
tofuman | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2017-02-15 21:57 | Report Abuse

jib jib punya ATM lah tu,open secret


2017-02-15 10:33 | Report Abuse

apa news? beside US no naik interest? BOD mau kasih shareholder semua retained earning kah? wahahaha


2017-02-10 09:39 | Report Abuse

kepada kawan yg tau bahasa cina, tapi tidak pasti ni article halal kah tidak


2017-02-09 09:52 | Report Abuse

sell land, then got new plan, at least got thing rolling. GE or not doenst matter cause it wont change gomen, but one thing you guys will see this year many big big transaction happen, next year stamp duty exceed 1 million is every RM1000 tax RM4.Klang valley housing price lately start climbing again. Property never die, it just slow down only.


2017-01-13 09:58 | Report Abuse

all i know everything now in "surviving" mode, kedai kopi naik harga, garment dunno what lagi mau tax etc etc. But still, you can see so many construction job doing. Why leh? And currency deficit actually good to bad to UEMS? All i can see nowadays everyone is "look look, see see", people got money in pocket but they not that recklessly invest only. GE coming i guess, so mean need money to keep those "hamster" rolling the roll cage then. Geo-political point of view is msia sooner be china another province. Good thing they're damn rich, they can finance themselves, bad thing is if the gorment dun have money to payback, then ah will will conquer the port, bring in more china company come in, and local company eat banana, become sub-sub-con. Not a bad thing, still got music and everyone still can dancing


2017-01-13 09:50 | Report Abuse

leveraging still, KLSE dun harap can get rich. I should thanks to last year brexit and trump, those high volatility make me hansem money.

Still my last word, company not net lose still got chance to cure one.


2017-01-11 09:53 | Report Abuse

the worse is kenangka, you trust 10% you blind both eye


2017-01-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

look like GE really really coming soon, all UMNX related counter is like makan steroid


2017-01-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

serious coma


2016-12-16 11:42 | Report Abuse

Dissemination of CDPii 2014-2025 Iskandar Malaysia , more detail and future outlook for Iskandar development roadmap. This is exciting to know about it, rather than aiming share price


2016-12-15 14:35 | Report Abuse

read it up folks, every cities transform start from "transport", cause the city planner already sense the population boom in future.

Iskandar after 10 years is no more concept, is realization period. HSR is part of the plan, now from project cycle, i guess it is towards the finishing push.


2016-12-15 14:12 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, funny, first you need change trump, cause this madman will push FED keep on hike interest. All the hot money flow back to US now. Those hedge fund and corp ppl is like shark, if the smell blood they will swim out again. So if this share is under value, scare what? Most important thing is land wont depreciate in account book, main agak2 only the valuation.


2016-12-14 22:46 | Report Abuse

MAS also khazanah counter, then? dun so fantasy hahaha


2016-12-14 18:48 | Report Abuse

So, if you're UEMS, ur land everyday naik harga,you will see your valuation everyday going up only, cause UEMS asset is landbank. Then they are kinda smart like collaborate with KLK, and doing what motor city etc. Just imagine 20 years ago USJ sunway, bukit only. then sooner it develop, and viola, bandar sunway. Same concept only, but inskandar puteri got terminal. Got population mean got business transaction. This is intangible value, which i say only when it boom up, then it will unleash it potential. my 2 cent


2016-12-14 18:44 | Report Abuse

fame is make sense a bit, imagine you play SIM City, how you going to structure on the city planning? First we must see got "ROAD" or not. So, instead of goreng this counter, better go buy house at those strategic place better. latest i check JB PSF is from RM325 goreng over RM400 sudah.


2016-12-14 18:39 | Report Abuse

wahahahaha flyingkite u really fantasy, u know what is the budget for the HSR? Last 3 year estimation is USD43 billlion. Now you guess how much it inflate? This is nation project open to global, is country level to finance, till here i no need to say we all know who will be the winner. If this country come in, gomem need to adjust the policy and first kind of company to die is, you guess (hint, industrial material)


2016-12-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

Today is because FOMC. nothing deal with the HSR. Plus, the positive impact only come when involving land acquisition. So i say is long term strategy.


2016-12-13 10:25 | Report Abuse

and the most important thing is, where the station built, that will the convergence point


2016-12-13 10:22 | Report Abuse

try search back those legacy history on taiwan (along taipei till kaoshiung), japan (can reach almost every big cities of japan, tokyo, osaka, nagoya, sendai,sapporo etc) after they ink the contract, what happen to surrounding property development. First wave during building, every big player already park and build whatever township, housing, road, infrastructure etc, then continuous boom will be after the population move in. The time too shine, is now


2016-12-07 09:27 | Report Abuse

iskandar yesterday got many events, and you see all jumpout to defend on iskandar, the pricne of johor, ah jib, normally big show will have a lot of this sort of PR show first, tabung haji very keen to accumulate, think in conspiracy theory, maybe?


2016-12-06 16:12 | Report Abuse

ah jib at educity today


2016-11-30 17:51 | Report Abuse

in htis environment can still perform like this consider ok sudah, tell me which comapny nowadays is ewarning beside alphabet, facebook, baba?


2016-11-30 10:18 | Report Abuse

Tabung Haji secretly now own 7% something of the equity, the more i drill into tabung haji and its investment structure, seriously since when it become another cash cow beside of PNB, Khazanah, EPF??


