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2018-05-29 13:40 | Report Abuse

What for earn high pay just to pay the high cost of living! Gomen should decrease the cost of living, increase quality of living. Make basic stuff very affordable.

News & Blogs

2018-05-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

FYI, all along, residential properties memang tarak gst. Only commercial properties kena.


2018-05-29 12:47 | Report Abuse

@Temujin, Thanks, i tau. I think most pun tau. I just trying to contrast the basic difference in a sentence or 2.

News & Blogs

2018-05-29 12:38 | Report Abuse

Now our nation at brink of bankruptcy. Talk what need this/that type of “ luxury “? As long as our ppl dont further suffer. Satisfy basic needs 1st.

News & Blogs

2018-05-29 12:29 | Report Abuse

Msians work force in Singapore will be ok. So far still survive the travelling. Also, its time to keep local talents for own use,to re build our nation. Enuf brain drain to Singapore.


2018-05-29 11:58 | Report Abuse

Cant find apa2 news kata dah resolve apa2 pun... Mungkin MCMC dah block berita lepas tu kut. Kan dulu, no freedom of speech.

We just discusss this ctr, not asking ppl not to buy. If sounds good to u, pls buy before drop. Keep till Anthony Loke award myEg macam2 contract if you hv holding power. If MYEG not korup, sure will win manyak2 contract wan . But these days, must go thru open tender la dulu, ya. BikMama punya ktr juga kena beratur n bersaing. Times hv changed.


2018-05-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

Actually bila myEg offer to give Gomen “free service”, kita dah tau tak boleh sue for whatever reason...


2018-05-29 10:45 | Report Abuse

Gst end user kena byr. SST manufacture kena byr. Very Different sistem to develop n monitor


2018-05-29 10:42 | Report Abuse

Klau ada black n white contract sue la. Just make sure, kontrak juga ada kata klau change of gomen pun boleh claim... Lepas sue, relationship dgn gomen lebih hangus lagi. During court case sure lots of cronies story will surface ... like this one... old news juga...

Anthony Loke juga ada announce perubahan driving license. Gomen akan develop sistem sendiri... Sue dia la, Tak bagi makan myEg.


2018-05-28 22:28 | Report Abuse

Change gomen macam tu lah. Tengok2 dulu. DUN rush.


2018-05-28 22:24 | Report Abuse

Is the Philippine market oso for their gomen ?


2018-05-28 22:18 | Report Abuse

Gkent boss golfing buddy Jibby.


2018-05-28 22:14 | Report Abuse

George Kent shares continue to rise on news of High-Speed Rail tender bid

R u guys sure gkent not part of the consortium? Then how come that old news?


2018-05-28 20:50 | Report Abuse

DUN so angry.

Look at the volume. Ikan bilis can buy so much huh? U Marah org salah. Marah KWSP, KWAP. Marah jerung. Marah Rosie. Hehe... Lagipun, free market, freedom to buy n sell. Oso I DUN believe what ikan bilis say here can influence the market. Kkita ni fren fren bersembang je...

Anyway, why u dislike dir buy back?They support yr ctr not good ar? U oso can collect manyak2 at cheaper price....


2018-05-28 20:15 | Report Abuse

Kononnya, MYEG counter bikMama aka FLOM Rosie.
Thats why ppl throw (dissociation). Tapi kalau se kapal, satu nasib la...

Thats why, better dun mix biz with politics. No1 expects PH to win. Tapi nasib manusia siapa lah tahu ya....

MYEG just a redundant middle man (sori' bukan i tulis punya Haha) )

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 23:46 | Report Abuse

Yes, we should ban smoking! That way, will reduce cost of health care. Merokok mesti didenda! Merokok tu kan haram?!

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 23:44 | Report Abuse

Bayi Merdeka tu semua dah umur 61 tahun ! Masih nak spoonfeed? Sampai bila boleh berdikari, cari makan sendiri? What gomen should do is provide fair opportunities for all. esp, quality education. Thats the only way get the majoriti out of poverty. Learn fr China. Look how they hv progressed fr poverty to many middle class society.

