
qqq3 | Joined since 2017-03-15

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2019-08-26 11:29 | Report Abuse

icon...I do not mind if you continue to ask me questions/ comment.


2019-08-26 11:24 | Report Abuse

and as for Xi...Xi will still be around after Trump is long gone........I think China leadership is aware they are entering a critical period That is why they changed the constitution to allow Xi to be President for longer............


2019-08-26 11:21 | Report Abuse

sted by 7300 > Aug 26, 2019 11:18 AM | Report Abuse

US only play financial mkt,China works on phsyical developments

of course lah....so while US do financial engineering, China just remain China with Confucian values and competence, the mountain will still be a mountain when the cloud is gone.

and as for Xi...Xi will still be around after Trump is long gone........

News & Blogs

2019-08-26 10:51 | Report Abuse

icon....my wife told me I should not buy TSMC because I never keep shares one.

I say, yeah lo, I bought Geely many years ago, if only I kept till now, it is a multiple bagger...........

News & Blogs

2019-08-26 10:09 | Report Abuse

does ethical investing work? can make money from ethical investing?

Ethical investing has its advantages...there is the feel good factor, makes one happy and positive,

coupled with research, a calm mind, happy and positive, it has better chances for success compared to many other forms of investing..............

News & Blogs

2019-08-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

Dayang was sold at $ 1.52

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2019-08-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

London only green spot in my favorite page......

London bridge or london sky?

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2019-08-26 09:38 | Report Abuse

icon...done research on Fronken? I didn't........

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2019-08-26 09:17 | Report Abuse

I expected Dayang results to be 4 - 5 sen but they actually exceeded expectations......

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News & Blogs

2019-08-26 09:10 | Report Abuse

I sold Dayang on Friday 9.00 am when they announced Perdana lost money.

News & Blogs

2019-08-26 09:08 | Report Abuse

ss....how is your Dayang? I sold mine on Friday 9.00 am when they announced Perdana lost money.

News & Blogs

2019-08-25 23:17 | Report Abuse

whether compounding works or not, small timers depend on luck.

for EPF, they have knowledge of diversification theories, CFA theories, huge sums of money and diversification across global assets and all classes of assets., expertise and money.

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News & Blogs

2019-08-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

compounding in the case of EPF... they are managed and advised by hundreds of specialists, diversification then only got a chance.

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2019-08-25 22:37 | Report Abuse

it works for EPF not for small timers

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2019-08-25 22:37 | Report Abuse

forget about kc compounding, does not work one

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2019-08-25 22:36 | Report Abuse

must sailing and brave if want to make a difference

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2019-08-25 22:35 | Report Abuse

me? nobody knows the future but I am happy and positive.... learn a lot just watching Koon..

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2019-08-25 10:41 | Report Abuse

by Ooi Teik Bee > Aug 25, 2019 10:35 AM | Report Abuse

A faked accountant knew that Mr Koon was in KLIA, purposely take a taxi to meet Mr Koon in KLIA.
What is the motive ?

Show Mr Koon his recommendation on stocks.

Mr Koon told qqq3,
if you are so good, you cannot have less than 100k to invest in KLSE.

u see, u like to invent stuffs......

invent stuffs about shares and stock market is your day job....but don't go invent stuffs about other people, about me..................

News & Blogs

2019-08-25 10:39 | Report Abuse

whether I rich , or poor....doesn't matter.....this is a forum and I have opinions about stuffs and I post my opinions ......I see nothing wrong in that....quite unlike u cari makan by misleading beginners and whacking shares just there are smallish and can be manipulated..........

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News & Blogs

2019-08-25 01:45 | Report Abuse

by calvintaneng > Aug 25, 2019 1:07 AM | Report Abuse

Iskandar has lopsided development


if China developers lost money in Iskandar..........we gain in having cheap condos.......

