
SarifahSelinder | Joined since 2014-07-17

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2019-06-26 15:35 | Report Abuse

Oso to conclude if JAKS is bad or good


2019-06-26 15:26 | Report Abuse

Sslee u r leaving stupid ppl like stupid fatimah hanging...

To conclude what u have started else ppl like stupid fatimah won't know what to do Stuck between heaven n hell

Have a conclusion on what hv been answered and what else to email in


2019-06-26 14:43 | Report Abuse

Sslee do a review of ur questions to see which have been answered sebelum u email in


2019-06-26 14:40 | Report Abuse

Sslee jz wants to exert his authority not interested in the answers

Klau betul nak buy la 10 syer Sslee so u become legit to email in


2019-06-26 14:38 | Report Abuse

Semua pun got it n understand above posts except si bodoh blur sotong fatimah tu Fu*k u fatimah si bodoh!


2019-06-26 12:22 | Report Abuse

This is Sarifah come from the bottom of the heart most sincere opinion of u


Take note of it for ur own good


2019-06-26 12:14 | Report Abuse

U r the worst kind

Bodoh x tahu sendiri bodoh

Lagi pandai jealous

Hopeless si bodoh blur sotong la u


2019-06-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

Seriously u r ultimate stupid bodoh

Sarifah no time for u

U pergi jauh jauh si bodoh


2019-06-26 11:53 | Report Abuse

Sarifah posts r too intelligent r not meant for u si bodoh blur sotong


2019-06-26 11:51 | Report Abuse

Yg pandai kan faham

Yg bodoh mcm u x la

Hopeless la u Si blur sotong


2019-06-26 11:11 | Report Abuse

Sarifah kini juga tahu mana Advance payment from contractor comes from


2019-06-26 09:42 | Report Abuse

Sarifah tetap berjiwa IPP tetap unapologetic angkuh dan liar.


2019-06-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

Write in to that IPP Technical Manager that is key

Ask abt the whole IPP

Klau capacity payment is in fact P&C u can do sensitivity study with a range


2019-06-26 09:36 | Report Abuse


While Steven tu stil give bullsh*t answers mcm dulu ALP is now aware shareholders skrg x sama yg dulu so u can cuba try to email ni


2019-06-26 09:31 | Report Abuse

Point yg Sarifah take home ialah completion date start counting from the date bila approval fr gomen was obtained seems to b valid n normal CP


2019-06-26 09:25 | Report Abuse

So sekelian do email in u punya specific question


2019-06-26 09:24 | Report Abuse

To b fair ALP did ask for specific questions though...


2019-06-26 09:23 | Report Abuse


Maybe cara tu need your style and maybe u punya certain pissed off looks to work

That uncle who followed up on ur questions was stunned into total silence bila ALP replied all ur questions had been answered earlier in the presentation


2019-06-26 09:17 | Report Abuse

Emmm.. u ada attend 2018 agm agak nya...

Tapi no harm to try again maybe don't ask so direct


2019-06-26 09:10 | Report Abuse

Sarifah tetap berjiwa IPP tetap unapologetic angkuh dan liar


2019-06-26 09:07 | Report Abuse

Sekelian yg ada attend taksiran taksiran Sarifah yg tersebut kat iatas betul x?


2019-06-26 08:57 | Report Abuse


Write in to that IPP Technical Manager

He appears a rather friendly uncle


2019-06-26 08:56 | Report Abuse

ALP can sense shareholders skrg x sama yg dulu Steven tu cannot


2019-06-26 08:51 | Report Abuse

On local construction contracts ALP sebut in passing all will b completed on time


2019-06-26 08:49 | Report Abuse

Impression Sarifah newly minted multi millionaire ALP is quitq ok to engage wit shareholders

Tapi bukan CFO Steven tu yg full of bullsh*t answers


2019-06-26 08:46 | Report Abuse

BOD didn't say yg ada questions can write in

Yg idea for BOD to reply email questions ni come sbb shareholder yg kacak handsome yg diallowed the last question has indicated to the BOD sbb ada byk questions lagi tapi masa dah x ada so hope shareholders can write in to JAKS by email and requested that JAKS do reply and ALP didn't shoot down the request

So best u write in yourself DK66


2019-06-26 08:42 | Report Abuse


Management won't cos ALP dah kata all Sslee questions have been answered bila JAKS bikin presentation pd mula nya

U kena write in


2019-06-26 08:40 | Report Abuse

Jun or Aug 2020 as completion date is counting from the date bila the last building plan changes approval was issued by the gomen agencies


2019-06-26 08:35 | Report Abuse

Converting Tower C from residential to commercial bikin the master building terbalik upside down ni la yg caused the delay in the completion date again n again

U say salah siapa ni u say?


