
rman1 | Joined since 2014-04-27

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2015-03-16 21:55 | Report Abuse

Ulul Azmi I'm not sifu la , just like to share some information that i know and i will be very happy if you all got some profit, don't forget to donate , is good for you. Esl_22 don't worry la now Wintoni looks so strong, just be patient .


2015-03-16 21:28 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468 I think tomorrow Sanichi will start flying, no more 0.095, be ready Sanichi fans.


2015-03-16 20:59 | Report Abuse

Hi guys today i miss the boat, but i'm still in with Wintoni, busy with married ceremony ,finally Wintoni touch my Tp 0.40 , so worried about some scary posting but if you do your homework you have the confident to hold tied. I will pull out tomorrow good luck all Wintoni fans. Just for sharing i think Mqtech is going to fly and Sanichi is moving up tomorrow.


2015-03-13 16:12 | Report Abuse

See the power of Wintoni, now you all knows that the good news is true.


2015-03-13 11:52 | Report Abuse

Ng Chian Zhong trade at your own risk , but i'm still in because i believe in Wintoni power waiting for my Tp 0.40, don't ever blame ppl when you got the wrong call.


2015-03-13 11:05 | Report Abuse

Take your profit is good for you but don't scare Wintoni fans.


2015-03-13 10:08 | Report Abuse

I warn about the heavy selling but Wintoni looks strong to hold at this level, they surely got good news coming.


2015-03-13 01:38 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys just got back from celebrating, tomorrow will open high and be ready for heavy selling, always be elert guys, good luck.


2015-03-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

Didn't touch my TP 0.40 today but tomorrow Wintoni will break it. Those who still holding you make the right choise, as i said earlier i will pull out when Wintoni reach 0.40 but maybe a bit higher (0.43). Not being so greedy but seeing the closing today it is possible. just for sharing i bought Wintoni 0.095. Happy ending tomorrow good luck guys.


2015-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse

TylerTan are you with me or not, you looks worry, i'm confident Wintoni will touch 0.40 today.


2015-03-12 12:00 | Report Abuse

Don't worry la the buyers will come back, if you want to take profit good for you but don't scare Wintoni fans, Tp still 0.40.


2015-03-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Now you ask what price can go out, make your own call just don't be greedy, i'm out if Wintoni reach my TP 0.40.


2015-03-12 08:58 | Report Abuse

Hi guys, see the Q i think today Wintoni will touch my TP 0.40 , good luck.


2015-03-11 22:35 | Report Abuse

Wah suddenly talking about Gst, don't worry la the amount just a little bit only, you guys got so much profit from Wintoni and tomorrow morning it will up again to reach TP 0.40, Be happy guys and don't ever forget to donate. makes you feel good trust me.


2015-03-11 22:16 | Report Abuse

Hi guys long time not posting with Sanichi fans, busy at Wintoni, looking at the trading today Sanichi will start moving up maybe tomorrow. Be ready guys, i don't think they want to accumulate more because Gst is nearby. Trade at your own risk, do your research, will make you confident when you trade.


2015-03-11 16:52 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys din't touch 0.35, we'll see tomorrow.


2015-03-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

Today Wintoni will touch 0.35, just be patient guys.


2015-03-11 11:26 | Report Abuse

In trading don't be over confident, don't be greedy, i'm still with my TP 0.40, if Wintoni can go higher is good for you guys. Always be elert.


2015-03-11 09:32 | Report Abuse

afifi ,you can see now how strong is Wintoni with the market sentiment, go to company profile and see the result, be patient guys just panic selling.


2015-03-10 23:43 | Report Abuse

Good advice marcofu88, like i said always be elert but believe me Wintoni will fly t0 0.40


2015-03-10 23:26 | Report Abuse

Don't worry guys Dow Jones will rebounce, just focus our Wintoni, if you do your research you will be rewarded riding with Wintoni, is that correct Andy88?


2015-03-10 21:28 | Report Abuse

Wah Steve1983 TP so high la, but anything can happen just be elert, i'm out if Wintoni reach my TP 0.40.


2015-03-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

Now Wintoni is showing the power, just be happy guys.


2015-03-10 15:24 | Report Abuse

Trade at your own risk, but i still believe Wintoni can go higher. Just sell and takes your profit.


