
ryan78 | Joined since 2012-11-14

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2013-05-02 14:31 | Report Abuse

Most of the local news we get in our newspapers, television, and mass medias are not news but biased brainwashing propaganda.

How far are we from North Korea? You turn on the TV and for most hours in the day we see hail Comrade Kim! Kim the Hero save the day repeating for 23 hours throughout the day.

Every ad you see says Kim's favourite when he owns every single brand that is marketed inside his country.


2013-05-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

PR guys show them the long lineage list of the Mamakutty's family legend, Razak family legend, Hussein family legend, all the other Bapuk National family legends involved in top MNCs across the coutnry as well as politics.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

Multiculturalism is a very sensitive and complex thing.That's why I say it's a ticking time bomb waiting to set off in many multicultural countries.

In a multicultural society everyone plays safe and has to be very careful not to step on other people's mentality and beliefs.

In a monocultural society, everyone around each others think similarly and and are brought up to collaboratively. People can be very patriotic as everyone works towards the improvement of their nation. Less indifferences leads to more integration.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

Bangla Naik party is playing with multiculturalism to mess up this country.

I somehow think that all multicultural countries have a ticking time bomb waiting to explode from within.Even highly prosperous coutries such as Singapore, UK and Australia, it's just a matter of time the balance will the tilted...

Multiculturalism is highly unstable topic for many countries.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:09 | Report Abuse

Plain stupid excuse. Are you implying that PR never did their jobs properly or considered this to happen or at least took further actions on the matter after he received ransom threats?

PDRM will get a bad name for their reputation if he ever comes out and say that they allowed hitmen to threaten him. Why is he still a free walking man?

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 13:59 | Report Abuse

Wasn't he under protection from PR side after coming out to testify about his son before this?
I thought all key witness are given protection before a case is closed?


2013-05-02 13:52 | Report Abuse

Which investor will want to invest more money if they are not given the freedom to make their own choice of strategy.

In the case of DiGi, they are often pressured to lower their tone down in their promotions and pricing to give way to other crony linked companies to compete equally.

If you're in their shoes as an investor such as Telenor you want to put more money into a useless investment?


2013-05-02 13:46 | Report Abuse

For The Star staffs, it's not a choice if they want to cari makan and keep enough food on the table.

But for the people to continue voting a party which extorts and threatens the public like this, how long you want to choose to be held in the neck and obey dictators?

Malaysians are really greedy and desperate for money.They would choose money over other things else such as freedom, health, integrity and self image.

I really don't know what will happen to this paper if opposition takes over the government.,.


2013-05-02 13:41 | Report Abuse

Maybe it's the effect of the turd head girl becoming the new MAS ambassador announced in the news...

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 13:38 | Report Abuse

Saiful's Father Retracts Conspiracy Claims?

I'm sure many would already know this guy is a mole in PKR.

I don't know what to say about Malaysians. Got money into pocket everything also can. Most Malaysians(very few which can resist the bribery) are self centered selfish people who only takes good care of their own skin.This kind of people will only vote for themselves.

Do you know what is the real universal party that Malaysians actually vote? - MONEY

I also believe that many Malaysian politicians are also like that. Every one of them have a price no matter how staunch a supporter he/she is for a party. With the right price you can buy him/her over to your side.

How many of you can resist a stash of RM20 million placed in front of you and waiting for an positive reply? How many? I believe there are very few who can.
How about raising it to RM50 million if you are really influential?

Becoming a DUN or MP is considered a luxury for Malaysians to strike rich. Not because of the official pay or the lifetime pension, they are showered with lots of unofficial side incomes that make them millionaires.

The other problem is the multiracial complex.
I can't think of any multiracial country today which is not suffering from a difficult social complex issues today not even Singapore.


2013-05-02 13:30 | Report Abuse

MAS now hiring the turban head girl as the Airline ambassador?

Another bad move that will destroy the company's image further.

Malaysia is misusing public money to popularized a lousy singer once again to advertise this country.


2013-05-02 13:26 | Report Abuse

Saiful's Father Retracts Conspiracy Claims?

I don't know what to say about Malaysians. Got money into pocket everything also can. Most Malaysians(very few which are not) are self centered selfish people who only takes good care of their own skin.This kind of people will only vote for themselves.

