
stockwinner | Joined since 2017-03-16

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2020-12-21 18:54 | Report Abuse


Supermax is incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary in Delaware, the home to U.S. President Biden.

Where is Delaware?

The main residence of U.S. President Biden is in located in Wilmington, Delaware.

U.S. President Biden was graduated from University of Delaware.

He was a senator for Delaware.

He was partially raised in Delaware as a kid.

His wife and daughter were buried in a Church in Delaware.


2020-12-21 18:16 | Report Abuse


Yes, Supermax is incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary in Delaware, the home to U.S. President Biden.

Supermax has a bigger vision to work with the U.S. Government in expanding the PPE manufacturing and distribution in the President's home state.

Sky is the limit for Supermax.

Well done.


2020-12-21 16:33 | Report Abuse

Up Up Go Go

LKL will fly soon


2020-12-21 13:32 | Report Abuse


Given the uncertainties for the Covid stain or mutation, which is spreading fast in Europe now,

The bankruptcies will emerge as the new theme in businesses.

The more they short against Covid proof counters (Supermax) , the heavier they fall.

Common sense, basic economics 101.

Short selling on glove counters won't really happen.

Instead, we will soon see the panic buy on glove counters as the prospect is brighter than the debt-ridden sectors, such as Aviation, Constructions, O&G, Plantations, Tourism etc etc etc.


2020-12-21 13:29 | Report Abuse


Given the uncertainties for the Covid stain or mutation, which is spreading fast in Europe now,

The bankruptcies will emerge as the new theme in businesses.

The more they short against Covid proof counters (Supermax) , the heavier they fall.

Common sense, basic economics 101.

Short selling on glove counters won't really happen.

Instead, we will soon see the panic buy on glove counters as the prospect is brighter than the debt-ridden sectors, such as Aviation, Constructions, O&G, Plantations, Tourism etc etc etc.


2020-12-20 21:54 | Report Abuse


If you are to start an UNBIASED analysis,

Dont not start it with "i Think..." or "i Believe that..."

It's more like your own opinion.


2020-12-20 21:29 | Report Abuse


Soon the orderbook for medical gloves will be full until 2025.

Case increase, hospitals know the supply will face further shortage. So they will pre-order more (hoarding the order)

Rainy day, rubber also shortage. ASP will raise further. Hospitals will hoard more orders to prevent service disruption (No gloves, hospital business cannot run, Doc Nurses strike)

Profit will increase >Billions for supermax.


2020-12-20 21:18 | Report Abuse


Tomorrow likely the turn for large fund/institutions panic Buy.

With so many Cases out of sudden worldwide and mutations.

No body dare to short sell PPE.

Rugi sampai mati if short sell.

All wants Buy low on gloves now.

Huat Huat tomorrrow.


2020-12-19 14:25 | Report Abuse

1. Medical Disposable (Medical gloves) = Necessities for the medical personnel (for Protection of their LIFE - All people are afraid of Covid infection).

2. Consumers (Hospitals) will buy good quality medical gloves regardless of the higher ASP (less sensitive to price change due to stringent SOP of procurement and liability risk).

3. Demands of Malaysia medical exam gloves are always running ahead of its supplies (Hospitals need quality medical gloves from Malaysia, and our rubber and nitrile gloves are among the best in the world - are facing huge supply shortage even before Covid. Our producers are price maker because of higher quality products).

4. Producers from the likes of China or India or Europe are unable to compete with Malaysia producers because they don't have the first hand supply of the main ingredient (Fresh Natural Rubber), Relationships with local rubber suppliers, production capabilities and technologies (TG, Harta, Supermax and Kossan has the dominance in the market), and Cost competitive (We employed cheapest work force from Bangladesh and Nepal and has the first hand supplies of high quality rubber).

5. Producers from neighboring countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are also unable to compete with Malaysian producers because the aforementioned advantages, PLUS Malaysia producers owns many glove factories there, has a long history and REPUTATION for High Quality Gloves (Not to mention the sales and distribution networks and RELATIONSHIPS with the buyers and suppliers).

6. Most, if not all hospitals will require medical gloves for the administration of vaccines (With exception of a few who are not kiasi i.e. Not afraid of cross infection). I personally made friends with doctors who don't like to use condom.

7. The vaccines are produced by another Public Listed Companies, conflict of interest. You can't trust businessman these days, can you?