2015-03-10 14:56 | Report Abuse

If the news comes out game over guys.


2015-03-10 13:01 | Report Abuse

The volume looks strong, see the trade summary you will not be regred if you enter now. kye85 0.36 is posible, TP still 0.40. Always be elert.


2015-03-10 12:21 | Report Abuse

Enter now because Wintoni will fly again , TP 0.40.


2015-03-09 23:48 | Report Abuse

aziz47 you are wright, buy & sale at your own risk, if someone makes a buy call, do your research before entering. I make a buy call Wintoni will touch 0.30 today and last Friday because i do my reseafch, not proud of myself but i'm happy if we all makes some profit. For tomorrow Wintoni will open 0.30, i hope can fly higher but my TP is 0.40.


2015-03-09 11:41 | Report Abuse

See and buy la, It will touch 0.30 today, don't be regred, i told you guys last week Wintoni will fly high.


2015-03-07 00:35 | Report Abuse

Everyday is T+4 for someone, they press down the price until close, the support is strong at 0.250, monday will open high.


2015-03-06 16:19 | Report Abuse

Buy Wintoni now , next week you can't get this price, it going up to break 0.30


2015-02-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

I warn you all to be elert , Asiabio is good but shark too powerful.... hope tomorrow got green colour.


2015-02-11 17:33 | Report Abuse

Patient guys, don't over sleep you will miss the boat. Sanichi will suprise you all when the time comes.


2015-02-11 17:26 | Report Abuse

I'm with you guys, let them sell to us.... tomorrow will be good for Systech to rebound.


2015-02-09 23:14 | Report Abuse

Lampard , someone bought 1000 lot ( 0.160 ) at 4.20 pm , i think something is going on. If the insider news is true, Genetec will move up trend.... I'm not in yet but i will be watching Genetec tomorrow.


2015-02-08 14:55 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468, some of us can't wait 1-2 month, 1-2 weeks ok lah. If you can get 0.085 it's bonus for you but 0.090 is ok. Watch out for WB too.


2015-02-08 00:20 | Report Abuse

Ozzie75, i just got in Systech last week, i've been analys the chart between Systech and Ifcamsc in 2 years time and the chart looks the same. Is that true Systech will ended like Ifcamsc?


2015-02-07 23:57 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468 good to see you at Sanichi, i hope my predict is true next week. Is that true Asiabio Man.


2015-02-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

They are playing the games like Asiabio before it fly, be patient just a matter of time, yesterday Sanichi din't fly but next week sure fly. They can't hold it too long, they will let it fly.


2015-02-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

If Appasia breaks 0.290 today it will fly higher.


2015-02-06 00:59 | Report Abuse

See you tomorrow Minahkarant, Good night.


2015-02-05 22:56 | Report Abuse

Trading is base on news, rumous & company profile, do your own reseach before you trade, don't just beleive what people post in this forum, they have their own reason and can said anything. I always do my reseach, you can see my comment before Asiabio fly and after it fly i tell them to be elert and it happens. Sharks have no feelings but i feel very sad when people got trap. I believe Sanichi will fly in a matter of time just be patient. Trade your own risk.


2015-02-05 18:17 | Report Abuse

Minahkarant , i solute you, like you said earlier, i think tomorrow Appasia will move higher, hope it break 0.30.


2015-02-05 18:09 | Report Abuse

Son or mother just buy I predict friday is the day for Sanichi to start going up base on trading today, the support looks strong but always be patient, you will be rewarded.


2015-02-05 00:16 | Report Abuse

Thank's Minahkarant Good Luck to you too.


2015-02-05 00:00 | Report Abuse

Be patient guys, Sanichi will fly, just follow their games. Sanichi will not drop below 0.085 base on the support.


2015-02-04 21:33 | Report Abuse

Guys, like i said before always be elert anything can happen and it happens today. Sorry for those who are trap, good luck.


2015-02-04 21:20 | Report Abuse

Minahkarant you are right, i'm still in because i believe Appasia can fly higher.


2015-02-03 23:29 | Report Abuse

Chucknorris i don't think so, from who you heard the news? I've read your previous comment, you know what i meant.


2015-02-03 23:15 | Report Abuse

Dreaming333 & maxtantan you both are right, anyting can happens,,, like i said before just be elert.