2019-06-26 08:30 | Report Abuse

On the dispute dgn Star

ALP says it is all abt when is the starting point of the SPA to start counting the number of days to arrive at the due date

JAKS has taken the stand that it is from the date bila all the gomen approvals dah diobtain tapi Star pulak x setuju saying it is not

ALP says JAKS x control the gomen agencies so JAKS cannot b held responsible klau agencies ni x issue approval for changes made to buildings plans requested by Star

ALP says the biggest change wanted by Star is to convert Tower C from residential to commercial as Star at one time nak beli Tower C juga


2019-06-26 08:15 | Report Abuse


There is a IPP Technical Manager handling the IPP Vietnam in JAKS

First thing he said ialah all the calculations by outsiders that he has seen so far is all wrong and sebernanya the return is better

Dia juga sebut the best thing is IPP Vietnam x generate electricity lansung after proving the available capacity

Best klau u boleh write in to him via email to clarify


2019-06-26 08:04 | Report Abuse

80m to 120m ni is for 30% equity


2019-06-26 08:03 | Report Abuse

Klau x salah Sarifah CFO sebut 80m to 120m

Sarifah assume the lower figure is due to higher initial interest cost in the beginning sbb yg interesting before saying this the CFO was going on and on on how IPP Vietnam will or already in the process of refinancing the debt to a lower interest one to increase the profit

Yg kena ingat is profit ni is of very high certainty as it is guaranteed by the federal gomen


2019-06-17 08:26 | Report Abuse

Don't want to discourag or excuse but Sarifah kat Phuket now for a week too relax to focus so edkfc baik klau u can email in tq


2019-06-11 10:47 | Report Abuse

Boleh ask u punya source apa status all d other packages selain D43?

Klau x salah Sarifah under sewerage projek KL ada packages sampai D60 ke apa


2019-06-11 09:23 | Report Abuse

Klau x salah Sarifah all the sewerage projects kat KL cannot be completed on time due to land issues etc and some hv been extended to end 2020


2019-06-11 09:05 | Report Abuse

More details kindly


2019-06-11 08:26 | Report Abuse

Tapi foundation laid klau nak more info or confirmation sekelian kena attend AGM la


2019-06-11 08:24 | Report Abuse

Secret agent DK66 berundur upon mission accomplished?


2019-06-10 11:03 | Report Abuse


Cik pergi ke AGM?


2019-06-10 08:56 | Report Abuse

Attend AGM tu bagus tapi bukan setakat go to see muka ALP je yg lebih penting what to ask

For best effect mungkin sekelian can post dan kumpul the questions to ask kat sini dulu


2019-06-08 13:36 | Report Abuse


Can any tom dick harry calvin tan just can go to Vietnam to sign MOU utk beli solar IPP mcm tu je?

No need x payah ke to show proof of funds? Vendor x tanya ke can u show me the money?

And so it is interesting....


2019-06-02 15:53 | Report Abuse

Ya klau la can solve cara reasonable dan friendly bagus la tu

Tapi apa la daya Star yg start big law suit dulu

Talk.. can

Fight... can

Bully... over ALP dead body


2019-06-02 09:25 | Report Abuse

Ya ni ada crossed Sarifah mind

Tapi auditors have agreed to still show the late interest as contingent liability kat AR even after the BG was released

Lagi pun ada lawyer kat BOD Jaks

Court x consider sgt time extension bila bicara BG dulu kut


2019-06-01 16:53 | Report Abuse

Kan Jaks da bilang byk kali da delay is due to Star being fickle minded hari ni mcm ni esok mcm tu

100 VO

Mcm mana nak complete?

Jaks is formalising its claims wit a legal suit

Ada basis




2019-05-31 17:38 | Report Abuse

Makin interesting..

The Board of Directors of Jaks Resources Berhad (“JRB”) or the “Company”) wishes to inform that the Company and its subsidiary JAKS Island Circle Sdn. Bhd. (“JIC”) has on 30 May 2019 filed a claim against STAR at the Kuala Lumpur High Court for breach of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 19 August 2011 (“SPA”) entered into between STAR and JIC.


The Company and JIC are claiming against STAR the following reliefs:- 


1.  a declaration that the Completion Period for JIC to deliver STAR’s entitlement under the SPA is on 20 June 2020;


2.  a declaration that STAR has breached the SPA;


3.  a declaration that STAR is unjustly enriched;


4.  the sum of RM248,242,987.62 to be paid to JIC as liquidated and ascertained damages;


5.  the sum of RM297,035,481.00 to be paid to JRB as loss of proceeds from corporate fund raising exercises;


6.  the sum of RM50,000,000-00 together with all interests and all related costs incurred thereto pursuant to the Bank Guarantees that is to be refunded and/or returned to JIC within 7 days from the date of the Court Order; and


7.  damages. 


The Company will make further announcement on the developments of the above matter as and when necessary.


This announcement is dated 31 May 2019.


2019-05-31 16:00 | Report Abuse

Si mati pucuk u makan musing king je la harga skrg murah 38 per kg je


2019-05-31 15:59 | Report Abuse

Kebiasanya yg dah mati pucuk yg asik bring up this thing menunjuk nunjuk

U lagi can ke? Or only lip service?

Jgn over promised
