
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2014-10-01 12:06 | Report Abuse

If I in right position, the moment this innovative idea come to me; I will decide 3 things;

1. How to do it
2. How I will benefit
3. Who going to do it.

Perhap you are not like me, : ) you are very very good people.

We know our country better right?

So what make you think that everything has not decided from day 1?


2014-07-16 11:11 | Report Abuse

Since when we can make money from following newspaper.

In investment you must be 2 steps ahead. News reporting old story, recyle bla bla.

Marks still not over yet, all the wayang and opera must come out first : )


2014-07-16 11:04 | Report Abuse

Don't tell me you sold your? Ha ha ha

What else to say, My source give Sept.

I gave example of MH370, if you have experience dealing with will know, ...only few people know what the hell they are talking.

They will do asap away from next GE.


2014-07-16 10:02 | Report Abuse

Winter I know, sometime it can be addicted; maybe he addicted to this forum.

The link

She lost the opportunity to sell higher ; 50% more!


2014-07-16 09:50 | Report Abuse

This is for guy who always worry; looking at selling signal at every opp.

Star online:
Sumatec CFO sells entire stake, shares and warrants extend rally. (20M)


2014-07-16 09:27 | Report Abuse

Where the sell out? I'm ready to scoop.

I know there are no sell out for 20M share because they were offer to various parties and these people has capacity to hold; there are not contra player. Off market some more, only people with money will do off market.

The sales was done by dealer from Maybank; price was decided base on 5sen discount from closing price. Was RM2.00 and 5sen discount is RM1.95.


2014-10-02 09:24 | Report Abuse

It does not proof anything.

I know I'm still right regarding award and aprox time. I mention it before if I know right to the exact timing, I would be billionaire already. Look at my past on contract renewal, I am off by 10days, Bonus Issues by 1wk.

No fundamental or scenario change, just a bit delay and I'm in opinion this mth or max 6wk,as they plan to start on Sept.

In story of Moses, beside of his powerful miracle (imagine he took his people walk thru Red sea cross) and he was delayed for 10days and his people already forsaken him. They are always people like Samiri around. Anyway at the end........... faith make the different.


2014-07-15 09:12 | Report Abuse

Years in the wilderness
Revelation of the Torah

The Revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai as depicted in Biblical illustrations.After leaving the promised land, Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai (Mount Tur). Upon arrival, Moses left the people, instructing them that Aaron was to be their leader during his absence. Moses was commanded by God to fast for thirty days and to then proceed to the valley of Tuwa for guidance. *^ God want to *test Moses people, so God ordered Moses to fast again for *ten days before returning *^. After completing his fasts, Moses returned to the spot where he had first received his miracles from God.

He took off his shoes as before and went down into prostration. Moses prayed to God for guidance, and he begged God to reveal himself to him.[57] It is narrated in the Qur'an that God told him that it would not be possible for Moses to perceive God, but that He would reveal himself to the mountain stating: "By no means canst thou see Me (direct); But look upon the mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me." When God revealed himself to the mountain, it instantaneously turned into ashes, and Moses lost consciousness. When he recovered, he went down in total submission and asked forgiveness Moses was then given the Ten Commandments by God as Guidance and as Mercy. Meanwhile in his absence, a man named Samiri had created a Golden Calf, proclaiming it to be the God of Moses.[59] The people began to worship it. Aaron attempted to guide them away from the Golden Calf, but the Israelites refused to do so until Moses had returned. Moses, having thus received the scriptures for his people, was informed by God that the Israelites had been *tested in his absence and they had gone astray by worshiping the Golden Calf. Moses came down from the mountain and returned to his people.[60] The Quran states that Moses, in his anger, grabbed hold of Aaron by his beard and admonished him for doing nothing to stop them. But when Aaron told Moses of his attempt to stop them, Moses understood his helplessness and they both prayed to God for forgiveness. Moses then questioned Samiri for creating the Golden Calf. Samiri replied that it had occurred to him and he had done so.[61] Samiri was exiled and the Golden Calf was burned to ashes, and the ashes were thrown into the sea. The wrong-doers who had worshipped the Calf were ordered to be killed for their crime.[62]

Lessons we can learn for our everyday life : )


2014-07-12 18:43 | Report Abuse

Luyee still here? wonder?

Scchen want to bull some more?

I know the dealer who managed it and offer the block, they from Maybank. And I know the background. They were offered 5sen below closing price on that day. You will be surprise with my contact and info.

Go and get real job boy!


