PureBULL ...

PureBULL | Joined since 2012-04-16

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2012-11-16 11:11 | Report Abuse

Dear aminmanap1 , That's good sharing.
U back it up with numbers n facts.
Next let the mkt takes its course. We will follow U, the mkt.
Not mkt follows us.
U dare to admit wrong in the earlier post in another stock.
That's strong point man.


2012-11-16 01:45 | Report Abuse

Dear Fat Cat Tim Buddy, Certainly U r a great talent in the wrong place !
Am a talent scouter, U know. I sense fast.
Was trained to fully understand even hearing a half spoken sentence .

Walk the talk buddy, as your nick strongly suggest.


2012-11-16 01:22 | Report Abuse

Hey, U 2 smart gentlemen, "CUKUPLAH". Shake hand, please.
Let's join forces to 'fight' this endless financial war.

n love our 'enemy' even more...


2012-11-15 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mat Cendana, I really envy U n the so-called sifu Chong n CP Teh.
U all have so many supporters...
Am so long in the mkt. Have so much to share, real happening stuff...
But no fun here !


2012-11-15 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ram, There r lots of mkt making in the mkt everyday. Ecm block placement specialists will place out blocks of shares to strong stockists at a discount, say 10-15% lower.
Usually my stockist friends might take it n churn it out to the mkt like u n pocket the profit within a session.


2012-11-15 14:24 | Report Abuse

Teohlah, Fat Cat,
AhPek is a chinaman. Want to know a bit more from u.
" mind ah ne lay ", my buddy.


2012-11-15 13:50 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy, U r so cute ! U r our superstar here !
If I may know, honestly how old r u now ?
R u 1, R u 2, R u 3, 4, 5, 6, .........


2012-11-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy , I am glad u r so sharp to catch the key phase of Jesse Livermore. n what had happened will happen again...

BUT most stocks go up 10 % of its time, the rest of 90% is down or sideways. So buy n hold for Right stocks is Right. For wrong stocks, it is deadly.
Must check everyday to see it is still Right stock to hold.

News & Blogs

2012-11-15 04:28 | Report Abuse

This is definitely RIGHT, words from 2,500 years old Confucius :

For a rich country to have poverty is shameful.
For a poor country to have filthy rich people is much more shameful.

This is the basic core principle to a meaningful government !

Amorr countries take it to heart n r practicing it.

Politicians all over r the sore 1 causing misery to the world !


2012-11-15 03:28 | Report Abuse

Dear Mat Cendana, I like your objective view n collegiate spirit !

Many times I feel no incentive to continue sharing n stay here.
Not even a kind word !

There r crucial points on the stock mkt, like :
1. How to BUY well ?
2. How to SELL well ?
3. Like objective test. Where r the 5 places/ways to get money from mkt?
4. How to be RIGHT ? G Soros said, " Only if RIGHT, Buy big big = sailang... "

n much more...


2012-11-14 00:52 | Report Abuse

Why r u traders not kind enough in giving out kind words ??
R u not appreciative after going through a slight mkt shake out these 2 weeks ??

If u do not get it, goggle it.


2012-11-13 09:19 | Report Abuse

Watch, KC's in the midst of 'repairing' Digi now for u.
Once Digi is up n running, do remember his deeds.


2012-11-13 05:47 | Report Abuse

KC Loh is our superman.
He can 'repair' any stocks...


2012-11-13 03:04 | Report Abuse

Happy Deepavali To all esp our Indian friends here...

It is a season of celebration again.
With bright light to the future, it is also KPI time to grade all our favorite traders n so-called 'sifu'.

A happy occasion to love n make friends n more...
n to recognize n encourage the truly good ones...

News & Blogs

2012-11-12 11:48 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr tonylim,
It takes 2 to tango.
Live n let live...
Let him win ! It is good deed to make another human being happy ever laughter.

Our mission here is to have good relationship with Mr Market.
To do this we have to travel at the same speed as Mr market.
That way we can see Mr Market face to face n ask Him for the
Right stocks at the Right timing...

News & Blogs

2012-11-12 01:38 | Report Abuse

These words r exact copied cat from 2500 years old Confucius teaching, i.e.

Great mind talks about ideas.
Mediocre mind talks about events.
Weak mind talks about people.

Amorr r practicing oriental ideas. Simply amazing !

Many people know about humility but they forget about being HUMBLE.


2012-11-09 15:03 | Report Abuse

11/7/2012 3:59:34pm GENTING, good chance to shine bright again over time, after conclusion of US presidential election.


2012-11-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

HARTA 483, above 465 is growing up again...
Due to low vol. transacted, so no voice to shout out yesterday.


2012-11-02 11:41 | Report Abuse

Friendly advice to Dear Dtk Tay, IF I will U, I will not sleep till I fully understand the mechanics of this simple Darvas box/step concept as below :

[Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:35 PM]
<<< GENTING has just begun to move higher than its 1st step of 892.
It should be on its way up the next higher 2nd step...
Immediate floor is 875 n it must stay above this at all times now.

