
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2020-08-27 16:42 | Report Abuse

Pelikan still maintaining its bullish ascending triangle posture. It will jump tommorow.


2020-08-27 16:40 | Report Abuse

Dump lar! A downtrend posture already on the chart. 5 mins to closing.


2020-08-27 16:20 | Report Abuse

Bintai - intraday descending triangle chart breakdow.

Technical target = 0.70 - (0.835 - 0.70) = 0.565



2020-08-27 15:37 | Report Abuse

He he..how they want to sell at 0.63? First they push to 0.69 then once idiots gather around, they syok2 selling at 0.63. Bcause they bought a lot at 0.53 yesterday. He he..


2020-08-27 15:32 | Report Abuse

Ayo ma. Ayo pa. A free round trip to holland. 7.5 to 15 back to 7.5. No worries after you pay losses they give you free noodles.


2020-08-27 14:13 | Report Abuse

I give you an invaluable insight into this pelikan also you dont want to listen.

I tell you arr much of this market actions are rooted in gambling. Some are fundamentals & some are technicals. If you indulge in gambling even if you sophisticatedly called it trading, you will lose. Because the house always win, over time.

Fundamentals - blurr to define good future & prospect, and waiting time is too long to see seeds grow into mature trees.

Technicals - this is the best. Since 1600s certain technical candlestick signals n chart patterns are repeating over n over when prices are in their way up or down or making a uturn or moving sideways. These have yet to be explained by science n mathematicians. So this is where you want to be. Master yourselves with a handful of reliable signals n go thru charts to see patterns. If pattern like this, it will do this. If pattern like that it will do that etc.

Now i tell you pelikan is doing a BULLISH ASCENDING TRIANGLE pattern for the past 4 days. When pattern like this, it will move up.

Should Bintai closes today near yesterdays closing price slightly positive or negative, then it will trend down. Because yesterday was a SHOOTING STAR candle signal.


2020-08-27 13:53 | Report Abuse

Ini saham arr ada olang untung ada olang lugi. Tapi lamai olang lugi. Main itu jam arr manyak syok, lagi syok dali lu pegi main itu genting sana atas. Tapi bayar punya jam arr kepala manyak pusing lar.


2020-08-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

Flyingwithwings. I know lar that tone. Lost money in bintai? Or stuck chasing xox? Most likely both. Normal lar. For every 100 people in this game, there are only 5 heroes & 95 idiots. If dont know how to tango, just sit back n watch.


2020-08-27 12:42 | Report Abuse

DrHash. Axiata is an empty stadium. Why wait in empty stadium waiting to watch a football game. Follow the crowd.


2020-08-27 12:27 | Report Abuse

Someone making a move already on pelikan. Maybe the big boss wants to goreng this afternoon. Dont miss this big boat arr. You board before the goreng for max profit. If you chase during frying time then much less profit.


2020-08-27 12:02 | Report Abuse

Pang, bojed. Clear all your shares n go buy PELIKAN now. Just take 0.365/0.37. The most it can drop is to 0.35. The chart is super miss universe beautiful. It is one of an ASCENDING BULLISH TRIANGLE. That triangle is tightening below 0.395. Based on triangle shape, tommorow it will jump above triangle flat line at 0.395. Latest monday. Target 0.49 if you r not greedy. 0.53 if you are greedy.

Forget this bintai. All vaccine counters unable to move up. Dpharma, pharma all stale bulls waiting to ambush on any uptick.


2020-08-27 11:48 | Report Abuse

Express bus crashes into ravine already lar. I bailed out at 0.545 at open. Made 3.5 cents less brokerage. When you see UMA you must quickly jump out.


2020-08-27 11:21 | Report Abuse

Pang old friend. I belanja you one. PELIKAN. Shark has collected a lot. He tried to push yesterday not successful. You buy now n wait a few days. Can sell at 0.49 - 0.53 once they successfully break the 0.395 barrier.

Buy 0.34 - 0.37. Dont bargain too much arr. You may miss the boat.


2020-08-27 11:13 | Report Abuse

Red already. Still dont believe me arr left pocket was trading with right pocket at 0.78 - 0.81. This is a game people play. A magic show. Things are not what they seem to naked eyes.


2020-08-27 11:11 | Report Abuse

Hoi pang! Still syok2 punting arr. Up you chase, down dont become too emotional not to cut loss arr.


2020-08-27 11:09 | Report Abuse

No lah. This 20 cents shit selling at 0.72 during market correction. Gravity will naturally pull it down. Once it becomes cheaper off high like now, the gang is unloading, not buying.

Once upon a time, MOU was just for bosses to unload worthless shares. MOU cancelled, money not coming in, osses manage to sell at crazy prices, hype gone, share price returns to ground zero, many punters got burnt badly.


2020-08-27 10:41 | Report Abuse

I tell you arr this is not a normal pullback. This is a MARKET CORRECTION. You see at gpa arr you know already its a correction. This is only the beginning.

Last time corrections are in the 90s. Prices drop A LOT in a few days. It wont recover over 6 - 8 weeks. Market moves like a snowball. When it becomes big, it just crumbles away until it rolls to become big once again.

Unload all & step aside.


2020-08-27 10:11 | Report Abuse

Dont be naive. Game plan is straightforward simple. Stock up when people are panicking, push up, n trick them while unloading for profit.


2020-08-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

J2529. Cowboy mabuk also can do a better job than you at random shooting.


2020-08-27 10:06 | Report Abuse

Ini 2 org kerja punya. Satu olang beli. Satu olang jual same price. Dia jual beli such that you tengok dia mau naik. You tengok arr sure you mau masuk punya. You masuk arr, dia kasi sama lu apa yg dia olang collect 0.57 - 0.70 tadi pagi arr. Habis jual arr, dia olang cabut lar.

