PureBULL ...

PureBULL | Joined since 2012-04-16

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2020-01-01 16:14 | Report Abuse

Our country has GOOD roots, inheriting the true democratic system of UK.
Our country oso chose to declare as the moslim country!
Our country was n will remain as the top 50 BEST country to INVEST globally.

Our country has lost the last 3 Decades as compared to indonesia after a change of gov.

STOCKS on our country r on HIGH compressed spring!
She needs a simple CATALYST after u know WHO !
anybody on HIGH OFFICE will do v v WELL ...

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

It's perfectly OK w uncle KYY's opinion.

My guru said:

Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.

Bernard Baruch, a yahudi n adviser to 3 US presidents

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 15:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dear probability,
I wish you ALL the BEST on KLSE...

my.ah.ni.hard on me lah !

I do buy the right Stocks at Perfect right timing most of the times every yr.
I oso have BAD stocks to cut loss. to cut is always v difficult.
Final cut is the DEEPEST, u know !

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 15:07 | Report Abuse

Dear ALL i3 members,
W 2020 vision to all great winning stocks at right timing on KLSE ...

Could some1 enlighten this?
IPP was once the best of the BEST deals from beend.
WHY r ytlpower n malakoff so so v low in prices now ?

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 03:49 | Report Abuse

Olympics 2020 Theme Play is edi here...


Dec 30, 2019 4:31 PM | Report Abuse


This is right timing from CARLSBG forum:
GreatSTOCKS r V, VALUE > price, p now i.e. 50-75% higher!

Great Winning Stocks for 2020 Japan Olympics r
iii. what else is great ?
20/12/2019 5:39 AM


2019-12-31 03:15 | Report Abuse

Watch this speculative. It has a NEW Owner I guess.
MAJOR 3 voyage is about to begin... As always it will be fast n furious, perhaps up to 81.


2019-12-31 02:50 | Report Abuse

The RARE GEM on KLSE now |PureBULL.Strategy|

ALLIANZ, a rare gem this cycle
the value creation journey has begun ...
Yr warren b advised: VALUE is what U buy

This was right timing call by:

GreatSTOCKS r V, VALUE > price, p now i.e. 50-75% higher!

Yesterday famous broker # 32 n 35 were selling like crazzy in the afternoon session. Hope they will buy back soon n MORE.

ALLIANZ, finally dares to join the HIGH.FLIER.CLUB:
stocks like FRONTKN, MASTER, DAYANG n REVENUE recently.

Look at these growing Q profits, so HUGE they were.
ALLIANZ has been growing every Q YoY since 2 yrs ago :

20/12/2019 12:44 PM

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 17:40 | Report Abuse

Sifu calvintaneng,

well done ...
give back to the community we reside ...
impact LIFE change LIFE U must ...

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

Dear EngineeringProfit,
In stock mkt, I know many who major in v easy programs like english n or history on wall-street r doing so WELL. many r billionaires beyond imagination.

The cleverest in every country will do engine n or medicine.
my super clever engine frens in MU engine don't even want to text abt stocks !!

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 17:14 | Report Abuse

u twist n turn w words ...

i let u win BIG n not others ..

Investing in stocks is abt TALENT n SKILL.

I know 1 when I see 1 !

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

this country is an official moslim country...

onli the lims will do v well

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 15:45 | Report Abuse

Dear sifu 3iii,
I know u r v v long term holder of TOPGLOVE, tansri was my closeby neigbour at tgcr.

Ever since I said topglov is in true purebear early in 2019, u gate crashed at me at every of my post in dayang.

topglov looks still in purebear, perhaps another yr or 2, b4 it has the power to outperform.
This is top TIP !

BEST thing is I did apologized to U like crazzy so that u will NOT disturb .... !

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 15:15 | Report Abuse

BUDDHA, the best Human Psychology Scientist w few simple yet powerful words,
a. There's no darkness till u switch on the light
b. Every problem needs a solution
c. U need to walk the path, nobody can do it for U or
Happiness comes from U, nobody can make u happy

HOW nice Buddha was a Christ follower ?!?

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 14:49 | Report Abuse

Dear calvintaneng,
my fellow Christ follower for LIFE ...

I know u specialize in MAJOR 1.
U tried n worked v v hard to call the best of the v BEST stocks at right timing.

May I n do allow me to shout out that the EASIER money is awaiting always at MAJOR 3 !

Stocks r played by human.
n STOCKS behave like the education career we all on earth have to go thru i.e.

1. Major 1 = PRIMARY
Trying to buy at std 1 n or 2 is easy. n Hoping it goes straight to std 6, BUT most times it can go to kindergarten or stay constant there.

