
SarifahSelinder | Joined since 2014-07-17

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2020-05-09 21:23 | Report Abuse

i3lurker u cannot la


2020-05-09 21:22 | Report Abuse

12% IRR

Klau take in debt d equity IRR % wil go thru d roof due power of leverage tapi there wil b a bit to give a way tapi stil very very good


2020-05-09 18:47 | Report Abuse

Ok la let u go... bye


2020-05-09 18:46 | Report Abuse

Experts always talk details provide data specify specifications...

i3lurker u r a fraud


2020-05-09 18:29 | Report Abuse

Don't try to avoid jawap ni

SarifahSelinder i3lurker 

How do some IPP wit 12% IRR hit mid teens IRR? 

Insider mcm u must know

09/05/2020 6:23 PM


2020-05-09 18:28 | Report Abuse

Tapi both punya project cost lebih kurang same ma

IPP mainly machine not so many variables

2 machines of d same kind produce almost identical products


2020-05-09 18:23 | Report Abuse


How do some IPP wit 12% IRR hit mid teens IRR?

Insider mcm u must know


2020-05-09 18:21 | Report Abuse

No.. both shd be SUBSTANTIALLY d same

More similarities thn differences


2020-05-09 18:16 | Report Abuse

I3lurker oiiiiiiiiiiii i3lurker mana u 'yang?


2020-05-09 18:12 | Report Abuse

i3lurker always ada jer overwhelming evidences... but...


2020-05-09 18:10 | Report Abuse



Sarifah can fly tapi x boleh tunjuk la

Tapi Sarifah can fly tahu


2020-05-09 17:44 | Report Abuse


the all things IPP knowing I3lurker (self claimed IPP expert wanna be)

SarifahSelinder i3lurker 

the all things IPP knowing i3lurker (self claimed) 

Some IPP wit EVN given 12% IRR somehow can capai mid teens IRR how do they do tat?

09/05/2020 5:09 PM


2020-05-09 17:23 | Report Abuse

So u see speculation doesn't pay

Sarifah always hv profit kat JAKS

PureBULL ... All Great winning stocks = Ms U on KLSE fly from 

i. M 1 = Std 1 to Std 6, then stop for awhile for 
ii. M 3 = Std 6 to Form 6 n stop for awhile finally to 
iii. M 5 = Tertiary 

jaks always failed at Std 6. 

How did i know ? 
I CUT loss 2 times, at super FAST speed !

PureBULL ... All Great winning stocks = Ms U on KLSE fly from 

i. M 1 = Std 1 to Std 6, then stop for awhile for 
ii. M 3 = Std 6 to Form 6 n stop for awhile finally to 
iii. M 5 = Tertiary 

jaks always failed at Std 6. 

How did i know ? 
I CUT loss 2 times, at super FAST speed !

09/05/2020 5:17 PM


2020-05-09 17:10 | Report Abuse

Ni bukan testing u haha


2020-05-09 17:09 | Report Abuse


the all things IPP knowing i3lurker (self claimed)

Some IPP wit EVN given 12% IRR somehow can capai mid teens IRR how do they do tat?


2020-05-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

Yes all dah settled by then

Risk free

6x is good

4x is simply great


2020-05-08 12:29 | Report Abuse


Given ur profit projections10% ni kan dibeli at PE apa agak nya?

DK66 Dear OTB, Thank you for the information 

OTB Posted by probability > May 8, 2020 12:00 PM | Report Abuse is if they can show some sign that thwy will increase their stakes to 40% 

may be sifu OTB can dig this info 
Ans : 
Jaks will increase their stake to 40% once COD is in place. 
May be less than a year after COD. 
I was told in this way. 
Thank you. 
08/05/2020 12:10 PM

08/05/2020 12:21 PM


2020-05-07 17:50 | Report Abuse

The problem is the term IRR is being used very very loosely n as such means different things to different ppl n on context

As Sarifah said before wat u said has merit too


Also I think IRR should cover U$1.87b capital investment only without debt and tax.

07/05/2020 5:11 PM


2020-05-07 17:39 | Report Abuse

Klau u derived u 16% based in Vihn Tan 1 reported results tis 16% IRR probably is the sum of capacity payment + energy payment

Capacity payment = 12%
Energy payment 4%

Hai Duong also can hit mid teens IRR

Capacity payment = 12%
Energy payment = sales of electricity

probability sarifah, kamu yg kata Hai Duong and Vinh Tan 1 is apple to apple...tapi i kata Vinh Tan 1 pine-apple sebab i estimate IRR dia around 16% 

sebab tu i kata jangan banding dgn Vinh Tan 1 

Klu you ada bukti IRR Vinh Tan 1 sama at 12%...then berita baik la untuk Hai Duong... 

harap mengerti

07/05/2020 4:49 PM


2020-05-07 16:46 | Report Abuse

Taksiran Sarifah EVN granted 12% IRR to ALL the IPP at the time when Hai Duong was approved

12% IRR mcm mana the IPP companies want to twist n turn with their funding critical sama mana EVN x kisah


2020-05-07 16:40 | Report Abuse

Knew u r going to ask

Can't b too difference isn't it?

Anyway where do u see it is not 12% IRR?

probability sorry sarifah, where is the info that EVN guranteed 12% IRR to Vinh Tan 1? 

kindly share

07/05/2020 4:35 PM


2020-05-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

12% IRR EVN guaranteed only d capacity payment n doesn't include energy payment.....