2014-07-12 10:57 | Report Abuse

RM150 x 10M x 0.5 = 1.5B x 0.5 = 75M even bigger.

Say just take 50% still round 35M x 12mth = RM380M


2014-07-12 12:16 | Report Abuse

Winter you right,

Actually more to 28M. Must be mix up.

But I think govt will give RM100-RM200 quota for subsidy for each individual per mth. Say RM200 x no of driver x % of transaction fee( est. 0.5%) x 12mth, could be?

Not include special category i.e taxi driver etc which might got bigger quota


2014-07-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

: ) I don't know details.

But I think it going to be simple, like TNB tariff rate etc. Everybody get basic quota to buy at sub price and as increase in liter the sub will reduce. I don't think they going to track people income etc.

So people like me, each time fill up RM140 for full tank, 8 times a mth (if no outstation etc) will have to pay extra. Those uncle with motorbike, fill up less than RM100 a mth will not affected.

That the solution I am thinking and not base on car, cc, income.....too complex and open up for abuse. So that why I got 50M vehicle.


2014-07-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

If 100M profit already take us to this level, imagine another 100M will lead us to.


2014-07-11 15:01 | Report Abuse

50M vehicle in Malaysia X 1 fill up a wk x 4wk = 200M transaction a mth

200M x Avg RM20 per fill up.(ticket size) = RM 400M transaction value.

If they use GHL biz model; they will charge base of % of transaction value. Because each transaction is a cost to the company. GHL would charge between 0.4-0.7%.

But I believe govt will ask big discount.

So my easier calculation is 10sen profit per transaction, would be;

10sen x 200M = RM20M a mth.

RM20M x 12 mth = RM 240M income a year.

30% = RM 72M profit + management fee +system maintenance and
between shareholder chargeback etc

So we were looking at RM70-80M new income.

Existing Mykad and Passport profit for this year RM120M (my est. up by 30% yoy)

A potential of RM200M income in fy 2015 : ) hi hi hi

The above is just my own calculation. I don't believe govt. going to pay them base on saving as reported in News paper, cause it does not make sense.


2014-07-11 08:05 | Report Abuse

Actually I have nothing to add.

I stand with what I have been said.

Strong believe and tips that Dsonic will get the project thru Fuel Sub Hse. The timing. ..... beside top brass at JPM, we can only guess. My reliable source say still within my target or off not more than 6Wks not months.

My experiance dealing with govt......actually not easy, they are can see from how they handle MH370. Some say this and some do that....bla bla. If you read newspaper...????.

Be aware Dsonic has corporate enemy. ... targeting their lucrative biz. So check your info, don't just take it, use your common sense. Those news paper and blogger also can't be trust. If you do biz with govt, surely you will have a lot of friends and contact, cause your competitor will certainly have. And in Malaysia, reality can separate politic from it.

It norm, if you deal with lucrative govt contract.......politician also want their hand there.

If you deep in politic, then you know FSH is very strong.

Govt. wanted to do this program few years ago, they already spend on this programe but pull out because that time the timing is not right.....near to election.

So they already know what they are say. ..they study this and that is not true.

Now they are in stronger position to implement this. Look GST and all other subsidy that they have reduce or scrap. They now can do it. When they scrap sub for sugar, our PM said sugar is bad for you and straight away implement.. : )

As consumer, I don't like it. But I am not in politic and playing blame game, but clearly our economy simply can't afford without this kind of measure at the moment. This is the reality......just like.... how Mamak maggie mee cost you RM6 and you have to pay RM1-1.5M for double link house outside city area.

Imho....I think investment in equity, is the best way to hedge ourself against all of this.

It a long holiday, so I will rest... ....... unless they making announcement.

scchen still BOZO..........


6 hours ago | Report Abuse

Let see.......still got few day more, if off just another 2wk. i think still this mth.


2014-07-08 09:39 | Report Abuse

Investlah, Imho price stable at current level. Few sen up or down not important for investor. You can never buy bottom and sell top, if you can accept that.....then is can sleep and invest peacefully.

The co prospect is good, co has at least 3 big project this year. Petrol is one of it, I expect they will get letter of comfirmation soon.... was delay for couple of week..... for reason i do not know. Still target it this month.

Even without the project, co profit going to growth by at least 30% yoy mainly from Mykad and passport. I expect strong Q2 reporting; JPN has instruct them to deliver 4M card before end of July........40MxRM15 profit(est) is solid RM60M and that is not include other from passport etc. Their Q2 is another 2months. Go and check their last yr Q2.

