tbooi1168 | Joined since 2011-05-02

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Low

Attended numerous technical charting courses in town. Currently, still work as a Remisier (> 23 Years experience) in Malaysia. Competed in 2015 stock pick competition, made 129% gain in 12 months. I was the champion of 2015 stock pick competition in I3investor.com.





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2020-01-08 20:46 |

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2020-01-08 20:42 |

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2020-01-08 20:29 | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee,

I really do not care who talk bad about Jaks.

Using faked news to frighten or create fears among Jaks investors is not very fair here.
I hate to say that these 2 persons are someones that I had given due respect, I do not know these 2 persons are behaving so low to play such dirty technique. I lost my respect on them.
I feel sad to lose these type of friends here.

I knew that I am not suitable to be in I3 because I am too honest and too frank to people. I cannot stand people bully others especially DK66 and I hate people here to tell faked news about his report here. If they are so good, show us their reports to prove DK66 is wrong. So far, no one dare to prove DK66 is wrong.

Thank you.


2020-01-08 17:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Jan 8, 2020 4:52 PM | Report Abuse

I don't respect people like you either.
Bearing in mind, my children definitely doing better than your children, and I need to show proof.
Ans :
I had challenged you before, my children are not losing to you.
I had said that many times. I do not need any proof here.
Surely their income, together with incomes form their spouses with beat your children and their spouse (if married) flat.
Ans :
Tell them to challenge me, how much they earned ?
Do not talk nonsense here.


2020-01-08 16:57 | Report Abuse

I do not wish to wash all dirty things here.
I had indirectly indicated to you, do not simply spread faked news here.
I had my high respect on you, hence I do not want to challenge you.
Every time when the share price of Jaks drops, you come out and continue to spread faked news again in order to win this argument.

I stop here, no more answering your question.
I hope to gain back my respect on you.
Thank you.


2020-01-08 16:46 |

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2020-01-08 16:44 |

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2020-01-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

The late boss of YTLPower also do not have a good name for him initially.
Investors gave him a second chance.

I hope Andy Ang knows how to behave himself after this power plant is in operations.


2020-01-08 16:33 |

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2020-01-08 16:28 |

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2020-01-08 16:27 |

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2020-01-08 16:21 |

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2020-01-08 16:18 | Report Abuse

What more Jaks is only has 30% of Vietnam power project, Chinaman can simply ask Andy Ang to go fly kite. What can Andy do? Nothing man!
Chinaman has history as how to manipulate accounts, and to cheat on Malaysian Partners.
Jaks is no exception!

Ans :
This is faked news.
Hai Duong power plant is given to Jaks.
Jaks is the main contractor, CPECC is the sub-contractor.
Vietnam government only recognized agreement with Jaks not CPECC.

Twisting the facts to suit him.


2020-01-08 16:08 |

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2020-01-08 16:00 | Report Abuse

I bought 1.5 million shares of Jaks in last 2 trading days.
Did I buy them cheap ?


2020-01-08 15:57 |

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2020-01-08 15:33 |

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2020-01-08 14:59 | Report Abuse

All stocks also drop, you are also sad because your stock is also dropping unless you have zero stock now.
Attack Jaks also will not help your stock to go up.
No point to feel happy now.

Those can afford to lose, no worry, still sleep well.


2020-01-08 13:44 |

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2020-01-08 11:30 |

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2020-01-08 11:22 |

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2020-01-06 21:32 | Report Abuse

Base on TA, YTLPower chart is very beautiful.
I will use the same strategy to buy YTLPower share 6 months before its power plant starts produce electricity commercially.
Need to find out more information on its power plant.
Thank you.


2020-01-06 20:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by leapkcfy > Jan 6, 2020 5:16 PM | Report Abuse

Latest update by the local?

andry_ong https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=156538069016647&id=108...
Latest project update in veitnamese, basically the 1st unit will operate 1st week of April and will join to national grid on the 15may2020.

Posted by ok > Jan 6, 2020 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

and estimated 7.5 billion kwh output annually.

Ans :
Please refer to DK66's article below,

I just take a quick calculation on the net profit of Hai Duong power plant.
8.094 billion KWH = RM310 million.
7.5 billion KWH = RM 310/8.094*7.5 = RM 287 million.

