PureBULL ...

PureBULL | Joined since 2012-04-16

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2016-03-13 04:07 | Report Abuse

My answer to WHY great winning export stocks r collapsing.

Ex. to a friend who has lots of POHUAT:
It took Tay kim huat 20+ yrs to build POHUAT to listing n priced at 55 sen publicly just 2 yrs ago.
Only 2 yrs forward, POHUAT went to highest of 450 sen cum all.
who is smarter to make money , the original owner/bizman or smart money ?

The beauty of stock mkt is designed for smart money to take profits. If not they will be fool in the greater fool game.
All good things that fly up will have to come down at certain maturity pt. many people in the game r not prepared for this. Pls refer to the high 'mountains' in the charts for inspiration n clarity.
After having so good times of long 2+ yrs, That explains why many momentum FA stocks r having bad times. Now they r weak. At best hope for good rebound n consolidation phase will take over. unlikely they can go near their last high pts.

There is also a different result between stocks play by high net worth individuals n fund co.

News & Blogs

2016-03-13 02:06 | Report Abuse

PureBULL . > Mar 13, 2016 01:30 AM | Report Abuse X

WHY don't try to short cut all of the above with this ?

This is the invincible model :

G SOROS - "Economic history is a never-ending series of
episodes based on falsehood and lies, not truths.
It represents the path to big money.
The object is to recognize the TREND whose premise is false,
ride that trend, and step off before it is discredited"
G Soros is an uptrend purebull follower n is advising us to focus on the big money.

Jim Rogers - "Figure out the money and you’ll figure out what’s going on."
Jim Rogers is asking us where is the big money in charts n to find them ourselves.

All stocks that can fly very high for 1 to 2 yrs continuously r momentum FA stocks with scalable biz.
n they must need catalysts to do so.

I learned very well from owner of TOPGLOVE, also my neighbor at TGCR for 10 yrs, his at 33 n 35, my at 36.
LIM always mentioned about tailwinds helping to generate easy bottom lines.
n his stock will fly high like the recent run up because of 2 tailwinds, cheap raw material r. latex n weak rm.

Every cycle, look for current stocks that r on the way to enjoy 1 to 3 tailwinds in their biz.
Start with stock charts 1st. n scan them thru. they must be uptrending of course.
Importantly like what Uncle KYY said, Buy stocks that can make more profits next year than the current year.
Among them analyse its biz model n have a good feel of the biz.

AIRASIA a recovery stock, looks good to me, though am bias to bear side of general mkt mode for now.
Still Awaiting retracement at 156.
13/03/2016 01:22

News & Blogs

2016-03-12 03:31 | Report Abuse

PureBULL . > Mar 12, 2016 03:00 AM | Report Abuse

John Paulson graduated among the very top in his MBA finance program from world # 1 Harvard Uni. He was 1 of a star MD with half bankrupt Bear Sterns IB. It was his hedge fund client at Bear Sterns that inspired him to go into hedge fund biz after seeing the client making tonnes of money without fail in hedging M&A deals.

John Paulson is the 1st to have the idea that subprime mortgage derivatives will crash. He knew so much about sub prime financing biz. He started shorting subprime in mid 2006 n loss like crazy. He tried many other ways to convince more followers n still no result at all.
Running out of choice, in his last attempt he suddenly thought why not ask for the contact # of that old man and gives him a call.
The old man granted a meeting with him in late 2007 to early 2008. Within 1 hr of his presentation, the old man bought John Paulson's big short story.
Immediately they both went shorting subprime like crazy in early 2008 ...
n the whole investing community followed suit leading to 2007-09 DOW financial crash.

At the end of the story, John Paulson become so famous for making the biggest money per deal in hedge fund history.
Paulson is the record holder making a personal record profit of usd$3.2 billion in 1 single deal.
The old man was 2nd record at usd$2.9 billion. No name was mentioned. So Humble he is.

Do u know who is that 80+ old man? Yes, your G Soros.

Bottom line, follow the smart mkt movers early to aim RIGHT at RIGHT TIMING.
& be sensitive to all things RIGHT to score in this endless 'stock mkt exam' every cycle ...

This is the invincible model :

G SOROS - "Economic history is a never-ending series of
episodes based on falsehood and lies, not truths.
It represents the path to big money.
The object is to recognize the TREND whose premise is false,
ride that trend, and step off before it is discredited"

Jim Rogers - "Figure out the money and you’ll figure out what’s going on."

