
richardlee | Joined since 2017-04-14

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2017-07-09 17:26 | Report Abuse

JN88, it has been about 2 weeks already and you and other Icon8888 fake IDs still dare not answer 3 simple questions. These are fair questions regarding what you actually posted to defend Icon8888's dishonest actions on this forum (see old posts below). Let me repeat them for you.

You boasted that Icon8888 dare tambah, Actually all losers also dare tambah but they tambah at the wrong time. That is why they became losers!

Q1: What price was AA on Sept 27, 2016 when Icon8888 shouted and promised minimal downside?
Q2: What price was it on Oct 12, 2016 when Icon8888 lured readers by saying insiders buying already and asked buyers to jump in?
Q3: After that what price did AA fall to?

Posted by Icon8888 > Sep 27, 2016 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
I tambah makan yesterday and today. Minimal downside risk

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

JN88 commented: >>>>>>ICON IS RIGHT, THIS POST B4 AIRASIA CLIMB TO 3.59!!!!


2017-07-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

Talk is cheap, show some proof what you say is true. Otherwise, it is your usual lies and mad barkings on this forum done by Icon8888 fake IDs.


2017-07-09 13:58 | Report Abuse

aiyoh 2013?! Lama sangat bro. Saya pun malas.
I actually newbie. I just want to learn and to share my opinions only but Icon8888 and his gang don't leave me alone, they attack me, use very vulgar words. talk parents, talk mother also. No choice, have to fight back. .


2017-07-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

anbz2, you say you veteran that is why malas to comment buit you made less than 200 posts so far only. I am newbie and i close to 1,000 already.


2017-07-09 13:23 | Report Abuse

anbz2, what is the story with Icon8888? You keep calling him kcloh, same person using fake IDs or what?


2017-07-09 13:20 | Report Abuse

i just had a look at anbz2's old posts. Wow, he seems to be fighting with Icon8888 on other forums. Icon8888 calling other people a crook and other people calling Icon8888 a liar. To be fair, I don't know the full story of course and who is right there in other forums. But i know the situation here on AA forum. Here it is clear Icon8888 has been making dishonest posts and using his fake IDs and gang to support his calls. His intention to manipulate readers here is most likely to benefit his own trades in AA and the AA-CWs.


2017-07-09 13:06 | Report Abuse

According to Icon8888 and if you believe AAC deal is still on, AA target price could be 5.00.
Just yesterday, JN88 (an Icon8888 fake ID) confirmed TP 5.00 also if got AAC deal finalized.
All proven by their old posts below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by JN88 > Jul 8, 2017 08:38 PM | Report Abuse
The question is AAC not yet finalized. In my time frame, RM5 may achived July 2018.....Worth to wait meh.... sure win counter.

Posted by JN88 > Jul 8, 2017 09:12 PM | Report Abuse
Richardlee: careful, to achieved Icon8888 TP RM5, one important key point is AAC, another important key point is BWC big picture.


2017-07-09 13:00 | Report Abuse

CNP V10? Who is this fellow who is so advance? :He is not a regular here.


2017-07-09 11:26 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 say tp 5.00 if AAC deal finalized but he sold his AA already. That means Icon8888 believes now AAC deal aborted? Either that or last time when he kept promoting AAC very strongly he had bad intentions? Using many fake IDs and gang, Icon8888 used strong language to encourage readers to buy because he promised the AAC deal was going to be announced soon - he kept doing this from end 2016 - see his old posts below. But now July 2017 already and still no news.

Just asking questions - i am newbie, want to learn more about AA from sifus here. Maybe Icon8888 can clarify?

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao
AAC sale soon


2017-07-08 22:15 | Report Abuse

With this stock i not mind buying a bit late, it is better than being sorry. I think investors will need to be convinced that worst is over before they dare buy.


2017-07-08 22:01 | Report Abuse

JN88, clearly you are playing with words and are the one being dishonest. Of course in the stock market nothing is impossible, why don't Icon8888 say AA not impossible at RM1? or RM10? All not impossible in stock market.

But any honest and fair person reading Icon8888's post will know when a stock sifu is talking about tp and when he say with AAC deal, tp 5.00 not impossible, he is suggesting 5.00 could be reached once AAC finalized.

BWC and Investo are right about Icon8888 and you guys - really dishonest, playing with words and trying to lure readers. Could be illegal too.

