
titus | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2018-11-14 09:35 | Report Abuse

amet....AA really up oh.....


2018-11-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

papaya.....today no rm1 doesn't mean tomorrow no ma.....hehe.....
be patient.......scared later rush to buy......masuk ICU.....become patient already....hehe


2018-11-14 09:09 | Report Abuse

dexerix, i actually notice the same pattern as well. When asian market open, brent is always stronger and somehow uptrend. But then when asian market close and US market open, it drop like shit. So dunno will tonight drop like shit or not. Dunno why they pattern like this.


2018-11-14 09:01 | Report Abuse

Those holding hibi warrant.....i think u will be given a complimentary roller coaster ride. Hope this is a mild 1 ride la....


2018-11-14 08:57 | Report Abuse

amet...actually my siput got say AA also leh. He say oil price down, AA benefit but then ho, mavcom come disturb AA in KLIA 2.


2018-11-14 08:54 | Report Abuse

Have a chat with my siput....can feel his proudness in telling me oil will plunge to 65. Sometimes old ppl want ppl to carry his sagged ball abit. So carry loh. I ask him wat next? He say since it went down so fast, wti might go down abit more. It should hover around 50+ and brent should have few more dollar to drop. If wti at $50, shale no die yet ma but american live leh. Cheaper gasoline price. More money to spent. Lower inflation.Will have a merry merry Christmas. Opec production cut now also will see result in 3 months ..........iran continue to pump and sell. 6 months extension. & will opec let iran earn while they cut production?......


2018-11-14 08:52 | Report Abuse

amet.....so let see today loh. See is there a direct correlation.....hehe


2018-11-14 08:44 | Report Abuse

Brent was highest in early October. I think it went up to $86. Now it is at $65. Meaning a drop of 25%. Hibi price at that time was $1.30. Are we expecting a drop of 25%. If yes, then it should be below RM 1. le........


2018-11-14 07:13 | Report Abuse

Wah lau eh. Brent really touch 65. No nd wait for december. my siput sometime can be accurate also....lol
So today the flower start to wilt??...hmmm


2018-11-13 14:01 | Report Abuse

my siput say Brent oil will touch USD 65 by December ohh.......i asked him why? He says Donald duck want to be Santa clause for this coming Christmas. I told him got report say oil price low, shale operator die. He says total shale operator employment maybe 300K ppl. Total US population 300M people. So u say want to make who happy? If brent at $65, WTI at $60 or $58 loh. Shale operator still profit, wun die ma. Worse case break even loh.


2018-11-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

Yippeee... Oil below 70. After next week, 65???.....see hibiscus can go back to two digit o not. Park 95c


2018-11-09 16:30 | Report Abuse

Paktua.....back to the game ah?....bought more?


2018-11-09 16:24 | Report Abuse

if brent goes below 70.....even 69.99 and close there........i think will be very bad sentiment for O&G counter


2018-11-08 08:00 | Report Abuse

major event such as malaysia budget is over, iran sanction has passed, US midterm election also over.....so what is next that can affect market or more specifically brent crude oil? I think everyone waiting for Q report. This Q report will be good but then will it able to repeat the same performance next Q? Last Q got 1 negative good will. This coming Q will records offtake sales that miss the book last Q....but next Q?....hmmm.....something to ponder on.........


2018-11-07 16:14 | Report Abuse

Jiak Lat....US will be in a roller coaster ride???

Democrats have seized control of the U.S. House, giving them the power to investigate President Trump and block much of his agenda.


2018-11-07 15:26 | Report Abuse

trump still the president la. Only now he has less power loh. Now need to pass any law, need to get approval loh. Last time no need ma. All his people. So no cannot simply issue any statement. If issue also....not valid.


2018-11-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

Habis....ah trumph losing the house.....but DJ and nasdaq futures still green. Meaning wall street welcome democrats to win? No more trade war?....hmmm


2018-11-07 14:00 | Report Abuse

no full sanction is not so good news for oil & gas company loh. Coz no shortage of oil ma. Iran still can sell to 6 countries. Then Opec & russia pump more oil to cover iran sanction. Mana tau, ah trump give exemption. So market will have some surplus of oil in short term....i think la.


2018-11-07 13:36 | Report Abuse

meaning good news loh.....so after this ah trump cannot simply simply issue any trade war threat on china loh. Also, cannot simply put iran on sanction loh........


2018-11-07 13:23 | Report Abuse

So if democrats retake the house, and republican take the senate, is it a good news or bad news for US economy. As far as i know if democrats take the house, then all ah thump want to pass any new bill also need to go thru them. So president lesser power le.


2018-11-07 07:55 | Report Abuse

I still holding some mother shares. My sifut ask me yv i exited all? He say be careful if oil break 70 and if it does.....all hell break lose. He say he exited all n now enjoying his dim sum. Kns....


2018-11-05 12:39 | Report Abuse

Orlando....US sanction on Venezuela does no include oil ok.....companies are free to buy and sell oil product in Venezuela la....


2018-11-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

amet...sorry...my sifu no need pay money 1....


2018-11-05 11:30 | Report Abuse

my sifut inform me he run already. He says the price will be below 70 in short term. Some i wonder if he so confident in fuel price, better go short the fuel index.


