
pdtan | Joined since 2012-04-24

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2013-10-29 06:10 | Report Abuse

i see 0.18, have i gone mad?


2013-10-25 16:35 | Report Abuse

Damn! tuck it away, ppl can tell it's a Tan Sri Cock!!!


2013-10-25 16:15 | Report Abuse

Now.now.now, dont play dead, the SMA20 is not raised high enough, and your penis is touching the ground--- go do the hop#2, 0.52 then 0.54


2013-10-25 12:51 | Report Abuse

Page 49 is so filled with stench i almost suffocated, and the stock was dead (actually the dogs play dead). Look at page 50 now ,peace and harmony, and what do we get ----- hop #1 0.51, wait for the hop#2 for 0.555......


2013-10-25 12:29 | Report Abuse

Maintain Peace and harmony....u make plenty of monies!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahhhaa


2013-10-23 17:37 | Report Abuse

to wit : Her Qi Sheng Chai!!


2013-10-23 17:34 | Report Abuse

The only contra HANGOVER tomorrow will be the T+4 (for force-selling by 4pm) from 18OctFriday morning 9.00am 19,549@0.51 and 11.30am 42,983@0.52, what we all should do as stakeholhers(!!!) is watch very intensely tomorrow at these 2 pariahs behaviour around 9am opening, 12.00 mid-day, and 4-4.15pm last force-selling......... now go and take a good exercise at the gym/park, and dont quarrel among ourselves and foul up this forum, remember the soo-true Chinese proverb : No peace and harmony, No make money.............


2013-10-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

These 2 mean n greedy pariahs dont have enuf time SQUEEZING the T+4 on last thurs 0.51 and T+3 on last fri 0.52 , BUT, if the mopping is so thorough and through, expect the push this coming round to be more forceful and much higher.....


2013-10-23 13:55 | Report Abuse

God Winks that my two pariah dogs going to make 2 hops to 0.57 sooooooon!


2013-10-18 00:56 | Report Abuse

pdtan PMCAP looks interesting , can break 0.08 (???) n go to 0.18?????

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 23:50 | Report Abuse

PMCAP looks interesting , can break 0.08 (???) n go to 0.18?????


2013-10-17 23:32 | Report Abuse

I would be away tomorrow , in a place without access to screen,at least b4 noon, so i leave the 2dogs (u know who lah,by now) to u all, maybe tricky ,especially after 11/12noon, so handle with care!

Morning Dogs will be like this :

warning: all the morning sellers at 0.51, 0.515, 0.52, 0.525, 0.53, 0.535, 0.54-- each and every bowl,majority are our Dods own SHITs (poisonous, dont u ever eat it, u will get diarrhea very fast)

Afternoon will be like this :

Alfa/Ubeez/Joe88 n who else....
if u itch for a revenge on the dogs, there is a chance, queue at 0,49/0.495, u will most likely get it pm/near closing....


2013-05-27 21:32 | Report Abuse

Guys, TMS looks very2 interesting, look at it and tell me its backgound.....


2013-05-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

My 2 dogs starting to eat their own shit...... wonder whether they can finish the 3 bowls there......


2013-10-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

Also, the sellers at 8000+(0.51), 10 000+(0.515),19000(0.52).... are MY two DOGS' SHIT..... so kawan2, jangan makan taik anjing saya, just a kind reminder(when my dogs do the hopping).....


2013-05-28 16:16 | Report Abuse

All ikanbilis watch now : my two dogs is ready to do a hop to .52 closing (highest price today)


2013-10-17 16:02 | Report Abuse

BUT.......how it will benefit to the 2 dogs? Maybe my dogs'merchant banker can tell for sure.....

If what u say is the true and the only reason why the GP price moved up from 0.30, then I can tell you that the whole Digi deal is BOHONG! WAYANG! FCUK Setiawan Hchew Dog....... but i make monies also, cant complain....


2013-10-17 15:49 | Report Abuse

anbz: good point!, elaborate....what benefits to the 2 dogs....etc


2013-10-17 15:44 | Report Abuse

warrant to close high 0.165, continue tomorrow morning higher 0.175, then swing down to .16,.15 may touch 0.14, chart look much2 weaker than mother..........WHY?WHY?WHY?


2013-10-17 15:18 | Report Abuse

The dogs just done 0.49 at 03.03.10 ,so they r ready to do swing up within the range


2013-10-17 15:02 | Report Abuse

ubeez : in dog-world it mean sandwich the price, tighten the range(after the earlier shoot-up, which breached the BB), sideway inside the BB to be ready for the next move ..........UP?


2013-10-17 14:43 | Report Abuse

Dogs ---do the minor-shakeout (price up n down) of those ikanbilis (according to today House's Force-selling Computer-list) between 0.49 n 0.51...... do a neat job,good doggy behaviour, OK?


