
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2022-05-31 11:29 | Report Abuse

Tp 1.02. Sell/stay away.


2022-05-31 11:09 | Report Abuse

"Sell in May n go away"
Today is yr last chance to sell.
Get the hell out of there!


2022-05-31 11:02 | Report Abuse

OTB predicted profit 300++mil.
Actual profit 40++mil.

I suggest you take half the difference and shove up his ass.

And take another half to grind off his thick face.


2022-05-31 10:58 | Report Abuse

Red, red, red, sea of red. Its going to be worse the next 2 days.

HY will drop 70 cents tommorow. Dont need a rocket scientist to figure this out. Sell/cut loss/stay away!!


2022-05-31 10:44 | Report Abuse

1. Huge profit last qtr had thrown investors onto the WRONG PATH 4.00 to 7.70.

2. Results released last night for current qtr has just confirmed that the profit was a one off wonder and not sustainable.

3. You therefore can extrapolate forward that it will return back to square 1 in terms of business and profitability.


5. As business will return to SQUARE 1, so will the share price, which is 4.00 LEVEL thereabout MOVING SIDEWAYS.

6. At 6.20++ now is really a good level to DUMP IT and DONT LOOK BACK, considering its BUBBLY STATE and where its headed.

7. ADMIT your mistake EARLY and CUT LOSS. Those not in, AVOID IT COMPLETELY.


2022-05-31 09:42 | Report Abuse

Stay away fr this taik, con company. Tutup kedai coming. Shares will go to ZERO.


2022-05-31 09:13 | Report Abuse

Cut loss/stay away.
Lousy QR. Profit dropped 70++ % from last qtr.
Tp 4.93.


2022-05-31 08:45 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....!
Hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu....!

I told you dy. Now you can take OTB calculation and shove up his ass.

Price to open gap down below 6.03 previous low.

You are all dead! Cut loss!


2022-05-27 16:49 | Report Abuse

Told u dy early morning. When it was hu ha hu ha 0.67 - 0.70, told u to stay away. Con men distributing shares

Now kena dy? 5 - 7 cents loss ?


2022-05-27 16:45 | Report Abuse

Expecting a good QR after market close?
It will gap up into green for 3 mins, and ambushed into red sell down. Good or bad, market will sell the news.

Its not about results, not about crack, not about spread, its about emotion, sentiment n most importantly about TECHNICALS.


2022-05-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

Tawke gone oredy. Quietly left.
Now mid size player trying to cut loss.
Once tawke gone, big players gone. This pasar will turn quiet.

Game over !


2022-05-27 16:20 | Report Abuse

You are still OBLIVIOUS (not aware and not concerned) of what is going to hit you next week.

Break 6.20 to 6.10 n 6.03 ding dong ding dong for brief time. You will think that it is a normal weakness n will rebound like it did a couple of times earlier.

Then 6.03 breaks, quickly sink to 5.70.

Then 5.50 then 5.30 then 5.00 then even 5.00 cannot tahan.

This is the trajectory. How many days to get there, or how the zig zagging is dont know. But it will get there.



2022-05-27 16:12 | Report Abuse

Hai ya ya. I teach oso still do not understand.

1.44 came down to 1.29 rebounded to 1.40.

Now 1.29 broken you cut loss 1.28. Never buy just after support broken. It will go much lower. Chart says 1.14.


2022-05-27 15:46 | Report Abuse

I win when it hit 5.00, babe..


2022-05-27 15:44 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....i laughing until sht come out. You cant fight technicals, not even crooked manipulator.

Its turning RED !


2022-05-27 15:30 | Report Abuse

You said big players were buying like crazy 0.69 - 0.70.

If they were buying like crazy 0.69, why are they not buying like crazy now 0.65? Its cheaper.

Answer: 0.68 - 0.70 heavy buying n selling were left pocket to right pocket trades to release their shares that that acquired earlier to you. I.e. they tricked you into buying.

Advice: Admit yr mistake early n get out at relatively smaller losses. Bcause should they quietly pack their bags n leave, you would be in bigger trouble.