2020-05-07 16:34 | Report Abuse

Sarifah think mcm mana critical x relevant sgt

EVN guaranteed IRR 12% to both Vihn Tan 1 and Hai Duong n both funding structure 75:25 make them apple to apple enough


2020-05-07 16:24 | Report Abuse

Follow Vinh Tan 1

Klau Vihn Tan 1 is an apple

Hai Duong IPP is an apple

Follow Vinh Tan 1 is comparing an apple to an apple


2020-05-07 16:20 | Report Abuse

x pernah dengar ke let's d figure speaks for itself


2020-05-07 16:17 | Report Abuse


U ni a nonsense

Post details x nak post keep talking round n round


2020-05-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

The best is u show ur calculations using ur understanding of the 12% IRR


2020-05-07 14:53 | Report Abuse


SarifahSelinder Peer comparison wit Vinh Tan 1 is DK66 best work

07/05/2020 2:45 PM


2020-05-07 14:50 | Report Abuse

Admittedly wat u bilang kat sini ada merit n might tally wit wat Sarifah said

SarifahSelinder Must clarity 

Did EVN specify the 75:25 funding requirement bila it quoted the 12% IRR?

07/05/2020 1:47 PM


SarifahSelinder Did EVN ever bother itself with funding structure of an IPP?

07/05/2020 1:50 PM

probability The below gives step by step sample evaluation: 

Project IRR and Equity IRR: A Curious Connection 

Calculation of the internal rate of return considering only the project cash flows (excluding the financing cash flows) gives us the Project IRR.

07/05/2020 2:45 PM


2020-05-07 14:45 | Report Abuse

Peer comparison wit Vinh Tan 1 is DK66 best work


2020-05-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

Anyway Sarifah dah decided to remain invested in JAKS Hai Duong IPP


2020-05-07 14:32 | Report Abuse

Vihn Tan 1 is real result


2020-05-07 14:31 | Report Abuse

Vinh Tan 1 result is after deducting interest

Vinh Tin 1 guaranteed IRR quoted by EVN is probably 12% IRR too


2020-05-07 14:29 | Report Abuse

No tis is not true

Sbb Vinh Tan 1 oso ada debt financing


However, hope i can conclude that the only argument you have that we should use FCF-E on Project IRR given by management of 12% is because, FCF-F will wipe out the Earnings significantly below Vinh Tan 1.


2020-05-07 14:11 | Report Abuse

GUARANTEED 12% IRR wat does tat mean?


2020-05-07 14:10 | Report Abuse

Not hiding jz different interpretation of the 12% IRR


2020-05-07 14:07 | Report Abuse

12% IRR appears the IRR given to ALL the IPP


2020-05-07 14:06 | Report Abuse


Allowed doesn't mean it is a condition to have 75:25 bila EVN quoted its 12% IRR

DK66 sarifah, Vietnam allows only projected IRR of 12% under certain assumed operating conditions to ensure IPP are not overpaid.

07/05/2020 1:58 PM


2020-05-07 13:50 | Report Abuse

Did EVN ever bother itself with funding structure of an IPP?


2020-05-07 13:47 | Report Abuse

Must clarity

Did EVN specify the 75:25 funding requirement bila it quoted the 12% IRR?


2020-05-07 13:40 | Report Abuse

Alamak jgn go back to efficiency

Upfront the 2 of u must clarity n agree on wat IRR of 12% guaranteed by EVN means


2020-05-07 13:32 | Report Abuse

EVN upfront cannot guaranteed return from sales of electricity


2020-05-07 13:30 | Report Abuse

Sales of electricity return is the one that can push IRR to mid teens


2020-05-07 13:29 | Report Abuse

There is further return from sales of electricity


2020-05-07 13:29 | Report Abuse


Klau what u said is true thn 160m is d minimum not d maximum being the 12% IRR return that EVN can guaranteed also equal capacity payment

probability Not sure what you mean. If you exclude the interest and make the FCF-E(equity) Icon had used and replace with FCF-F(firm), you can then work back on the required FCF-F to make the IRR 12%, you can then determine the FCF-F. 

With the FCF-F, you have to then deduct the interest to obtain the Earnings. 

This way, the earnings cannot exceed 160M. However its quite sensitive to the time frame/intervals between cash outflow and inflow used. 

Posted by DK66 > May 7, 2020 1:04 PM | Report Abuse 

If you could explain the results of Vinh Tan 1 under the assumption that the interest cost is excluded, then further discussion shall be meaningful.

07/05/2020 1:24 PM


2020-05-07 13:17 | Report Abuse


Rephrase ur question properly


2020-05-07 13:01 | Report Abuse

U ni x reply jz pusing pusing?!

SarifahSelinder Yg ni u kira guna IRR cara mcm mana? Same cara DK66? 


my JAKS earnings projection still stands about max 160M per year

06/05/2020 7:33 PM

probability @DK66, on Icon's IRR 12% derivation comments section, i could not find your explanation on why the interest should be included when its a Project IRR. 

I had presented my resources on why Icon's calculation is incorrect here: 

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a rate on which NPV of the project equals to zero i.e. value arriving by discounting all the cash flows of the project with IRR rate will be zero. 

Project IRR (PIRR) and Equity IRR (EIRR) 

The project is generally financed in some proportion of Debt and Equity. 

The project IRR gives the rate of return from the whole project. It is calculated presuming that there is no debt portion in the project financing. It calculates the rate of return considering the cash flows from the project only (i.e. except financing cost). Project IRR will remain same irrespective of capital mix of the project. 

The above is not matching Icon's derivation here: 

Its has significant impact on earnings estimation, as such kindly elaborate on this. 

Thank you

07/05/2020 12:40 PM


2020-05-06 19:57 | Report Abuse

Sarifah pun rasa meeting wit team Andy not adequately addressed kat ni


DK66 peer comparison n OTB stil bet big is enough confirmation tat JAKS kan great


2020-05-06 19:33 | Report Abuse

Yg ni u kira guna IRR cara mcm mana? Same cara DK66?


my JAKS earnings projection still stands about max 160M per year