Posted by JN88 > Jul 8, 2017 09:16 PM | Report Abuse
Suggested fair value : mean cetain person suggested mean he/she very confimred.
Possible and impossible : mean 50% , 50% chances. Just like you go genting play small and big game. You possible win , and possible lose.

Posted by JN88 > Jul 8, 2017 09:20 PM | Report Abuse
Richarlee: suggested, suggested possible, and suggested... not impossible is different meaning.

Posted by JN88 > Jul 8, 2017 09:21 PM | Report Abuse
You are very dishonest and try to divert people meaning. Not good. not good.


2017-07-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

JN88, Icon8888's tp of 5.00 need big picture? Can't be lah. I can see he kept saying big picture is rubbish, won't work. So it must be based on stock fundamentals or like BWC say, maybe he was just being dishonest?


2017-07-08 20:50 | Report Abuse

So noiw JN88 agrees that Icon8888 suggested fair value of 5.00 when AAC finalised - this is exactly what i said (see post below) but JN88 said i don't understand, So for those who believe Icon8888 and those who believe the AAC deal is still on, tp is 5.00. .

Posted by richardlee > Jul 8, 2017 07:52 PM | Report Abuse X
According to Icon8888 and if you believe AAC deal is still on, target price is 5.00


2017-07-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

I believe a fair reading of Icon8888's post is this. AA is worth 3.50 - 4.00 without AAC deal. If got AAC deal. then we can be looking at 5.00. So for those who believe AAC deal is on, Icon8888 is suggesting possible target price of 5.00. My English not good?


2017-07-08 19:52 | Report Abuse

According to Icon8888 and if you believe AAC deal is still on, target price is 5.00
To be fair, this is an old Icon8888 post but i didn't see a newer post where he changed his target price. Did i miss that post, i am newbie?

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible


2017-07-08 19:17 | Report Abuse

Many ways to make money. Learn investment and make lots of money picking good stocks at the right time. Don't learn dishonest way. Con activities on internet may be illegal too. There is law to protect innocent investors from this bad people. Don't do anything to disgrace parents and family


2017-07-08 19:15 | Report Abuse

BWC appears to have turned negative short term - see his recent posts below. He warns that he has no crystal ball and can be wrong - compare him to those talking like they can see the future. it makes you wonder whether they just like to talk big or they are dishonestly trying to influence others. Anyway., after looking at big picture's good track record for more than 1 year, i decided to follow its signal to sell my AA holdings down to 50% last Friday. Like BWC like to say, everyone should do own research and make own decision,

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jul 7, 2017 05:01 PM | Report Abuse
AA closing flat. Negative price action. No crystal ball but short term might be good idea to take some profit, to do some money management. I suspect at most be 70% invested in this type of market. As usual, can be wrong so best to do own research and make own decision. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Weekend! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithconviction > Jul 7, 2017 09:54 AM | Report Abuse
I actually think AAC deal is still on (i hope) but there is some market headwinds short term. No crystal ball but i think it is appropriate to take money management measures on your portfolio for now. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jul 6, 2017 03:01 PM | Report Abuse
Investo, I think some money management is good if you were 100% invested. Not sure what is happening to AA short term.


2017-07-08 16:55 | Report Abuse

JN88, it has been about 2 weeks already and you and other Icon8888 fake IDs still dare not answer 3 simple questions. These are fair questions regarding what you actually posted to defend Icon8888's dishonest actions on this forum (see old posts below). Let me repeat them for you.

You boasted that Icon8888 dare tambah, Actually all losers also dare tambah but they tambah at the wrong time. That is why they became losers!

Q1: What price was AA on Sept 27, 2016 when Icon8888 shouted and promised minimal downside?
Q2: What price was it on Oct 12, 2016 when Icon8888 lured readers by saying insiders buying already and asked buyers to jump in?
Q3: After that what price did AA fall to?

Posted by Icon8888 > Sep 27, 2016 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
I tambah makan yesterday and today. Minimal downside risk

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

JN88 commented: >>>>>>ICON IS RIGHT, THIS POST B4 AIRASIA CLIMB TO 3.59!!!!