2016-11-25 14:10 | Report Abuse

MBB, RHB, MBSB qtr result all out, within expectation, nothing surprise, but better than last 2 qtr, showing some minor improvementt. Bank survive, then property and construction sector only will survive


2016-11-25 11:22 | Report Abuse

UEMS still comply, no debt issue


2016-11-18 10:05 | Report Abuse

No ppl can beat china in price war. Their govt funded Huaw*i even can half of the tender price to overkill US brand Cis*o in one country central govt IT project. kill in split second, no ppl can win them in price war. even JR is the world best public transportation company in the world (no kidding, go check out how much they earn), can they win in this game? YTL partner Siemen confirm out of the picture already. poor YTL the guy who propose this plan end up become outsider...


2016-11-15 11:02 | Report Abuse

i bet china win the HSR bid


2016-11-11 16:37 | Report Abuse

if u guys been US actually infra also lousy one, those city like detroit, or those inland state very kampong one. trump want to move everything back manufacture in US, good for the local job rate, want to kill innovative. No need worry much, why those US giant company all go oversea setup? why china now so mad goreng property at australia? cause when they reach bottleneck, they will sure come out to find opportunity. volatile is temporary, just dun have other mega bad news like china fallen, or war, else recovery confirm sure in place one. but the pace is how fast, then no ppl can predict these. Go buy US share, goldman sach naik tlll bapa dunno mama in these few days


2016-11-11 16:30 | Report Abuse

Not gomen problem now, is total rotten structural problem. BNM actually doing right thing to protect the banking system. Gomen income is based on tax and bond. Problem is msia shortern bond is mature or kena sell off, we will see how crazy it drop against other currency. So outside problem is who ask msia so depend on foreign hot money? internal problem now need say much lah everybody know.


2016-11-11 16:22 | Report Abuse

if not fussy then it mean another subprime again loh. banking and insurance kiasi is because policy tighten, double edge sword. BNM gonna chop the rate again, but everybody waiting yellen now, as the madman trump force her to do the first thing, rise interest. that's why we see whole emerging market is earthquake. Nvm ah jib so fren with china, give more privilege to them, let them build every infrastructure, still stabilize one. Now geopolitic really US vs China, and if trump policy come in, the whole silicon valley will relocate to other place, then china will pick up on this and lead over US. That's why trump won the election not the bad news to world, but it really disaster to US.


2016-11-11 12:18 | Report Abuse

hahaha, behold fren, msia now suffering from short term bond sell off. RM confirm lagi koyak. it doesnt matter on forex exchange, is the bank can approve loan or not, think from the root


2016-11-10 09:58 | Report Abuse

collecting at low always the strategy, provided you got bullet, plus holding power. Trump economic strategy definitely make US another boom then, also a lot of big firm make way out from US. Whole Asean is conquer by great china, so geopolitical is pro US Spore vs pro China Asean.


2016-11-09 16:17 | Report Abuse

coz of donald trump panic sell. my prinsiple is as long as the company not deficit then is fine. ok fine, earning per share not pretty bla bla bla, but who is doing good then? better watch DJI how much it drop, i wnat to buy ali baba


2016-11-08 11:56 | Report Abuse

simple lah, just declare bankrupt if dun want to pay, no big impact


2016-11-01 21:29 | Report Abuse

is it a conspiracy theory i dunno lah, but spore GDP chop water that is true.

JB be next shenzhen? over take penang first


2016-10-25 18:34 | Report Abuse

will see, i just back from beijing, you know how much it sell per Meter square? avg 47000 RMB. Property die? Dreaming to buy prime area? Bukit bintang how much PSF? RM1500!! The only thing is every property and construction player look and see, how gearing high owe bank money the die first. UEMS asset is landbank, not like construction need to buy the land to build. think of it. Panic sell everytime also got, let see loh


2016-10-21 17:57 | Report Abuse

civil servant only, but i am surprise GST not increase. Really urge those haven't buy any property people out there, action now before GST naik again, like the famous quote "house price always cheaper, 5 years ago"


2016-10-20 11:00 | Report Abuse

appeal mean they got bullet to shot back, imagine this happen LHDN overcharge your tax, die die also fight back, Court fee not cheap thou


2016-10-20 10:49 | Report Abuse

actually the charge is against its child company, and they now appeal. I don't see any impact on it, defer tax payback afterward, that's all


2016-10-19 16:39 | Report Abuse

correct, just consider tax liabilities only, soi only loh kena busted, haha


2016-10-19 16:25 | Report Abuse

it should be defer tax, not penalty.


2016-10-19 10:35 | Report Abuse

if money can solve the issue then not issue, if it become like perisai then that is totally screwed


2016-10-17 10:07 | Report Abuse

yesterday news, policy maker should loosen in property sector. HK, Spore already prove that strengthen policy only bring negative impact, first victim is banking. Imagine maybank from harimau become kucing, u still confidence with the whole financing structure?


2016-10-14 16:14 | Report Abuse

exercise employee share option, of course got many people sell for money, but their second project in melbourne start the civil work, est 2018 finish. Smart, Aussie property expensive like shit nowadays.


2016-10-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

Read a review coming budget there's a suggestion focus on benefit to first house buyer, DIBS probably re-introduce again, good news to property and banking sector. Msia being rate stagnant again by IMF in FY17, so policy maker must put in effort to cheer the market, the first thing they must save is banking,then infrastructure, but not proton.


2016-10-05 13:39 | Report Abuse

Anyone read today sinchew? 2 impotrant message: government allow more EPF redemption on first house buyer; second is banking free case already hit the new low since 2007. These indicator tell us to save property and banking sector, policy need to be loosen, and this will be part of the highlight during budget 17. If banking sector dying, what will happen If banking revise, who is the benefactor?


2016-10-04 09:09 | Report Abuse

i not fortune teller


2016-10-01 09:35 | Report Abuse

this december


2016-09-30 20:02 | Report Abuse

deusthe bank is the root cause, very EU banking is under pressure. Nothing deal with Bursa, the more worry is...... (better dun say, the time will tell)