I also believe that many Malaysian politicians are also like that. Every one of them have a price no matter how staunch a supporter he/she is for a party. With the right price you can buy him/her over to your side.

Becoming a DUN or MP is considered a luxury for Malaysians to strike rich. Not becuase of the official pay or the lifetime pension, they are showered with lots of unofficial side incomes that make them millionaires.

The other problem is the multiracial complex.


2013-05-02 13:18 | Report Abuse

Fly kaw kaw also no use because it's fake move being fried by cronies to benefit cronies.When the bull is fake, the move cannot sustain for long.

Most Malaysian stocks fly kaw kaw is mainly not because of good business or due to high profits. They are mostly scams to divert investors and steal their money.

Stop the media monopoly in this country!

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 18:15 | Report Abuse

They've been saying similar wishful predictions since 2008.

Anyway of all the analyst reports for this company, the least credible one is from CIMB Securities and its partners.

CIMB's report commentries are known to be the softest and most lenient of all because they are the payroll provider for this company's staffs.
Probably they have the need to take care of this company's reputation.


2013-04-30 18:09 | Report Abuse

They are now stucked in a middle of a USD20billion lawsuit.

This company is as much as finish if the opposition wins the elections this time.

Anaconda can run and hide in his French chateau to seek refuge or he can choose his mansion in rural NSW, Australia.


2013-04-30 18:05 | Report Abuse

You said:
They don't even have track records to run a govt. I'm afraid the country will go haywire should they run the federal govt. All they say is 'TRIAL & ERROR'.

What does BN have in their track record to run a good government?
Croniyism for last 50 years due to concentration of power?
Corruption to the core between family members and close friends of benefits?
Crimes and terrorism?
Encouragement of establishment of rempits?
Cheating ands scams?
Market monopolies?

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 18:01 | Report Abuse

What a disgrace! The Filipinos are now buying up our country's largest assets such as petrol stations, oil refineries, etc.

If you are not careful, by year 2020 we'll be an exporter of maids to other countries which once exported maids to us.
Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam will be employing Malaysian maids in future.


2013-04-30 17:56 | Report Abuse

Huuuat Ar Huuuat Ar.

Anyone fan of the Ah Huat coffee brand recently introduced Malaysians since beginning of the year?

Everywhere you hear Ah Huat Coffee on Media Prima channels, radio and ASTRO?

This fatty lady(that monster) is behind this company. The last time there were rumours she is even the largest shareholder of Old Town White Coffee.

The crony party wants to monopolize every single industry in this country and one day turn this nation into a communist state.

Even coffee now also they want a piece of the pie.

I call my friends to boycott this brand.


2013-04-30 17:55 | Report Abuse

Huuuat Ar Huuuat Ar.

Anyone fan of the Ah Huat coffee brand recently introduced Malaysians since beginning of the year?

Everywhere you hear Ah Huat Coffee on Media Prima channels, radio and ASTRO?

This fatty lady(that monster) is behind this company.

The crony party wants to monopolize every single industry in this country and one day turn this nation into a communist state.

Even coffee now also they want a piece of the pie.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:50 | Report Abuse

Beer is non halal correct?

How come this guy own shares in San Miguel which is the largest brewery in Philippines and also use the company Petron to buy up all Exxon assets in Malaysia as a proxy?

That makes him a hypocrite?


2013-04-30 17:48 | Report Abuse

BN supporters molested us at Najib event, claim students

That is wht happened when your party are run by hooligans, scums of societies and future leaders of the country.

They'll go round terrorizing society and the country until it becomes unbecoming of a country.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:45 | Report Abuse

What do you mean by:
Cyprus is part of Mat Salleh country & the government also screw out their people life.With country going bankrupt just wondering why none of this country anti corruption say anythings in regards their country crisis..?? why ?? Because they are also playing cronyism & corruptions only on a smaller scale.Btw all countries is facing inflation and high rocket property value not just in Malaysia.

Do you mean that if other countries are corrupted Malaysian should follow after their footsteps to rip the country dry? That is just a plain and lousy excuse for the corrupted corrupted BN people to continue their parasitic activities.

