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2017-04-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

Congratulation, @R40s. Big profit from Tomypak.


2017-04-08 12:09 | Report Abuse

Effect of Share Split and Bonus Issue for Tomypak warrant (For illustrative purposes only):
Assumed no. of Shares held is 1,000 unit and 5-day VWAMP is RM 1.00, Total Value RM 1.00;
After the Proposed Share Split, no. of Shares held is 2,000 unit, market price per share is RM 0.50, Total value RM 1.00;
After the Bonus Issue, no. of Shares held is 2,500 unit, market price per share is RM 0.40, Total value RM 1.00;

In short, Number of unit from 1,000 unit to 2,500 unit and share price from RM 1.00 to RM 0.40.


2017-04-08 00:52 | Report Abuse

Let me try to do a comparison of Tomypak vs Daiboci. Appreciate for any comments :)


2017-04-08 00:52 | Report Abuse

Effect of Share Split and Bonus Issue for Tomypak (For illustrative purposes only):
Assumed no. of Shares held is 1,000 unit and 5-day VWAMP is RM 2.50, Total Value RM 2.50;
After the Proposed Share Split, no. of Shares held is 2,000 unit, market price per share is RM 1.25, Total value RM 2.50;
After the Bonus Issue, no. of Shares held is 2,500 unit, market price per share is RM 1, Total value RM 2.50;

In short, Number of unit from 1,000 unit to 2,500 unit and share price from RM 2.50 to RM 1.00.


2017-04-08 00:12 | Report Abuse

@Nobsinves, congratulate for your handsome profit :)

My point of view of some key finding for upcoming annual report of Tomypak.
a. Total Revenue drop around 1.47% (From RM 214,099,000 in 2015 to RM 210,942,000 in 2016);
b. Increase at Local market while decrease at Overseas market;
c. Local Market contribute 47.12% Revenue vs Oversea Market contribute 52.88% in 2016;
Local Market contribute 45.32% Revenue vs Oversea Market contribute 54.68% in 2016;
d. PBT reduce 25.83%
RM 23,210,000 in 2016 vs RM 31,294,000 in 2015
e. PAT reduce 20.46%
RM 18,424,000 in 2016 vs RM 23,164,000 in 2015
f. ROE reduce from 18.40% in 2015 to 9.76% in 2016 (Share Capital and Reserves increase a lot in 2016)
g. Shareholders’ equity increase from RM 125,921,000 in 2015 to RM 188,769,000 in 2016
h. Gearing ratio is reduce from 23% to 18%;
i. Tomypak should be able to become Net Cash Company on 2018 onwards;

Main reason "cause" reduce EPS and PAT in 2016:
1. Expansion plan (Construction of a new factory building, Purchase of machineries, equipment and other ancillary facilities);
2. Foreign exchange gain;
3. Right Issue;
4. ESOS;

Cash and cash equivalents increase from RM 11,715,000 in 2015 to RM 30,906,000 in 2016.
From business point of view, I'm happy with the management team's efforts to extend/grow the business.


2017-04-07 18:27 | Report Abuse

Hai koseng, welcome to Tomypak group.


2017-04-06 22:58 | Report Abuse

@R40s, many appreciate for your effort too. Hope we can grow together with Tomypak.


2017-04-06 22:47 | Report Abuse

If you are share holders earlier, mother already up 30%++ and son already up 100%++. Buy on rumor and sell on fact :P Patient will paid your bill. You can average down if you believe Tomypak management and its expansion plan :)


2017-04-06 19:44 | Report Abuse

Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares can increase EPS directly. No really improve a lot but at least something :P Good job Tomypak management. It is a way "indirectly" reward shareholders.


2017-04-06 18:47 | Report Abuse

Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares - Immediate Announcement


2017-04-06 17:58 | Report Abuse

Eddie Lim is a business man I quite respect instead. I believe his experience can boost Tomypak to higher level. Let see whether Tomypak can "beat” Daiboci as mentioned by management team earlier :)


2017-04-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

Share Trading (buy/sell) activity is normal at open market. I don't see any problem with that. As long as company fundamental still strong and business sustain grow. I will continue invest at Tomypak anyway. Don't focus too much at fluctuation of share price. Instead should focus at their business development. Hope it helps.