Net profit for 2021 (Full production and 30% stake) = RM 287 million.
EPS = 287/643 = 0.446
Base on PER = 10, the target price of Jaks should be RM 4.46 in 2021.

This figure is even higher than my initial estimated net profit of RM 250 million in 2021.

Special thanks to DK66.
I always praise DK66 because he is the most knowledgeable person on Hai Duong power plant in Vietnam.
I admire his hard work and respect his kindness to share his knowledge in I3.
I never buy Jaks in 2016/7/8 until 8/10/2019, I buy Jaks because I trust DK66's report.
I spent almost 4 days to really digest all his reports, I am convinced that his postings are the most accurate one so far.
Please do not attack him unless you can prove that you are better than DK66.

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2020-01-06 20:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by leapkcfy > Jan 6, 2020 5:16 PM | Report Abuse

Latest update by the local?

andry_ong https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=156538069016647&id=108...
Latest project update in Veitnamese, basically the 1st unit will operate 1st week of April and will join to national grid on the 15may2020.

Posted by ok > Jan 6, 2020 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

and estimated 7.5 billion kwh output annually.

Ans :
Please refer to DK66's article below,

I just take a quick calculation on the net profit of Hai Duong power plant.
8.094 billion KWH = RM310 million.
7.5 billion KWH = RM 310/8.094*7.5 = RM 287 million.

Net profit for 2021 (Full production and 30% stake) = RM 287 million.
EPS = 287/643 = 0.446
Base on PER = 10, the target price of Jaks should be RM 4.46 in 2021.

This figure is even higher than my initial estimated net profit of RM 250 million in 2021.

Special thanks to DK66.
I always praise DK66 because he is the most knowledgeable person on Hai Duong power plant in Vietnam.
I admire his hard work and respect his kindness to share his knowledge in I3.
I never buy Jaks in 2016/7/8 until 8/10/2019, I buy Jaks because I trust DK66's report.
I spent almost 4 days to really digest all his reports, I am convinced that his postings are the most accurate one so far.
Please do not attack him unless you can prove that you are better than DK66.

Thank you.


2020-01-06 14:58 |

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News & Blogs

2020-01-06 00:16 |

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2020-01-06 00:10 | Report Abuse

Jaks is still an "up trending" stock, NO REASON TO CUT LOSS.
Base on TA, we cut loss if the stock is "down trending" stock.
Please read your chart clearly, the share price of Jaks is still very far higher than 70-day SMA.

"Down trending stock" - The left hand side is higher than right hand side.
"Up trending stock" - The right hand side is higher than left hand side.
Jaks is still an "up trending" stock.

Start of "up trending" - The share price breaks 3-month high (I used 70-days SMA for 3 month period). The share price must be higher than 70-day SMA.
Presently, the share price of Jaks is higher than 70-day SMA.
Hence Jaks is an "up trending" stock.

I worked as a Technical chart trainer for 10 years in Malaysia, China and Hong Kong. I conducted training course for students in these 3 countries.

Thank you.


2020-01-05 23:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by paktua73 > Jan 5, 2020 9:53 PM | Report Abuse

pjseow@This year, there are 3 companies with.investment in power plants which will go into commercial operations .There are mfcb. 80 % owned Don.Sahong , Jaks 30 or 40% owned Hai Dong and YTLP 45%
owned Attarac power plants respectively. Don Sahong PP is expected to go commercial in Q 1 while Jaks Hai Dong will go commercial in Q2 and Q3 respectively. The YTLP Attarac PP will go commercial in Q3. The prices of all these 3 stocks had moved up significantly in the last few months in.anticipation.of good earnings from these power plants. Jaks has the most informations from.DK and other Sifus,
Ans :
The share price of MFCB, Jaks and YTLPower had moved up significantly in last few months, they are facts and figures here.

The share price of MFCB had moved up from 3.73 (16/8/2019) to 5.15 (3/1/2020), total gain of 38% within 5 months.

The share price of Jaks had moved up from 0.825 (8/10/2019) to 1.25 (3/1/2020), total gain of 51% within 3 months.

