
tksw | Joined since 2011-01-20

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2018-09-12 10:58 | Report Abuse

dragonslayer sifu, dun laf la, ppl loosing money veli bad already.


2018-09-12 10:50 | Report Abuse

dompeilee sifu, Sendai oso KYY counter arr?

News & Blogs

2018-09-12 10:42 | Report Abuse

holahoo sifu, regarding your video clip on the "Sun Miracle" I dun see anything special wor... if it is real, can only say it's the wonder of natural. Btw the natural is the miracle itself...


2018-09-12 09:43 | Report Abuse

lion kena shot again


2018-09-12 09:41 | Report Abuse

down 6 sen, jia-lat


2018-09-12 09:07 | Report Abuse

got ppl deng Jaks, be careful


2018-09-12 09:06 | Report Abuse

dun happy ler, ppl losing money


2018-09-12 09:06 | Report Abuse

i3lurker sifu, no 30 sen ler, down 3 sen oni just now


2018-09-12 08:49 | Report Abuse

I no bad mouth jaks, I just doubt


2018-09-12 08:48 | Report Abuse

construction profits not cashflow mah, and to construct you need to put up cash first mah, if cash flow not in time, will die kiaw-kias

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 22:46 | Report Abuse

SsLee sifu, "My faith teaches me to struggle/wrestling the evil/lust/desire within self and do good deeds in this life time. "

1 question, who decide what is good deed? & by saying that, there need a judge to decide, based on what? who set the rules? some religion said there is karma... does karma has wisdom how it make decision & regulate all this? there is a lot of question involve also.

This struggle/wrestling hor... tell us one thing, there is something inside us, dunno who put it in there, telling us that we are not perfect, we fall short of something, we need to do something about it. and this, to some extend make Man seek for the truth, or God ... then this show the difference between human and other creatures.... all sort of religion come out/ philosophy come out, to search for a perfect life....

if follow the evolution hypothesis, then all this good deeds la, moral la... to the extreme, is of no use & one dun have to feel guilty about what ever wrongs they did, as long as he can survive.... if everybody thinks like that, U can imagine how the world will be... and you can see some evil ppl, they may have less of this struggle, thereby they are capable of doing some very evil things, until we will say " this is not a human anymore"

who define the yardstick, who has the authority, wishdom, capability, to judge? God? or there is actually nothing? so struggle for what?

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 00:12 | Report Abuse

baskoro1965, natural actually dunno how to select. and if there is a sudden change, the beings kenot change fast enough, probability of extinguishing is higher than surviving, & to change from nothing but a bunch of atoms (let's assume atom not created by God) to amoeba, how many years oso dunno (even if the scientist claim that they can set up the experiment and made an amoeba, it still need some genius scientist to set some environment by using some equipment) and from an amoeba to existing world... how many years you need? Got scientist go calculate... and they have to assume the age of the universe, the earth... and if not mistaken, just not enough time... and from chaos to systematic with marvelous law and the accuracy of the calculation, one must be out of mind to say it can happen without a Great mind behind all these... would you belief that the watch that I ware, is actually not man-made and due to some coincident, it became a watch and it coincident can point the time accurately and the fact that it is on my left hand is oso a coincident? and if no, you try compare the complexity of any living things to the piece of watch... and see the absurdity to believe things will be from chaos to systematic and serve a purpose...

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 23:58 | Report Abuse

SpeedyBoy sifu, U believe your ancestor is a chimpanzee? tok science now. if a human mate a chimpanzee, U think can produce offspring or not? I can guarantee you, chimpanzee is chimpanzee, human is human, if chimpanzee dna is 100% human, it is human and not chimpanzee. science at the moment tell us that oni diff kind of animals if kenot produce offspring and even there is, the offspring kenot have offspring, how to evolve like that? and if tok about mutation, as far as I know almost all mutantation are bad, and the mutants kenot survive (except for mutant turtles,and x-men kakaka). if your body has cell that wanna do the stunt, you will probably worry like hell and go see doctors and do kimo, or cut if off...U call those cell that wanna do mutant stunt cancer cells. if the embryo perform mutant stunt, than most probably the parents will have a OKU offspring...

