
randomwalk | Joined since 2017-04-03

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2017-05-09 09:47 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! Dreaming for a green Marobuzo candlestick, Ryls?


2017-05-08 10:00 | Report Abuse

Mr Strategisst, Thank you for your details info shared. A collaboration idea just striked me. Maybe there is an opportunity for some discussion.....hahaha!


2017-05-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

Another awesome wk for JHM is coming upon us!
Let's enjoy the ride!
Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh!


2017-05-06 09:41 | Report Abuse

Congratulations to Strategisst!
If you put in 100K then, now is 1M......within 1yr! What a pick!
What's yr plan? Holding on to 2M?
Or start searching for JHM2?
Let us know when you found it!


2017-05-06 09:29 | Report Abuse

It was very fascinating that just 2 mths ago, we were talking abt tp=3.5 in May and now it's >4.5! With the decisiveness that JHM punched thru the psychological barrier of 4.5 yesterday & building support at 4.7, I would not be surprised if it starts testing 5 next wk!
I suspect this current rally is pre-empting the expected positive Q1 result due later this mth.
Is 5 for 5 & 6 for 6 a dream?
It was a pipe dream 2 mths ago but now going to be dreams come true for many of us!
Oohhhhhhhh! Yeahhhhhhhhhh!


2017-04-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

Oops, Ok, Thxs, Bro!


2017-04-28 15:33 | Report Abuse

Ryles, 26-May is just the normal AGM. I believed 8w is referring to the EGM to approve the Bonus Issue.


2017-04-27 18:27 | Report Abuse

If we go by percentage, it doesn't matter how much one holds. Is 1% consolidation that bad?
In my humble opinion, unless it is time to sell, else fluctuation of a few % either way would not make us any richer or poorer but just changes in the numbers!


2017-04-27 16:34 | Report Abuse

Drop by 0.05 is considered bad day?
Is it then consider a good day by those waiting at the side eager to get into the boat?
I consider it as healthy consolidation!


2017-04-26 10:16 | Report Abuse

Any particular reason why the counter will rally after the ex-date is announced? Rally for the bonus, should be immediately after the bonus is announced, isn't it? Announcement of the ex-date is no longer a news but just an inevitable adminstrative process, right?
Just curious.


2017-04-25 10:53 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Ryls,
In my humble opinion, for growth stock, the valuation by Mr Market is always based on the potential of its future earning. Hence the PE would be very high if it is calculated based on past earning.
Hence, it's no surprise of the current high PE for JHM as its future earnings are expected to increase significantly.


2017-04-21 08:59 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Ryls,
Appreciate the details provided. Though I can understand yr point but we do not necessary hv to agree on our differing valuation assumptions.
Hence we can agree to disagree on it!
As for hoping to break the 4.45 resistance today, I agree! Haha!


2017-04-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

Hi Ryls,
The current PE=25 is based on aggregate of the past 4Q's EPS (cts) of 2.24, 3.68, 4.58 & 6.01 for Q1 to Q4 respectively. As JHM is a growing entity as recently reported, we can conservatively expect its 2017 EPS to be between 6-8/qtr. Taking an average of 7/qtr, at today's closing price @4.26, its PE is only 15! That's very cheap for such a growth stock.
Taking a conservative valuation of PE=20,
Qtrly EPS=7cts could easily sustain a stock price of 5.6
Qtrly EPS=8 would be 6.4
Qtrly EPS=9 would be 7.2
Based on the above fundamentals, it's for us investors to evaluate ourselves, how it's price should be based on the above 2 variables.
So is 4.26 or even 5.00 cheap or expensive? Each of us to decide for ourselves!


2017-04-20 16:41 | Report Abuse

That's very bullish! JHM would have to turn in EPS of 0.10/qtr to justify for stock price of 8.
Not likely to happen within this year. TP 6 or 3 Ex-bonus might be more realistic in the short to mid-term. But that's just my humble personal view!