8. I am not an anti-vaxxer , but i am all but against EXPRESS vaccines (rushed jobs usually having high correlation with low quality).

9. In the industry, our medical gloves are equivalent to the iPhone in smartphone industry - High Quality, Reputable, Trusted, Dependable, Secured. Doesn't matter how expensive, buyers (Hospitals) will always prefer our gloves.

10. Supermax will shoot past RM10 anytime soon from now, in my honest opinion.


2020-12-18 22:00 | Report Abuse

.Bond Bond Bond.

Stockwinner success formula on Superman,

<RM7.5 Buy
>RM9.5 Sell

Foreign James Bond are buying.

P.S. Big Apple is watching this thread.


2020-12-18 21:00 | Report Abuse

Next monday we shall see Superman fly again.

P.S. Big Apple is watching this thread.


2020-12-18 20:58 | Report Abuse

PRKCORP still can go up further on Monday.

Cipat cipat beli sikit simpan laci.

As long as it doesnt hit RM1

No limit up lo

Tarak beli mesti rugi.


2020-12-18 20:53 | Report Abuse


Spot on!

Next wed come my hse Yum sheng

Still in CH minum tea tarik strawberry


2020-12-18 15:28 | Report Abuse


The Goreng Cycle will soon be BACK!

SELL Recovery Stocks (All Time HIGH Bankruptcy-ridden),

BUY Gloves (Fundamental $$Billions of profits)



2020-12-17 20:19 | Report Abuse


and Buy low sell high.

Supermax already at its lowest.

The golden chance for you to collect low now.

People taking EPF future money to buy food.

Bankrupcies haunting businesses.

Chill with supermax.


2020-12-17 20:14 | Report Abuse

Hello there.

Lose money don't curse people la.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Sometimes you breakeven.

Supermax is known for its explosive earning capabilities and explosive price gain.

Up down up down.

People come and go.

As long as you dont contra.

As long as bankrupcy theme still in play,

Companies with good fundamental will shine in the long run.

Stockwinner made hell lot of money with its warrants.

As long as you dont play contra.


2020-12-16 15:00 | Report Abuse

Possible to close at >+10% oe even +20%

Its now or never.


2020-12-16 11:03 | Report Abuse


I think it's about:

1. Response to investors' question about the decision of SBB instead of dividend to shareholders.

2. They have no intention for share split in near term.

3. The demand is huge and they are expanding organically.


2020-12-16 10:48 | Report Abuse


The game has changed.

Some IB sell down, other IB will buy up immediately (Buy low)

The new game of IB is spreading the sentiments of recovery (which in reality, more bankruptcy).

Many businesses closed down.

Airline, Constructions, O&G, Plantation generally losing money/ profit erosion.

People struggle for Food - Withdraw EPF money to buy Food - Where got recovery.

Don't get trapped here and there.

You will end up being poorer.

Stay with recession proof counters.

Gloves businesses are making billions.


2020-12-16 10:26 | Report Abuse


Who knows...

Who are those buyers today?

You know, i know.


2020-12-16 10:18 | Report Abuse


Trend reversed.

Die die hold lo.

See how the table turned


Mercator UP 20% overnight

Top Glove Supermax ~ +5%


2020-12-16 10:06 | Report Abuse

Strong buy volume.

Foreign/Local fund or SBB in action?

Stay Tuned.

Mean while,



2020-12-16 09:45 | Report Abuse

Shortie too busy to chase high now to cover their losses.

Mercator up 20% overnight.

Sending a strong signal for glove counters for a week long rebound.

Supermax might see >10% rebound today (supported by solid data analysis)


2020-12-16 00:49 | Report Abuse

Statistically speaking

(backed with coefficient statistics)

r=0.93, p=.001

Mercator Up, Supermax Up.

Mercator +20%, Supermax +>10%


2020-12-16 00:37 | Report Abuse


Jeng Jeng Jeng.

If Supermax rebounds 20% tomorrow,

Like Mercartor

My warrants will +60%


I am not a salted fish, i have a dream.


2020-12-16 00:04 | Report Abuse


Bunch of liers!

Mercator where got up 20% rebound ??

Dont MISLEAD people OK?

It's just 19.01%

19.01% ONLY!

NOT 20%!!


2020-12-15 17:20 | Report Abuse

Thanks to those who sell low earlier.

Let the past be the past.

Don't chase high ya.

It's a double edge sword.


2020-12-15 17:14 | Report Abuse

Buy buy buy.