I also think, hutang dlm negera boleh tunda sikit. Kan kita semua rakyat Msia.

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 23:42 | Report Abuse

Ini berita betul kah? Hutang dah RM1.2T skrg? Semalam baru RM1T...

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 21:38 | Report Abuse

Any1 ada Mr Je the bomoh punya phone no? I nak engage dia punya servis. I wanna be a billionaire, so fuckin bad.... ohhhh ohhhh...

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 21:36 | Report Abuse

PH should put up special forum for rakyat to debat their policies, give feedback, give ideas how to further improve...

No1 hear us when we quack quack here until we turn blue!


2018-05-27 20:13 | Report Abuse

AA monopoli ..... that’s why lah Best lowcost airline in Msia. If u r 1 n only, patutlah BEST! Haha! Last month color blue, skrg red! GE15 entah apa corporate color dia! Haha! Beware of ceo like that, yg Pandai pusing, Pandai ampu. Mengapa? Sebab self interest juga lah! Kan dia substantial shareholder!


2018-05-27 17:38 | Report Abuse

Haha! Sebelum u org jerit lower house price after 1 Jun 2018, u better check with kastam, developer or your accountant if residential property is subjected to 6% gst in the 1st place. Sewa rumah pun tarak gst all these while. In Msia, not everything is subjected to gst.

Anyway, WCT punya Pavillion manyak murah kah? Now, brand dah tarnish pulak. Siapa may beli?


2018-05-27 17:26 | Report Abuse

eBidding will only be implemented in 2019. JPJ will host ebidding site. PH bukan bodoh.

Also, harap PH will mansuhkan Puspakom ( co cronies BN) . Too many obsolete co, set up just to squeeze money out of rakyat.


2018-05-27 14:32 | Report Abuse

Not hate MyEg. 17 yrs ago mungkin portal ni very useful sbb gov tak pandai IT lagi. But now, it has outlived its usefulness. Gomen just need to sambung dgn bank.

Tentang Tax exempt for MSC status it’s 5yrs +5 yrs. So max 10 yrs tax free. So klau dah 17 thn ini co, dan dah guna semua 10 thn tu, kena bayar tax kut... As for MSC status, it’s for life of the corp.entity. Separate issue with tax exempt or not. Tak percaya, feel free to check with MDec or LHDN.

Posted by bennyloke > May 27, 2018 10:38 AM Myeg has msc status until 2021, doesn't need to pay any income tax until then| Report Abuse


2018-05-27 13:45 | Report Abuse

Gomen punya portal, checking semua free. Swasta punya, semua kena bayar. Lagi pun why our private data dikumpul oleh 3rd party bukan gomen. Ingat tak kita ada Data Privacy Act di Msia?


2018-05-27 13:30 | Report Abuse

I think its better gomen punya benda semua bagi balik gomen. Tak usah outsource luar portal kerajaan. Bukan rocket science e payment counter macam ni. Even PERKESO finally dapat buat FPX utk EIS. Sambung dgn bank je...


2018-05-27 13:25 | Report Abuse

PLC in Msia very dependent on gomen, ya... macam gomen la only source of income in this world. Hidup mati bergantung kontrak kerajaan. How can macam tu? No wonder banyak sangat Korupsi!

“According to Transparency International Malaysia (TIM), corruption had cost the country about 4% of its gross domestic product (GDP) value each year since 2013.
Added together, this amounts to a very high figure of some RM212.3bil since 2013.”


2018-05-27 13:13 | Report Abuse

Sell in May, go away! Haha!

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 13:10 | Report Abuse

Goh nak retire kah?


2018-05-26 18:51 | Report Abuse

1 kaki di Parti politik, goyang kaki makan gaji buta di PLC, hanya di Msia! Msia boleh! Wakakah!

Quit or get fired: Nga’s ultimatum to Perak Corp board members after huge losses - Nation | The Star Online
“The amount of debts is shocking and it shows how incapable the board members have been in managing the group.
“'The board members, who are current and former Barisan Nasional state representatives themselves, should resign with dignity before they're sacked,” he told a press conference here Saturday (May 26).