An early new beginning of uptrend as seen in recent higher low ?

So that we will never ever Buy blindly in future for the rest of our investing life...


2012-11-01 10:43 | Report Abuse

reachabbler, Then your future ahead is Bright n Wide open....

Go on in search of the true meaning n purpose of stock mkt n the mechanics of it.


2012-10-31 10:45 | Report Abuse

SKPETROL, above 249 is up-trending again...


2012-10-31 10:42 | Report Abuse

Dear reachabbler, I like your stock selection skill.

Certainly, U have good game plan, positioning for out-performing stocks...
Well done.


2012-10-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

ALLIANZ, ABOVE 658 is uptrending again...


2012-10-26 04:18 | Report Abuse

Good thing's the gov is better than my 'father'.
The true meaning of education is found here. If u r the best of the best, u get rewarded n recognized, not rejected offers.

Bad thing's the economy is so so slow, edi developed long ago.
Corporates r quite like 'ahlong'. Getting into big 4 accounting firms is the toughest for graduates, so is going to biz school. It is a Laughing stock, right?

For me, it is for my children's education n own life experiences in North America n Europe later.


2012-10-26 03:51 | Report Abuse

U r spot on, my dear friend.
U r also an iron-man with high capacity to work till this hours.


2012-10-26 03:39 | Report Abuse

Smart guy, very close. the old Yoke = old name for YYZ


2012-10-26 03:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, go to bed now. I woke up just now at 1pm local time n watching Dow n all...


2012-10-26 03:21 | Report Abuse

Yes KC, just remember the Q in National Maths Olympia Competition during my old time :

Each alhabet represent only 1 number, solve ?


2012-10-26 02:30 | Report Abuse

Dear ladahitam, Heard U quit a big job with Oracle n do stock trading full time. Respect your guts.

Btw, welcome to this endless 'financial war'.
With KC Loh around, All Is Well... He can 'repair' any stocks...


2012-10-25 03:41 | Report Abuse

GENTING has just begun to move higher than its 1st step of 892.
It should be on its way up the next higher 2nd step...
Immediate floor is 875 then 865. n it must stay above these at all times now.

An early new beginning of uptrend as seen in recent higher low ?


2012-10-25 03:39 | Report Abuse

GENTING has just begun to move higher than its 1st step of 892.
It should be on its way up the next higher 2nd step...
Immediate floor is 875 then 865. n it must stay above these at all times now.

An early new beginning of uptrend as seen in recent higher low ?


2012-10-25 01:09 | Report Abuse

Yes, Frank. 'ALL IS WELL' Learned it from Shahrukh Khan's show last week.


2012-10-25 00:47 | Report Abuse

Dear Namoyaki, wow u have finally planned your great 'escape'. Long time no hear from you, bro.
Uemland flies you back ! Couldn't reply you instantly, it was bed time for me.


2012-10-24 12:38 | Report Abuse

KC, U r the real McCoy. FULL RESPECT.....


2012-10-24 11:11 | Report Abuse

It has a very strong 1st up wave. At this level might have to take some profit n re-look later...


2012-10-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

106 seems a clear double top sign.
Might have to reduce position Fast !


2012-10-24 04:15 | Report Abuse

Dear KC Loh, u r our most 'pleasant guy' in this forum. Always hanging around. Hoping to see us n to be seen by us all ! Your valuable texts r been read by all, I believe.

Valuation, I will guess it at 3 x 31 = 91.
3 x IJM's entry n with their coming active mgmt participation over time.


2012-10-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

Frank, wake up at 2.45 - 3.45 later. am doing it today...


2012-10-18 12:21 | Report Abuse

tony, hooi is in hokkien, ' pandai-nya '


2012-10-18 12:11 | Report Abuse

Hooi, truly ' gkau karr '


2012-10-17 11:10 | Report Abuse

Dear euclid,
That sounds exactly like HOPE. It turns out to be 4 letter word in mkt. It is ok to hope but it has to be set at 1 time threshold. If that price action disappoints, SELL all very fast n relook later...

Known your Darvas box i.e. the floor n ceiling price. This case it closed 1st down floor 218 then next lower than 205 = Bad sign = Mata Lai choww = ran


2012-10-16 03:33 | Report Abuse

Jesse Livermore was a loner with little formal EDUcation. He was highly stressed since 15 years old. This is a big part of stock mkt occupational hazzle. It was his BRAIN n body that failed him n certainly not his stock operating methodology that the whole investing world continues to learn from...