2018-11-05 11:22 | Report Abuse

meaning got sanction also bcome like no sanction. China and india the 2 top consumers in the world. Then trump has been asking saudi to pump more. US also pump more. Inventory high. hmm......


2018-11-02 15:51 | Report Abuse

wah...paktua got so much share ah?.....sell cannot finish 1 ah?
I exited all warrant but kept the mum share. Exit at the wrong time. Earn mcd burger instead of gourmet burger......hu hu hu


2018-11-02 10:18 | Report Abuse

tunggu wc pecah .....50c lagi...lol.....kalau minyak cium $70....gurantee wc pecah .50......


2018-11-02 09:27 | Report Abuse

Tapi sentiment minyak tak bagus. Ramai org speculate minyak turun $70 sebelum US midterm review.


2018-11-02 09:11 | Report Abuse

sold all my warrant 250K unit wc at 0.51c........make a little burger money....lol.....oil price drop but i still holding to the mother share


2018-10-31 16:01 | Report Abuse

Teamrocket, no need to rub salt 1.......at least paktua is a gentleman loh........no horse back canon......no telling at hindsight........he maybe make big time from other counter leh


2018-10-31 15:59 | Report Abuse

quick quick push hibi to 1.20..........my little minivan of wc plan to sell off at 0.60


2018-10-31 15:58 | Report Abuse

wah...suddenly so many ppl claim they buy ah???.......lol....


2018-10-30 15:53 | Report Abuse

Ini kali la....


2018-10-30 12:56 | Report Abuse

LOL....i know which sifu say will hit RM2.....but now the sifu say will hit 0.70?....which sifut is that oh....lol


2018-10-30 12:23 | Report Abuse

depend on wat price ma.....if at 1.35 of course say bad things loh...but now at Rm1.....is good loh especially usd high, rm low, gdp low.......fuel price still resonable high.....


2018-10-30 11:34 | Report Abuse

USD has strengthened against MYR and GDP ma. They sell oil in USD but pay salary for malaysia in RM and in UK in pound. USD stronger against this 2 currency. Meaning they get more for a buck loh. They also have no debt...so no interest to pay....except for the upcoming acquisition la. But that will not impact in the coming Q....maybe next 2 quarters.


2018-10-30 10:21 | Report Abuse

Pak Tua run ah?...okla...v fight together another day. I think i'm going to continue hold and buy on weakness. I see no reason the budget 2019 will affect hibiscus unless gomen implement capital gain tax but then all share will be affected. Also I don't think gomen will peg the ringgit. If yes, all export stock holland and share will drop like no tomorrow. Too big risk.
US-CHINA trade war? ...don't see how it will affect hibiscus. Worst case is china ignore us and continue to buy from iran. But currently i still see good brent price, high USD = good forex gain. Only sentiment is bad and pull down other stock.


2018-10-30 08:47 | Report Abuse

if today break rm1....then ho seh liao. Next support is at 96c.......park some at 96c loh.


2018-10-29 21:37 | Report Abuse

Pono...envy? Jealous?....lol


2018-10-29 20:20 | Report Abuse

Pono, talk big? Got money can talk big loh. No money can talk cock oni loh n stay at sideline see the action only loh...lol


2018-10-29 17:16 | Report Abuse

Paktua go gamuda a'dy. Dun 1 pay here anymore ah? Dun worry about u telanjang la.......nothing v never see b4


2018-10-29 17:16 | Report Abuse

Notconfused, see tomolo how 1st.....maybe tomolo mood is at 0.95....then park at that price loh....


2018-10-29 17:13 | Report Abuse

I go asked my sifut and say news say other countries like china and india will boycott trump sanction on iran. Will continue buy from iran. He say do u want to play with a siao lang? Ah trump ki hong 1. Never challenge his ego. His ego is bigger than his dick. India will never go against ah thump. IT and semicon to big at stake. China on the other hand, maybe will go against him la since face off already ma. But then, it will still keep oil price stable. Wun tumble down so much. Also, if the ki hong kia suddenly shoot 1 missile, then jiak lat loh.....


2018-10-29 17:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo rob.....so scared, sell off now while still in profit loh......


2018-10-29 16:47 | Report Abuse

i park at 0.995, nobody want to sell also.....


2018-10-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

i bought warrant at 0.495......will die meh?......then let see how worse is my death loh.....
willing to eat salted fish must be able to withstand the thirstiness ma.......


2018-10-29 16:44 | Report Abuse

rob...see how u look at it loh. When opportunity come knock on your door....dun dare to buy....
At this price, i think it is worth buying loh. It has been drag down by market sentiment but if see what drive hibiscus profibility is the fuel price and USD to MYR exchange rate. Both are still high.


2018-10-29 16:08 | Report Abuse

what may come next month, oil price is still at USD 77. USD to myr is at 4.18. So, hibiscus still making good money. Only the market sentiment is bad. I will buy mother shares now if break below Rm1.


2018-10-29 16:06 | Report Abuse

my sifut ask me got buy or not? I told him i bought alittle...but i actually bought truckload of it.......
he say down some more, buy abit more. I think i dun dare to buy anymore. anyway, now is only 0.05c different. If down to 0.45, then i will buy more la.


2018-10-29 15:19 | Report Abuse

Paktua.....i come in join u d.....i have trucklot of warrant now.....