2022-05-27 15:19 | Report Abuse

5 cents drop everyday for the next 3 days to 1.14


2022-05-27 15:11 | Report Abuse

Hoi pang!
It came straight down to 1.29 n rebounded.
Now when it again hit 1.29 n 1.29 selling n 1.28 done, 1.29 oredy broken lar n it will go lower la. Its called downtrend.

That oso you dont know ka? Go fly kite lar. No need to trade stocks.


2022-05-27 14:50 | Report Abuse

Told u dy. Run lah. 1.29 will break. Oil coming down. Next stop 1.14.


2022-05-27 12:33 | Report Abuse

First drop to 0.615. Small, brief rebound. Next stop 0.57/0.58. Thereafter it will go into slow motion drift to 0.35. If you intend to hold what you bought into 0.68 - 0.70 trap today, you will lose half of yr money.

Havent you heard that tech stocks are imploding worldwide due to ridiculous valuation. They all pancit half way. Another half to go.


2022-05-27 12:22 | Report Abuse

So how? Kena dy? Backside pain or not? Wait, more to come. Told u dy, a con job to distribute shares that they acquired on first day listing.


2022-05-27 12:17 | Report Abuse

Quickly dump lar 6.30 - 6.37. No need to bargain. These few cents loss (of trying to bargain) is nothing compared to whats coming. It will drop more than 1.00 from this level.

The japs used candlestick to trade rice since 1600s. There is something magical about technicals which have yet to be explained by science.

I repeat. Its in the midst of a BEARISH PENNANT formation. The breakdown on monday, latest wednesday will be severe.


2022-05-27 11:48 | Report Abuse

Con job is almost done. Cut loss now b4 it turns red red red.


2022-05-27 10:37 | Report Abuse

Ding dong ding dong big players looking for victims to con. Stay away. Its trouble.


2022-05-27 10:30 | Report Abuse

Technical Update: Escape while the pain is still bearable.

Day 3 of consolidation after the big drop. What potentially of a descending triangle has evolved clearly and confirmed to be a BEARISH PENNANT. Google what a bearish pennant is, and you should run for your life.

HY Bearish Pennant (Day 4):
Pole height = 7.30 - 6.03 = 1.27
Pennant points = 6.73, 6.35, 6.03
Pennant break point (day 5) = 6.20
Tp after break = break point - pole height = 6.20 - 1.27 = 4.93

4.93 +/- few cents on the way.


2022-05-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

Because of DOUBLE TOP.
It will go to 1.80++


2022-05-27 10:02 | Report Abuse

Money sucking machine. Pour in money, goes up in smoke. Pour in money, money disappear. I bil loss in 1 qtr. 4 qtr, 4 bil wiped out. Tp 0.30. Sell !


2022-05-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Run lar. Dont be stubborn. It will free fall below recent low of 1.29. It is called "downtrend". I do this for a living. I know lah.


2022-05-27 09:19 | Report Abuse

Larilah. I pity you.
It is as clear as crystal to me that this is a break or r&r (rest n recuperate) of a trend continuation to the downside No small drop. The coming drop is equally as big as the 7.30 - 6.50 drop.


2022-05-27 09:13 | Report Abuse

Red lar b4 noon break. All being herded into a shiny juicy trap.


2022-05-27 09:09 | Report Abuse

Infact its a sell into strength across the board. This market is going down.


2022-05-27 09:07 | Report Abuse

Sell into strength. Opportunity to lose less. This is early green later red market.


2022-05-26 16:53 | Report Abuse

Ho ho ho....spot on!
I sold 6.52 the first few mins of market open!

Lowest 6.11, highest 6.58, close 6.27

Ho ho ho, la la la...

Come to papa, papa is waiting for you at 5.30++..


2022-05-26 16:42 | Report Abuse

Medium term? Dont be naive.
Medium term it will go back to hibernate sideways 3.70 - 4.00 for 1 - 2 yrs up 10 cents, down 10 cents, until you get bored with it and dump it with 40% loss.


2022-05-26 16:20 | Report Abuse

Its over.
You know 07 Dec 2020 close was 6.70.
It was over when it closed below 6.70 the day b4 yesterday.


