
sharemarket21 | Joined since 2020-08-17

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2022-10-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

Expected hibernating and going back to where it should belongs. When the process is complete, you might see a new level. Let's wait for the few indicators and CWs expired first.


2022-10-15 11:25 | Report Abuse

Read and follow and dont be clumsy.


2022-10-15 11:21 | Report Abuse

You roasted snake head and stop talking first. Let others to comment. Yeah why not 1 and 8 ? You are not sharp most the time. Must read first and follow closely.


2022-10-15 11:19 | Report Abuse

And talk to your tree first. Do you know what is the real world being 4 head snake out there?


2022-10-15 11:17 | Report Abuse

5.90 ? Roasting from 4.5 above? Stop talking snake head. Stop being busy body and do your 4 heads snake and BBM job here.


2022-10-15 10:45 | Report Abuse

Both indicators are pointing down. Probably going to be another tiring performance next Monday. World Covid-19 normalizing and it takes a while before any steady funds flowing back into Bursa. Watch closely if RM start appreciating, Bursa value gradually back to 2B, oil price consolidating and China opening up the economy in full force. Ought to take note any of these factors. Last but not least before and after GE.


2022-10-14 20:25 | Report Abuse

When the pump and dump gone wrong.....


2022-10-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

Although double positive news, the stock shows no urgency anymore and little impact. The little men group can't move without any retailers interest. Sign of hibernation and consolidation phasing.


2022-10-14 13:10 | Report Abuse

I3 have been doing a good job. Now it's getting better quality ahead. Kudos ! Have been cussed by the same group for sometimes here. Hopefully IP banning and other methods are working well and consistently going forward.


2022-10-13 23:02 | Report Abuse

Should have sold above 6 or 5 and dont even average until now, then peaceful. Hopefully 4 fortress is still holding on strong and if not, more drama here. I3 also shaking their heads after done such a good job and have to bear with this now.


2022-10-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

Back and forth and let's be prepared for the fortress to be taken down again after months.


2022-10-13 11:56 | Report Abuse

Exactly just continue to do your own 4 heads snake and BBM job here. What's the trouble. Everyone have a role. Just focus and bash and praise all you want.


2022-10-13 11:48 | Report Abuse

Contango trading soon. Let's watch closely and see if this is happening soon.


2022-10-13 11:47 | Report Abuse

Seize the moment if the current price have landed, bash and praise all you want. Until the next time, it might be your turn. What's wrong. Crying and whinning denying for what excuses here ? As far as this stock is concerned in this particular room and at this moment, it's disastrous ! Cant handle then dont make comments repeatedly in open forum. This is not tag team in public room when your losses are someone gains. Get real and wait for your moment. Who knows the next day it will limit up, then bash all you want then and relate to the past and previous comments. Still BBM gang talking here?


2022-10-13 11:36 | Report Abuse

It's 4.08 and factual. From 7 - 4, it's factual too. Damages done. And the rest, substantiate with facts and previous comments if it' real. All kept nicely. Otherwise it's hearsay. Everyone care to read in public room. Wrong and just admit and move on. What's the trouble here. I3 have done a good job so far.


2022-10-13 10:56 | Report Abuse

Back and forth trading and until you believe that's the opportunity, you might realized it's too late. Anyway let's keep observing and if there is another 1 or 2 opportunities still.


2022-10-13 10:52 | Report Abuse

The big boys played out the little men and followers at the right timing and best opportunities. Everyone caught off guard but big boys are the champ still. Also dont forget about the HY CWs. That's total loss.


2022-10-13 10:45 | Report Abuse

Dont listen so much to those who have led some of you into this state. The good and genuine won't even bother coming here to share the potential profits and pumping nonsense day and night. Dozens of justifications prior or during the accumulation process but just one or two words upon harvesting. Silent mode. To avoid domino effect so that whoever can cash out first at the right timing is the biggest winner. This already a general and common knowledge but must continue to remind some sillies, newbies and the unfortunates especially a few cult followers to avoid the same mistake in future. A stock without proper coverage, no fund managers participation, not under retailers radar. Stock market behaviour changes and latest Bursa sentiment. Yes this is the outcome when the music trading is about to end and setting into hibernating zone soon. Perhaps it will make a comeback one day but again buying at 6,5, 4.50 4 and below 4 are not the same investment result. Invest and trade wisely in this trying time and uncertainty.


