
theyoungman | Joined since 2022-09-29

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2024-04-27 14:05 | Report Abuse

@jack2, oh, who are they in the committee? Nice? Kindly share. Thanks


2024-04-27 14:04 | Report Abuse

Para8.03A. Beware. But may be substantial shareholders in Johor got some ways to settle this issue? Any idea? Kindly share ya. Thanks in advance.


2024-04-27 14:03 | Report Abuse

Oh, Mr Tanduk, chart can refer but not to trust if we are investing for mid long term. But speculators, contra players, syndicates yes, they must use it to play both ways, push up and whack down, then push up, intraday, sell high buy low using tickets in hand, or buy low sell high to clear position for the day, this way, it doesn't affect their share holdings in hand (they are not substantial shareholders, so these actvs will not be announced on Bursa)


2024-04-26 21:20 | Report Abuse

Dear xiaoeh,
Ya. 随他吧。不过他很可怜一下,每天那样呐喊,实在伤身。悲哀。祝他健康好运来。


2024-04-26 21:00 | Report Abuse

John, 你太冲动了大哥。别看图比较好。影响投资判断。那是投机客做的事。my2c. No offence.


2024-04-26 20:58 | Report Abuse

limch saw it. Good.


2024-04-26 20:26 | Report Abuse

Zikir, is ok. Public forum. Draw a few lines on chart, here and there. Then making conclusion to buy or sell call. Typical speculators. Some people love to shout out loud mah


2024-04-26 18:51 | Report Abuse

Strong volume


2024-04-26 18:02 | Report Abuse

Soon9913, let us manage, botak step down? Haa. Nice sharing guys, soon9913, Jonathan, FlashP, Anson, rohank, lewis. Thanks.

Fund coming in tonight. Month end liao, wow, still in time this time round, unlike last month, bought at higher price. This month cantik. Buy on dip.

Good to be positive and share our thoughts here, but do not shout and create chao in forum. What is the point? I seriously don't understand why some people like to waste time to shout and release their emotions in public forum, may be just bcos nobody know his or her real identity, that's why he or she is like out of control. The way I see, it is wasting his or her precious time but doing something in vain. Sad to see that, but nvm. Individual ways to release stress. Some of us may love to release our tension or stress by looking at lengloi choibu or lengzai yandao. Better isn't it? Hihihi.

Invest with care. Be patience.

Do not speculate, punt and contra. Avoid using margin and loans facilities. Use hard earned cash.

My2c. No offence ya, guys. Enjoy your wkend. Cheers.


2024-04-26 08:12 | Report Abuse

Good morning @soon9913
Ya. In social media, real identify is not disclosed to public. So one may just whack and hantam to release his or her tension without controlling emotion. And, there may have some motives behind the actions done, such as intend to collect shares at lower price from panic sellers. Etc etc. My2c. Hihihi.


2024-04-25 22:53 | Report Abuse


Yes. Always focus JB will do, the immediate possible thing is the LRT in JB (after RTS is done in 2026). HSR is another big news to goreng to make the market sentiment better and then will have lots of rotational plays by the swing players and sharks. As long as investors hold their basic principle, that's DO NOT speculate, punt, contra, they are safe, it is a matter of how many % to gain when it goes up. Avoid using Margin & Loans.

Wish everyone stay positive and be happy in your FA investment (this bb is FA cum Goreng, this is very special isn't it? Despite past QR result was super poor, but once its super poor already announced, it became past tense, then what will happen to next QRs?)

We are here to share, no scold marah marah. Relax and have fun ya guys.

My2c. No offence.


2024-04-25 22:49 | Report Abuse

There is no announcement today saying substantial shareholders or directors sold their shares today leh.
Stay calm, if we believe in the company (after analyzing), just go for it, anytime, or buy on dip. If still failed, it is our fault because we never analyze properly, blame ownself rather than blaming Botak or the market sentiment.

Do not speculate, punt and contra.

Avoid margin and loans.

Be patience is the key in investment. Jgn panic. If scare, sell first loh, then buy back at lower price, isn't the same? A->B, B->A



2024-04-25 20:24 | Report Abuse

Natsu, Pang, Soon, goooo upppp


2024-04-25 20:21 | Report Abuse

Ignore the fake news if it is fake. If it is a recent rumour, it didn't affect share price JSEZ and Malaysia yet right? What's the harm to have or not to have casino in JSEZ? Hmmmm. Quite strange why why why react like that... Hmmm


2024-04-25 20:17 | Report Abuse

John, sell off all your 8877 holdings and let go, 放下吧。骂了几个月,很累了吧?休息吧。😅 My2c


2024-04-25 12:48 | Report Abuse

Well. Botak still own 1589. Nothing goes wrong. 1589 still having unsettled Para8.03A. The new restructuring proposal covers to settle 1589 regularisation plan to Bursa. If the deal is off, then 1589 still dangling around with this potentially be delisted risk? But the bosses don't wanna it to delist right? So, how to settle P8.03A? Let's wait and see.

