
optimusx8888 | Joined since 2014-04-17

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2014-05-28 21:27 | Report Abuse

this is toppish... a lot of churning and aggressive selling and when it drop to 88.5 push it up again to sell.

the jewel of the crown is the highway. they opted for fast cash 400m. where do u think the 400m would end up? it wont b any capital repayment for sure. maybe give u some free warrant later to entertain u.



2014-05-28 21:24 | Report Abuse

shooting star? game over? so high volume never end up 10c on such a big news. becareful on the private placement selling, their cost is 72c? now they make 20c and selling on good news.


2014-05-28 21:07 | Report Abuse

wonder why today drop n closed day low?


2014-05-28 20:48 | Report Abuse

seabiscuit. i have a land n farming for the last 12 years, i bet u wont want to go tru the experience. its farking hot. many funny animals. snakes, wild boar. many insects, and many hardwork...


2014-05-28 20:40 | Report Abuse

At the current market price for diatomite of around USD200 to USD300 per tonne, the deposit could potential result in sales of between USD840mn (RM2.7bn) to US1.3bn (RM4.1bn). Assuming successful exploration of a further 50mn tonnes, this figure could potential rise by an additional USD7.0bn (RM22.8bn) and USD10.5bn (RM34.2bn). We believe the diatomite will likely be marketed to FELDA’s related companies engaged in oil palm plantations.

look at the diatomite projection...max optimistic projection is Iris will get rm34.2 billions from exploring diatomic. you know of any listed company having that kind of potential sales? if even 10% of that is materialised over next 10 years. iris is worth rm10.00 giving it a mkt cap of 20billion.

syndicate love this type of crazy optimistic project as it give them ample room to push.


2014-05-28 20:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-05-28 20:21 | Report Abuse

cweed, i do not recommend sell on any stocks that is showing reversal from bottom. i will only recommend sell when a stock showing toppish. the reason is simple. it takes a lot for a downtrend stocks to reverse the downward momentum to upward. and it requires a lot of volume to do that as it has to absorb many who stuck or bought near bottom happy to get out with a few cents profit.
a stock that has been on downtrend do not find buyers, they would only get sellers hitting them on the way up. put aside the quarterly report, iris has almost satisfied all criteria of major reversal and it is also confirmed with its warrant b. (subject to tomorrow further confirmation)

a major reversal from bottom stock can have tremendous upside if it does break the last peak, i.e 63, as major buying force from traders or investors will jump in once it break new high, pushing it up another 10c or 20c. imagine if u entered it today at 44c, and sell it at 63+20c=83c.

for toppish stock its easy to recommend a sell as once a stock is toppish, it will drift down to find the last support level. it can be seen in the lethargic of stocks near high. less n less buyer r willing to buy at new high level. then it sure will take a turn until value emerge to certain parties. see smrt last few days trade.

stock mkt is a price discovery mechanism, and it is also a discounting mechanism. it discount all that is known to the public all secondary news.


2014-05-28 20:03 | Report Abuse

funtrade, i had said i bot the warrant b at 31.5 and sold at 34.0, i didnt buy mother. i m commenting on iris becos its very unusual for iris to rebound after touching 40c n lifeless. today price-volume action changed my perception for the trading potential of iris. i m ready to get in if the mother is beyond 46c. i m not promoting this stock as buy/sell. its just my observation that there maybe trading opportunities going forward.


2014-05-28 19:59 | Report Abuse

alex, no, u didnt offend me, i m just curious why suddenly the focus is in the quarterly result? and not from the candlestick chart? i have offloaded all my warrant b at 34c and i m suprise there r so many taker.

i really dont think ppls r buying today. the chart says it is a major reversal. and it shouldnt be a 1 day affair.

iris has been dropping for 20 market days (assuming the syndicate has been collecting at 20 days. the major reversal will push it beyond 50c and attempting 60c again with new stories.
44.5c close is a very significant level. both the peak of jan push ended at 45.5, and the resuming push start at feb 5th when it closed at 44.5, and it went up to the peak of 63cents using 14 days. today it shows highest volume in 3 months. both mother and warrant b.

there may be something more than the quarterly report. that is my point.


2014-05-28 19:45 | Report Abuse

lately many stocks that has released good quarterly profit or great announcement like exit from pn17, hohup, record quarterly profit. pjd, etc. drop forever since.

why? no more good news for the boss/syndicate to release. so the only thing is to sell down to those who is bargain hunter on good news.

when a stock has no syndicate activity or they have accomplished their mission, it will only drift down n down no matter what good news or good fundamental. they r no longer relevant.


2014-04-29 22:17 | Report Abuse

yesterday i recommend 17c buy jackpot stock ma, not everyday got jackpot one...


2014-04-29 22:06 | Report Abuse

these counters doesnt affect the stock market fundamental even if they all drop to zero. it only affect the sentiments for a few days. nothing to worry.


2014-04-29 21:50 | Report Abuse

top 10 active stocks all below 30c. and today ci up.b


2014-04-29 21:48 | Report Abuse

newman. ace counter are not marginable in most case. only a few broker accept it as margin. the other bigger stocks r all very well behaved above their 30days moving average. dont see any margin call except Dsonic. hahaha.

dj is at record high again.


2014-04-29 21:26 | Report Abuse

newman. how r u. i think its ace meltdown. others r either gone up too much and has an excuse for others to take profit. mkt need a healthy correction before it can go higher. thanks god its ace melt down to provide some reality check to mkt.
i think ace is game over.
in medium term its healthy for the mkt as attention will shift to proper stocks with real business.
u and me donno what vis do but so many trading them to sky high p.e. infinity p.e bcos they r money losing company.

stocks like leweko also can go up, mkland also can go up means too much money chasing in mkts.