News & Blogs

2019-08-25 01:42 | Report Abuse

d by probability > Aug 25, 2019 1:19 AM | Report Abuse

if only malaysian politicians are a little more well organized and placed importance on strategic economic decisions in a meritocratic, honest and pragmatic manner...they can very well be on the top spot!

not really...........and don't blame PH / Mahathir..........


News & Blogs

2019-08-25 00:35 | Report Abuse

23 years old, fresh graduate, first job, salary > $ 5000 a month, pretty good in Malaysia.........

News & Blogs

2019-08-25 00:22 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee > Aug 25, 2019 12:02 AM | Report Abuse

qqq3's investment capital in KLSE is less than 10k, he has no more money to invest in KLSE.
He is good in telling lies only.
I believe qqq3 will lose until bankrupt.
It is a matter of time only.
He will disappear permanently from I3 very soon.

me? I have never done better.......and cycling can help one's trading / speculating.......don't know how/ why, but it works.

and my daughter starts work at > $ 5000 salary a month....she inherited my brains.........

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News & Blogs

2019-08-25 00:12 | Report Abuse

ed by ming > Aug 24, 2019 11:37 PM | Report Abuse

Mayb his purpose is to force the FED lower rate only leh

of course u are right....Trump bets on interest cuts ( and further tax cuts ) to rescue him from his disastrous policies......

so while America carry on financial engineering, China just carry on being China, and the world is China's to win.........

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2019-08-24 23:06 | Report Abuse

as for kc chong and his compounding.............man plans but God decides..........the financial adviser sales literature tells you about compounding and retirements........its an artificial world generated by salesmen, journalists , soft cover books and investment advisers..........

The real world out there is about uncertainties, not extrapolations, ...........and if you look at all the crazy stuffs going on in the world of finance especially with all the crazy Trump stuffs going on, ..with every central bank racing to the bottom with QE, with negative interest rates, with devaluations, with uncertainties, with recession looming...... ignore what financial planners tell you........

The way to lead your life is not with financial planners but to lead a meaningful life full of meaning..........

Forget about compounding...and if investing is defined as buying the shares of a company that keeps growing and growing ...and if you have enough of it..........then u become like Philips and no need to worry about money.....if not....well, Man plans, God decides....................

Rest assured there are distinct differences between living in developing countries like China and Malaysia and living in developed countries like USA.

Life in developing countries is actually more democratic, more freedom and people from all walks of life can participate in the economy. Even with little money, you can still have a night out, eat in hawkers, still can participate in the economy. If you don't mind, there are public hospitals to go to if you are sicks...........

If you are in America, no money, u are dead.

So , don't worry so much....man plans, God decides....just go out and lead a meaningful life.......................

Stock market? If you like stock market like I do.....It is also hobby and past time and entertainment for me.

ps...go cycling , can be a better trader/ speculator...........

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 23:04 | Report Abuse

ss....I use Philips as a good example of a genuine investor........

I am a trader./ speculator.....I don't need Philips advise but I do read his comments..............

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2019-08-24 22:56 | Report Abuse

juice...bottom line very simple...The donald choose the wrong victim to bully, to apply his Art of the Deal.....

Its lucky Xi himself is also gangster chief , u want to fight? let's fight....We all know Trump will be long gone, Xi will still be President of China................

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 20:29 | Report Abuse

juice....your donald belongs to Tg Rambutan if he is not President of USA..............

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 19:52 | Report Abuse

doesn't matter where it came from..............If I am Xi, I will engineer a 30% drop in the Dow to make sure Trump is defeated.................................

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 19:47 | Report Abuse

If I am Xi, I will engineer a 30% drop in the Dow to make sure Trump is defeated.................................

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 19:38 | Report Abuse

Trump is depending on interest rates cuts and more tax cuts to rescue his election chances.........................

so while US is doing financial engineering, China should just be China and China will emerge strong and capable..........

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 19:29 | Report Abuse

well...u know what I mean......that child boy hero of yours is a destroyer..........