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2023-09-27 15:20 | Report Abuse

A few of you need to shackle this LOUSY OTB by the ankle, to prevent him from going into hiding once again.


2023-09-27 15:14 | Report Abuse

05 sep close 2.03 taken out.
05 sep low 2.01 taken out.
This is significant boys n girls.
It paints a very negative outlook.

He he..he he..ho ho...la la la...

You hv no idea how good I am.


2023-09-27 10:12 | Report Abuse

See. Markets were wrong when they think the world will avoid reccession.

The dow has come to term with this incorrect positioning the last 2 months. It has started to unwind downwards.

Last night it dropped - 388 pts.

Tonight dropping some - 500++ pts.
Tommorow night some - 700++ pts.

That not the bad news. The bad news is that we will close tommorow. The selldown on friday will be double dose strong.

So, by hook or by crook, get the hell out of there today!


2023-09-27 09:51 | Report Abuse

It will be a HEAD & SHOULDER pattern.
Head formation is ending now n next couple of days.

Next otw down it will get stucked in 1.70 - 1.95 range for a while to form the right neck line.

Thereafter it will make a steep drop towards 1.55 to finish off its right shoulder.

Then it will move 1.40 - 1.65 forever with no rebounds. Those bought now above 2.00 will eventually give up n sell at 20 - 40% loss.

How do i know these?
Bcause i am THE MASTER, i am 100 steps ahead of you.


2023-09-27 09:29 | Report Abuse

Gone case. Bad news indeed.
Its 5 day mvg avg in a trajectory to cross its 25 day mvg avg latest by this friday.
It will fall out of its market top trading range below 2.03 n head much lower.

You hv today n friday to get out.

Do not bargain. Just give to ready buyers. Bcause this is pale in comparison with what lies ahead. Sell. No kidding.


2023-09-26 17:15 | Report Abuse

I hv warned you. Now lets the market do the talking.


2023-09-26 17:14 | Report Abuse

I told u longer term is it will drop out of this market top trading band n target 1.55. Some 50% retracement of its 0.75 to 2.24 move.


2023-09-26 17:13 | Report Abuse

Now i tell u for the last time. I am good n very good. I made more than 15mil$ in this market since 1990s.

There is only one rule to follow: when it goes against you, get out. Never hesitate.


2023-09-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

This one is not a shooting star. It was a double top at 2.24 within market top trading band of 2.03 - 2.24.

It moved from 0.73 to trade within this top band for a while. Then it will drop out of this band. The coming drop will be significant because it has moved up a lot, some 300% from bottom. Not a fast drop. But slow n steady downtrending towards 1.55.


2023-09-26 17:04 | Report Abuse

Look. 05 Sep close was 2.03.
Now its a mere 3 cents away from that cliff. Once it closes below this, it will target 1.55. It will get there in waves over weeks, not in a straight line.

When market moves against you, cut loss. Dont try to be a hero.

This OTB is lousy. You still dont know ka. He n his fancy calculation. Market does not move bcause of fancy calculation.

Last time he had a fancy calculation as well on jaks. In fact he n kyy went to visit jaks construction site in vietnam. Look what happened to jaks. Its inside a longkang.


2023-09-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

Uems is the king of the jungle.
It hit 0.865, rebounded.
It hit 0.865, rebounded again.
It hit 0.865 n rebounded yet again.

Now that 0.865 broken. It will go lower from here.

Ytlpower will follow. That ABC simple also you dont know ka?

1.88 coming.


2023-09-26 16:33 | Report Abuse

Run. Free fall tommorow to 0.50++


2023-09-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

Long term is 1.55. I no kidding bcause i am good, very good.

0.73 => 2.24 => 1.55


2023-09-26 16:06 | Report Abuse

Mama mia, ayo ma, ayo pa.
Not too late to cut loss.
Bcause clearly uems will break 0.865 and others will follow.

1.88 friday afternoon session or monday. Save yrself 18 cents a piece.


2023-09-26 15:21 | Report Abuse

2.06 + 0.18 = 2.24
Break 2.06 will go to 2.06 - 0.18 = 1.88
Downtrending dy. Ultimate tp = 1.55.