8877 good deal. Buy on dip?


Do not speculate, punt and contra. Avoid margin and loans. Use hard cash to invest.


2024-04-25 12:43 | Report Abuse

Pang, up up up


2024-04-25 12:41 | Report Abuse

Buyer 6m 12.5 is solid


2024-04-24 18:44 | Report Abuse

@pang kor, hero liao. Let's rock


2024-04-24 18:43 | Report Abuse

@Natsu, not really bcos of anything. If Para 8.03A not settled. If delisted, you can't sell your shares freely, and it will only benefiting substantial shh. Nvm lo. I give it a pass until it settles Para8.03A ba. Switch to other undervalued or potential to grow in coming years stocks, same². If you love 1589, it belongs to 8877? What's the answer leh? My2c may not be correct.

Btw, do not speculate, punt, conta. Avoid margin and loans. Hard cash ya


2024-04-24 18:39 | Report Abuse

zikir, nvm. He is good in investment liao. That's why getting ppl to pay for his advises


2024-04-24 08:22 | Report Abuse

Like Pang said, Johor. Buy and accumulate undervalued stocks. But Para8.03A I am still takut at the moment.


2024-04-24 08:20 | Report Abuse

Good morning.
Such trick won't be able to cheat FDI.
But CI heading higher is good for sentiment, funds are investing in big cap (CI stocks), investors are still profiting from it. Billion of fund will be allocated from GLC or GiLC (?) to invest in companies which r good for the country. Guess which are the companies benefiting from such fund allocation leh? Hihihi.

Rotational plays to kick in if world and local sentiment r good. Iran and Israel war is not a new thing, good to have cheaper undervalued stocks. My2c


2024-04-23 22:38 | Report Abuse

@joni, botak? can see from his shape, he needs more workout, slim botak will be otw.


2024-04-23 22:37 | Report Abuse

Pang, confident is kuat. Good.


2024-04-23 12:31 | Report Abuse

Michael, based on? Chart?


2024-04-21 11:41 | Report Abuse

Investment, jangan contra. And Avoid contra, always


2024-04-20 15:00 | Report Abuse

soon9913, quite unlikely. but buy on dip in stages is good too. buy on strength is ok also


2024-04-19 23:06 | Report Abuse

Don't contra, that's is the key rule.


2024-04-19 23:05 | Report Abuse

Save 300b, feasible already. Nice. More news can stir the market to go up slowly despite Iran Israel horrible attacks affecting the world market sentiment.


2024-04-18 22:37 | Report Abuse

Yes. Investors don't scare when price is going down.
But, most of the time, investors or traders become forgetful and cheong and chase when share price going up non-stop, takut miss the boat. Why so?

Buy on dip. Be patience.
Do not speculate, punt, contra (SPC). Avoid using margin & loans. My2c.


2024-04-18 22:33 | Report Abuse


Super agree. 认同。



2024-04-16 11:03 | Report Abuse

John is great. Good strategy. Woww
Eagle77, ww3? how oh? Hihihi


2024-04-16 07:53 | Report Abuse

Btw, what is sus? A new word to know. Tq


2024-04-15 19:55 | Report Abuse

As long as market speculators, punters and contra players are in the market, up and down is like normal makan roti canai. Relax

Investors don't speculate, punt and contra. Bear in mind to avoid margin and loans.


2024-04-15 19:53 | Report Abuse

Focus on Johor, that is the only thing for now until yrs later. Be focus. Lock your investment target and be patience

Agree with Pang kor


2024-04-15 18:44 | Report Abuse

Pang, go...
Stay positive is good. Cheers


2024-04-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

Vincent, hero. Nice. Be patient.


2024-04-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

V4E, bullish leh. Mkt needs u. Hehe


2024-04-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

Let the Iran Israel be. Never ending. People in the world still want to live and move on. They don't need rezeki? Let them be. We love better and peaceful life. No war. They love wars, let it be lo. Hihihi


2024-04-15 16:42 | Report Abuse


pang72, bullish leh pang korr


2024-04-14 16:11 | Report Abuse

Oh, Shines kor, no choice, that's always the case. No sell, no up. After sold, up like nobody business. Ha.
So, now, wait for 8877 nia? Patience.
1589 - is good but I opt out because of unsettled Para8.03A.


2024-04-13 23:31 | Report Abuse

Shines kor, 1651 surged up faster than this bb leh. our Rabbit & kim kor, huat 99 already. u also?
Good wkend.


2024-04-12 18:11 | Report Abuse

Natsu, let's go. 😍❤️


2024-04-12 18:08 | Report Abuse

Agreed with John.
Hey, Botak, you come here, many people want to sit on you.

John, quickly sell off all 1589 & 8877. Don't hold it at all. You will have a better life then.