It's much easier trying to target buying at Form 1 after seeing Std 6.
n hoping that stock will go to Form 6 = top students = BIG MONEY

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 14:33 | Report Abuse

Dear Philip Greta,
my successful senior in MU engine.
Just know that clever man in u had finally chosen to retire n hence give the bright future to the younger gen.
Wishing U
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 n all things GOOD ...

PRAY that u will e n e ,
encourage n empower each n every members in i3 going forward ...


2019-12-28 13:30 | Report Abuse

I did Master pang72,

At new high I entered DSONIC at 96 n then 102.
I made a big mistake letting it go at 106 n it was dated on that recent daily macd gc.
What an unbelievable mistake for some1 like me who specialize on right timing calls !


2019-12-28 04:51 | Report Abuse

Dear Master pang72,
I love your unlimited passion n energy in stocks.
Might need your HELP to market a few stocks next week;


2019-12-27 17:00 | Report Abuse

Good chance REVENUE is in the ranning for this great biz :


News & Blogs

2019-12-26 04:15 | Report Abuse

Dear sifu calvintaneng,

Fact shows Msia has no money n needs to borrow heavily for this super mega fiber project. some1 situpeed at high finance shouted badly so much n thus condemned the rating of this great nation.
Many esply the world # 1 official along g s, r n will lend but at super HIGH rates!

GPACKET n REDTONE had a wonderful MAJOR 1.
They r down n sideway on MAJOR 2 now. Would they dare to begin MAJOR 3?

The Most Important formula in stock mkt:
I focus on MAJOR 3 at its new beginning bcos
MAJOR 3 = n much > MAJOR 1

News & Blogs

2019-12-25 06:46 | Report Abuse

Hi Jerry kid,
I begin to believe the young ones r so smart nowadays.
Continue your passion in stock investing n excel u must.
Learn these words from all world best sport coachers:
Strengthen your weak pts to become your strong pts.

Know how to identify n learn from people w talent n skill.
Concentrate on their strong pts n never dwell w their weak pts.
After all, nobody's perfect except HIM.

Here's 3 ESSAY TOPICS for u to romance with:



2019-07-19 16:05 | Report Abuse

IT stocks with the right biz models r the BEST stocks for investment.
They r super high growth stocks.
Each time its stock price goes New High, take THE risk to support them.

HTPADU, most likely is the stock today on the 1st Special day of high velocity trading of $22.5 million now.
Let's aim 1st TP 152 n counting ...

News & Blogs

2019-07-15 07:16 | Report Abuse

If u r a purebull in gold then hold n or trade GOLDETF directly on klse.


2019-07-10 11:48 | Report Abuse

A great VALUE stock is starting a WINNING journey now...
Today's its 1st special day en-route to 1st TP at 180 n MORE ...



2019-07-07 14:28 | Report Abuse

REPUTATION of mgmt n owners r MOST important consideration in value creation of a stock .
this group is dicey n infamous..
can only hope they have once, a heart for wealth building.


2019-07-06 07:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL . > Jul 4, 2019 4:39 PM | Report Abuse X

a young MYEG n or mini PYPL ...

REVENUE is the super fast growing plc in Msia;
1st TP at 235 n beyond ...


2019-07-04 16:39 | Report Abuse

a young MYEG n or mini PYPL ...

REVENUE is the super fast growing plc in Msia;
1st TP at 235 n beyond ...

News & Blogs

2019-06-29 15:15 | Report Abuse

Most importantly,


The Smart will always lose money.
The Greater Fool will win most of the time.

The FOOL will lose some of the TIME ...


2019-06-22 15:34 | Report Abuse

NO need to wait 10 to 20 yrs or even 6 mths !

May 29, 2019 12:00 PM | Report Abuse

In KLSE, every year distinctively there r 2 cycles n 2 ways to make MONEY in the stock mkt.

1. 2 CYCLES pa
1.1 The last cycle LOW was in Nov/Dec 2018
1.2 The 2nd cycle LOW could be here in front of you NOW, may 29th

2. 2 ways
2.1 Buy LOW = buy at STD 1 = 1. above
2.2 Buy New HIGH = buy at STD 6 = hold to PROFIT at FORM 6 = BEST way

KEY is, we as active players in KLSE must catch ALL great winning STOCKS in KLSE like yinson, takaful n more coming; at Right Timing.

These great winners r so FEW !


2019-06-22 15:11 | Report Abuse

Dayang is GG bcos of RI, PP n bad mgmt w Q loss.

Tcs76 said correctly n honestly.

Bad news above caused the crash n were known edi.
The bad news above have to ran its course, min 2-3 months, usually not.ter.good period for prices.
U r LUCKY in this stock, there's good meaningFUL rebound NOW!