The share price of YTLPower had moved up from 0.70 (16/12/2019) to 0.84 (3/1/2020), total gain of 20% within 2 weeks.

Note :
You cannot cheat all the people all the times.
Results showed.
Thank you.


2020-01-05 13:10 |

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2020-01-05 12:57 |

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2020-01-05 11:49 |

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2020-01-04 12:48 | Report Abuse

Dear DK66,
Those want to attack you or think that you are not honest, they must do a lot of homework backup by all good facts and figures to prove their statements.

Making any sweeping statement about you, please ignore them. They have the habit to post the article and delete them after you prove them wrong.
I suggest you do not waste your time with them. Let them win loh !!

Please do me a favour again, please study the power plant of YTLPower in Indonesia. This power plant will produce and sell electricity in the middle of 2020. It is right time to take a good look on this power plant again. The share price of YTLPower had gained 20% in last 2 weeks.

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 12:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by 筹码~ 我筹够了 > Jan 4, 2020 12:12 PM | Report Abuse

OTB sir.


失败的人会变得很humble. 常胜军一定是高高在上的姿态。一个人过了80岁以后呢,如果她还是很清醒的话。一定把他成功的一套变成所谓的"真理",所以很难与其它意见妥协。



Dear 筹码~ 我筹够了,

寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人

I remember the person who helps me for life.
I will be grateful to him even he attacks or bad mouth me.
I am a typical China man, I am from Chinese school.
I drink water, I must remember the source of water.

Thank you.


2020-01-03 16:09 | Report Abuse

Jaks is only one of the eggs. Jaks is my biggest portfolio.
I still hold many stocks that made a lot of money like Carimin, Uzma, Jtiasa, VIS, PPHB, Tguan, Master.
Thank you,


2020-01-03 16:05 | Report Abuse

I do not know whether it is helping me to make more money or make me to lose more money.
I just use up all my profit that I made in 2019 to load all in Jaks.
FYI, I made 175% ROI in 2019.

Icon8888, I follow your method now in 2020.
Thank you.


2020-01-03 15:51 |

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News & Blogs

2020-01-03 15:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Tan Sri Rick Walker > Jan 3, 2020 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

Well, i never met Mr Koon but i can guess it's not easy been his friend! He is boastful and i am not surprise most of the conversation is about him, him and him!
To me, listening to others brag about themselves is okay as long as the meal in front of me paid by the bragger! But i will not friend such person who will bad mouth you after you contribute or help him in the past!
My advise to Mr Ooi, cut your ties with Mr Koon! It's better to be honorable than to be insulted by your 'friend'!

Ans :
Thank you for your advice, noted.
Thank you.


2020-01-03 15:20 | Report Abuse

Want to laugh at me to lose money in Jaks !!
Still not yet.
Check my performance records first before you open your mouth.
I stop here, no more reply.
Thank you.


2020-01-03 15:17 |

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2020-01-03 15:08 | Report Abuse

At 1.25, I am still laughing all the way to the bank.
No loss to cut lah !!
I never think of cut loss because there is no loss yet.
Thank you.


2020-01-03 14:55 | Report Abuse

Thank you for your advice, I do not know whether it is helping me to make more money or make me to lose more money.
I just use up all my profit that I made in 2019 to load all in Jaks.
FYI, I made 175% ROI in 2019.

Icon8888, I follow your method now in 2020.
Thank you.


2020-01-02 18:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > Jan 2, 2020 6:03 PM | Report Abuse

Any LC stock also can be gorenged sky high

Ans :
Please lah !!
I recommend both good TA and FA stocks, not "goreng" stock.
I spend 12 hours a day to do my research.
Success is through hard work.
Thank you.


2020-01-02 17:55 |

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News & Blogs

2020-01-02 14:54 | Report Abuse

Dear JensenChin,

Please email me, I will give you FA report of Serba.
I cannot mention anything here.
Please find out my email in I3.
Thank you.


2020-01-02 13:47 | Report Abuse

I wish everyone here, "Happy New Year 2020".
Hope all will do well in their stock investments in 2020.
Thank you.