News & Blogs

2018-05-26 17:48 | Report Abuse

Btw, BR1m cash tu ada properly recorded tak ? Cash no paper trail....

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

Why PH continue this handout ?
Nama tak serupa je, konsep kan sama!

Teach our ppl to fish, dont just give out free fish! Sampai bila boleh buat kita negara maju macam tu? Only 7% Msia population pay tax! Yg lain semua masih miskin sangat ke?! How can like that after 6 decades?

85% of Malaysia's Work Force Don't Make Enough to Pay Taxes, and GST Won't Increase Next Year, says Deputy Minister - The Coverage

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 17:27 | Report Abuse

DUN so angry. Whatever debt, only tax payer yang bayar. Those who goreng stock, tax free. Only 7% of our population bayar cukai. Or 15% yang bekerja! Hoho...

85% of Malaysia's Work Force Don't Make Enough to Pay Taxes, and GST Won't Increase Next Year, says Deputy Minister - The Coverage


2018-05-26 17:21 | Report Abuse

U org baca, KWSP & KwAP mungkin ada untung dr ni ktr...

“Both the EPF and KWAP are probably sitting on hefty gains from their investments in MyEG, which has prompted them to reduce their holdings in the stock that provides e-government services such as renewal of road tax and insurance online.”


2018-05-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

KWSP ada buat trading, not all long term investment. Dont think rugi banyak sangat kut... Hope they hv sold all. Lagi DBKL baru cancel clamping. Less saman to be paid mulai esok...


2018-05-26 16:47 | Report Abuse

He seems to hv endless supply of money to buy and buy. Duit dari mana ya?

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 16:44 | Report Abuse

Look forward to gomen sell land/properties and maybe abolish rpgt. That will shake up Msian property market abit. Dah lama tidur....Zzzzzzzz

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 16:35 | Report Abuse

Baguslah! Haha!

Dr M says found ways to reduce liabilities, debt by RM200b | Malaysia | Malay Mail


2018-05-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like soon will be same price like iris.


2018-05-26 16:28 | Report Abuse

Now that KWSP is no longer substantial shareholder, do they still need to make announcement when they continue to sell? Or have they sell ALL?

News & Blogs

2018-05-24 23:16 | Report Abuse

Yup, ada baca RK pledged 10% his wealth to help Msia. Yang in latest est.ya... in USD.

Last yr should be less. So around RM5b could be correct. RK is a very patriotic person. We are very honored to have him help our nation.

News & Blogs

2018-05-24 23:11 | Report Abuse

Actually, LGE tu “graduated from Monash University in Australia with a bachelor's in economics and was a qualified professional accountant by 1983.
Prior to his political career, Lim was a senior executive at a bank.”

But i guess, he is politikus 1st, tak tau la klau dia dah lupa mcm mana baca a/c .... haha!

LGE tu juga managed to turn Penang to become 2nd wealthiest state in Msia. So, let’s give him a chance to perform at national level?

News & Blogs

2018-05-24 09:12 | Report Abuse


Their penchant for crunching numbers has landed DAP MPs Tony Pua and Dr Ong Kian Ming a half-year stint with the Finance Ministry.

These 2 very qualified ppl, r going to help for NO PAY! Thumbs up!

Terima kasih from your fellow Malaysians! More savings!

News & Blogs

2018-05-23 23:53 | Report Abuse

Where got whole bunch of ppl at 1mdb?! It now has only 1 employee , Mr Anaconda tu. And he’s been on garden leave, n dunno wth happened ! what a clown! Insolvent since 2016. Gomen dulu just paid the debt. No question asked! Wow!

News & Blogs

2018-05-23 20:29 | Report Abuse

Finally a pembangkang speaks out
“She pointed out that Bank Negara stated the debt was RM705.104bil in its report on Tuesday (May 22) but Dr Mahathir recently claimed that the national debt exceeded RM1tril.

Betul kah?

News & Blogs

2018-05-23 20:29 | Report Abuse

Arul Kanda is not called anaconda for nothing! Haha!