If your neighbour steals and rob people to become rich you should follow their footsteps and example to rob and steal also from others?
Will justice be on your side if you get caught? Will your words be an excuse for the judge to pardon you?


2013-04-29 16:38 | Report Abuse

This advise from Warren B does not apply in Malaysia:
Warren B said Buy the happening Biz not just stock.

In Malaysia due to corruption and misuse of power, when your business becomes happening automatically the lazy will ask for their 30% rights.


2013-04-29 16:34 | Report Abuse

i3fan don't twist your words ok.

Your quote:
and also, if BN gov run for >50 yrs without any family in the minister level, you kata banyak rasuah....... imagine if Anwar PM, His daughter, also a minister, karpal n sons , kit siang n son (with his wife), eemmmmm....!!!!! Transparency ????

My comment:
BN already run the govt for over 50 years and they all have their family inside minister level.That's real fact with evidence.Some of them are already among the richest in the world.

If Anwar becomes PM this will be his 1st time alongside Karpal, Lim family, so they'll be put on close watch test on how they perform.

Belum lagi cuba belum tahu tapi for the past 50 years rakyat sengsara under BN, itu kenyataan.Don't confuse people.You want to try the same ting over and over again?Not tired iszit?


2013-04-29 15:58 | Report Abuse

i3fan, Are you kroni keluarga DS Najib?

U mau terus makan abalone, sarang burung and lamb chop tiap-tiap hari ke?

Think of the poor people who work with their hard sweat money la for the country. Malaysians have never felt so bad and suffering for the past 20 years ever since the corruption of the mamak.

Don't be like that fat lady every day seat around only know how to give orders around.Backside also heavier than the body.


2013-04-29 15:53 | Report Abuse

Only stupid people will go in and donate their money at this time.

Malaysians too much of money to donate is it?


2013-04-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

Wait for the GE results for now.

DiGi parent company Telenor of Norway is waiting for the outcome of the results to consider whether they should make further investment with the upcoming results. No point investing if you have to be dictated around by the communist multimedia media commision...


2013-04-29 15:47 | Report Abuse

If PR win this time, we'll be getting cable TV with 10mbps broadband over cable for less than RM100.

Choose wisely.

ASTRO wholly owned subsidiary Measat Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd (MBNS) is being sued for USD20billion by Indonesian Chinese Lippo Group.


News & Blogs

2013-04-29 15:40 | Report Abuse

Fat godmother says work hard save hard so you can buy the million dollar ring of your choice when you grow up.

This guy says Sarawak people are poor because they are stupid. Just because he is rich enough to send his children overseas and buy their degrees doesn't mean they are smart. Does corrupted money make you smarter?

The word out from his own mouth:

Remember the wise have spoken. You are poor because you're stupid.

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 14:49 | Report Abuse

I say "even if" I had 1 million in my retirement savings because someone is asking me to WORK HARD and SAVE.

Would you buy doubtful penny stocks and keep them long term?

I'm waiting for the return of the comprehensive pension system, universal healthcare, free tertiary education and old welfare housing scheme for the public.


2013-04-29 14:38 | Report Abuse

Best thing is don't play la. You can't win the computerized ticketing system. Whether underground or official, no difference.


2013-04-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

I also have some idiotic and useless boss who are now quick to jump camp to PR. They are just playing safe to jump on the greener side of the fence for now.

Maybe they're scared the new government will give them trouble if they don't do something quick.


2013-04-29 14:33 | Report Abuse

Of course la boring. To the BN cronies such talk are not pleasant to their likings.

Pssst here's one idea for you to pull crowd. You want more people to your event start organizing tiger shows and hire striptease pole dancing actresses.

Quick go and suggest that to your hamsaplou leader. He'll not only award you for it maybe promote you after that.Don't say I told you, claim all the credit for yourself.


2013-04-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

Propaganda paper will go down as soon as the supporting crony party behind them goes down as well.

What a waste of money to spend RM1.20 a day for biased news.


2013-04-29 14:18 | Report Abuse

Do they distribute free porno DVDs as well on the way out after the meal?

Funny our government enforces laws which restrict the sales of pornographic materials across the country but they produce and distribute FREE pronographic material for the public themselves.