Fuelsub hse is a powerfull, ....those in deep politic know it.......I have no doubt about they getting it....... their competitor like Chiku to them : )

Dsonic brilliant that what I can say.


2014-07-08 10:03 | Report Abuse

I add on before bonus, now it appreaciate closed to 13% gains. I think it great and feel bless. Maybe some of you can't see it............slowly but surely : )


2014-07-07 17:57 | Report Abuse

: ) there are thousand other stock you can pick, no problems.


2014-07-07 17:36 | Report Abuse

If they received govt comfirmation, the TP is no longer RM2.50


2014-07-07 17:33 | Report Abuse

And that the proposal they give i.e remove logistic issue of dispensing any form of card and reduced upfront govt cost. Use existing Mykad.


2014-07-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

What they say is right. No need to get new Mykad, but most of people do not know that their Mykad is defect especially 1st generation. So these people have to change their Mykad later.So left or right Dsonic get : )

That why they asked Dsonic to deliver 4M new Mykad before end of July. They already anticipate this for coming Sept/Oct implementation. You will see their Q2 reporting profit will jump by a minimum 30%-50%. ha ha ha this stock syok!


2014-07-07 09:26 | Report Abuse

Luyee. I don't understand your question or statment : ).

I personally know all those 3 directors who sold their and I know their reasons. I can't say he here but nothing important to other investor. If he sold 200lots of his 8M shares, what does it mean? nothing right? if bad news..... why don't sell all his 8M share?

You can see he also got margin account, interest accumulation aslo coming to few hundred thousand.

For me myself, if my client late in payment....I got to sell some of my holding to cover my expenses............which one is more pressing?

Let see it in big picture......

Too microscopic also susah.........if you too microscopic you can't eat at mamak lo. : )

11% to 22% is not micro...... why don't you follow!

p.s. they can't control who can sell and buy


2014-07-06 21:59 | Report Abuse

Your standard question in all counter you post.......why director sell.

Why did you ask why Mr Chew increase his holding from 11 to 22% just before bonus?

Director buy and sell all the time, if you want to take that as signal....then I don't think you can ever trade. Period.


2014-07-05 05:44 | Report Abuse

Dsonic frontrunner

The script already written......long time ago.......slowly coming.

Brazil 2 Colombia 1
Penalty time.


2014-07-04 16:26 | Report Abuse

Don't doubt, 100% they will get and this tips not from co;... far higher.

Just a matter of timing......and not many ppl know 100% .....right to the timing....


2014-07-03 16:37 | Report Abuse

That because reporter ask KSU, of cause he won't tell because that not his dept, that is menteri, if he tell before menteri.... ......he will kena. I think ministry in JPM will have to tell.


2014-07-03 16:17 | Report Abuse

Govt bull : ) Same thing when reporter ask PM abt new cabinet, he say no idea???? 1wks after that , they already have new cabinet. How come I know mths before and know exactly when he want to announce it.

My source say they bull.......ha ha hope bullish not that bull : )


2014-07-03 09:58 | Report Abuse

We have gone thru...........many time...........again and again Dsonic has prove....strong support. a good hand


2014-07-03 09:50 | Report Abuse

What do you expect? Will green, ......the share value. .....above RM2.
Without TP, people asking for one, given....... do not want to believe : ) .

Wallstreet breaking record.........As I mention, I think US and Europe just come out from economy slump........not overheating.......there are more upside.


2014-07-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

just a tail end. The rally did not pick up last wk, cause no official comfirmation yet. So contra player has to throw yesterday. The vol dry up. will go to green today. It is important to understand, or all the negative comments will influence you.


2014-07-02 15:04 | Report Abuse

If it not contra, nobody selling at this price.


2014-07-02 14:39 | Report Abuse

: ) It just a matter of days. PM might or might not speak on this, but I think he will speak on this. They are 2 events. 1. PM comfirm the project 2. Who will get the project.? Each even will spark the interest.


2014-07-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

They already spend and carry on with system development it just not in full blown cause they know they won't have enough time if they wait everything in black and white.


2014-07-02 11:10 | Report Abuse

I follow this closely. They waiting for letter, once they got they might straight away lodge with Bursa. I expect this or next wk. Once they got, they can continue with roll out. I told before minimum 3mths to roll out. So if target on sept/oct, they should issue the letter by now.


2014-07-02 09:17 | Report Abuse

10sen drop all the hantu come out : )). They come here once a while to spook you.