News & Blogs

2016-03-11 23:57 | Report Abuse

Dear Fam Jenny ,
U put it niceely edi.
Every tribe n tongue in the world edi pray to the same GOD but they called HIM different name.
KEY is : HE wants to take care of u for life. Isn't that wonderful ?
HE promised U that HIS father home has many rooms for u.
n u can have everlasting life there.
What else do u want in eternal life n who else can promise u this ???

But Finally u only need HIS PASSWORD to enter. All other PW is denied.

News & Blogs

2016-03-11 05:00 | Report Abuse

Mar 11, 2016 03:22 AM | Report Abuse X

Dear PlsGiveBonus ,
U r feeling the heat of the mkt now.
Mkt primary cycle completes n repeats every 6-9 yrs. The last 2 yrs in that giant cycle, stocks never fail to crush then crash.
Signs are clear that next 12 months r hard to go by.
Sifu Icon8888 said he can't understand what I'm writing abt.
I think he's very 'gungho', can still go up one.
But his AIRASIA call is ok, am awaiting at 156.

1 successful financial Jew I learned from, by the name of ____berg.
all berg r Jews, so is kukubird.

He said recently in the net:
2 top lines to drive 2 bottom lines of stocks.

i. Economy, #s
ii. FED, fiscal n monetary policies, also a bit of ECB
r catalysts to
i. Profits, growth then recession of stocks
ii. Cash flow, final problem of many stocks
Any good reports must comprise of combination of the above 4 items. If not then it's for sure a BS report.

News & Blogs

2016-03-11 02:06 | Report Abuse

Hi Guru kcchongnz ,
Wow u quoted my name.
That means u also peek into my stuff. TQ GURU.
Fully agreed with u, stick to whatever u know that works, esp for yourself.

All sport coaches' famous lecture :
Know your weak pts n turn them into your strong pts.
Your own Strong pt will take care of itself.

My advice to a newbie who asked me;
PureBULL . > Mar 9, 2016 10:21 AM | Report Abuse X

Dear Yen Leng,
U r not my sis-in-law. r u?
I strongly believe for somebody new or old to stock mkt to have a good foundation n grounding on FA.
U must know what drives up stock prices.
We have a few FA taiko on board i3.
I recommend u seek knowledge with Guru kcchongnz. He's very hard working n a great teacher. Highly qualified financial pro with 2 uni degrees n more n also graduate from school of hard knocks.
Best, He will never MIA. U'll learn abt IV, intrinsic value of co. Pls teach me after that.
11/03/2016 01:32

I was FA 1st of course. A true FA indeed. Out of BCT University, I was a Corporate Planning Officer with the most aggressive chinaman banking conglo. as my 1st job n last job. I did many projects on M&A, detail financial n biz feasibility studies, operational audits to advise mgmt co. to increase installed plant capacity n to enhance mkt development n penetration. I do know the very importance of FA to biz future prospect. To do well all stock players need to know.

News & Blogs

2016-03-11 00:20 | Report Abuse

The smarter gurus, sifu n richer ones in i3 lack leadership n also not a good team player. They r explosive. U can easily pick a 'fight' with any 1 of them. u know who they r. WHY? too proud of their stock knowledge, they feel invincible in stock mkt. The jokers love n thrive on their responses.

This is what is required:
SILO # 5. + Always have high integrity, be utmost honest, friendly n trustworthy.
Or mkt has a way to clean them up.

Guru Bernard Baruch said these:
i.Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures.
ii. Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of action without thought.

News & Blogs

2016-03-10 13:38 | Report Abuse

Hi Fam Jenny,
The current culture in the country:
Do wrong things, triple promotion.
Do right things, go to jail.

People who love the country go to jail.
People who 'wallop' the country r in power n high office.

So many r having trouble to differentiate between good or bad, right or wrong. Simply in a dangerous era !

News & Blogs

2016-03-10 12:27 | Report Abuse

Hi Probability,
U have a strong pt.
Life is about 1 or 0 n the magnitude, a #. Either you make it or fake it.
Many of us have made it to 7 digits min. Now aiming for 8 or 9 digits.
For people who never make it, u r only 1 digit behind. very ok, right.

Lots of rich people paid millions of USD to have lunch with your WB,
only to learn 1 thing, To make as many people as possible HAPPY.

WB's own words:
Success is not a measure of richness with $ billions.
It's about making how many people HAPPY.

So the more people u make them happy, the LUCKIER u will be.

