings will go right back to him... and that's what he so rightly deserve for making so many happy here....

Goodnight Bro Sj3...

Goodnight Inwest and all kakis....


2013-12-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

Connie.... I'm so so sad I'm missing all the fun ... and my lessons also ....:( :(

But I'm thankful to our sifu for his patience and Rchi for his generosity & Inwest for everthing…….
I’m just grateful to be in this happy home with you all…..
Gotta run now… family calling...


2013-12-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

Inwest... Rchi's reply too, thanks.

Rchi is now Santa Clause & God of Posperity all roll into one..... ha! ha! ha!


2013-12-18 12:39 | Report Abuse

Ok..Ok... thanks Rchi.... will do.
I'm one very lucky & happy lady...thanks to you!


2013-12-18 12:36 | Report Abuse

Inwest... I'm still here, belum, keluar but going to... what target?
Not enough time to read previous post...


2013-12-18 12:35 | Report Abuse

Connie.. so happy for you. Our sifu already award you with 2 A's.
Well done, my dear.
So glad you board Jaks ship with us, with our sifu as our captain, we have no fear....


2013-12-18 12:29 | Report Abuse

Rchi… are you by any chance ..psychic? Not only do you pick ace counters but you also know the right time to enter and exit… this is remarkable…

Baby wog is so adorable now....

Rchi ..since I'll be out. I'll key in to exit 50% at 0.33 and leave the rest to surf the wave.

Thanks again...


2013-12-18 12:26 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Sj3... will also take note of your guide to dear Connie.
Hope your virus issue is cleared up. I'm going out after lunch so pls dont delete any guidance while I'm away, Ok, dear Bro Sj3.


2013-12-18 12:17 | Report Abuse

sZEPhi! ... you bad boy....keep on luring our innocent Connie deeper and deeper into the woods....
Connie sweetie.. dont be con by this lengchai!


2013-12-18 09:31 | Report Abuse

Richi… you are a true- true mate… you really look after your family members here….. so glad you are with us...


2013-12-18 09:26 | Report Abuse

Dear Bro Sj3… I was going thru the post… and I’m truly touch by the your thought of me in your heart. Thank you for wanting to wait for me to continue what everyone is waiting to learn from you ( I kind of feel bad for those waiting but happy for ME at the same time). I think most of the traders here already have their own trading system but it’s very rare to be able to learn from someone who is a season professional trader. …. few is willing to share their secret tools of trade … it’s that extra edge which all would like to have…. especially ME… since I have nothing except what Bro Sj3 have thought me here…
So Bro Sj3….. I know you said no more thank-you’s but I still have to say it …
… if only I could give you a hug…. Of appreciation
Thank you, dear Bro Sj3, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart! : )


2013-12-18 09:22 | Report Abuse

A very Good morning to everyone!

Connie dear… “I don’t wanna miss a thing” too but it has always been my motto to put family first so ……. I guess I have to miss some fun here for a while… but not completely …. cant keep away … too many good e-friends and of course my dear Bro Sj3 is in this warm home now.


2013-12-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

Sephi dear... thanks but I like this one better....
BUT you might prefer this… same song but more young pretty gals with sexy legs for you to admire…..
ha!ha!ha... now I know how to post youtube links... thanks to Connie's tutotrial!
Sky… you might like it too….
Good night & pleasant dreams dear kakis…


2013-12-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

Dear Bro Sj3… TQ… what you kept on reminding me to do prove you right. I must set my own TP, key in every morning than go about my business without having to worry about it all the time. Once sold… don’t look back cos I have already achieve my target. That is how my Daya is cleared with some profits. If I have the time than I can monitor but unfortunately I don’t so this method suits me very well. TQ, Bro Sj3.


2013-12-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

Oh my lord... I just applied for leave from Bro Sj3 to sit back on my studies and here I am playing hookie...better disappear pronto...

Sky... it was double fun having you here today. Otherwise normaly only me & Connie & the guys... Christine & Moon comes in & out very fast... hehe... me too.. Connie is the good girl here.

Anyway... time for me to prepare dinner... see you all later..