Buy low (RM6.7) Sell high (RM9.6).

Better than chase high on bank counters la.

Buy for insurance.

What if our life can never return to normal again?


2020-12-15 17:11 | Report Abuse


When the dog (stockwhiner) stop barking, means someone feeding him food la.

As simple as that.

Move on la, bro.


2020-12-15 17:07 | Report Abuse


Stockwinner so famous here meh?

Stockwinner diam diam means something is brewing ma.

Why take it personal ma?

Buy sell buy sell normal ma.

Chill buddies.

Let the past be the past.

Huat together la.


2020-12-15 16:55 | Report Abuse


Yeah Million Thank to the Old man.

Huat ah


2020-12-15 16:36 | Report Abuse

Up Up Up

What a swing.

Warrant punters laugh to the banks

Steady bombibi


2020-12-15 15:11 | Report Abuse


Cool down brother.

Whatever you say,

Can't reverse the fact that your monnay is already in my pocket.

Life's unfair.

Move on la.


2020-12-15 14:28 | Report Abuse


High possibility of Strong rebound in the second half.

Mark me word.


2020-12-15 13:09 | Report Abuse


if u Sell Now = Buy High Sell Low (Dumberer).

if u Buy Now = Buy Low (Sell High Later).

Jeng Jeng Jeng


2020-12-15 11:49 | Report Abuse

Price stabilized.

Awaiting big fund to re-enter (Buy low)

Strong rebound anticipated.

Buy low Buy low now.

Siapa cipat dia lapat.

Jeng Jeng Jeng


2020-12-14 12:35 | Report Abuse

Finally see some green today.

Lose my underwear off chasing high on this mf.


2020-12-14 10:33 | Report Abuse

Stockwinner Sailang on Warrants

Jeng Jeng Jeng


2020-12-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

Take profit first.

Steady bom bibi


2020-12-14 09:00 | Report Abuse

Shopping Spree Begins !

3 2 1



2020-12-13 23:45 | Report Abuse

You dont say.

IB probably own most of the CW now.

Goreng a bit the mother, CW +50%

Think with your head.


2020-12-13 23:36 | Report Abuse


<RM7.5 Buy.
>RM9.5 Sell.

Warrants +20% to +50% if YoYo again.

Easy money.

Why headache arguing the things beyond your control?


2020-12-13 19:57 | Report Abuse

Stockwinner's prediction for tomorrow:

Red a few % first (Contra / panic player cut loss) , then green all the day (Institutions join).

Bellow RM7.5 always the greenlight to re-enter.

How many companies has the potential to make >Billion at this trying time?


2020-12-13 19:47 | Report Abuse


Buy and Keep gloves for rainy day.

Apart from goreng, Institutional investors will have to hedge against the uncertainties of prolonged covid outbreak and possible side effect of express vaccine.

Recession proof counters like Supermax will be a permanent holding for large funds.

In that sense, they dont lose big in case of prolonged pandemic (who knows, 5 years?)

Think like shark do.

Be a shark, not bilis.


2020-12-13 18:53 | Report Abuse


Wont happen.

Stockwinner is a well trained trader.

Read more about hedging and the art of cutting lost.

Thank me later.


2020-12-13 18:48 | Report Abuse


Re-entered bunch of CW on last Friday.

Queue low, got it.

This is the way (buy low sell high).


2020-12-13 18:44 | Report Abuse

Doesn't matter what other says.

No one can predict the share price.

But you can predict the pattern.

Up down Up down.

<RM7.5 buy
>RM9.5 sell

Warrants easily explode from +20% to +50%


2020-12-13 18:37 | Report Abuse

Be proactive.

<RM7.5 buy
>RM9.5 sell

Cant go wrong with this.

Stockwinner make hell lot of monnayy with the YoYo Theory.

RM7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10


2020-12-13 17:42 | Report Abuse

Any prices bellow RM7.5 represent opportunities to collect.

Based on YoYo theory and past trends:

<RM7.5 Buy
>RM9.5 Sell

Warrants easily +20% to +50% once it rebounds.

Easy money.


2020-12-13 14:00 | Report Abuse


Short to Middle term demand for gloves is guaranteed.

As for Long term demand for glove, too early to judge. We dont know.

Short to Middle demand for aviation, construction, tourism, O&G plantation, financial services = sure mati/death/low demand.

As for Long term demand for these sectors, what you say?