2017-04-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

@Apollo Ang, I believe BURSA Announcement is always the most and only reliable source for all news/corporate exercise of any listing company. Let BURSA do their work to gather all reliable and real information for small share holder like us ^.^


2017-04-06 17:22 | Report Abuse

@omgimnoob, you're most welcome :) Hope we can grow together with Tomypak ^.^ I'm still searching for my next Tomypak now :P I will have a look at Liihen, Magni, Wellcall, Padini as you suggested. Capital is limited :( Thus need very careful at each investment ^.^


2017-04-06 17:20 | Report Abuse

What I read from BURSA Announcement is Mr LIM HUN SWEE (Executive Director, appointed on 13 August 2014 and Managing Director, appointed on 1 January 2015) keep ACQUISITION and increase his share stake from 6.78% (at 28 April 2006) to 16.35% (up-to-date).


2017-04-06 17:02 | Report Abuse

If you have read the background of Tomypak board of directors. I believe you will agree that they all are experience and talent businessman. I don't think they will "manipulate" and look at share price everyday. Instead I'm very appreciate their effort to increase net profit margin and treat well for all long term share holders.


2017-04-06 16:49 | Report Abuse

Sad to hear that :( Perhaps you should invest at other stock which fulfill your investment needs.


2017-04-06 16:33 | Report Abuse

Tomypak is only suit for long term investment. If short term/contra kaki, might need to switch to other counter :P


2017-04-06 16:29 | Report Abuse

@Apollo Ang

Below is some highlight of Share Split and Bonus Issue:
Good things:
1. Liquidity increase;
2. Can get more dividend (provided company sustain grow and earn more $$$);
3. Possible to attract institute investors;
4. Capital increase;

Bad things:
1. Reduce NTA;
2. Dilute EPS;
3. Par value decrease;

Anyway it still rely how management to absorb expansion plan.
Overall is positive news for all Tomypak shareholders.

Warrant is trade at around 34% premium now.
Hope it helps :)


2017-04-06 16:20 | Report Abuse

Better try to avoid question like fluctuation of share price. Quite hard to answer and I believe nobody can answer :P Instead ask what is your initial goal to invest your money at Tomypak? Why you choose Tomypak? How long you plan to invest? It will explain the fluctuation of share price then :P


2017-04-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

I have try to share whatever information I know. Now wait for annual report to verify it :) I think next week will release. Tomypak is only suit for long term investment. If short term/contra kaki, might need to switch to other counter :P


2017-04-06 15:06 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75, I just summarized some key findings and it will be easier for all of us :P Feel free to share your opinion too. Together we live better ^.^


2017-04-06 14:58 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75, you're not alone :P I'm also surprise about Bonus Issue too. Anyway it is a reward for our loyalty towards Tomypak :P


2017-04-06 14:56 | Report Abuse

Looking forward Top 30 Shareholder of Tomypak. I'm interest to know how CIMB Research (Reduce call on May 2016) value Tomypak this round :P I believe might need to hold for at least one year. It is time to explore other share and let Tomypak management team to perform.


2017-04-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

My point of view of some key finding for upcoming annual report of Tomypak.
a. Total Revenue drop around 1.47% (From RM 214,099,000 in 2015 to RM 210,942,000 in 2016);
b. Increase at Local market while decrease at Overseas market;
c. Local Market contribute 47.12% Revenue vs Oversea Market contribute 52.88% in 2016;
Local Market contribute 45.32% Revenue vs Oversea Market contribute 54.68% in 2016;
d. PBT reduce 25.83%
RM 23,210,000 in 2016 vs RM 31,294,000 in 2015
e. PAT reduce 20.46%
RM 18,424,000 in 2016 vs RM 23,164,000 in 2015
f. Gearing ratio is reduce from 23% to 18%;
g. Tomypak should be able to become Net Cash Company on 2018 onwards;

Main reason "cause" reduce EPS and PAT in 2016:
1. Expansion plan (Construction of a new factory building, Purchase of machineries, equipment and other ancillary facilities);
2. Foreign exchange gain;
3. Right Issue;
4. ESOS;

Cash and cash equivalents increase from RM 11,715,000 in 2015 to RM 30,906,000 in 2016.
From business point of view, I'm happy with the management team's efforts to extend/grow the business.