2023-09-26 15:14 | Report Abuse

Dont waste time trying to bargain.
Just give to 2.08 b4 its gone.

You see uems you know dy, this market will weaken across the board.

1.88 by friday evening or monday. You will save yrself 20 cents a piece.


2023-09-26 09:56 | Report Abuse

Ytl no power. You follow OTB you will end up in longkang i tell u. Proven again n again.

Hit 2.08 rebound. Hit 2.08 rebound again. When it no longer rebounds, it will go to 2.01. Today is the day.

Tp 1.55 i told you many times.


2023-09-25 16:42 | Report Abuse

Hoi pang!
Pump pump pump, pancit.
Sudah pancitlah. Mesti lari.
The day after tomolo, 25 cent drop in a day.


2023-09-21 15:58 | Report Abuse

2.11 base broken decisively.
Just close yr eyes n throw to 2.10.
I told u technicals r magical but u didnt believe me.


2023-09-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

It infact is a bearish intraday DESCENDING TRIANGLE PATTERN with base at 2.11, top at 2.18.

With this formation, even 2.07 wont be able to stop it.

Sell 2.11 now!


2023-09-21 13:04 | Report Abuse

Those dreaming of 2.60 - 3.00 you know better that share prices do not move up in a straight line.

This thing has moved up some 300% from 0.70s to 2.20s. It needs some serious pull back towards 1.55 b4 it can resume its uptrend.

Jaga2. Once it goes on sustain downtrending, OTB will go into hiding once again as he did many times with glove, steel, jaks n other counters.


2023-09-21 12:57 | Report Abuse

Why was it that once 2.15 broke to 2.11 n the subsequent rebound was stopped at 2.15?

Because...the technicals are magical, even scientiests and mathematicians are still unable to explain it.

Note that i hv warned you. It will now target 1.88. Again sell to 2.11 at opening bell this afternoon session.

I am out of here n will be back later when those stubborn ones asses are on fire some time next week.


2023-09-21 12:50 | Report Abuse

At 2.29:53 that is 7 secs b4 afternoon session opening bell, you cut all sell queues and throw to 2.07.

You will match yr sell order at 2.11.
Bcause intraday chart clearly shows 2.11 todays low so far will break in this after lunch trading.

You know what they say, cut yr losses short. If you are not willing to take in small losses, one of these days you will be hit by mother of all losses.

Sell !!!


2023-09-21 12:15 | Report Abuse

Cleared at 2.13, big seller added 4,000 lots at 1 go. Bcause he expects what i am expecting - market correction worldwide. Bcause THE FED HAVE SPOKEN.

Again last warning. Just throw to 2.12, b4 this big seller makes his move.


2023-09-21 12:10 | Report Abuse

The early birds who came in to support this morning n the rest of the day, will be slaughtered by tuesday afternoon session.


2023-09-21 12:06 | Report Abuse

By tuesday evening index will be between 1400 and 1410, some 40 pts drop from here.

Today morning is just the beginning, a head wind before the storm.

Run/cut loss. You hv been warned!


2023-09-21 12:01 | Report Abuse

Tommorow afternoon it will break 2.01.
Monday, tuesday very bad across the board. Its called broadbase correction. Not only in bursa. New York will lead the way.


2023-09-21 11:51 | Report Abuse

No need to bargain lar for 1 cent. Just cut loss throw to 2.12...


2023-09-21 11:28 | Report Abuse

So how? Kena dy? I told u dont buy.
Later OTB will go into hiding as usual.

Double Top: This is a market top signal
08 Sep: Intraday high 2.24
20 Sep: Intraday high 2.24

Downtrend from here:
05 Sep low 2.01 will break
21 Aug intraday high 1.88 will support
Rebound will be stopped at 2.01

Next 1.88 will break.
1.73 will support.
Rebound will be stopped at 1.88

Next it will target 08 Aug close 1.55. This will be its rock bottom support.

This journey will take weeks or even months to complete.

Todays action:
29 Aug 2.15 close broken to 2.11
Rebound has been stopped at broken support turned resistance at 2.15.

Next it will break 2.11 later today.
2.11 to 2.15 = 4 cent rebound.
Expect it to go to 2.07 after breaking 2.11 which is 4 cents lower.