2017-04-20 15:45 | Report Abuse

Just look at how thin the volume is today! Guess I was right that any contra-players got in the Mon had already off-loaded with reasonable gains over the past 2 days! With the script now in stronger hands, looks like JHM is now on more solid ground for launch towards new high in the next few days, barring any negative news from elsewhere.


2017-04-20 15:39 | Report Abuse

If anyone has a sure win strategy, guess he won't be bothered coming here to comment as he would be too busy making $$$ using his sure-win "buy-low, sell high" strategy. I'm confident that most habitual speculators who tried to be smarter than the market end up losing their pants off in the long run. At best, they broke-even in their trading but lost on the trading fees.
Just like gambling in the casino, over a long run, one could ride on the law of averages but lose out to the odds of the table!


2017-04-19 17:39 | Report Abuse

I suppose many of those contra players jumped in on Mon would have got nervous and off-loaded during the down-swing yesterday! If there is no negative news elsewhere around the world tonite, we can look forward to a sustained bullish uptick tomorrow! Let's keep our fingers crossed and prosper together!


2017-04-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

Kapster, you bought at 3.47? Thought you kept asking everybody here to sell it down to 3.20 before picking up again?


2017-04-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

The chart works based on self-fulfilling prophecy! If there are enough people following the same chart, interprete and follow the same believe, then it would always fulfill its destiny! Hahaha!


2017-04-18 13:10 | Report Abuse

To those contra players who bought below 3.70 last thu/fri, that's almost 20% profit, time to off-load as delivery due now!


2017-04-18 10:36 | Report Abuse

Time to take profit and wait for 3.2 to pick up again? Will there be another round of party this wk? What do you all think?


2017-04-18 09:37 | Report Abuse

Holy cow! Testing an all time-high again!


2017-04-17 16:53 | Report Abuse

When Strategisst is in the room, we can safely know that it's Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh time!
The time to celebrate his return! Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh!


2017-04-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

Since the Bulls will only see all the positive signs in all the reports whereas the Bears will only focus on the negatives, both would not be able to agree else they both end up as Stags!
Let's just agree to disagree and each take they own positions. Don't need to try to convince others to join you whether as Bulls or Bears.
Just let the market decide, the ones who really put their money where their mouths are!
No point arguing till the cows come home!


2017-04-17 10:05 | Report Abuse

Dividend policy should only be applicable for non-growth stocks which has no avenue to reinvest their profit. A growth company should not pay dividend but to use those internally generated fund to fund their business expansion. When we invest in growth stock, we expect our investment to compound via stock price increase from business growth via expansion. We certainly wouldn't expect to cashing out via dividend.
For those who are looking for dividend payout should invest in the so-called "housewife, pensioner" stock which has no growth prospects but earning stable profit for sharing with its investors. For such companies, it is their obligation to distribute their earning as called for by the China's authority.


2017-04-13 23:31 | Report Abuse

Current PE based today's closing price against the past year's earning is 22 which is considered fair value. But for growth stock such as JHM, in a growth industry, we don't price it based on past earning valuation but based on expected future earnings. Q4's EPS was 6 sen. JHM is expected to meet or better than 6 sen for Q1. Maintaining at a conservative 6 sen/qtr for an annual EPS of 24 for 2017, a conservative PE of 20 would justify for stock price of 4.80.


2017-04-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

If we believe that the mid to long term prospective target price is >RM5, then we should just ignore the short term fluctuations. Trying to time the market is going to be a futile exercise in the long run.
We might be successful sometime but usually failed over multiple times!


2017-04-11 18:55 | Report Abuse

Winning & losing businesses are just part & parcel of the operation. The market will not be too concern with any particular operational issues unless there is a major systemic problem which could result in significant long term business impact. As long as the Mgmt is taking actions to preserve/enhance its stock value, investors would be happy to keep investing in it.


2017-04-11 11:44 | Report Abuse

The volume says it all.......few ppl are interested to sell at the current price! The support level at 4.00 is really strong. Healthy for the counter as a springboard to the next level.