2013-10-17 14:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by pdtan > Oct 16, 2013 05:01 PM | Report Abuse X
Taiko is doing tomorrow job today, so will allow tomorrow bottom (0.45) today, expect a spike in chart to 0.45 closing or tomorrow morning opening...

They DID spiked down to .45 this morning @ 10.00am n manage to squeeze 5,000lots from our poor ikanbilis 15minutes........looks like the dogs are learning to take orders,getting better trained each day........ Hammer Reversal learned


2013-10-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

Ah...hahahhhahaah........ the Pairdogs r desperate and move a day or half EARLIER.......US stalemate DIDNT WORSEN as dogs-expected?......... not much juice(use) squeezing the Oct10 n Oct11 contras? or the majority are their own outstanding (trading) positions?

pop8872/ubeez/alfa/City/happ/thinkdog/nicky...........and any others?

We castrate the two peskydogs together this round,OK?

Posted by fireball > Oct 16, 2013 03:14 PM | Report Abuse

pdtan, you commanding ur dog around huh??hahaha..funny..ask ur dog to go up leh..


Posted by pdtan > Oct 16, 2013 03:17 PM | Report Abuse X

daytraders --dont chase the .475, tomorrow morning they will redo the .46 , hit them the then

Posted by pdtan > Oct 16, 2013 04:56 PM | Report Abuse X

They have 2 more days (Oct10 n Oct11 0.505 to 0.54) of contra-positions to squeeze, to mop dry. Expect tomorow half a day of ranging-squeezing-mopping.

Posted by pdtan > Oct 16, 2013 05:01 PM | Report Abuse X

Taiko is doing tomorrow job today, so will allow tomorrow bottom (0.45) today, expect a spike in chart to 0.45 closing or tomorrow morning opening...

Posted by pdtan > Oct 16, 2013 06:07 PM | Report Abuse X

...........BUT....My Oct11Contra-Brothers: tomorrow (T+3) if morning or 2.30pm price shoot/spike up to 0.485 with volume, say above 100,000 shares, then dont simply sell, que to sell happily at 0.535-0.54 monday morning....this mean i expect price-rally beginning FRIDAY PM to close High 0.52....


2013-10-17 00:43 | Report Abuse

pop88 n all others like me: we are together onthesameboat facing/dealing with the dangerous PAIR of opponents (1, CEO/Major shareholder/Insider/pricemanipulator + 2.Fortune-listed TS Managing owner of biggest (retail)brokerage firm that OUTLASTED all the other old-snakes like ATT/MEGAO/owner of VI with tons of ready-to-used bullets viz GPshares) in this overwhelmingly UNlevel playing field -- KLSE rule empower the broker/KOS to force-sell your unpaid shares on T+4 at the price the O sold it down with 7000, 12000,15000 22000to sell at S1,S2,S3 S4......all the way to THAT price that THEY DICTATE at THIER TIMING,armed with the KOS daily computer list for forced-selling! Further with SC Surveillance boys too untrained n incompetent pick up the lines to CHECKMATE these pests of stock industries) With this understanding, the natural HUMAN behaviour when the Goliath strike (down the price) is to help out the fellow-mates to avoid unnecessary losses to these filthyrich-unproductive-greedy- scammers with our very HUMBLE hard-earned savings, and NOT to do/add negative/sabotaging/hurtful/sarcastic/disruptive comments to land the potential victims into worst shape. I am new here,i am here to pick a research topic, but i do notice that there a few of these characters lurking around here, taking potshots at others. We should all be above this lowly behaviour, if we aim to make monies and to save losses, why unnecessary sarcastic and hurtful talks, We ought to say or contribute sthg/anythg helpful to others as accordance to our good religious upbringing ...like City n 1 other that put up the link to nanyang earlier....this will in small ways help the fenceless retail-players survive the con-games of those stock parasites--when our taxpayer paid govenment regulatory authority-boys at KLSE n SC is too inept n incompetent n "bodoh" to protect us. So I have to reply you as if I am talking cocks to myself or my own brother : price bottom today n thur morning, reversal friday n rally friday pm n next monday morning.thurs n friday to peak (for this round) 0.625 28th 29th 30th conservatively , n this is assuming the Digi deal-announcementt is a scam lie spread by CC/TS to con the retail investors, --unless the paid minions planted by the Sharks reported this small-fishes-alert to their Masters, in which case they shud hold back further actions for a while ,cos: 1.time is on their side, 2. less profitable to deal with a more-informed victims, and 3.harder to distribute their cheaply-looted scripts at higher prices with competing ikan-bilis sellers from all sides , 4 price behaviour will then be too obvious n too ugly even to our hitherto sleeping policemen/boys at SC. AND I will monitor the above price-behaviour one-day at a time.to make sure that they GENERALLY (NOT EXACTLY) stay above bollinger band mid-point (SMA20) on my intra-day charts. I still have not cover on the rationale/risks n return aspects on why i BET (not invest) on this FCUK-UP counter at this FCUKUPBourse during this FCUKUP timing (viz US brinkmanship on D-ceiling .default,downrating in Nov n crash on world reserve currency n WS n KLSE......)