If u r angry, u lose POWER in the mkt.
This 1 the Sifu here will know. Their handsome profits all gone down to the drains n they r now hoping desperately it will come back again by 31st Dec 2016. Is it possible ?

News & Blogs

2016-03-10 09:46 | Report Abuse

Let's go teh tarih together. Give me a high 5 or 10.

News & Blogs

2016-03-09 10:21 | Report Abuse

Dear Yen Leng,
U r not my sis-in-law. r u?

I strongly believe for somebody new or old to stock mkt to have a good foundation n grounding on FA.
U must know what drives up stock prices.
We have a few FA taiko on board i3.
I recommend u seek knowledge with Guru kcchongnz. He's very hard working n a great teacher. Highly qualified financial pro with 2 uni degrees n more n also graduate from school of hard knocks.
Best, He will never MIA. U'll learn abt IV, intrinsic value of co. Pls teach me after that.

2 days ago, I was trying to tickle him with a light challenge.
kcchongnz, within minutes bombed out with the big names of Wall Street.
I was like kena a few C4 bomb simultaneously. I not situpeed, I made fren him quick quick.
I fear his nuclear bomb.

TA, u can pick the knowledge here, the net n esp the free intro TA seminars.
Go for all the seminars, in particular T3B breakthru at BU8. The speakers, many with no uni degree have to charm u with their kungfu. In fact, u r getting the best of the program for free edi if u r attentive enough to the 1-2 hrs talk.
Remember word has power, just that.
Read this blog from the beginning, if possible few times,
09/03/2016 03:49

News & Blogs

2016-03-09 10:09 | Report Abuse

Hi Icon8888 ,
After u release this fantastic analysis, AIRASIA has firm up immediately.
My wait at 156 is impossible edi.

News & Blogs

2016-03-08 14:49 | Report Abuse

AIRASIA, maybe,
in a weak mkt sentiment, we shall await to try some at 156.


2016-03-08 13:55 | Report Abuse

Dear connie ,
I can count on u.
If I ever stand for election, I know I have great supporters like u n matrix6050.

All the very best to all in this challenging year.

1 more thing:

News & Blogs

2016-03-08 12:38 | Report Abuse

Dear calvintaneng,
U r the smartest to make me lol.
U certainly know the power of HIS words.


2016-03-08 12:15 | Report Abuse

Dear matrix6050,
TQ very much ...

I share the best experience but very few people will appreciate.
Like this 1, so comprehensive,


News & Blogs

2016-03-08 11:37 | Report Abuse

Everyday's down kau kau.
Stock journey on the way down is the toughest job to handle.

all bcos of Uncle k proudly proclaimed that he had margin call.
smart funds on hearing it will clap hands n dump like crazy. it always end ugly.
It's dejavu all over again like in the late 90s, the young ceo of renung announcing that he will buy everything. the amore began popping Champagne n they 'belanja' all their stock holding to him enbloc.

Smart money or mkt movers need to be mindful of practicing CSR to safeguard an orderly mkt. I sympathize with the small players, though i hold non.

News & Blogs

2016-03-08 11:22 | Report Abuse

All momentum FA stocks r dropping.
The pure speculative losing money co. r so strong.
mkt is so ironic.
The fun managers r more panic than retailers. It looks like it.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 13:46 | Report Abuse

Can I make a small request?
Can Guru kcchongnz n Sifu Icon8888 create 1 or 2 treads as the i3 launching base for VALUE n/or MOMENTUM Stocks to invest or trade at right timing, hopefully ?
I am very excited to share my shoutings at real time.
U 2 have critical mass support n followers.
IT's going to be exciting with all inputs coming in, sirs.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 11:07 | Report Abuse

Hi kcchongnz, Icon8888 n all,
Together we can create synergy.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 11:01 | Report Abuse

Dear fayeTan,
Looks like both ways can't be done as yet. Hantam me, if wrong.

Export stocks r down badly due to 1st sign of rm strength. But hero jim rogers is buying USD. n
Janet might up interest rate with good last Fri job #.
Then export co could have strong rebound from ground floor. next daily macd gc could be the impetus for reversal.

OIL is rebounding due to the coming meeting of oil countries big short. 1 meeting = OIL goes up. But they can't have meeting regularly, n mkt might not hiew them next. lots of guess work at critical moment. monitor OIL prices for direction.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

Dear Icon8888 ,
Mkt not ter good. i too fearful leh.
Will try to impress SIFU Icon8888 1 day.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 10:00 | Report Abuse

Dear kcchongnz,
I am very glad that u r doing a service to society by imparting your knowledge n experiences for a small fee.
To my knowledge, u r the TA taiko in i3.
I strongly believe many people, more so the newbies must seek knowhow on FA 1st, because FA is your 1st step to the long journey of stock investment. n kcchongnz is available for your advantage anytime now.