Like u throw a ball from high, after the rebound, what happen ?

Posted by Tcs76 > Jun 22, 2019 7:13 AM | Report Abuse

Take profit first,price won't continue going up, remember right issue and pp not yet done, price will stable around here for right issue and pp at least 2 months.


2019-06-21 16:30 | Report Abuse

MASTER is the 1st stock to begin flying to the new HIGH in the blue sky this round, lifting off from its nice handle at 85.

PCCS is the only stock likely to do so now.
If it attempts to close much higher than 49, then let's expect a
1st TP of 83 + upside overshoot ...

Like Master, PCCS too has good EA, Earning Announcement:-



2019-06-21 15:28 | Report Abuse

looks like it had reached the peak of its meaningful rebound.
Once confirm, players will turn sellers for an extended period..
Take care to protect the downside if need to..


2019-06-21 02:32 | Report Abuse

Philip was very RIGHT sitting on YINSON,
the great winning stock that never disappoints when its growth cycle replays each time ...

News & Blogs

2019-06-15 16:27 | Report Abuse

Amore said; only a person of militarily background will risk own daughter's life n happiness to rule our world.

n try Stay v close to rich n powerful chinese, then u will know their behaviour.
n their feeling for u n if there's love ever for u n your existence in this world !
The problem is simple, the solution is difficult to come by.
the situpeed idiotic pres is doing n risking his own future for your peace n all..

News & Blogs

2019-06-15 13:58 | Report Abuse

The BEST n most POWERFUL company globally must be listed publicly.

Yes, the entire world is awaiting for that guy in huawei to announce he's
listing it on hkse soon n later on nyse.

To Maintain World Security For All; u, me n all our children:
How can the tier # 1 company, huawei, is owned by 1 individual or country that will control our world?
Be generous like amore, list lah your co, n let everybody, u n me a chance to prosper in the plc..
n trade WAR will end immediately !!!

Even tier # 2 powerful companies like Fbook, goog etc r listed long ago.

Mkt forces can maintain World Security n PEACE !

b4 we text, ASK this??
To Maintain World Security For All; u, me n specially all our CHILDREN

News & Blogs

2019-06-13 06:24 | Report Abuse

Dayang's story ended:-

Jun 12, 2019 10:01 AM | Report Abuse

The ending of Dayang n Carimin showed they were pure PnD stocks.
Like many, they r rebounding from the BIG bear NOW.
Might want to consider taking profit or take out all at:
Dayang >= 109
Carimin >= 77.5

PnD stocks always stay in Primary level space only.
They don't have the ability or capacity to upgrade into Secondary level.
They all failed at Std 6 !


Like in hengyuan, dayang fell due to creation of 1 time OVERSIZE Q profit by U know who:

Jun 12, 2019 10:39 AM | Report Abuse

The mgmt is so POOR, probably NEVER go to GOOD school.

They don't even know how to do simple arithmetic av between 2 #
i.e. 90 n minus 4.

Thus forcing VALUED Fund Managers n High Rollers into SLEEPLESS nites !

warren b lingo rule as guidance:
good nite sleep = whack all at open bell of QR, even at big GAP up
sleepless nite = sell all at open bell even at huge gap down

Stocks without support from FUNDS n or HIGH.ROLLERS = for play.play short term < 2-3 months, between Std 1 to 5/6 space, certainly Not for investment.


2019-06-12 10:39 | Report Abuse

The mgmt is so POOR, probably NEVER go to GOOD school.

They don't even know how to do simple arithmetic av between 2 #
i.e. 90 n minus 4.

Thus forcing VALUED fund managers n High rollers into SLEEPLESS nites !


2019-06-12 10:01 | Report Abuse

The ending of Dayang n Carimin showed they were pure PnD stocks.
Like many, they r rebounding from the BIG bear.
Might want to consider taking profit or take out all at:
Dayang >= 109
Carimin >= 77.5

PnD stocks always stay in Primary level space only.
They don't have the ability or capacity to upgrade into Secondary level.


2019-06-12 09:48 | Report Abuse

Out all, 695, 705 n 689 yesterday.
So SWEET entry at 422, 442 in last Feb.


2019-05-29 12:00 | Report Abuse

In KLSE, every year distinctively there r 2 cycles n 2 ways to make MONEY in the stock mkt.

1. 2 CYCLES pa
1.1 The last cycle LOW was in Nov/Dec 2018
1.2 The 2nd cycle LOW could be here in front of you NOW.