2014-04-29 21:20 | Report Abuse

agreed with akaboss on the point. maybe he feels he owned the spsetia. spsetia landbank is 100 times better than ecoworld la. truth.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 21:10 | Report Abuse

1 lorry enough loh, mkt risky and downtrend ma. we r not trader, but risk manager.


2014-04-29 21:08 | Report Abuse

dreamm i hate to correct your theory.

when a broker use 1 million share to whack down, is the owner dead? the owner has their own broker to watch and defend certain level.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 21:04 | Report Abuse

today i called lorry come to load up 1 lorry already la. paiseh, buy cheaper than all of u.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 21:03 | Report Abuse

aiyah, mkt is something unpredictable la, whoever bought no matter what price recently, would stand to make lots of money if they can hold till the exercise.
mark my word.


2014-04-29 21:01 | Report Abuse

nallayak... i cant help but must point out some of your falacies.

there r just too many developers.
tell me what is the populations in this country vs the developer?
tell me 1 person who is not thinking of buying not 1 house, not 2 houses, but as many as they could.
tell me is restaurants more or developers more?

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 20:59 | Report Abuse

talkking. he is learning to be a good writer la, give ppls chance lor. u dare to write or nott? u dont dare loh.
i also dont dare. heheh
somemore take a lot of courage to write to part8.

at least respect his dedicated la, this r the ppls i love to work with.


2014-04-29 20:45 | Report Abuse

miracle4 bro, interesting. hahaha. i want learn more abt brain from u. i also study brain power i m even a certified hypnotist from america. just for fun.


2014-04-29 20:44 | Report Abuse

i try to create a pantun heheh

mpay takboleh mpay takboleh
the bus come, passengers aboard.
destination, holland! holland!
the captain asked, anymore anymore?
the passengers replied. long live madiba, long live madiba

the bus then start moving, destination holland, destination holland
the passngers shout in joy, we like it, we like it!!

can pakai bo?


2014-04-29 20:41 | Report Abuse

1 year target price.
0.05 cent..


2014-04-29 20:39 | Report Abuse

excuse me everyone, but i must laugh first. wakakakaka

The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round, round and round
All day long, All day long
The bell on the bus go ‘ring, ring, ring’
‘ring, ring, ring’ , ‘ring, ring, ring’
All day long, All day long
The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?’
Any more fares?’, Any more fares?’
All day long, All day long
The driver on the bus shouts
‘Buy Mpay, Buy Mpay; you will travel all year long’
All year long,All year long
The passengers reply
'Sure, to Bursa we go' all day long
All day long, All day long

The bus stops, Passengers go out and go in. The bus then moves.

The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?Any more fares?’ all day long
All day long, All day long
The passengers reply 'No fares, no more fares; we have Mpay, we have Mpay’ All day long, All day long
The driver says ‘Syabas. Syabas’ all day long
All day long, All day long
The passengers replied ' With mpay free on bus, travel all year long'
All year long,All year long


2014-04-29 20:37 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-04-29 20:35 | Report Abuse

mpay propose change name to manypay.
where is the captain madiba?


2014-04-29 20:33 | Report Abuse

many broker already capping ace counters. still think ace counter can play?dream la, the syndicate is washing out their shares on hand. but a big hit down and then pull up for u ppls to chase.


2014-04-29 20:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-04-29 20:28 | Report Abuse

i know why, obama bring a lot of hedgefund here, they got nothing to do with obama go work, they sit down and short our mkt.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 20:27 | Report Abuse

kancs, u pay me rm8.88, i would advise u, i charge cheaper than otb. if u want cheaper, u pay rm0.08, saturn will advise u.



2014-04-29 20:21 | Report Abuse

miracle4faith bro, this is nothing compared to the treatment i get when i asked ppls sell dsonic at 4.70 over a period of 2 days before it melt to 2.50 told them can reach 2.40 and wait to buy low. nobody sell, until today still blaming me causing the drop. wakakaka.


2014-04-29 20:16 | Report Abuse

40c finally coming....


2014-04-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

today all 17c, 17.5c, 18.0 all done by me. wakakakaka.


2014-04-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

who followed me?


Posted by optimusx8888 > Apr 28, 2014 05:42 PM | Report Abuse X

I think at 17c can buy some as lottery ticket.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 20:01 | Report Abuse

asiapac still alive, symphony may go down test the gap...15c. so u watch closely to exit?

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 20:00 | Report Abuse

i really dont think he make that mistake, although i didnt read his article except the headlines.


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2014-04-29 19:58 | Report Abuse

talkking, i m CPA la. i think i know accounting also. wakakaka.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 19:57 | Report Abuse

thambi. u today lost alot isit? calm down la. why keep tarok ppls. talk some jokes ma. everyone so tense heere.

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News & Blogs

2014-04-29 19:52 | Report Abuse

talking, he never said gdv is revenue la, u simply blame him, he only quote huge gdv as the potential of the stock i guess.

to be fair, he ask ppls to buy at 79c la, now still profit wat. still got 96c.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 19:50 | Report Abuse

optimus 6 is not me la, hahaha. so many want to curry my name to use.

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 19:49 | Report Abuse

first time u deal with penangites meh. lost 5cent also will blame u la. i damn afraid of penang ppls.


2014-04-29 19:47 | Report Abuse

peiyee. the get back your trouser but not the bra and panties is considered very lucky liao.
congrates. as the more it drop, the more u cannot find the courage to sell.