
richardlee | Joined since 2017-04-14

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2017-06-08 18:39 | Report Abuse

You are right, At first i thought you were joking but it is really true. You had to deal with these people for months? I salute you.


2017-06-08 18:30 | Report Abuse

This is exactly what i mean. Difficult to believe people like this are the ones telling the truth.


2017-06-08 18:22 | Report Abuse

Yah only two person on this whole forum, BWC and Icon8888. Smart people on this forum.


2017-06-08 18:20 | Report Abuse

This is exactly what i mean. Difficult to believe people like this are the ones telling the truth.


2017-06-08 18:05 | Report Abuse

Actually it is clear even from the day 2. Compare the posts and it is difficult to believe those using offensive language, those ganging up to delete other people comments and those making comments which clearly don't make sense are the ones telling the truth. Also Investo showed old post which clearly showed Icon8888 admitting he was happy provoking BWC and Investo. Did i miss something?


2017-06-08 16:59 | Report Abuse

Ops!! Should i just ignore?


2017-06-08 16:56 | Report Abuse

I don't think they liked my observation. Thanks to BWC poking fire.


2017-06-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

No, no that was not what i was trying to say. Just an observation only. .


2017-06-08 16:29 | Report Abuse

Nothing wrong and i am not complaining but almost all the posts here are not helpful. Of course the whole gang will jump at me again but it is clear to me that BWC is one of the very few that gives serious useful posts on what to do with AA. Others, when not busy insulting others, are just shouting buy, sell, bargain price, crash etc etc that does not help very much. Just my observation.


2017-06-08 15:50 | Report Abuse

Volume not so high, that is a positive.


2017-06-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

Wah, you say it drop, he show you it can rise a bit even. :-D


2017-06-08 15:10 | Report Abuse

With oil down so much, sure affect sentiment on stock


2017-06-08 15:09 | Report Abuse

Yesterday up a bit but today down a bit. Ding dong.


2017-06-08 14:43 | Report Abuse

then how come no one report those abusive post using offensive language? After 4 days here everything quite clear. I keep sharing with those I am comfortable with and keep at distance those obviously lying and ganging up.


2017-06-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

Phew! Back to unchanged at least.


2017-06-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

Wow! What happened here, AA in red? BWC any comments?


2017-06-08 11:22 | Report Abuse

BWC, how do you see the ringgit moving to?


2017-06-08 10:51 | Report Abuse

Goodness, you are only insulting yourself and your group by making such a post. I am sure angelol again doesn't think this is spam which should be deleted. Can't help but believe BWC has been telling the truth about these guys from the start.


2017-06-08 10:33 | Report Abuse

angelol, you are still not answering the question. Always saying something else. BWC is right, no point asking you all so that i understand better. I just have to make my decision based on what i see myself. So don't blame me if i don't reply your posts in future. Quite pointless. I will just talk to those i feel more comfortable with.


2017-06-08 10:28 | Report Abuse

Whey whey, please talk some sense. Now i am spamming? Which post? Those using offensive language not spamming? Weird.


2017-06-08 10:21 | Report Abuse

wah, did someone go even lower from an internet troll to a thug making threats? What happens if other people find him? As usual, angelol not complaining about these comments but keep asking people to report BWC for abuse. This is not ganging up? Weird.


2017-06-08 10:08 | Report Abuse

ah............weird for you to say that as i think you were the one making offensive posts? People are funny here. They make no sense.


2017-06-08 10:05 | Report Abuse

angelol, you didn't answer the my questions. Maybe i should not be surprised. Cannot answer? So far what BWC say is true. Many people here don't care if they make sense or not, just want to insult. Dangerous place for newbie like me.


2017-06-08 09:58 | Report Abuse

BWC. i don't really want to get involved but i am not stupid. I will say what i think is fair to protect my rights on this forum to learn and share.


2017-06-08 09:55 | Report Abuse

angelol, i think you are a suspicious AC but lets give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

If you think BWC comments is spam and need to be deleted, why have you not spoken out on the even worse posts with offensive language? You say no ganging up to delete? Many of BWC comments are just on stock market and big picture but also got deleted?


2017-06-08 09:45 | Report Abuse

Who ask anyone to attend a seminar. Not since i joined. To be fair, i attended a few investment seminars and most of the stock gurus like to talk big. They need to do this to impress other people. Who talks like this in this forum?


2017-06-08 09:42 | Report Abuse

I am against ganging up to delete other people's post. If; you want to argue, argue openly and let others decide. I want to be able to read BWC's calls. Deleting is not fair real investors like me and shows someone got something to hide. Just my opinion.


