
selesa2020 | Joined since 2020-08-26

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2021-03-05 12:26 | Report Abuse

It's Friday and coupled by Dow's slide, still showed green this morning, considered above average d.


2021-03-03 11:44 | Report Abuse

Those cowards who sold this low, sure regret.


2021-03-03 11:43 | Report Abuse

USA encourages covid 19 return... Lifted lockdown restrictions, no mask, economy resume full swings like precovid. Then US tourists go to UK, EU, Aus, Nz, Brazil, Asia , spread the Brazil & SA variants. By then maybe MYS going through MCO 99.0


2021-03-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

Soon 3.1, 4.10, 5.10 and all the way to moon.


2021-03-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Boss 2.10 coming


2021-03-03 06:05 | Report Abuse

BBC News - Coronavirus: moves to lift mask mandate and lift Covid rules


2021-03-02 19:03 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 variants pose 'real threat' to vaccine progress, CDC warns -


2021-03-01 22:40 | Report Abuse

Bunch of jokers in the mgmt team.


2021-03-01 22:40 | Report Abuse

Talking about derivative, you could cross check how KLK could squeeze over 1xx mil profit in their oleo chemical operation in q4 alone, why sop combined only 45? Come on, cpo price in Q4 near 1k margin per tonne, compared to Q3. If not now when? Wait till cpo drop back to 1.8k then talk profit ? Apa lah...


2021-03-01 22:36 | Report Abuse

Boss, if measure mgmt by profitability , I would say UP is > 2x more capable than sop. Up with land bank of 40 ha, their profits always 2x or higher than this East MYS snail.


2021-02-25 18:30 | Report Abuse

Danny, I'm also thinking to move elsewhere, perhaps TG more appropriate for long term. This naive or stingy comfort mgmt, haiz, just sitting there, waiting for sky to drop, even if declare dividen, i doubt will be good.


2021-02-23 09:13 | Report Abuse

Wow!glove making a comeback...


2021-02-22 18:55 | Report Abuse

Harap Rakyat akan berhati-hati dan memilih kaunter saham yang lebih selamat dan berasaskan kekuatan sebenar.

This is what we are here for...


2021-02-19 18:09 | Report Abuse

Sure or not loban, there are tonnes of report said the otherwise.


2021-02-19 11:46 | Report Abuse

Ya, o&g already ran two mths back.. haiz... DAYANG Tak sayang, hibic now turned into rose, with thorn, so better don't touch now.. Tech, well, it's matter of time those greedy people got trap there.


2021-02-18 17:51 | Report Abuse

Another thing is, the first batch vaccine going to touch down this weekend. People just panic.. haiz... Such a joke.


2021-02-17 07:08 | Report Abuse

Looking ahead, Kossan expects demand for gloves to continue to exceed supply in FY21.

“Post-pandemic, the demand for gloves will continue to undergo secular growth as a result of increased healthcare standards and hygiene awareness in the medical and non-medical sectors. With our new incoming capacity and efficiency improvements, the group expects the gloves division to deliver an even stronger performance in FY2021,” it added.


2021-02-16 12:31 | Report Abuse

*Police reminder to all Malaysians that must be read by everyone.*

*We all, whether in the city or in the countryside, should know the situation.*

*After the movement order is withdrawn in part / completely.*

*We must be responsible citizens in following traffic rules and be proactive in protecting ourselves and our belongings.*

*A large number of people out there, have lost their jobs and sources of income and have not had much income or money all this time, so there may be a crime scene that will happen suddenly due to job loss or its impact on business.*

*1. People should be careful including people at home, children, school and college men / women, working women / men.*

*2. Do not wear expensive watches*

*3. Do not wear chains, bracelets, earrings with caution with your handbag.*

*4. Men should not wear expensive watches, bracelets and expensive chains.*

*5. Be careful using your mobile phone in public. Try to reduce the use of mobile in public for fear of being snatched and run away.*

*6. Do not take the elevator with strangers.*

*7. Do not bring more money than you need.*

*8. Make sure your credit and debit cards are secure while you travel.*

*9. Keep calling home at any time to check on the welfare of your parents, wife and children.*

*10. Guide the elderly and people in the home while keeping a safe distance from the main door, if possible, make sure the main door of the house is locked so that it is not approached either to receive packages or letters.*

*11. Guide the children home as soon as possible.*

*12. Do not take remote or shortcuts to get home, try and use the Main Road to the maximum.*

*13. Children when you are outside need to observe your surroundings.*

*14. There is always an emergency number on hand.*

*15. Keep a safe distance from people.*

*16. Most people will wear masks . The introduction will be different.*

*17. Those using the taxi service please share your travel information with your parents, siblings, relatives, friends or guardians. There are fears of kidnapping to get ransom.*