He once said it is unfair to play stock due to insider mgmt's better info abt the co. So he decided to go 100% into commodity futures, copper I guess. He was the mover n almost corner the copper mkt. At that final critical moment, his BRAIN went haywire ! This is like an expert pilot who fly the plane to the highest n all of the sudden loss his eye sight n sense. His Future contract being highly leveraged had no cut loss mechanism. By the time he was 'awake' he went bankrupt.

Dear friends, we do pity him, Right ! Warren B. also learns from Livermore on fear n hope, except makes it in longer sentence. A known fact that no one can be a prestigious hedge funder without knowing Livermore.

By n large, People tend to reject the best (No. 1 to 10) in the world. They choose to learn from NO. 1000 or more or no position ranking...
Choosing who to learn from, also wrong edi. How to be Right in the stock mkt ?

U decide...


2012-10-15 05:32 | Report Abuse

To all Concerned,
These best of the best will help us do this 'toughest job' in the world well...


Dan Zanger, a student of legend William O'neil is the world 2nd best record profit in stock trading, turning $11k to $18mill in 18 mths n still counting !



Read n re-read more than 10 times n still re-reading...

The more u read, the cleverer u r n richer u will be...


2012-10-15 05:15 | Report Abuse

To all Concerned,
These best of the best will help us do this 'toughest job' in the world well...


Dan Zanger, a student of legend William O'neil is the world 2nd best record profit in stock trading, turning $11k to $18mill in 18 mths n still counting !



Read n re-read more than 10 times n still re-reading...

The more u read, the cleverer u r n richer u will be...

News & Blogs

2012-10-13 01:48 | Report Abuse

High strategy in QUANTS = QA is the good answer to making money in this endless 'financial war'.
QA > = FA + TA.

Quants is highly demanding.
It requires current n deep knowledge n know-how on perfect timing n most importantly, taking action at Right Cycles of biz, economy,
niche products n services, industrial sectors n theme in play, to investment-clock cycle n cyclical acts in monetary n fiscal tricks n more...
It deals with lots of charting. All these will converge into multi dimensional charts that is best decided by the power of TA.

Of course, Good Luck is 1 big component of this equation.


Every person has the same luck n opportunity in facing the mkt but not everyone takes the same Action.
So HOW ?

So many types of cycles listed above to master !

Unlearn n relearn. Stock investment is a 'financial jigsaw puzzle'. U need to collect n have all the pieces to finally fix n appreciate the full picture = money. I do present some nice pieces in my diary/forum on real-time.


2012-10-13 01:36 | Report Abuse

Hi Collin, most if not all newbies will enter stock mkt buying really 'cheap' penny stocks. n that is a very weak point to start. Worse still it can become habitual in life. That's why so many people will buy/jump in big at the mention of pennies.

U can grade stocks from A1, A2 to F9. Most people will design themselves out of A1 n A2 stocks. They will reject A1 n A2 stocks 1st, n thus the best biz of the cycle. They rather go big into C5, C6 stocks that later end up as F9. A1, A2 r high rm $4 n above = good things r not cheap.

High strategy in QUANTS = QA is the good answer to making money in this endless 'financial war'.
QA > = FA + TA.

Quants is highly demanding.
It requires current n deep knowledge n know-how on perfect timing n most importantly, taking action at Right Cycles of biz, economy,
niche products n services, industrial sectors n theme in play, to investment-clock cycle n cyclical acts in monetary n fiscal tricks n more...
It deals with lots of charting. All these will converge into multi dimensional charts that is best decided by the power of TA.

Of course, Good Luck is 1 big component of this equation.


Every person has the same luck n opportunity in facing the mkt but not everyone takes the same Action.
So HOW ?

So many types of cycles listed above to master !

Unlearn n relearn. Stock investment is a 'financial jigsaw puzzle'. U need to collect n have all the pieces to finally fix n appreciate the full picture = money. I do present some nice pieces in my diary/forum on real-time.


2012-10-12 17:12 | Report Abuse

CAT, the 24437 lots sold within 30 seconds is not crazy. It spells bad Sign for the stock !

The Operator, usually the proxy to the owner is showing trouble rolling the block to the mkt like u. They r now stuck n lonely.
U might see this Contango activity being done at every T3 to T4 day. Eventually if they ran out of line, u will witness an avalanche like what exactly happened to jcy.

Biz wise, Padini is edi facing its # 1 enemy, H&M the giant swedish fashion house, the likes of Ikea of home improvement. Next 1-2 Q will see its earnings impacted...


2012-10-11 00:05 | Report Abuse

There is a pure bull run in property in Msia from 2010 to 2012.
This run is moving to choice commercial building n complexes sector.
That's why prop REITS r performing well this season.

With their property value much higher now, the REITS mgmt will soon gradually increase the rental rate n hence higher div. yield going forward...

Try to identify what MKT WANTS TO PLAY, where new money will keep moving into that theme/sector. This way the investment returns will be great vs holding for div.

Finally, it is either purebull or purebear stocks. U choose...