I was FA 1st of course. A true FA indeed. Out of BCT University, I was a Corporate Planning Officer with the most aggressive chinaman banking conglo. as my 1st job n last job. I did many projects on M&A, detail financial n biz feasibility studies, operational audits to advise mgmt co. to increase installed plant capacity n to enhance mkt development n penetration. I do know the very importance of FA to biz future prospect.

So kcchongnz, I do give u my full support.
We r trained as engineers not expert in charming people. Good to always say nice things about other people's tools or just nothing to be safe. Making others happy is key # 1.
1 day I might be in Auckland as your visitor, can or not ?

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 08:57 | Report Abuse

With stock prices down so much, many r easily agitated. there is high chance of picking a 'fight.'
The ladies called us gentlemen. Let's be truly gentle at all times.
The very best in stocks will not waste their precious time in i3, bcos he or she can make so easy money in stocks.

let me think n walk about it for a moment, pls kcchongnz. I know having your last support is like asking you for your life. but i don't need it oso. be Cool...

Dear Icon8888,
Now u really want my formula. I have so many scan formulas on Meta Stock program. 1 press, a list of prospective stocks r out in 10-15 seconds, mostly FA stocks. slow, right?
Becareful, might have to take very long holi days.

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 07:01 | Report Abuse

There r 2 broad classes of investing even learned people r confused of :
i. Value investing
ii. Momentum investing

If u r buying or holding momentum stocks n u tell people about value investing then u r the best joker to make everybody lol.

WB is the best master in value investing.
What is he been buying ?
Stocks with solid track record of growth in a span of 20 yrs. n he shall buy in the believe that these cos. will again mirror the same n better increasing profit performance in the next every 20 yrs n perpetually.

This is called value investing. n u can safely hold long term or for life because the stock price of these solid rock cos. will always rise higher from all mkt crashes to multiple record highs to the new blue skies.
then u shout with WB; price is what u pay, value is what u get.
U don't worry at all about Black Swan economic event causing misery to the stock prices.

WB's pillar of success:
i. World Population will forever increases, so is his biz n cos t/o.
ii. Higher global Inflation every yr with high pricing power.

Stock prices r the result of behavioral finance.
That's clearly shown in chart patterns or TA.
Behavioral finance effects both the above investing classes.
So use Knowledge of good TA for both. it works wonderfully.

What is momentum stocks ?
In physics, Momentum = mass X velocity
At Game Over, void of volume or speed of price increases or even at no price change, these stocks could plunge over nite. After a crash, many might not recover at all. It's a game with expiry date. Never spend too much time to analyze their engineered P&L n Cash-flow statements.
Use a simpler n better way to monitor them, like price action theory or weekly candle sticks to determine its trend.

News & Blogs

2016-03-06 06:23 | Report Abuse

I doubt people want to learn. Big majority will prefer short cut Hot TIPS. Then play blaming game after the stocks go to holand.

News & Blogs

2016-03-05 08:44 | Report Abuse

Hi Terenceguh ,
U r highly super talented. Truly a crème de la crème breed.
R u the SaiKong Tow or better than that ? Looks like u r.
Then u r definitely in the most sort after profession.

News & Blogs

2016-03-05 05:18 | Report Abuse

Dear cephasyu,
I can share my experiences. I have no right to teach. Everybody like U must be willing to learn it the hard way yourself.
Good experience = make money + in short time frame

Get yourself a good chart program with clean data with adjusted prices for bonus, RI etc.
I subscribe to this data vendor for only rm188 per annum:
Call William Tan's # on his site. I am trying to share. I don't get any com from William neither will he gives me any discount on my yearly sub. fee. TELL him to be nice to me when I ask him to make corrections to wrong prices asap.

Please go to my blog/diary from the beginning at

in search of the SILOS of Momentum stock investing. Fully Understand every 1 of them in details n put to practice step by step.

Put these into your charts:
EMA 7, 18, 42 n SMA 200
SAR 3 20

It took me many years to back test the combination n finally that's it.
Now given out Absolutely Free for all.


Every chart should look like a profile of mountains.
Try to picture them like a staircase in our house with its steps.