2013-10-16 18:50 | Report Abuse

p/s my cash is RM 50,000 from EPF, CC/Tan Sri come and get it........haha.......


2013-10-16 18:47 | Report Abuse

FYI, i buy cash(so i wont be another T*4 victim of these unproductive n manipulative crooks) , after reading Bone's analysis, cos i see very interesting subject for my PHD thesis. So what better way to vindicate an intellectual write-up if I DONT PUT MY MONIES WHERE MY MOUTH IS?......... If time n moods permit, i might do an analysis on my rationale/propect for this counter, so do check back or pester if i fail... Gudluck n Bye!!!


2013-10-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

For the benefits of those who bought contras on Oct10,n Oct11: you MUST expect the Shark to squeeze u (real tight)on force-selling day tomorrow (even FridayH1 -if the SHARK is MEAN CRUEL n RUTHLESS- remember He has OSK Boss-- the meanest boss of retail-brokerage house in Msia--used to be TA n Omega errrr The TAN SRI TT n wife Puan Sri.A which manipulated price until they ended up minum kopi and sacked themselves,remember?)--to go hand in hand, our TAIKO/SHARK can use/borrow TanSriOSK mountains of GP shares in OSKVi to dump the price down to their agreed buybackTP, u can safely assumed the declared 5m 4/10 n 2m 10/10 by OSKVI as borrowed scripts which will soon have to be replenished if ALL THE NEWSPAPERS(Edge/BT/....) "INSIDER" ANALYSIS last 1 MONTH'S EFFORTS by (who else?) is for KFC or kacang putih......
BUT....My Oct11Contra-Brothers: tomorrow (T+3) if morning or 2.30pm price shoot/spike up to 0.485 with volume, say above 100,000 shares, then dont simply sell, que to sell happily at 0.535-0.54 monday morning....this mean i expect price-rally beginning FRIDAY PM to close High 0.52.... you(Oct11Contra) have no other choice left, unless u want to pay n pickup the scripts to prevent force-selling, cos u must know u r facing/dealing with the meanest playboy CEO (whose job is not to prosper GP into a profitable venture like DIGI,but to goreng share up n down everyday at a special VVIP room at OSK..... can somebody from OSK who have seen him there since aug/sept can confirm this with details for the benefits of our stuck brothers n sisters here?) and his cohort the meanest Setiawan-Hockchew-StockManipulator-TanSri with 100,000,000 GP shares to fight u --they both control the market,thereby the GP chart.


2013-10-16 17:01 | Report Abuse

Taiko is doing tomorrow job today, so will allow tomorrow bottom (0.45) today, expect a spike in chart to 0.45 closing or tomorrow morning opening...


2013-10-16 16:56 | Report Abuse

They have 2 more days (Oct10 n Oct11 0.505 to 0.54) of contra-positions to squeeze, to mop dry. Expect tomorow half a day of ranging-squeezing-mopping.


2013-10-16 16:27 | Report Abuse

Taiko (or BigShark as per City) current order all the 1 share trades is ,465 n .46...... the little fishes will ask :force-selling 4pm over aredy wat, why no rebound? why no shoot up?"


2013-10-16 15:57 | Report Abuse

Expect closing price to be .47 (half a cent from immediate high of .475


2013-10-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

3.41.35 n .3.45.50 each 1 share done@.47 (booked the seller) instructions to their buried/hidden kakis at other brokerage firms as reminders :price to still around present range ie 0.47-0.465,no out-of-step action, get it?


2013-10-16 15:35 | Report Abuse

all the 1 share trades continue 3.24.29, 3.27.37, 3.30.34 = signals "gelap" to all their minions-syndicates the OPERATOE/OWNER planted in all broker-houses at various States that "Taiko want the price to stay around this RANGE i.e. 0.465 n.47.,hear that?"


2013-10-16 15:24 | Report Abuse

Clear signs of price manipulations : that 1 share trade at 3.17.22 n 3.17.55 are both signals to their kakis/syndicates (using)at other brokerage firms, 0.475 enough, dont spoil my chart-making.......only the blind-boys at SC surveilance unit too blind too see....


2013-10-16 15:17 | Report Abuse

daytraders --dont chase the .475, tomorrow morning they will redo the .46 , hit them the then


2013-10-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

go back there 0.475-0.47 and hang there, dont move!