2022-05-26 15:35 | Report Abuse

There is only so much you can pump when the market is not with you. Its like jerking your own dik.

I told you its going to 5.33 +/- 2 cents.


2022-05-26 15:32 | Report Abuse

First day stocked up.
2nd day relax.
3rd day pump.

When retailers jump in, then what?

The answer is: DUMP


2022-05-26 13:33 | Report Abuse

Johny comes lately. The tech party is over.
Listed in the midst of tech implosion worldwide. Sell!


2022-05-26 12:16 | Report Abuse

Collected at 0.09/0.095, then pump to 0.12/0.125 n then selldown la to con people and take profit. Aka pump n dump. That is all that there is to it.

Bankers are circling it like a pack of wolves circling an injured calf.


2022-05-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

Still naive. Act smart, but naive.

Now i teach u how to spot a descending triangle in a downtrend. It is a bearish signal.

Open your stock chart.
Yesterdays candle 6.03 - 6.73 is the left border of this triangle.

Todays candle is forming the mid point of this triangle.

Tomolo candle will form around 6.20 - 6.03 will be the last body of this triangle.

Thereafter, it will be a breakdown below bottom of this triangle at 6.03.

The drop below 6.03 will be equivalent to the height of the 1st candle which is the height of this descending triangle, which is 70 cents drop.

At 6.20, now, you will save 90 cents more pain if you get out now.


2022-05-26 11:52 | Report Abuse

Run. Pancit dy. Tp 1.00.
Without negative goodwill, profit is very low. Money flowing somewhere on cost n expenses. That was why you saw heavy selling yesterday. Up bcause goreng kaki scooped it up to play2 for a while. It is going down. First stop 1.14. Next stop 1.00.


2022-05-26 11:41 | Report Abuse

I tould u dy. Now i tell u again.
You should know that lowest price in 2019, b4 the pandemic was 1.40. Once it breaks this price (1.36/1.37) now, it is a SERIOUS TECHNICAL BREAKDOWN and it will go much much lower. Target half price of 1.40 in a year. Bcause during the pandemic, there were panic buying to stock up gloves. With ending of pandemic, sales will go down drastically way below 2019 sales. Too many gloves stocked up, new orders not coming for a year.


2022-05-26 11:18 | Report Abuse

Go fly kite lar if u dont know. OTB lari fr ays. Lari fr supermax. You follow him sure masuk longkang. Proven again n again i hv been right.


2022-05-26 11:15 | Report Abuse

Tp 5.33, followed by brief rebound n then breakdown towards 4.76. Bubble bursting.
Its not about crack. Its not about spread. Its about sentiment and emotion.


2022-05-26 11:09 | Report Abuse

Basic oso dont know ka. Smart ess with no so smart mouth.

Boys n girls, MACD DEAD CROSS has only just begun a couple of days ago. One or two more 0.60 - 0.70 drop coming b4 it settles down.


2022-05-26 11:04 | Report Abuse

When QR comes out this 1-2 day, good or bad QR does not matter, bcause market will sell the news, like it did on hibiscus yesterday.

You better run quick. Face yr pain to avoid bigger, unbearable pain.

Yesterdays candle 6.03 - 6.73. A bearish descending triangle is forming. By tomolo, it will break 6.03 and head for 6.03 - (6.73 - 6.03) = 5.33.

Now is only r&r of the drop. This drop will continue. Make or lose, get out!


2022-05-26 10:41 | Report Abuse

Sold all 6.52. Highest price sold 6.55, lowest 6.42. Profit 17 cents a piece. Forgot to tell you that hammer was damaged the last few mins of trade yesterday.

Move to sideline with 100% cash. Bcause everything will come down for the rest of the year.

Let OTB make an ess of himself yet again.


2022-05-25 16:21 | Report Abuse

A CLEAR HAMMER registered on chart.
A reversal of correction.
It will go higher than 7.70.


2022-05-25 15:53 | Report Abuse

HAMMER REVERSAL in progress. Tp 9.00 - 10.00.


2022-05-25 15:07 | Report Abuse

Ayo ma, ayo pa. I told u dy market top dont buy at 1.49