2022-10-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

Well done to those who dare 4.03 and sold whatever price and profits into your pocket. Champ!


2022-10-12 14:57 | Report Abuse

Soon. Back and forth is almost there.


2022-10-12 14:49 | Report Abuse

4.03 you are the super champ ! If you happened to be the man with low volume traded ! Remember to cash out and that's all for now.


2022-10-12 12:18 | Report Abuse

Wait for another 1 or 2 days and we shall see how and where is this contango trading heading. Remember the whole idea is to wait for the lowest and only make some quick decisions.


2022-10-12 11:55 | Report Abuse

Lots of drama, dummy from existing ID and don't listen and follow so much. Opening up a new line and chapter. Out from no where after the cleaning up.


2022-10-12 10:59 | Report Abuse

Now let's focus on the price trading range. 3.93-4.03 is approaching. You dare, you go for it. Back and forth for one final round. 2 days later could be a better pricing. Your loss is my gain in this trying time.


2022-10-12 10:20 | Report Abuse

If I3 have really implemented the IP detection and banning or did something, you can find out who is the main culprit in this room. Usually they ban the commenter aka cusser as well. Those who did not turn up here then we know who is the real sore loser. Let's see if this is working. Nonetheless well done to I3 admin team once more. At least for a while.


2022-10-12 10:02 | Report Abuse

Everyone is trying to outsmart many here and start talking nonsense but when the share price failed miserably, there comes the characters. You have to know how good you are before making repeatedly strong comment in public room. Take an example like our friend here. 4.60, strong upside 4.44 ,4.24 4.12 4.16. Still high IQ ? Roasterating for so long...Humble pie sometimes unless you are really good. Just stating facts.


2022-10-12 09:37 | Report Abuse

Big thumbs up to I3 team. At least 2 days free of nuisance coming from the same group of commenters and cussers here. Hopefully IP detection and banning are in place. A little better room quality now. We can go after the little boys here from now.


2022-10-11 19:37 | Report Abuse

It's okay so long you are happy, laughing and able to settle down.


2022-10-11 19:11 | Report Abuse

Today's volume might lead you to another level. This is hostile trading due to sudden GE announcement. Let's wait for the trading range again and reconsider a fresh decision. It might accelerate the process now.


2022-10-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Force selling. Expected and cashing out each spike is not wrong. Let's wait 3.93-4.03 but watch closely this time.


2022-10-11 11:07 | Report Abuse

Stop listening to those who keep repeating nonsense. Price entry is all matter. When you repeated too long and the worse keeps going, that's why you get a good bashing. Again judgement day at this moment.


2022-10-11 11:01 | Report Abuse

Expected the pricing and just to make it straight. It's all about personal collection when it's just way too long in the industry.


2022-10-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

For those who care to read and follow closely. Well done that you did not buy at 6, 5 and above 4.50 too. Double thumbs up if you managed to cash out. Preserve your capital and let's squeeze harder and see if this still worth the investment. Force selling today as well.


2022-10-11 09:32 | Report Abuse

As expected Bursa value no where to be seen and lack of reinforcement. Coupled with news of GE around the corner, RM lowest depreciation, oil fluctuation and world market leader Covid-19 normalizing. It could be just a matter of time a few stocks will submerge and back to where it belongs. Be resilient and keep aimimg for the best entry price.


2022-10-09 13:46 | Report Abuse

Told you not to buy high and cash out but stubborn. Now hiding behind cussing all nonsense like a rat. Not even dare to comment with your own profile ID. This is only temporary level and more to come.


2022-10-09 12:58 | Report Abuse

All the cracking sniffing nonsense day and night since 7. BBM gang disregard and refused to acknowledge it's 4.36 now.


2022-10-09 12:54 | Report Abuse

A bunch of BBM gang talking here. Justifying as it is 6.36 now. Damage already done and should have stopped even a general thing.


2022-10-09 10:50 | Report Abuse

It's okay to post factual and previous comments. Damage already over done and someone have gained or realised their return from your paper losses. It's okay to expose so that more investors and readers are well aware and understand some investment and trading tactics. Although it looks like a genuine investment but actually a form of scamming too. The radar is just too small. Understand the stock market behaviour too. One way traffic comment can bring total disaster as what you are seeing now and other sectors. Yes of course it might or might not make a comeback but again buying at the highest, middle and lower are different things altogether. Your gain are someone loss end of the day.