If that's true then even if corruption is illegal in the country the enforcement ministry itself can practice corruption among themselves?

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 14:15 | Report Abuse

Do they distribute free porno DVDs as well on the way out?

Funny our government enforces laws which restrict the sales of pornographic materials across the country but they produce and distribute FREE pronographic material for the public themselves.

Very interesting government we have.


2013-04-29 14:10 | Report Abuse

Most people in Penang are not interested about free food and freebies.

They are more concerned about their careers and life for the near future and later generations.

The ones who would fall for it are mostly those which run businesses that are indebted to corrupted politicians and fear of losing their rice bowls.


2013-04-29 14:05 | Report Abuse

BN crony businessmen usually trade in other form of currencies for their overseas business but keeps telling people that lowering the value of Ringgit promotes trade. The truth is that they intend to short change the people's salary/pay to save the excess for themselves.

Don't fall for their tricks. The collapse of the KLSE means nothing much for the poor but the BN cronies are having sleepless nights about it.

We must get rid of the filthy hot money inside the public share market so becomes healthy. If not they'll continue frying the market towards their own advantage to trap the naive public into submission.

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Friends, the collapse of the Ringgit and KLSE has little impact to the lives of the poor.

Most companies don't trade in Ringgit since it's too risky when dealing with offshore business but why do you think they keep suggesting lowering the value of Ringgit all the time and insisting on paying locals in Ringgit Malaysia?
BN always want to rob the citizens and shortchange them.

If the worst happens in future you still have your 2 bare hands to survive. Salaries and wages can still be paid in other forms of currency. A fair, clean and honest employer will assure you of such promises.

The collapse of the KLSE has little impact to the poor but a big impact to the corrupted rich.Many of the cronies will be revealed and exposed. Companies will go through a cleansing process. True account figures will be opened to the public through transparency. The outflow of leakages for our currency offshore will be stopped. Our country public funds won't be wasted. Employers will not take full advantages of cheap labour with their corrupted power.

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 13:42 | Report Abuse

Relax ryan78..sorry to know that you belong to the lower end middle income group and the poverty coalition in Malaysia which makes up of over 95% of the population.Malaysia won't be like North Korea or communist state.This is just abused of power in our country.Malaysia
corruption, racism & cronyism culture is being cultivated by one of the country leader for 20+ years due to his selfishness in order to protect his position.A lot of Malaysian out there are rich and they are not depends on politic.They work hard and save.Malaysia got her own problem which is hard to be balance due to multicultural societies.

Work hard and save brother .I know sometimes is also due to luck or nasib.Anyway all the best !

Work hard and save so that I can buy a 20million dollar ring for my wife? Are you kidding?

At this rate of inflation going on in the country, even if my retirement fund has RM1 million in it, they'll be worth PAPER when I retire. Oh and the stupid BN politicians running as directors in companies only takes care of their pockets and everyday telling people that dilluting Ringgit money is a good thing because they get to pay their slaves less.

The greedy and corrupted crooks inside the GLCs and MNCs in Malaysia under BN has to go! I'm not worried at all if the KLSE or Ringgit currency collapses.

If companies are replaced with more humble, honest and fairer employers, they'll start paying employees accordingly to their market value whether if it takes them to use other currencies such as USD or SGD in future should the Ringgit become paper money.

BN cronies will never be like that. Getting rid of them from the board will ensure that corruption and filthy greed be lessen or done away.

BN cronies to my knowledge are only good at championing cheap labour and taking care of their hot seats for their deep pockets and families.

Oh yeah work hard and save? Who nows crooks are siphoning away our national reserves making our currency worthless? That's robbing the people through the backdoor. I'm not too sure the ring that cost 20 million will be the same price in the next 20 years? Please la don't start the crap with me about making your children to start saving while they're still young.


2013-04-29 00:19 | Report Abuse

We'll only be seeing real growth value in stocks when you rid them of cronnies and fund manipulators that always play trap games with the public with their IPOs and frying.


2013-04-29 00:16 | Report Abuse

jacko, I think the real serious investors will wait for the outcome of elections.It doesn't hurt to wait just a few days more instead of getting risked of getting burned.

If the rally is to continue, they'll play with the penny stocks. Watch out for them especially the odd ones cautiously.Do your profit taking fast at the slight chance.