Higher lows steps = Buy on 1st few steps of uptrend = go up staircase
Lower lows steps = Sell on 1st few steps of downtrend = come down staircase
Pretty simple right.
Use these staircase concept to fully understand,
Darvas box theory for your Entry n Exit strategy.
Start with the most recent past greatest winning MOMENTUM stocks,
Keep staring more at their WEEK charts for days n weeks till u see a similar style or pattern in all of them, esp the weekly MACD, RSI, n EMA lines.
The Easiest of them to spot the right timing is the weekly MACD at DC(dead cross = sell) n GC(golden cross = buy) pts.

I called MACD a situpeed method n it's the BEST.
Weekly MACD is a 10 storey buiding, at GC is ground floor n DC, the 10th floor. Which floor level will u jump in to buy n survive to prosper?
In real life, even many FA fellows get the big F jumping in at 10th floor.
Play afool with stocks at about MacD Daily GC with Close price,
C above Daily SMA 200 = Weekly EMA 42.

Once u r expert at this pattern, use it to make money in the next great winning stocks in future up cycles.
All great stocks will fly up this way.

Continue to master with other SILOs. U r good, there u go on your own now.
05/03/2016 04:06

News & Blogs

2016-03-04 09:51 | Report Abuse

Dear duitKWSPkita,
U r so cute.
TQ. I luv U.

News & Blogs

2016-03-03 12:30 | Report Abuse

Dear SIFU Icon8888,
I'm so very glad u drop in.

i. I think we r both from the extreme spectrum of the mkt. We should try to take down that wall. Either 1 of us shall catch up n then travel at the same speed. At that same pt we can see each other, face to face n perhaps start shouting.
ii. I always struggle with my england. jim rogers' blog is too simple. So I thought to myself, if that's the way to blog, I too can blog.

I have 2 mkts to cover, here n the US. So any pts or ideas that transpired in the mkt, I just blog. I can't possibly explain all in great details like yours which is damn good.
iii. Most people will speed read. so they'll find nothing from my message. I only hope some will grasp the 1 word or 1 sentence that works for them. They must be capable of putting in the body themselves.
iii. To me, Icon8888 is the best in i3. Constantly giving free reports n stock calls that really flied immediately. I wonder how u did that even without looking at charts. Simply amazing.
I'm surprise why Uncle KYY never red carpet for u to join him. I think he's fearful of another true tiger that would 1 day eat him up.

I was asking for a tick of like. U did said if there is an icon for dislike, u will certainly click that. That's perfectly ok for me. U really made me lol then. see I know how to lol. I learn very fast from Mr JT Yeo, another young talented stock analyst in town.

All the best for the year, my fellow bloggers.

News & Blogs

2016-03-03 11:09 | Report Abuse

Have u been doing your best ?
AIRASIA, only close watch this stock.
On dips to near 152, we go in together, OK.

News & Blogs

2016-03-02 02:12 | Report Abuse

Dear HebePower,
U r at right timing call for AIRASIA. THX.
If not for the plane crash on Dec 28th 2014, Airasia would have flied high just like Delta Airlines.
Could move back to 2.40 then around 3 but must always be above 152.
Pls never re-visit 152 n below again.

Only risk is, mgmt must come clean with increasing profits n stop whatever hedging shits.
Another tailwind : OIL is expected to plunge again after the oil countries agree to maintain production vol. This agreement would not last long. they will 'fight' among themselves always.
And Oil price to stay low for extended time.

News & Blogs

2016-02-29 11:11 | Report Abuse

Dear fayeTan,
Your view is correct as of now.
Looking at the longer term chart, NESTLE, DLADY, PANAMY appears very sexy n nice. Just to mention a few.
Amore said, PBBank is the most expensive bank in the world. It's still is today. WHY? bcos it can never go bust.

I'm not exactly against FA practitioner, except that it has its weakness. It lacks a timing device.
It will be very encouraging to the community, if the FA taiko of i3, u know who, could focus more of these great plc with amazing biz model.
Introduce these cos. to the newbies n working classes. Even if u r wrong on right timing, these cos. will go much higher after any mkt crash, like u mentioned. I couldn't agreed more with u on this fact.

Many here like to quote WB. but the condition n circumstances in our mkt is so different to the US. If u buy a stock here n u quote WB, pls ask these, Will WB buy this stock ? What kind of stocks will WB buy here ?

Do not use WB words on momentum stocks. he'll lol non stop.