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 23:33 | Report Abuse

Speedy Boy sifu, soli la... actually whole world oso against God, kakaka but hor, I dun think China is atheist nation lor, they peaceful or not not because of the Communist teaching which use Darwin Evolution argument. & if you live in second world war time, you will veli hate the Japanese lor, and if you live in Mao-Tze Dong time, U probably hate those Communist Chinese that claim that they are atheist lor... U see, if we spin from Darwin's argument, the strongest and suitable one survive, the weak shall perish, than killing and abuse the weak one is the law...and the world will be better by doing so... no? what is the difference in killing a human and an animal?

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 23:17 | Report Abuse

Speedy Boy, ya la, so you can see what is sin... and whether it is important to tok sin or not. now ppl dun wanna tok sin, want tok science and now use science to say man marry man, woman marry woman. Actually hor, if there is no God and He didn't lay down some rules to show you what is sin... and you believe in evolution, U practically can do anything and dun tok moral... as long as you can fight and win those oppose you... and you know we cannot like that, like that the world will be in chaos... and actually it is in chaaos, because we disagree that powerful ppl can do anything he likes, but when we got power, we are the first one to want to do anything we like, that's may be the reason why we like to watch super-hero movie, and even in investing world, ppl want to call himself super-investor, kakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 23:06 | Report Abuse

baskoro1965 sifu, told you lok, bible dun tok science correct or wrong lok, it is the ppl who think that bible says that and go fight the scientist lok. Scientist came out with hypothesis than they try to explain the phenomenon using their hypothesis, they then got to set up a controlled environment to do experience to prove their hypothesis. they didnt create the law of science, but merely find out... U see, how this law exist? can calculate one wor... can be apply to do many things that amaze ppl until ppl think science is so great and can explain every thing, and start to think that human is so great, can kick God aside. but hor, U think properly, human really so great meh? if follow what Darwin said, human great great great x grandfather could be a monkey...this is actually worse than what Bible say human is a being created in the image of God (but sin la... so become monkey liao after they think they great and their science knowlege make them try to explain they are monkeys or even worst, an amoeba)

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:50 | Report Abuse

I sometimes thinks hor... if I live in the Galleo days. I may oso one of the ppl that attacking some of the scientist. not oni me, I think you oso. I said so because, if one day, U find the scientist who live nearby, cut the corpse and take out their heart, their lungs and body parts to study, and wanna cut ppl alive... I think I may oso treat them like monster and screaming and tell everybody to gather and go hunt them down...
but today, with better knowledge, we know these are scientist that make today's medical advances possible... their students are doctors that treat patients.

but even today, there are still some restriction to govern what this scientist can do.... they cannot simply use human to do experiment, I heard. need a lot of regulation

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:38 | Report Abuse

baskoro sifu, U must understand, bible not science text book ler, it dun tok science, and the gallieo case... I can only said those ppl jilakak, U must know that's why protestant come out from Chatolic... cos it is rotten already, As for Einstien, U sure he did not believe in God meh? may be he didnt but I think he may not believe in Christian's believe, but if I am not mistaken he believe existence of God. I guess at least he dare not say no God. and hor... I just tell dun use science to tok about God... if there is one. He must be greater than science ler... U know what I am trying to say or not?

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:25 | Report Abuse

science has its scope or limitation, can only cover those things that you can do experiment (repeat) things that cannot repeat, science kenot. strickly speaking," prove" because kenot do experiment

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:22 | Report Abuse

holahoo sifu, no science can prove God la... they can even prove your great grand father exist...

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:20 | Report Abuse

U dun believe you go check out about Newton, and not only Newton, Pascal, and many other great scientist... they are true believer of God.. dun play play...