2017-04-06 14:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks, R40s :) Let see how the Tomypak performance after 5 June.


2017-04-06 12:05 | Report Abuse

Thanks, GreedBull :)


2017-04-06 09:41 | Report Abuse

agm will held next month. Let see if I can arrange to attend it :) If yes, I will update whatever information I get.


2017-04-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

@hero666, it will approve by share holders. I believe need wait for upcoming annual report which release this month. Then can have better picture :) Still long way to go ^.^


2017-04-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

@hueyyng27, you are most welcome. You can read my reply earlier. I have summarized it out :) Anyway it still at proposal stage now. Need wait for further notice regarding entitlement date etc.


2017-04-06 09:16 | Report Abuse

Share Split and Bonus Issue :)


2017-04-06 04:21 | Report Abuse

Good things:
1. Liquidity increase;
2. Can get more dividend;
3. Possible to attract institute investors;
4. Capital increase;

Bad things:
1. Reduce NTA;
2. Dilute EPS;
3. Par value decrease;

Anyway it still rely how management to absorb expansion plan.
Overall is positive news for all Tomypak shareholders.


2017-04-05 22:35 | Report Abuse

Need wait for further notice. Now is at proposal stage and it is 99.99% will approve by shareholders.


2017-04-05 21:44 | Report Abuse

You will hold 2500 share after share split and bonus issue


2017-04-05 21:02 | Report Abuse

Expansion plan is 2017, 2018 and 2021.


2017-04-05 20:49 | Report Abuse

Son will also share split and bonus issue. At the same time, revised exercise Price also.


2017-04-05 20:41 | Report Abuse

Revised exercise Price.


2017-04-05 20:31 | Report Abuse

It don't reach my target price yet. Good management and good company. Worth to keep for Long term to enjoy the company expansion plan. If short term play, then might need to see how Mr Market react to share split and bonus issue news.


2017-04-05 20:26 | Report Abuse

Now at proposed stage only but sure will approval by shareholders at upcoming agm or egm.


2017-04-05 20:25 | Report Abuse

Sure. You still entitled for bonus issue.


2017-04-05 19:40 | Report Abuse

dotasifu's comment earlier regarding bonus issue on 15. March 2017.


2017-04-05 19:32 | Report Abuse

It don't impact fundamental of company. But it will impact share price at short term for sure. Congratulation to all Tomypak shareholders.


2017-04-05 19:31 | Report Abuse

Never expect it happens now. Let me have a further read on it. Share split and bonus issue.


2017-04-05 16:49 | Report Abuse

@hero666, fyi, warrant is trade at around 40% premium now :P High risk high return ^.^


2017-04-04 16:34 | Report Abuse

Gadang is a good fundamental stock. My average cost is around RM 2.00. I buy on May 2016. I sold Gadang and switch the money to Tomypak. I not sure is a good decision or not. But at least it suits my investment style. The reason I sold Gadang just because I aware it is one of stock that can "Short Selling" by institute investor etc :( I worry those institute investor "manipulate" the share price. It is unfair for us. And I worry the new secure project etc. Anyway their fundamental still good.


2017-04-04 16:30 | Report Abuse

If everything go smooth, next year should become net cash company :) Few way to calculate it. My way might be different with yours :P


2017-04-04 16:23 | Report Abuse

@hero666, you will agree that Bonus Issue is rumor when you look at Share Capital and Retained Earning of Tomypak :P Anyway I will expect 20-30% growth per year by the new management team :)


2017-04-03 23:38 | Report Abuse

@hero666, For the 3 months period ended 31 December 2016, the Group achieved RM51.17 million revenue and recorded historical PBT (RM7.36 million in this quarter), primarily arising from better gross margins achieved from the better sales mix.lower raw material costs during the current quarter. I think it is one of the reason why Tomypak share price up recently :)


2017-04-03 16:16 | Report Abuse

@hero666, you are most welcome. You're right. Tomypak share price is quite stable. GADANG is fundamental good stock as well :) Used to be one of my favourite stock too ^.^