It will be up today cause 5M outstanding share on T4 is out, I was busy yesterday did not get chance to buy.


2014-07-01 18:16 | Report Abuse

Few yrs ago, yes it it Iris proposal. You see I know the history.

If Dsonic go alone, I am not sure they will get. The strenght is Fuel Hse, they are the one who will get. If you know the people behind it, they are power. But thet also smart by bringing Dsonic and POS. System mgt and logictic is well covered.

I dont think Iris and Myeg in this, I don't know where the reporter get the story. Even they quote chairman name wrong.

The ex ministry is out and he is everywhere even in Bangla project etc,

In matter of days or wk, we will know.


2014-07-01 17:31 | Report Abuse

Crawler best you give us something........good argument. My source say this and that....people don't buy somemore. I know Iris staff and I know their project, they are buddy.

Even Iris also didn't do anything or say we will get it in whatever. ......remember?

Otherwise you can keep it for your own trading...... and in 1 or 2 wks time you can come here and tell me pav you are moro x n. : )


2014-07-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

The different ; I am from the industry, I in contact with Putrajaya. I meet and talk to many people in right position daily. I am not keyboard warrior.

Iris are not on IT so much now. Their ball game is different from Dsonic. I will tell if necessary later but I just like to focus on this stock not other. If I want then I will write in their forum. But thinking of it why I want to discourage people from any particular stock....think.......people like opti a.k.a dog etc...


2014-07-01 09:56 | Report Abuse

Today down a bit cause a bit force selling last friday.

They got already- but you know it not official; you need to have trust on all this kind of biz deal. otherwise Dsonic will not injecting millions to Fuel hse and set up full office. Of cause it not full blown office yet, but their staffing already stanby. The company has over 500 staff, they can pull anytime.

The award will coming this week or next according my source from Pjaya, not from Company(my info seldom from co). There are many stages on this project, once announce it does not end there, until it very clear how the impact to Dsonic bottomline.

As it now, people are guessing what is the income going to be like. I think it going to be base on transaction and not saving. Because like Credit card, each swipe for authentication/verification is cost to the company.

They have to use Mykad or else how to control the eligibility at point of service.....really on Bangla / Indon pump worker? And it not just the verification but the eligibility must be coded to the mykad together with history of purchasing. Who can masuk into the system better then Dsonic. This will allowed offline transaction, which is crucial to ensure there are no problem at POS. point of service.

So the choice of Dsonic is natural and POS will assist on distribution like BR1M. I think Myeg and Iris is not in, do not know where reporter get info?

Again you need courage.


2014-06-30 15:28 | Report Abuse

Like Suarez a.k.a Dog, he need to get help also, he likes to bite like Anjing. ...Mental : )


2014-06-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

I silent them many time, no match for me......their place perhap in other forum.


2014-06-30 12:04 | Report Abuse

Dsonic has stood the test of time and prove that they able to secure big project. It going to be household brand. When I said they going to be next Apple ; I am talking the share value.

Today market soft, but it opportunity to buy. With the announcement around the corner, don't think it going to drop.

Name Fuel hse already show their single objective and confident, I told it before; special purpose co will be created.


2014-06-30 10:26 | Report Abuse

Forget what other people project.

Focus on what we have; so many........ many oversea project also in pipeline. I will give tips when time come. as it now is Petrol project.

I expect this week or next for announcement.


2014-06-29 15:38 | Report Abuse

Did not follow with CA, but mother share bullish in july onward, so I think CA also will do well.


2014-06-29 15:36 | Report Abuse

Any time before world cup final, could be next wed. hi hi. Serious! jokes a side.

They have been working on this for quite sometime, only recently surface, as part of govt. awareness campaign.

Thinking of selling? Another 2 more big project will coming after that.


2014-06-29 12:37 | Report Abuse

Ask they kidding themselves. : )


2014-06-29 12:01 | Report Abuse

Best we stay away from politic, I seen many biz deal and project, they are all similar.


2014-06-29 11:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Pavillion > Jun 27, 2014 09:25 AM | Report Abuse X

As Indonesian say.......they also orang....makan nasi ma.......they also need money. Fyi they being buying and selling all this while......if you use that as signal/ to trade? They sold before but price keep going up, at time after they bought......price down.

Don't worry their trade are not significant. This what i being say, market is bigger than any particular individual; even if you are director that does not mean you know everything and correct all the time.

Nobody will never be able to know absolutely everything in absolute precision.