
tualp | Joined since 2019-08-19

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2020-12-10 17:06 | Report Abuse

this counter tak boleh pakai, fast fast sell to me la....


2020-12-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

Mission accomplished. Just bought another 2,000,000 shares today ranges from 0.99 to 0.975


2020-12-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

Latest news from EGM, Reits is in final stage.....Vaccine contract to be announced next week?

Please cut loss and sell to me. Just now my queue only fully matched at 0.99 and partial matched at 0.985. More to come.

Sell la sell la...This counter no hope la...fast fast cut loss and sell la...I need cheap tickets.,.....


2020-12-10 11:36 | Report Abuse

Buy before news and sell on news.....REITS REITS REITS.....


2020-12-10 11:36 | Report Abuse

now the bank interest rate only 1.5% Tiong Nam reits can offer up to 5-6%. So ask yourself la, all the fund will come and sapu toing nam reits. I think will over-subscribed.

If reits confirm., then shareholders of Tiong nam will get special dividend and new shares of Tiong Nam Reits. You dun want to buy now then when you wanna buy leh?


2020-12-10 11:34 | Report Abuse

My team has keyed buy queue of 1,000,000 shares at 0.995, 0.99, 0.985, 0.98 and 0.975.

Sell to me please....we need the cheap tickets....once we got another 1,000,000 shares we wont wait for sharks to push. My team will push instead, cz contract news and reits announcement very very soon.


2020-12-10 11:22 | Report Abuse




2020-12-10 11:21 | Report Abuse

1 last information, my team and my remiser's clients managed to sapu 3,000,000 shares this morning and 5,000,000 shares yesterday. hahahahaha.....thank you so much ya.

We plan to sell at RM2.00 then switch counter to .................


2020-12-10 11:14 | Report Abuse

By looking at the trading volume, only 11,000,000 shares traded despite the drop this morning well proven that nobody wanna sell their shares. everyone holding tight tight. I think sharks and big holders of Tiong Nam also dare not sell d, cz the sell yesterday and this morning all their tickets with my side. So they must be very kanjiong now. I think they will sapu it at higher price than my team later in the afternoon.

1 more buy call analyst report going to issue tml ya.....


2020-12-10 11:08 | Report Abuse

The dropped yesterday and this morning is fake drop. Why the drop so drastically? all the way down from 1.10 to 0.98 yesterday, it is because insiders wish to wash up contra and weak players urgently. Cz the contract news is coming. If they didn't wash out the weak and contra players, how to get cheap tickets? The insiders are more kanjiong than us. That's y any sudden drop is actually done my invisible hand to wash out weak players.

The price shoot up this morning, was supported by myself and whole group of friends.

Just received call from my remisier, their clients in Penang, Kedah, Perak all sapu the shares this morning. I think big shark wont dare to sell down any. Cz the dropped yesterday and this morning, all the cheap tickets is with my side. So baby, sell to me la.. 1 investment bank going to issue buy call at target price of RM1.50 ( take into consideration of Reits). I think Tiong Nam ppl also not aware abt this news. Cz 1 big fund manager wanna sapu it before announcement.

So the shark of toing nam should be very regret to sell their shares to my team yesterday and this morning.

hahahaha.......we managed to engaged Wu Chang means we managed to get more retailers to buy this counter.

To sharks and big holders of Tiong Nam, if you dare to sell; we are dare to buy!

Wanna do fake price drop but not successful, cz my team sapu all the shares....


2020-12-10 10:57 | Report Abuse

Now the price is RM1.03, my paper profit shoot up to RM21,000 so easy money lor. But I will not sell. Why wanna sell now if you know the share price of Tiong Nam going to shoot up to RM2.00 in near term.

Just wait for material announcement for Reits Listing and suspension of trading securities of Tiong Nam shares by this 2 weeks.

Hoot 9 e... Tasco is overpriced, Tiong Nam is still undervalued.

Tiong Nam NTA is Rm1.50, after Reits, NTA of Tiong Nam will be RM2.80. My target sell price is RM2.00 so there is a margin of safety.

Yesterday, the announcement for the disposal of shares is so minimum. The reason is the directors wanna buy more cheap tickets, those sold their shares because of this news is stupid.

If they dispose 5,000,000 shares then different story. only 70,000 shares just a tactic to wash out contra and weak players.