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:16 | Report Abuse

baskoro1965 sifu, U tok this moon and earth... is this the finding of Newton's gravity law that explain it? I guest you dun know Sir Isaac Newton is 农田oni a great scientist, but also a theologian.... Great Scientist believe in God. they more they find out, the more they dare not said there is no God... because they only FIND OUT... and many ordinary ppl like us, spend whole life study oso dun kenot understand what they tok (science), there is some law and order out there, and man is the one that has the brain to find out and understand this existing law... U think carefully, to believe there is a Creator who design and create all this, or to believe a Big Bang that are no mind...can form this universe which there is some sort of law and order that can be learnt and make use of it... which one need more faith? If Sir Issac Newton is alive today and see you use his moon and earth to tok about God, he probably will kick your buttock... kakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:10 | Report Abuse

baskoro1965 sifu, U tok this moon and earth... is this the finding of Newton's gravity law that explain it? I guest you dun know Sir John Newton is writing theology.... Great Scientist believe in God. they more they find out, the more they dare not said there is no God... because they only FIND OUT... and many ordinary ppl like us, spend whole life study oso dun kenot understand what they tok (science), there is some law and order out there, and man is the one that has the brain to find out and understand this existing law... U think carefully, to believe there is a Creator who design and create all this, or to believe a Big Bang that are no mind...can form this universe which there is some sort of law and order that can be learnt and make use of it... which one need more faith?

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 22:00 | Report Abuse

hollanking sifu, where got evolution? its just a hypothesis, not law of science.


2018-09-10 21:51 | Report Abuse

LTH still got 48mil + shares to sell, die kiaw kiaw I tell you if they wanna sell before KYY does.. and if the price keep going down, will KYY get margin call again? dun forget he recently said kena margin call on JAKS. and that time lion above RM1. now... both JAKS and lion keep going down... no margin call meh? if no margin call then the selling of JAKS said margin call is just an excuse...

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 12:01 | Report Abuse

Engineeringsifu, you mean hell can be medicine for another person arr? No way ler...hell is bad for sure else you call it heaven and not hell

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 11:53 | Report Abuse

Up_Down sifu, you go first la...but how sure you can go heaven? it is not you to decide oh.... like come to this world, not your decision to make....

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 11:45 | Report Abuse

appoloang sifu, U dunno Christians are all sinners meh? If you see them bad, may be they already better than before. Those who think they are a saint by their good deeds can't possibly a Christian. Those veli bad one, confess and finally ask for salvation will be saved and their life will change. change beyond recognition oso got。。。

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 11:28 | Report Abuse

waa calvintaneng sifu, U tok bible and share investing, dun make ppl confuse U use religion to make ppl trust you on the share selection oh.... your share pick may be wrong... so be careful...


2018-09-10 11:17 | Report Abuse

business sense said lari kuat kuat


2018-09-10 11:07 | Report Abuse

KYY oso run...


2018-09-10 11:06 | Report Abuse

recyciing profits? how? got double count or not?


2018-09-09 20:02 | Report Abuse

die kiaw kiaw if next week below 80sen...


2018-09-09 20:01 | Report Abuse

next week below 80sen possible or not?


2018-09-08 22:50 | Report Abuse

Donald Duck ka-ka jiao-jiao again, die liao this time


2018-09-08 19:30 | Report Abuse

DK66 sifu, you no read super investor article meh? what did he tok about contractual work? all follow what the company estimate arr? I tot he said many unexpected things will come out & even can cause the company bankrupt?


2018-09-08 11:54 | Report Abuse

wow lth still got 48mil + shares to throw.... who can buy?


2018-09-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

golden rule said qtr profit must increase mah... now half oni, how?


2018-09-08 11:51 | Report Abuse

if cost keep on piling up, china partner got money to inject, jaks dun have, then how? kena telan lor, like that


2018-09-08 11:50 | Report Abuse

die in sea before reach the shore...


2018-09-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

Vietnam government will buy all the power generated meh? die kiaw kiaw liao la,


2018-09-08 11:47 | Report Abuse

commonsense sifu, you are good!


2018-09-07 22:23 | Report Abuse

everyday going down 2%-5% jialat...


2018-09-07 21:23 | Report Abuse

die kiaw kiaw liao la


2018-09-07 21:19 | Report Abuse

investor 48 sifu, 80 sen you wanna buy arr? si-beh rich all the way down to 40 sen


2018-09-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

warrant bull feet oso dun dare to call himself super investor...


2018-09-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

see super investor run or not...


2018-09-07 11:07 | Report Abuse

other counters not directly affected oso ppl scared, steel & aluminium is direct one, die kiaw kiaw la


2018-09-07 11:05 | Report Abuse

whole market is dragged down by trade war concern, how can lion escape....