For the extreme cautious, serious investors and those who can't afford to get burnt, please take a break before you cast your vote.

Thank you for reminding the others for the preliminary hints of the chances for PR to win. Give yourselves a break and go in(serious investors) only after they exit. We'll build a more stronger and cleaner KLSE after this. It's high time they return the wealth to the people.

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 00:00 | Report Abuse

Ooi I'll explain a simple explanation of what is money in the form of paper.Do you know what is money actually is?

Our money is tied to the assets and reserves that a country has.Any country can choose to have its notes to be as valuable as what gold is today if they can afford to par it with the same amount that they have in their safety vaults. That is if they can but many choose not to in return for liquidity, efficiency and more consumer spending. You can always print as much as you want as long as you have enough RESERVES to support but the bad thing is there's also the possibility of corrupted countries that dwindle the country RESERVES causing the same effect which lowers the value of notes in distribution.

Think of money as a (voucher/baucer) or a promise note issued by a governing bank with the promise to pay the seller of an item if one day he goes find the bank to redeem real valuable items/precious metals such as gold, silver in equivalent values.

So the 2 major things that could affect the value of a currency for the layman is:

1) The national reserves(actually the property of the citizens) of a country inside their vaults goes missing or stolen or dwindled or smuggled out. Cronies smuggling ringgit voucher notes/bonds/gold anything related to the reserves to other countries.

2) The dillution of money by printing more notes with the same amount of reserves inside the vault. This is usually safe if the country itself like China has plenty of reserves to justify the move in exchange for item/goods exchange with the condition that rising wealth can absorb the inflation. They can always choose to retrict the printing of notes and make the currencies even higher than UK Pound if they wanted but they choose to print lots of it to purposely lower value for trade advantages.

In the case of Malaysia, we are suffering from reason (1) more where our national reserves are slowly being swindled away by irresponsible cronnies. You don't print more to pay off debts, foreigners don't want to trade in your currency they prefer more valuable stuffs inside your reserve vaults such as your gold, commodities and bond agreements that could enslave your people one day.


2013-04-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

Maybe this is the last week for BN to pump up the market as high as possible followed by an escape artists move by the cronies the week after to flee the country.

News & Blogs

2013-04-28 23:06 | Report Abuse

Some more disappointed facts.

Thai Baht is now higher value than Ringgit.

RM1000 can only exchange Baht$965(in tenths - 10Baht = 1 dollar for the Thais)

Will the Vietnamese Dong and Indonesian Ruppiah catch up with us?


2013-04-28 23:02 | Report Abuse

Sounds too good to be true and the Japanese name company has indians as managing director and CEO?


2013-04-28 23:01 | Report Abuse

I'm not a rich person with a bank account book with trailing zeros.

All I have just enough to support myself for 3 months just in case of go out of job. Apart from that, I still have a loan for my house, car and a few stuffs which I can't afford to pay in a single payment.

If the collapse of the market could open up better job opportunities and a fairer economy, why not?

The disease of croniyism and corruption inside our economic system has to be rid off even if it means we have to suffer from some big losses or side effects. From there on, at least it paves the way for a hope and a brighter future.

News & Blogs

2013-04-28 22:54 | Report Abuse

North Korea is a good example of a communist state where the Kim family(<1%) of the entire population decides the fate of the rest of the 99%.

The people have to call him God to continue their lives or risk getting executed.

Can Kim Jong Un tell his people that if people vote him out as leader, they will run out of food? He certainly has the right to do so as the entire food supply in the country is under his command.

Why do you think BN dares threaten the people of the collapse of KLSE and the Ringgit should they lose? Same reason, correct? Their cronies are behind most of the corporations and share ownership in the country.

Does it matter to the poor and lower income bracket which is already so much in debt to them? It'll be more of a relief if they have to give it back to the people.


2013-04-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

For the poor and lower middle class with little assets or fmaily treasures, they have nothing much to worry about losing their riches.

After all we still have our bare hands and energy to tend the field and earn an honest living.

For the rich who attained their money through all kinds of hidden methods that will never see the light of the day, they are always having sleepless nights worrying how to save their money and escape getting busted.