2023-09-20 09:28 | Report Abuse

Finally, now is the market top.
Today is the top reversal shooting star day.
It will close around 0.85 for that elusive shooting star candle.

Then you will not see 0.92 again in your life time. You will be stuck here forever until it returns to square 1 at 0.27.

Stay away if you dont want to lose yr pants.


2023-09-19 12:36 | Report Abuse

Up 1, 2 cents n then what?
Brokerage fee also cannot cover.
And then down 1, 2 cents.

Grossly overbought hitting double top.

This thing needs to consolidate some 30% lower b4 it can move up. Bcause it has moved up a lot from 0.70++. And that consolidation will take months to unfold.



2023-09-19 11:20 | Report Abuse

Run. Uems will turn red soon n will take everything down with it.


2023-09-19 10:30 | Report Abuse

Pancit dy...run for cover..


2023-09-19 10:21 | Report Abuse

Toppish. Red afternoon across the board. Sell..


2023-09-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

Sold 2.21! Double top.
Tp 1.36 - 1.50.


2023-09-14 10:28 | Report Abuse

Red. Hegeh2 red n then go for new low below 0.62. Hu hu...waa manyak happy lo..bcause waa n the gang shorted manyak above 0.80. Borrow shares, transfer masuk cds n then sell. Now waiting to buy back low 0.50s. Hu hu...ho ho...la la la...


2023-09-14 09:53 | Report Abuse

Shooting star candle top reversal of 2 day run forming. Will close around 0.95 then reverse, reverse, reverse to break 0.87 low n trapping all todays buyers.



2023-09-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

Double top/false breakout confirmed.
Tp 0.29. Run for yr life!


2023-09-13 15:49 | Report Abuse

34,000 lots to sell at 2.08, 1000 lots to buy at 2.07. How to go up?

Big picture. 0.74 => 2.15
You buy now 2.07 near the top, you r looking for trouble.

Everheard of pullback consolidation?
It will consolidate between 1.36 to 1.80 n this will take months to unfold.

Sell/stay away.


2023-09-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

0.32 => 0.82 => 0.32
And strip you down to yr underwear in the process.

Because nothing has changed and nothing will change in johore for the next 5 years.

Hype, wrong perception hv induced bubble in the share price.

Sell n dont touch it again.


2023-09-13 15:31 | Report Abuse

Up up up, you buy, drop.
Drop drop drop, when you think it should stop dropping, it will continue to drop. A game bank backed fund plays.

Stay away. Tp 0.78.


2023-09-12 15:51 | Report Abuse

Ayo ma ayo pa. Utavi !
I told u tp 1.88


2023-09-12 10:34 | Report Abuse

Ini bukan operator la. Ini market technicals.

I told you an ugly shooting star candle appeared 2 days ago.

Technicals are magical. However skeptical you are when a shooting star candle shows itself up, market will trend down in the following days.


2023-09-12 10:31 | Report Abuse

Mama mia....ayo ma, ayo pa...
I told u it wud break 2.01 this week..


2023-09-12 09:33 | Report Abuse

Mama mia...ayo ma...ayo pa...
I told u dy..


2023-09-08 17:06 | Report Abuse

After having another look at the chart, i bet my ass that it will hit 1.40 b4 the year is out. You can copy this n post it.


2023-09-08 16:58 | Report Abuse

Hu hu...i sold 2.19.
I thought i could sell it 2.55 in a few days. But then you need to act on what you see on the screen. Tango to the rythm.

Bought yesterday only lah at 2.10.
Ok la 9k less brokerage. Not bad for a 2 days work.

Shooting star dy babe. Go wait around 1.86 - 1.90 for a quick bounce trade. Other than that, dont.


2023-09-08 16:45 | Report Abuse

It does not matter where it closes now.
Either 2.11, 2.12 or 2.13, its candlestick is still a resounding shooting star.

A shooting star candle, formed after a sizable uptrend is a signal the price has hit its peak (2.24) and has made a complete u-turn.

Next (within days) price will trend lower n lower (lower lows).


2023-09-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

Go google "candlestick shooting star".
I pitty you. Bye2.


2023-09-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

Adios. See u at 1.90.