*18. Try and use the Government public transport system.*

*19. Avoid congested buses.*

*20. While going for your daily walk, try and go around 6.00 am, at maximum night finish at 8.00 pm using the main road. Avoid empty roads.*

*20. Do not spend too much time in malls, beaches and parks.*

*21. If Children must attend tuition classes let adults or parents come down and invite.*

*22. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle.*

*23. Do not open the front gate and sweep outside.*

*Do not open the front door and talk to neighbours.*

*This should be followed for at least 4 months or until the overall situation improves.*

*Share with everyone you CARE for ...*

*Ask all authorities to issue notifications in the best interests of our country.*



2021-02-16 12:28 | Report Abuse

Ya, I totally agreed with Danny, investors thought as if the whole world needless to pay off their debts , due to covid aids. Then investors so optimistic about pre Covid era now. Haiz... Don't celebrate too son yet, how effective the vaccines in long run yet to be seen.


2021-02-15 10:31 | Report Abuse

Danny, the comparison already tell the truth. Both are overly manipulated. Still far far away from reaching pre Covid normality. If tech not getting the earnings as per those manipulators, then, the money will park somewhere with solid earnings.


2021-02-12 00:20 | Report Abuse

Haiya, if this counter no hope, people see 6 mths ahead, sure drop to rm1 and below by now. Same applies to all glove counters. Don't be fool by the IBs, it will rebound, might not be so high like before. Comfort MGMT do nothing at all, such greedy creatures. Declarelah bonus shares... I've been waiting from last year... How long need to wait? Till cow comes home?


2021-02-04 22:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo, wukong listen to BBc and CNN news , experts already said the PPE still needed after vaccinations , the whole world , am afraid , to have to live this way for a long long time.


2021-01-27 16:10 | Report Abuse

Cases drop, show us the real statistics... Even it dropped, due to lockdown.


2021-01-26 09:56 | Report Abuse

IBs sell down again..


2021-01-26 09:54 | Report Abuse

Moderna Vaccine claimed to work against new variants of Covid 19


2021-01-22 13:57 | Report Abuse

Not game over yet...


2021-01-21 09:27 | Report Abuse

Positive vaccine news not suppose to derail the glove counters , it should turbo boost it instead. These investors, I don't understand...


2021-01-19 11:55 | Report Abuse

Given bank gonna revise down interest soon, I think not many counters IBs could choose now. So which companies could make money in this very difficult time?


2021-01-16 10:56 | Report Abuse

Looking at the current rate of infections, I wonder the world economy could start its recovery , if not getting worse, by late summer of this year.


2021-01-16 10:53 | Report Abuse

Vaccines hype, haiz, there is a new variant of Covid from Brazil, till now Scientists are clueless if the vaccines available could defeat them.


2021-01-14 17:24 | Report Abuse

Like Donald Duck, make the most noise...


2021-01-14 09:08 | Report Abuse

Apa ni, short selling again, despite all the positives from PPE sector. No logic..


2021-01-11 22:25 | Report Abuse

Engine sop ini Tak kuat langsung.. bagilah turbo..


2021-01-11 22:24 | Report Abuse

Tough la this counter, CPO price consistently over 3.5 k for many weeks still not touching 5. When cpo price drops slightly, then panic run. Apalah ni. Ini mcm bila sampai ke Bulan boss?


2021-01-11 07:09 | Report Abuse

The reason why Supermax can make more EPS in every quarter than any of its peers is because it has its own brand and sale outlets in many cities in US and in many other countries around the world. Smaller glove makers cannot sell their glove at higher price than Supermax because they have to sell their gloves through agents or middle men.

To be very safe and sure of making money, I assume the company does not increase its selling price for the whole financial year.

Its annual EPS will be 4 X 30.58 sen = Rm 1.22

To be very safe and easily achievable I based on PE 10, my target price will be Rm 12.20.

The last traded price was Rm 7.30 per share

-------> by Apek KYY.


2021-01-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

Walau eh, unable to make up your mind shark , just book BMW, M8 better. Needless second thought.


2021-01-08 12:56 | Report Abuse

Danny, your wish answered.


2021-01-07 16:28 | Report Abuse

Hold on tight for the bumpy ride, hope no crash landing.


2021-01-07 14:06 | Report Abuse

Sifu, you sure RM1.5k per mt? With windfall tax and ever increasing labor cost and materials, it could only easing closer to 2k. 1.5k , maybe that is the time when robots have taken over the Indon workers.


2021-01-07 14:04 | Report Abuse

What making this counter sad is, no shark wanna come.. haizz.. only few anchovies here waiting, almost meaningless... WTH!


2021-01-07 10:02 | Report Abuse

Wow, Camry dream closer .. go go go...


2021-01-06 20:19 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, fund exited from banks' counters will redirect back to glove... Go go go...


2021-01-05 10:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, no loss, win a Camry...


2021-01-04 11:57 | Report Abuse

I would say, the otherwise, regreting for not added more.