2017-04-07 18:57 | Report Abuse

Totally agreed that this consolidation is healthy for the counter's long term rally. Let's not get stressed up with its short term fluctuation. Btw, it appears to have build a very strong foundation of support at 4.00!


2017-04-07 17:14 | Report Abuse

Agreed that JHM is a very small counter which can be easily cornered by any market manipulator. That's why we should not try to out-smart it by trying to time its price fluctuation. We will end up with our hands burnt badly if we do that. As small fry, I always believe we should only consider the medium to longer term prospects both of the company & overall market. Just ignore the short term fluctuation!


2017-04-07 16:26 | Report Abuse

Bad sentiment for a particular stock or the whole market?


2017-04-07 16:12 | Report Abuse

Yes, the day would come when all remain get wiped out BUT is it going to be anytime soon? Is the Malaysian economy and political situation ripe for the bears to come out to play? Don't think so, especially when the next GE is just around the corner. Putrajaya just could not afford to endure a bearish market in the run-up to the GE.


2017-04-07 15:53 | Report Abuse

It's very healthy to allow some breather for the market the digest steroid #1 before injecting steroid #2 to kick-off another euphoria of buying frenzy over the next couple of wks!
Then we can look forward to another party with another.........UMA?


2017-04-07 15:00 | Report Abuse

Yes, Ryls.......trying to pull Kapster's leg while playing a waiting game after the past few days' mad rush of adrenaline....haha!


2017-04-07 14:56 | Report Abuse

Haha....looks like got chance to top it up today if it dips below 4!


2017-04-07 13:05 | Report Abuse

Kapster, Are you trying to instigate a panic sell off & hope to accummute below 2.5?
Don't worry, you might get yr wish soon..... Ex-bonus hahaha!


2017-04-07 12:42 | Report Abuse

Of course there are some technical differences between bonus & split but to common ppl like us those differences has no tangible impact to us. Neither generates any additional value apart from the perceived benefit of better affordability!
And the benefit of affordability would only be realised at stock price x-bonus, not x-announcement.


2017-04-07 11:16 | Report Abuse

Anywhere below 4 is a bargain!


2017-04-07 10:46 | Report Abuse

Be ready to start accummulating!


2017-04-07 10:46 | Report Abuse

Buy on rumour, sell on fact!
Seem that's the typical reaction!
Or some parties are trying to shake out the weak holders?


2017-04-07 09:21 | Report Abuse

Fundamentally, bonus issue doesn't create any additional value to the stock. It's just a stock split exercise to bring the share price down to a more affordable level. But psychologically, there are some feel-good & beneficial effect of upside potential fr a lower stock price.
It would be interesting to see the market reaction this morning as it would tell how much of this perceived benefit has been reflected in the recent price surge.


2017-04-06 20:06 | Report Abuse

Aiya, forced to announce the bonus issue after UMA notice! Let's see how the market react tomorrow!
Exciting time ahead!


2017-04-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

It is good to hv a shake-out from time to time to weed out the weak speculators so that the uptrend can be sustained over the medium term without the panicky price fluctuations caused by the weak buyers!


2017-04-06 01:03 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, TA is only relevant if there is no fundamental change in the company/stock. In JHM's case, I believe some fundamental stuff is brewing behind the scene which could explain the current inexplainable surge in price!
Hope to see some light next wk.
Meanwhile, happy accummulating & enjoying the impressive paper gain.


2017-04-05 15:00 | Report Abuse

Yuming, You seems to be certain that something positive is coming out of JHM next wk! Any clue of what it is?


2017-04-04 15:08 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Ex-CFO, suspect Q1 earning might be encouraging to fuel this current surge.


2017-04-03 17:39 | Report Abuse

There must be something brewing here to warrant such price uptick without any significant increase in volume.


2017-04-03 17:37 | Report Abuse

Anyone has any idea for the reason of the upsurge over the past few days?