2017-07-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

What happening to the AAC sale? Icon8888 at first said will be announced in mid-Nov, then it will be soon in Jan but now July already still no news? He kept using strong words to suggests AAC sale going to be announced anytime soon and used many fake IDs and gang to lure innocent readers to buy. Maybe one of Icon8888's smarter fake ID can explain why so wrong and update us all the latest? I newbie, here to learn but will say what is true and fair.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao
AAC sale soon


2017-07-08 15:26 | Report Abuse

strange. i noticed every time i attack dishonest people, the same people jump out to make nasty posts. Why? It is because they confess they are the dishonest people in this forum! :-D.

So many of them (actually only one dishonest sifu and his many fake IDs) so free whole day making attacking posts. Good i keep them too busy to do bad things. Lucky with CNP V2 it is so easy for me.


2017-07-08 14:53 | Report Abuse

Show proof lah, if cannot it is just another retarded mad dog barking again


2017-07-08 14:33 | Report Abuse

Many ways to make money. Learn investment and make lots of money picking good stocks at the right time. Don't learn dishonest way. Con activities on internet may be illegal too. There is law to protect innocent investors from this bad people. Don't do anything to disgrace parents and family


2017-07-08 14:18 | Report Abuse

strange. i noticed every time i attack dishonest people, the same people jump out to make nasty posts. Why? It is because they think they are the dishonest people in this forum! :-D.

So many of them (actually only one dishonest sifu and his many fake IDs) so free whole day making attacking posts. Good i keep them too busy to do bad things. Lucky with CNP V2 it is so easy for me.


2017-07-08 12:39 | Report Abuse

Yah thanks to BWC i now know how to fully use CNP V2 to deal with dishonest people on this forum. Very effective!

Posted by Investo > Jul 7, 2017 08:19 PM | Report Abuse
richardlee use CNP V2 correctly one afternoon only N u can see what happen 2 Icon8888 N his fake iDs already. Their parents now even more proud. Big impact! So clear u doing job even better now! Keep it up. Laugh


2017-07-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

BWC appears to have turned negative short term - see his recent posts below. He warns that he has no crystal ball and can be wrong - compare him to those talking like they can see the future. it makes you wonder whether they just like to talk big or they are dishonestly trying to influence others. Anyway., after looking at big picture's good track record for more than 1 year, i decided to follow its signal to sell my AA holdings down to 50% last Friday. Like BWC like to say, everyone should do own research and make own decision,

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jul 7, 2017 05:01 PM | Report Abuse
AA closing flat. Negative price action. No crystal ball but short term might be good idea to take some profit, to do some money management. I suspect at most be 70% invested in this type of market. As usual, can be wrong so best to do own research and make own decision. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Weekend! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithconviction > Jul 7, 2017 09:54 AM | Report Abuse
I actually think AAC deal is still on (i hope) but there is some market headwinds short term. No crystal ball but i think it is appropriate to take money management measures on your portfolio for now. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jul 6, 2017 03:01 PM | Report Abuse
Investo, I think some money management is good if you were 100% invested. Not sure what is happening to AA short term.


2017-07-07 23:22 | Report Abuse

What happening to the AAC sale? Icon8888 at first said will be announced in mid-Nov, then it will be soon in Jan but now July already still no news? He kept using strong words to suggests AAC sale going to be announced anytime soon and used many fake IDs and gang to lure innocent readers to buy. Maybe one of Icon8888's smarter fake ID can explain why so wrong and update us all the latest? I newbie, here to learn but will say what is true and fair.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao
AAC sale soon


2017-07-07 22:06 | Report Abuse

Yah thanks to BWC i now know how to fully use CNP V2 to deal with these people. Very effective!

Posted by Investo > Jul 7, 2017 08:19 PM | Report Abuse
richardlee, now u see how powerful CNP V2 is right?. Thx BWC 4 teaching u.

richardlee use CNP V2 correctly one afternoon only N u can see what happen 2 Icon8888 N his fake iDs already. Their parents now even more proud. Big impact! So clear u doing job even better now! Keep it up. Laugh


2017-07-07 22:05 | Report Abuse

What happening to the AAC sale? Icon8888 at first said will be announced in mid-Nov, then it will be soon in Jan but now July already still no news? He kept using strong words to suggests AAC sale going to be announced anytime soon and used many fake IDs and gang to lure innocent readers to buy. Maybe one of Icon8888's smarter fake ID can explain why so wrong and update us all the latest? I newbie, here to learn but will say what is true and fair.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao
AAC sale soon


2017-07-07 21:07 | Report Abuse

All the best to you. You could be right but i rather stay cautious until i see an earnings turnaround.