2022-10-08 13:31 | Report Abuse

There is no noble job here. All is correlated and one to another. The one who might closed to noble award could be the monk but has to live under the bridge. Still you have to find out what's the past story first.


2022-10-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

Conveniently targeting unpopular stock with no influential market segment, no early readers and research coverage and turned it into pump and dump music chair short trading. Making use all channels selling the idea or brainwashing that this is fundamentally strong stock with good prospects long term. Well this is the end result you are seeing now. This is commodities linked perception stock and sector. Period. Disregarding the stock market behaviour, risk management and continued to lure sillies, newbies and existing investors and traders averaging and buy high every level with ' No one forced you to buy dumbers ' disclaimer when things turned horribly wrong. Just look at the few cussers reaction here. Cult followers and BBM gang characteristics not ? For some this is a place to relax, share ideas and craps but for a few groups, this room is their workplace or a profession and earn a living. The one you received from random caller and messages. Not ? Welcome to the stock market.


2022-10-08 12:02 | Report Abuse

It's 4.36 and not 7.36 or 6.36 and 5.36. Damage already done. Lots of stake here and need all sort of tricks and nasty ways to lure even the tiny fish into the burning pond. That's how it works in stock market and now in this particular room. The only social media and channel to spread news from one to another. No one will say anything if this is just a fraction off the top. But this stock performance is total disaster at the current price. Speak out and comment with all factual and yes of course the BBB gang will defnitely do everything to prevent reputation being tarnish because there will be another music chair pump and dump stock in the pipeline when the time comes. Once you lost that, the impact and influential will be less effective. Yeah, must swear and curse at the right direction and group although there will be consequences. But just simply use this at the wrong target and timing, it's aint worth it.


2022-10-07 13:36 | Report Abuse

It's okay to cut and paste previous comments here if it's all factual. If one cannot accept and take the heat. Stop commenting about the share price performance and direction in public forum repeatedly. No point do magic explanation here. Praise and bash you all want with factual and the current price sentiment. One way traffic and ticket to the Netherlands can cause total damage in stock market.


2022-10-07 10:59 | Report Abuse

One of the highest volume due for force selling today and the next day. And also one of the lowest value Bursa recorded that day. Let's see how well this can absorb by end of the first and second session.


2022-10-07 10:44 | Report Abuse

Cash out each spike and another spike if have entered at the right timing for a short ride. Strong technical world market and oil recovery have passed and little impact for further incline. Now looking forward to where it started several weeks ago. There must be a reason the big boys pushed to that trading range 4 - 4.13 ( 3.93-4.03 ). Back and forth trading or be patient if you are planning for technical short term accumulation. Best bet will be the next QR. That could be a short period of hype if there is no further strong indicators showing Bursa is back on track and attract following through supporters. What if lousy numbers ? Buying at 6, 5, 4 and below 4 are not the same. Your current careless paper losses are someone gains now.


2022-10-06 13:39 | Report Abuse

Now this make sense. Yup 2nd or last work decent and hard but self claimed first but do scam job. Don't foul mouth no more okay. Spare you this time.


2022-10-06 12:01 | Report Abuse

A bunch of BBM gang, flip flopper and scammer competing now. All thrashes in this room. Just because of the price stagnant.


2022-10-06 12:00 | Report Abuse

That is for you cult follower and BBM gang standard code here. What cracker sniffing and nonsense. Talking as it is 5.30.


2022-10-06 11:57 | Report Abuse

Post price action flip flop scammer. That's why we bash you thrash here.


2022-10-06 11:55 | Report Abuse

Flip flopper and changed tune garbage. First major in scamming is it ? Or distinctive in foul mouth cussing family college ?


2022-10-06 11:52 | Report Abuse

A bunch of BBM gang post price action nonsense talk. Sell and cash out each spike. Wait for the soft landing and only decide your position. Recent spike are related to world market and oil movement. There is nothing fundamental until you see the 4 major indicators. There must be a reason the big boys visited the that range. Stay focus and get the lowest entry you want before the major swing which might go either way.