What is momentum stocks ?
In physics, Momentum = mass X velocity
So void of vol or speed of price increases, these stocks plunge over nite.
Use a better way to monitor them like, price action theory to determine its trend.

Stock mkt has edi become a high stake GAME. Be mindful, It has 'expiry date.'
Any good biz will definitely attracts investment to increase capacity in the hope to make more money.
So to a certain pt after 5-7 years like now, the real problem manifests itself again i.e.

OVER CAPACITY in all asset classes.
That means pricing power kaput, profit margin plunge n so the stock valuation decelerates very quickly.

If history is the guide, in order to solve this big world trouble,
CRASH, i'm too afraid.

News & Blogs

2016-02-29 01:43 | Report Abuse

Dear pisanggoreng ,
I have so much to share not teach about Stock Mkt but I don't see people interested in it. I couldn't be motivated to oblige.
The jigsaw puzzle of Stock Mkt comprises of many pieces. U need to understand n collect them n put them in at the right places.
This pieces come in 1 word or 1 sentence. U need to fully understand them. Nobody can possibly tell u all in complete detail.

Unlearn n relearn. It is truly a complicated 'financial jigsaw puzzle'. U must have most of the pieces to finally fix n appreciate the full picture to the money. I try to present some nice pieces I known of in my diary/forum.

Confucius has a message,

If I listen I can forget.
If I see it I can remember.
If I do it, I can use it to prosper forever.

Top Ivy Biz School paraphrased with #,

U can learn 50% from your guru.
U will learn 80% if u do the homework.
U will learn 100% if u do own research out of the box.

Good luck my friends...


News & Blogs

2016-02-28 11:15 | Report Abuse

Dear CKWan11d,

I edi swapped my high distinction in Engine degree from Malaya ivy league to BCT University (Boh Cheh Tak Uni) some 20 yrs ago.
I'm so soli, Please forgive me.
I oso come from jungle, nobody understand my england. cannot find job anymore leh.

But i try so hard to write england leh everytime. still learning england lah.
i no problem with many numbers ya.
oso, old habit dies hard.

U = you, r = are, C = Close price, can be day or week depends on the chart u look for.

News & Blogs

2016-02-28 03:48 | Report Abuse

Pretty sure it was taught by prehistoric Confucius.
Strange but true, Amore r the only ones who take Confucius seriously.
They copy n also put it to good practice.

Amore governments r based on his teaching:
For a Rich country to have Poverty is shameful.
For a Poor country to have super Rich people is more shameful.

N it took US President Kennedy to tell the whole world:
CRISIS in mandarin is made up of 2 components, Risk n Opportunity.

Chinese is highly philosophical.

News & Blogs

2016-02-27 15:50 | Report Abuse

Dear Junichiro,
U r so Right to point out the worst stock on KLSE.
U like many, must have heard this many times edi :
Play afool with stocks at about MacD Daily GC with
C above Daily SMA 200 = Weekly EMA 42.

C < Daily SMA 200 = Weekly EMA 42, never touch stock in this bearish condition. If stocks go below these lines for more than 2 days = Cheap yet no demand/buyers, then throw on price spike up n relook days later = survival skills in stock mkt. Look at Ex. LATITUD, 2 weeks ago.

But u should have sold everything much earlier if C < Daily EMA 42 or Weekly EMA 7.

This is the most basic kindergarten TA equation/rule to obey.
I hope many r way above this knowledge level.

News & Blogs

2016-02-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

Please don't be overly too KOCKY with a bit of FA knowledge.
It's also a big F knowledge, btw. At some critical pt, It can be harmful to u n others too.
Many of all these green FA fellows who r asked to hold long term will be taken to the cleaners 1 by 1. Let's wait n see their outcome.

The behavior of this stock is exactly the same as the typical killer stock like SEAL 2 yrs ago. They all displaced only 1 damn big 1st primary wave n crashed for yrs to come. No way they will give u the 3rd wave.
U r buying the price of the stock, not the co. So knowing price action behavior is more potent.
Q Earnings reports can be engineered to show it grows like super growth stock. It is usually done to fool the more educated for 4 Q, some even 8 - 10 Q.
When purebear arrives, u only know what happen to the earnings.

So for super momentum great stocks, do not hold more than 1 yr n or some for 2 yrs.
GAME OVER is the key. What else do u want ?

Expect a lot of bomb shells to go off this period.