2013-10-16 15:06 | Report Abuse

They hit me at .455@2.50!! Now rascals u have dont the worst+ filled the gap , u up now by 4pm


2013-10-16 12:55 | Report Abuse

They have make the GP Chart into a head n shoulder price pattern, this ought to make the smartest chartist to convince the retail client it is bearish n should sell, .....that's is how Malaysian operators trick the smartest chartist to sell at the bottom,,,


2013-10-16 12:11 | Report Abuse

T(09Oct)+4 today, contraplayers should not expect mercy from operators at OSK, TA, Omega......., they have the brokerage firms computer-list to squuuueeez out EACH AND EVERY small little client (with force-selling position today) who fail to make payment by 3pm, they even know(have you seen a brokerage firm's Daily force-selling report?, sort of NSA having a full record of your emails,sms,contact list....) client by name and outstanding position by 4pm......... let predict their sueei-yong, dip at 2.30pm rebound after 3pm......... for now...tomorrow wll be another different scenario.


2013-10-09 17:20 | Report Abuse

Those who are familiar with technical studies should look intensively into the Daily chart(use CIMB analysis chart) formations (dome-shape price formation +price 0.52 closing at mid-point B/Band), and 30minutes intra-day chart (use OSK realtime charting) ..... very clearly todays 9cts drop to 0.515-0.52 is a NEAT price-manipulation down to 0.52 to close the gap formed on 30Sep's opening....... I am expecting a very BULLISH ahead, with a new high,,,,,


2013-10-09 16:55 | Report Abuse

Guys, 0.52 is the closing of gap(30Sep) on 30min Chart. technical manipulation by the owner, buy !


2013-10-07 16:59 | Report Abuse

Modern day Renong,play with care!


2013-08-06 05:03 | Report Abuse

we should be damn happy if iris close tomorrow around 0.32. FGV chairmn is basically a stupid teacher.

News & Blogs

2012-11-12 12:01 | Report Abuse

breakout at 0.41 to hit 0.45 and a trap. retrac be to 0.38 by Dec 14. Next wave up to 0.52 by Dec27. Final play next Jan-Mid to hit final peak of 0.60. Multi-months declines to 0.12,,,,thats how the key executives there make their pocket monies off us miserable lowlives

News & Blogs

2012-09-07 16:05 | Report Abuse

1. ...No one really expect such a drastic dive....
2. ..why off(all of a?) sudden there is a sell-down.....
Dropping 20+ points?
"--No one really expect such a drastic dive. 40 points in two days?
--why all of sudden there is a sell-down...."

Yes, the Barbarians are at the Gate (S&P warning of a downrating on Msia's reckless deficit policies), and yet no one know -- not our appointed nor elected leaders (who are paid there to lead and protect us from such harms), not our financial/banking experts (authorities/research houses)---and all Msians( and I mean ALL, collectively) are still drunk on samsu and having hangovers,walking like dead pigs, exactly replaying the same scenarios pre-1997's Foreign funds attacks (ala EAsian FinCrisis)...

With the types of leaders we have-- the govt we collectively elected and maintained, the government servants our PSD appointed, the quality of the top financial/banking managers occupying the posts in both public/private sectors--I have little CONFIDENCE that they have the "brains nor the capablity" to NOT LEAD the country into this path of self-destruction AGAIN and to fulfill their OBLIGATIONS to SHIELD MALAYSIA from the coming raiders/looters of the now-bankrupted West...

Yes, nobody know why the S&P's (consider this the initial stage) warnings on our economic policies; you too,dont know what hit the KLSE, all the lousy leaders continue their brainless/meaningless existence and making bad decisions leading n running the country's economy , banking/ financial/investment sectors,no repentence of habits of immoral pillage and sinful decadence, not a single above-passmark measure to "shield" - not to mention to "advance" the nation against the fierce global climate/ challenges)...

Unlike the Koreans ,who slept thru the last EA Financial Bankrupties but repent n rise up from the ashes soonafter and now excelling/conquering the East,maybe soon,the world....we are only good at copying their shits of Gannam style with our Sabah, Penang ,KL + Hakkah + Kampung styles....like we did prior1997 following our great wise Mahathirleadership of Look-JapaneseShit Policies ,creating so many shit-records in the MsianGuinessBookofRecords....

And yet like all the traditional festivals we must follow n celebrate, our leaders must bid up the KLCI, the RM,properties n car prices because we must have the feel-good budget rally,the election rally,the CNY rally....like the pied piper leading the rats (us) over the cliff...

The authorities does not even REALISE there is a REAL danger of their own common pple keeping their investments,shares,properties and RMsavings, their jobs,their business,their children/family wellbeings........ in Malaysia,

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2012-04-24 04:48 | Report Abuse

TGoffs should do another 2T+4s=10trading days then do a one days shot out from 0.90 of 22cts to 1.11 around 2012may07 --typical shabby behaviour of KL CHICKEN SYNDICATE--stay away!