2017-06-08 09:17 | Report Abuse

Look at the language. I am sure i choose the right group to avoid.


2017-06-08 08:50 | Report Abuse

Yah i wished i was Investo - 100% invested as AA rallies.
But actually i am Icon8888. I change ac to angelol and dnn78 sometimes too.
This is weird, ;-D


2017-06-08 08:44 | Report Abuse

Yah oil big drop.. KNM might drop out of bed.


2017-06-08 08:44 | Report Abuse

Oil big drop overnight. Careful.


2017-06-08 08:43 | Report Abuse

What happened la? This forum used to be nice and polite. Now got comments with offensive words. People free to comment buy or sell but should use proper words. Thx


2017-06-08 08:30 | Report Abuse

blueocean88, two days ago you call sell, now bullish? Can i know what changed? Thx.


2017-06-08 08:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, true. That is why i believe him - he sound like he is not trying to manipulate me. He just tell me to judge for myself, leave me to decide. The other group however is exact opposite. Funny but end of the day that is group i am suspicious about. They talk like they want something from me.


2017-06-08 07:57 | Report Abuse

Good morning Investo! I really admire you. AA up and you are 100% invested. Your old posts show you sold early, you use charting? What is your target price?


2017-06-07 23:30 | Report Abuse

I see with my own eyes what everyone says and i have learnt to trust certain people on this forum only.. Everyone must make their own judgement who to believe and who to keep away - online and offline also same.


2017-06-07 23:02 | Report Abuse

Even though i don't want to get involved, i must admit it is beginning to sound strange:

BWC say i am icon8888 gang and Icon8888 gang say i am BWC.
If that is true, then Icon8888 = whey whey, angelol, 2ez4airasia etc etc
Therefore it means there are only two person in this whole forum. - Icon8888 and BWC fighting. Maybe Icon8888 = BWC, he is talking to himself. Shit, that is funny.


2017-06-07 21:23 | Report Abuse

sleep good for KNM, if wake up now more likely to fall off bed even.


2017-06-07 21:22 | Report Abuse

Some support below 00.60. Not bad.


2017-06-07 21:21 | Report Abuse

I suspect longer term ok but short term will stay ding dong stock.


2017-06-07 21:15 | Report Abuse

Really shitty mate! I didn't even argue with anyone but kena offensive language.
But i know what is happening already. I will be careful and will learn from those i think will not trap me. Oh yes, great call on AA. No wonder Investo is so full of praise about big picture. I will hold for now. What signals to look for to sell?


2017-06-07 15:43 | Report Abuse

The group of people against BWC are the same ones using offensive words to insult me. It is difficult to believe they are the ones telling the truth. So far BWC's comments look true and Investo has backed it up with old posts. Those are the facts.


2017-06-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

I came here to learn AA but straight away many people tell me not to trust BWC and Investo. BWC was fairer, he told me to judge myself. I usually ignore all this noise but then everyone started fighting and giving me a history lesson on AA forum.

Of course don't expect me to believe everything i hear. Some people think if they talk louder or shout or get more people to say the same thing it will influence me but i am not stupid ok. I just kept my eyes and ears open.

I think it is clear what is happening here. I am sure I3 will stop you all if they know what you guys are doing. Also it could be illegal too. What is exposed? Don't understand.


2017-06-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

After 3 days intensive course on the history of AA forum, at least now i believe i know who to believe and also i won't fall for a trap easily.


2017-06-07 13:52 | Report Abuse

BWC, your call for conviction buy on AA looks like one of the very few correct calls here since i joined 3 days ago. Congrats! Supermx2 was however the other extreme who called strong sell again and again. Others mainly were just busy spamming insults at BWC and Supermx2.


2017-06-07 13:39 | Report Abuse

Wow, it is really true there are a group here who are ganging up to delete other people's comments. There must be a way to complain about this to I3 so they know the true situation here. Hope they take action. Otherwise this place become just a trap to newbies like me.


2017-06-07 09:15 | Report Abuse

BWC, Investo said you don't want to delete their comments back? Why not, sometimes necessary to fight back.


2017-06-07 08:58 | Report Abuse

Wow it is clear many are all into this together. i agree only those "working together" will say all these things when the evidence shows otherwise. Wow. Wow. This is interesting. Wasted forum.


2017-06-07 08:42 | Report Abuse

What the shit!, like that also can??!! Clearly they are ganging up. There are so many even worse comments, some with vulgarities even that are not deleted. Can't this be reported to admin? i thought this forum is a place to learn and share but looks like it is a dangerous place for newbies.


2017-06-07 07:51 | Report Abuse

Heh BWC and Investo, what happened to some of your comments? It says post removed?