2. 2 ways
2.1 Buy LOW = buy at STD 1 = 1. above
2.2 Buy New HIGH = buy at STD 6 = hold to PROFIT at FORM 6


2019-05-23 10:03 | Report Abuse

2 groups of stocks on KLSE:

i. > $1.80 Steady earnings growth with good FA n TA
Buy n hold is always RIGHT.

ii. < $1.80 Unsteady QR earnings like DAYANG
On bad news, buy at the Cycle Low is always RIGHT.
With double -ve in RI call n bad QR today, do U dare to catch the low of its down cycle?
The returns r so good n so fast when U dare to take risk.

Stocks go UP in prices in anticipation of better profits in next QR.
DAYANG can only report better profits in next August QR as shown below:-



2019-04-16 09:59 | Report Abuse

Like TAKAFUL, MBMR's the real steady eddy winning stock this year n beyond...

News & Blogs

2019-04-12 10:26 | Report Abuse

Super FANTASTIC book by Howard on highlighting the most important key point to investing.
Book must be thick in volume n written in length, then it has chance to be top seller. We only need the few key words or sentences from it.

In essence, CYCLE = after pureBULL is pureBear n the CYCLE repeats = sine wave with its 0 axis in wavy pattern

In short try refer to this :-



2019-04-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

I was conned kau.kau by the national news media that propelled a double limit up to 116. An expensive lesson learned on fake news!
I bought at the highest 116. Forced to cut a terrible loss when giant pnb was dumping a smallish stock non-stop like they never see small money to them.

This attempt now is more credible but good news on epay biz has to follow up with it to continue flying. HTPADU price must stay super firm n steady eddy. It never deliver n fail in execution most times. Let's monitor..


2019-04-08 17:54 | Report Abuse

All potential Great Winning Stocks must be in comfortable Cornered Condition 1st.

Then that Stock will enjoy Pricing Power to drive the stock price up exponentially...

Seek to find Great winning stocks at Right Timing that appear every Q in every Year.

When RIGHT, it's the SITTING that make us RICH ...

RAN asap when stocks lose their Cornered Condition like mighty Gloves, harta, topglov in sep 2018. n pbb n hlb too just peaked 1 mth ago. for these plc, tough times for long 2-3 yrs, maybe?

News & Blogs

2019-04-05 07:18 | Report Abuse

BAUTO makes too much money.

MBMR, BAUTO, DRBHCOM; 3 is company will attract in the mkt forces...

News & Blogs

2019-04-05 05:33 | Report Abuse

Dear ttgipoh,

My GURU, adviser to 3 US Presidents wanted all stock players to know this:

" Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. "
" A speculator is a man who observes the future, and acts before it occurs. "
Bernard Baruch


i. There won't be any rapist lau model anymore with 52 remisiers to spin n operate, n 2 super sexy lady remisiers only to WIN.

ii. There will not be any BULL run on klse oso.

i. n ii. above
r non existence for so long edi but this will happen every year:

YES, Theme Play n perhaps 10 great winning stocks on super BULL RUN every year in KLSE.

Last 1.5 - 2 years were GLOVE Theme on harta n topglov n Specialists contractors, Gkent n ECON
This year 2019 started with OnG Theme, plc with billions of RM contracts n much MORE r sure coming, bcos new gov needs HUGE MONEY desperately from petronas...
Each Theme Play could last 4Q to 12 Q.

OnG is only merely 2 months YOUNG !

Meditate n focus on the LEADERS of the Theme. Insurance n AUTO plc included.

TOGETHER in i3 we must WIN BIG ...

News & Blogs

2019-04-03 07:08 | Report Abuse

Dear Sifu calvintaneng,

Allow me to comment:
The best politicians r the BEST conmen to 'charm' everybody all the time.
ECRL is never feasible. Only goons will force it thru.

Unlikely penny stocks have the capability n ability to launch such super MEGA project, if it ever exists.

The gov has BIG money problem. Problem becomes BIGGER after class action case with g s, the shaolin temple of world finance. Still a must to go around to borrow heavily at high interest n at the same time so EASY to ask petronas to pump as much as possible.
OnG stocks r here to HELP. n the bull run has just started at Std 3 stage. It shall go all the way to super high level of Form 6/Pre-U to ultimately even entering Uni.

Focus n meditate on OnG Contractors. u know those great stocks edi.
What's going Up, will continue to go UP higher: Newton's law of motion for Theme Play.

News & Blogs

2019-04-02 11:47 | Report Abuse

Dear Heavenly PUNTER n Abba84,
I specialize in Great Winning Stocks at Right Timing.
I seek to do a perfect call at 1st best timing for entry. When it's RIGHT, sit TIGHT n let mkt forces do the flying UP.
Sometimes there is a 2nd best chance to enter like DAYANG now at abt 138 n I will shout.


2019-04-01 12:29 | Report Abuse

Insurance Theme Play is on, unnoticed by many.
The German co ALLIANZ, what happen to you?