2017-07-07 21:05 | Report Abuse

Not bad, up in weak market. Next week more?


2017-07-07 21:04 | Report Abuse

Closed at 0.24. At least did not dong back in afternoon. Lets see what happens next week.


2017-07-07 20:36 | Report Abuse

Investo, i not 70% invested lah, now 50% only! I think BWC is right, better to be safe than sorry.


2017-07-07 19:48 | Report Abuse

You sound very intelligent. I am sure your parents are proud


2017-07-07 19:40 | Report Abuse

mancing, since Icon8888 N u fake IDs start 1st talk about parents and mother, why dun you say the same things to your parents and see what they think. Maybe they proud u grow up 2b like that! Laugh


2017-07-07 17:10 | Report Abuse

I not married yet but parents must make sure children don't grow up like them. Bad for society.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jun 30, 2017 10:52 AM | Report Abuse
richardlee, we should be thankful we don't have to be like them. Some of them probably had less opportunities when young and maybe everyone too busy, no one taught them right from wrong. it is actually a sad situation. That is why I usually don't insult Icon8888 and his fake IDs, I just remind them if they over-promote it can hurt innocent investors and i warn readers to be careful on this forum


2017-07-07 17:09 | Report Abuse

Followed BWC's suggestion, sold some of my AA at 3.15. Now 50% in AA only. Scared AA will fly if AAC announced but at least weekend i don't have to worry now.


2017-07-07 17:05 | Report Abuse

Wow, so powerful. BWC just calmly CNP V2 and Icon8888 and fake IDs sounds like going mad. Lol


2017-07-07 16:41 | Report Abuse

Wow, so powerful. You just calmly CNP V2 and they sounds like going mad. Lol


2017-07-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

I not married yet but parents must make sure children don't grow up like them. Bad for society.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jun 30, 2017 10:52 AM | Report Abuse
richardlee, we should be thankful we don't have to be like them. Some of them probably had less opportunities when young and maybe everyone too busy, no one taught them right from wrong. it is actually a sad situation. That is why I usually don't insult Icon8888 and his fake IDs, I just remind them if they over-promote it can hurt innocent investors and i warn readers to be careful on this forum


2017-07-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

Oh i didn't know CNP V2 is like that. Looks like i missed out one part. OK let me try now. Lol.


2017-07-07 15:44 | Report Abuse

We got old posts to CNP V2 to respond to the attacks by Icon8888 and his fake IDs. Easy job. Keep them busy doing disgraceful posts and keep them too busy to con people in this forum.


2017-07-07 15:38 | Report Abuse

Many ways to make money. Learn investment and make lots of money picking good stocks at the right time. Don't learn dishonest way. Con activities on internet may be illegal too. There is law to protect innocent investors from this bad people. Don't do anything to disgrace parents and family.


2017-07-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

Investo has many times put up old posts of Icon8888 proving all his dishonest actions. Very clear. You got reading problem, no one let you go to school?


2017-07-07 15:28 | Report Abuse

mancing, since Icon8888 N u fake IDs start 1st talk about parents and mother, why dun you do the same to your parents and see what they think. Maybe they proud u grow up 2b like that! Laugh


2017-07-07 15:26 | Report Abuse

Show proof lah, otherwise you are just barking only.


2017-07-07 15:22 | Report Abuse

Many ways to make money. Learn investment and make lots of money picking good stocks at the right time. Don't learn dishonest way. Con activities on internet may be illegal too. There is law to protect innocent investors from this bad people. Don't do anything to disgrace parents and family.


2017-07-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

What happening to the AAC sale? Icon8888 at first said will be announced in mid-Nov, then it will be soon in Jan but now July already still no news? He kept using strong words to suggests AAC sale going to be announced anytime soon and used many fake IDs and gang to lure innocent readers to buy. Maybe one of Icon8888's smarter fake ID can explain why so wrong and update us all the latest? I newbie, here to learn but will say what is true and fair.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao
AAC sale soon


2017-07-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

No vulgar words? Suddenly loss of memory?


2017-07-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

Whatever you accuse other people of saying or doing lah.


2017-07-07 15:12 | Report Abuse

mancing, since Icon8888 N u fake IDs start 1st talk about parents and mother, why dun you do with your own parents and see what they think. Maybe they proud u grow up 2b like that! Laugh