Ini money game saja.


2020-08-27 09:55 | Report Abuse

Bojed. This is a poker game. Manyak tipu punya. Lu jgn tengok untung saja. Ada olang beli 0.90 cut loss 0.60.


2020-08-27 09:53 | Report Abuse

Beware. Their churning can be very convincing. If you jump.in, you r looking for serious trouble.


2020-08-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Manipulation only lar. Bought bought bought, pump pump pump, dump dump dump. As long as you make some money good enough. I made a quick 9 cents in 2 transactions.

You cant read intention. Now its clear. Stock up when people were selling, push it up sky high to 0.835 n now stabilise it at 0.755/0.76 n churn n unload and make 10 cents a piece.

Unload all now b4 they finish ckearing their ill gotten gains.


2020-08-27 09:35 | Report Abuse

Wow! Samseng arr this shark..


2020-08-27 08:01 | Report Abuse

Alamak. Kena UMA. Itu la boss tamak goreng sampai hangit.

Expect early panic selling, then boss will step in to stabilise it. Bcause boss had wallup a lot. Once boss brought it under control, get out lar b4 it plunges belly down.


2020-08-26 20:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-08-26 18:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-08-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

New game in town. What music beat is this? Pump pump dump dump, or pump pump dump pump pump pump?

Mabuk oredy. So many new games come to town. All crooks busy at work when bursa close one eye.


2020-08-26 17:46 | Report Abuse

Pelikan shark taking a few steps back to gain energy n weaken the 0.395 great wall. He will hv a go at it again soon. Once crumble the move above 0.395 will be very fierce. Dumb2 hold.

Its a 28mil$ turnaround in profit from q1 to q2 from 8mil$ loss to 20mil$.profit. If it can sustain at this rate, it should trade around 1.00 there. If profit increasing then for sure above 1.00. Anyhow first target is 0.55 b4 it consolidates. Short term 30 - 50% profit. Long term tripple.


2020-08-26 17:24 | Report Abuse

Girls n boys. Shooting star is a shooting star. No two ways about it. If you get caught just lock yr losses quickly n pay n move on.


2020-08-26 17:21 | Report Abuse

After a strong shooting star the drop will not be that severe the first 2 days. After that it will get ugly. Intermittent ups n downs but the direction is down. It wont be just down. It will trend down over a few days.

Dont be surprised if it goes all the way to 0.415 bcause this is its breakout point which will now act as resistance. If broken it will go all the way down to ground zero at 0.21, a complete burst of a bubble.

If bought at 0.86 - 0.89 n trying to be too smart about it to hold long term to wait for that "vaccine money" then be prepared to lose yr underwear.

Only M.O.U. on the table. Hype coming in but money not coming in. Know the risk if you decide to join this dance. Tango to the music. Up you chase, down you cut loss. Dont hegeh2 wait there for it to rebound.


2020-08-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

This is the most beautiful shooting star i hv ever seen. Half cent tiny head with 14 cents long tail. The drop from here will be very severe. Sell !!!


2020-08-26 16:48 | Report Abuse

Some of you will lose underwear. Throw all now.


2020-08-26 16:47 | Report Abuse

Trend reversal confirmed. 0.55 in 4 days.


2020-08-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

I told u oredy. Now a perfect beautiful shooting already in place. Its a top reversal of 0.215 - 0.90 move. The retracement will be severe. Cut loss now if dont want to get hurt.


2020-08-26 16:22 | Report Abuse

New boss will turn this express bus to express rocket. Hold. Can sell 0.63/0.64 tomolo.


2020-08-26 16:15 | Report Abuse

Pancit already. No go.


2020-08-26 16:14 | Report Abuse

Bought at 0.51. Boss means business. Limit up coming.


2020-08-26 16:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-08-26 15:54 | Report Abuse

Goreng! Half way 0.12 to 0.15. Full way to 0.18 today. Tomolo 0.20++.


2020-08-26 15:28 | Report Abuse

Now only you believe me arr. It will close near 0.705 there for a monster shooting star candle. Then it will target 0.55. Today morning buyers will lose 0.33 cents if you dont cut loss now.


2020-08-26 15:24 | Report Abuse

Not today. Nice try but no cigar.


2020-08-26 15:08 | Report Abuse

The day is still young. You want to see a breakout above 0.395. Then sky is the limit.


2020-08-26 15:06 | Report Abuse

Go for PELIKAN now. Goreng just started.


2020-08-26 13:21 | Report Abuse

From 20 cents to 90 cents in 4 days. Please come back to real world. I tell you arr you syok2 too long in this dreamland arr, it will burn yr ass out of shape. Sell!


2020-08-26 13:09 | Report Abuse

Chart says ok but up a lot already from 5 to 50 cents. Goreng only lar. When the goreng running out of heat, must get out. Gas habis maa..tarak panas tak boleh goreng maa..

Market has been too good to be true the last 3 days. Sharp Uturn can come without warning anytime to trap all the syok2 traders.

This express bus is a late comer to this party. Careful arr. Dont get caught in this loss making express bus business. Any 3 cents drop you must cut loss. If they manage to tambah gas n goreng it to limit up in afternoon then good for you. I already took my 5 cents cut. Good luck.


2020-08-26 12:43 | Report Abuse

Already bought the last 2 days for $5mil averaging at 0.35. Dumb2 hold lar. This is a turnaround story. Annualised eps at 13 cents per share. At 8 pe its 1.00. 60% undervalued at current level. Hold. Dont jump in n out.


2020-08-26 12:23 | Report Abuse

Enough lar 5 cents profit


2020-08-26 12:22 | Report Abuse

Sell lah. Everything coming down in afternoon led by bintai & solution.