Watch all the Wall Street movies for their modus operandi.
Smart money behind the scene will plan every thing. Then they will find 1 super charming sales man to sell n road showed the stocks, using those FA #s to charm the audience. This is the time FA reports r so useful.
By n large, people want u to con them. Use FA, I guarantee u will be super successful to attract tonnes of followers.

News & Blogs

2016-02-25 15:31 | Report Abuse

Where is that fellow who always shouted, BOH CHOW SEEE ??
Is he 1 of them 1st to q up for the cleaner ?

News & Blogs

2016-02-25 06:57 | Report Abuse

Dear uncle KYY,
It's 4.30 a.m. n u r replying.
IF u r in YYZ, my friends n I will like to meet u!

Uncle KYY is the mkt mover n proven super investor yr after yr in our country.
A very successful businessman n stock investor, he's willing to downsize his high social status to ground level like most of us in i3investor.
U can poke a bit at him but be sensible. Always do not accuse him if u do not have concrete fact n evidence, least it can back fired.
Before we accuse or gossip, ask these 3 Q:
i. Is it true ?
II. Is it good ?
iii. Is it useful for all of us ?
If your Ans is YES for all 3, then go ahead to open your mouth wide.

Uncle KYY has the full right n is entitled to his views n opinion of the mkt n the stocks he trades. So r all of us. Right or wrong, let time takes its course.
Mkt is a ever changing target. That makes us change all the time.
Buy n Sell at your own risk. Like I was hit badly by SHELL(a murdered plc) last mth after acting on a buy call of 1 of the fellow blogger. I can't blame him, right.

I treat Uncle KYY as precious. We need more personality like him in KLSE.
Where n How can u get in touch with high profile people like him in town ? So good, KYY will reply your query.

News & Blogs

2016-02-21 03:01 | Report Abuse

This big time u 'toh leow'.
I was hinting to u to just zig up.
U don't seem to fully understand what u quoted from 5000 yrs knowledge
of Confucius:
Never entertain small people.

News & Blogs

2016-02-21 01:59 | Report Abuse

Dear Desa20201956 ,
Poor DESA.
U r so hot now even into wee hrs of 1.41 am.
Everyday we as human r confronting small life trivial issues n problems, be it career, family, relationship or finances.

Learn it from our math. skills. They r like math. problems. Think n find a simple solution. Solve it n move on.
After all, life is to be enjoyed !
I learned this phase from staying in TR8/3, TGCR for a good 10 yrs amongst the rich n famous of corporate Msia.

News & Blogs

2016-02-20 03:46 | Report Abuse

U r so creative n talented.
Jordan of The Wolf Of Wall Street will surely want to recruit u n make u into the world # 1 super sales stock broker/syndicated Taichow.

News & Blogs

2016-02-19 04:30 | Report Abuse

Uncle yewyin33 ,
U don't need to sleep. Wow, Still posting at 3 am.

I'm speechless when u wrote that u ran a margin a/c of rm100 million n received margin call to rectify your position.

I can only think that u still believe u r 38 or 33 instead. That's very good indeed. People in their 30 something r the most aggressive. Uncle KYY, u r the 1 in 10 million to do so. Full respect for U.
The last time I did use margin was 20 years ago, also in my thirties.
I'm near to your junior but not close to him.
Do u want me to share this message with him ?

News & Blogs

2016-02-18 07:03 | Report Abuse

Dear cephasyu or dude in short,
I give u a BIG Like U.
U certainly have all the qualities n talent of super sales stock broker Jordan in the movie, The Wolf Of Wall Street.
Many stocks in KLSE r in need of the driver with your kind of charming personality in presenting the FA #s.

I encourage everybody to watch the infamous film, fully sponsored by our govman, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET.
Seriously, it's a good show for people who want to know what is behind how stocks go up.
Lots of F--- every where in words n in action. They do that action even in the glass lift. Best of all LOTS of PUSSY r shown every minute.

U get to see how Jordan charmingly promoted n road showed Steve Madden as the greatest shoe maker n designer for ladies.

cephasyu or Dude, Never say NO. U can be constantly on cloud 9 like Jordan in high living.

News & Blogs

2016-02-15 13:40 | Report Abuse

Dear calvintaneng,

Many at times, I felt extreme loneliness in trying to call the reversal/turning pts of stock mkt. Now I know to be mkt Champion in the making, u'll experience loneliness.
Thanks. I'm fully motivated ...

Most appreciated. Your word has power.

Just as the best of the best stock secret/advice ever given out n repeated many times again by super investor Uncle KYY:
Buy stocks that can produce higher profits next year than the current year.
Amore analysts called it +ve EER, +ve Earnings Estimate Revision, is the single most powerful catalyst to drive up stock prices.
Thanks Uncle KYY for the inspiration.

These r powerful words that represent the Topic of the essay. We have to do our home work n research to expand it n make it into a proven making money model for life.
15/02/2016 04:28

Essentially u must have the skillset to look for the WORDS n essay topic.
Success depends on how well u can write it. Ask or Nobody will do it for u.

News & Blogs

2016-02-12 13:00 | Report Abuse

Hi calvintaneng, tony89 n Desa20201956,
Thanks, u r all so kind to drop in.
Hi JT Yeo,
Am so glad u drop your well timed comment. U've eveready gang support. Never know educated people also have gangster spirit.
Will revert back to u soon.
Need to welcome the TUNs of i3 now. They all come on Right timing.

A Big Welcome to the TUNs of i3.
TUN pisanggoreng,
U r absolutely Right. I read 20 times edi, n yet couldn't understand a bit.
I edi swapped my high distinction in Engine degree from Malaya ivy league to BCT University (Boh Cheh Tak Uni). I'm so soli, Please forgive me.
Next time, do introduce your good sifu to me. OK. Thanking you in advance.

TUN Optimuspussy,
U r so cute. I love your pussy very much. Just watch YESTERDAY the infamous film fully sponsored by our govman, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET.
Seriously, it's a good show. Lots of F--- every where in words n in action. Best of all LOTS of PUSSY. TUN Optimuspussy, were u also acting inside there? I think I saw u in the room full of men in action. The very part when Jordan's sexy wife opened the hse door. She was shocked n awed.

TUN silom,
Thank you very much. Please remember to pray for my future success. OK.

Hi TUNs, where is my long loss buddy, OTB ? Is he MIA in NZ now?
Tonite, u 3 don't sleep. I'll try to find OTB to ask Uncle KYY to give u a Big fat ANG POW. I know u love both of them.

My TIANKONG tells me to love my neighbors n my enemy MORE.
But u r all my frens.

News & Blogs

2016-02-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

Uncle KYY, the fact is u r truly the super investor.

Your list of stocks r all great winning stocks that fly really high to the new blue skies.
Each time I used my program to scan, your stocks always appeared among my short list of great stocks.
All great stocks r explosive up trending stocks with huge Primary growth wave/phase that is clearly seen on week charts.
Unless 1 is overly greedy, they r so easy to time the selling on the way up to capture the mega profits. Is A complete waste, if it is not edi done so.

These r ex. of the selling calls:
i. On [12/20/2015 3:47:23 PM] + 12 hrs,
a friend of my with lots of POHUAT, asked me about this great winning stock.
My reply then was,

It has graduated but attempted to do master. it could fail at phd anytime!
great caution is required.
This statement applies to all great winning stocks at their tops = plan your selling/exit.
He's deeply in love, he sold only 20k shares at rm2.02.

ii. Shouted on Jan 5, 2016 05:11 PM | Report Abuse C = 156.
VS 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out.

iii. Shouted on Jan 5, 2016 05:07 PM | Report Abuse C=173.
HEVEA 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out....

All great winning stocks after the explosive growth phase will be 'macam sotong'. It got to be a fair deal to the mkt, right?

U r most likely surrounded by too many FA practitioners who never believe in timing the mkt. I don't understand their behavior.
Some of these FA fanatics were so cynical to my articles.
1 even do lol on me.

This time looks critical. IF mkt can recover, well n good.
IF not, those below 34 who have never seen a mkt crash before, take extra precaution.

News & Blogs

2016-02-10 05:58 | Report Abuse

I'm a good student of my guru,
Bernard Baruch's teaching:

a. Don't try to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It can't be done except by liars.

b. Nobody ever lost money taking a profit.

c. The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible.

d. I made my money by selling too soon.

e. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures.

f. Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.

Understanding f. certainly will help us maintain a healthy n peaceful atmosphere in i3 forums.
Bernard B was saying that we r all rightfully entitled to our opinion n yet quite many of us here love to quarrel over another person's opinion most of the time.

Like Uncle KYY, I wish to share n volunteer to give back my views to our wonderful investing community. We all hope to encourage n empower others to excel in their investment journey, n thus impacting n changing some lives.

Being a Stock investor or trader is the toughest job on earth.
We still dare to take the challenge, simply because IF u r right about the stock mkt, the rewarding future ahead is always bright n wide open.