One more word, if you guys dare to sell,my group of friends and my remisier team are ready to buy.

Sell la, dare to sell then sell. If the price shoot up to RM2.00 those who sold at Rm1.00 earn less by 100%. So stupid.

Sell la, my fund is waiting. My margin limit got abt RM5Million to accumulate toing nam shares.....


2020-12-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

I am planning to invest another RM1Million in Tiong Nam shares, my margin account got plenty of room to buy toing nam shares.

So sell to me please, I am so regret to only bought 300,000 shares at 0.96 this morning.

My group of friends is holding total 15,000,000 shares of Tiong Nam. We are going to invest another RM3Million in Tiong Nam.Even my remisier also bought it and the news has been spreaded to all their clients.So no more cheap tickets. I should not tell you guys so much info.

End up I not managed to sapu enough shares at cheap price.


2020-12-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

EGM approved the private placement! Latest news, Tiong Nam will announce the warehouse storage contract next week. Tasco is one of the vendors.

Total got 3 vendors 1 is Tiong Nam, Tasco and MMC.


2020-12-10 10:44 | Report Abuse

Dear Tiong Nam followers,

I am proud to announce that this morning I bought 300,000 shares at 0.96 and my paper profit alr RM15,000

I am going to show you guys my portfolio, I am holding 5,154,400 shares of toing nam @ cost of RM0.535

I am earning RM2Million from Tiong Nam.

I will hold it until the material announcement of Tiong Nam Reits of RM4.5Billion. By that time,tiong nam share price will hit RM2.00 easily my profit will be RM7.55Million.

Ask yourself 1 question, why Mr. Ong ( MD of Tiong Nam) go for private placement at 0.435?

Now, the shares yet to be allotted to him and he is not allowed to sell the shares within 6 months from the allotment date.

It tells you something big is coming, or else Mr. Ong wont inject so much money into Tiong Nam la.

So, toing nam share price going to move up easily to Rm2.00

The edge interview well proven the news of Reits and decision to be announced soon. So, bear it mind, any price drop in Tiong Nam is good buy. My trading strategy proved me right this morning.

I will sapu more and more if the price drop.

Those who interested, I dun mind to share with you more information abt Tiong Nam Reits of Rm4.5Billion.

The Reits listing is in final stage( you may refer to the edge interview which I posted earlier).

Hoot 9 e Tiong Nam.

See you guys at RM2.00.

In order to show my commitment, I has placed another buy queue order at 0.99 @ 300,000 shares.

If you dare to sell, I am dare to buy.


2020-12-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

hahaha... my kuku still here ler...where is all the supporters??????


2020-12-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

why you guys so worried????take it easy. This is purposely done by banker to wash + flush you out la.....

Tml EGM + suspension pending for material announcement.

Dun kanjiong ok. Tml see you guys at 1.15

Reits is coming la...RM4.5Billion.


2020-12-09 12:43 | Report Abuse

hold tight tight lor..


2020-12-09 12:43 | Report Abuse

Tiong Nam will be suspended for pending material announcement? hoseh liao this time.

Limit up limit up limit up.

1) Vaccine Contract
2) Cold Room storage contract to keep vaccine
3) Reits Listing of its warehouse of RM4.5Billion

You Guys think think la. How high the share price can go?

RM2.00 lai liao lor.,,,


2020-12-09 12:08 | Report Abuse

inikalilah888 you r most welcome to sell the shares of tiong nam


2020-12-09 11:28 | Report Abuse

hold it tight, the banker very tricky, wash out contra and weak holders this morning. This means, show time coming....hold tight tight.....

RM1.30 then RM1.60 then all the way to RM2.00 and RM3.00

Let Mr. Ong be the god of fortune to give us big angpao this coming CNY and Christmas.

Hoot 9 e
Wu Chang keep on sapu and asked all his platinum members to sapu he said no RM1.60 dun sell by this 2 weeks... So wu chang's fund is seriously coming to this counter.


2020-12-09 11:24 | Report Abuse

congrats to those who still holding the tickets of Tiong Nam.

Reits going to announce tml after EGM. Be prepared for limit up......


2020-12-09 09:39 | Report Abuse

fake drop again. Just to wash out contra and weak players....Hold it tight. waiting for REITS announcement.


2020-12-08 17:42 | Report Abuse

so, let celebrate together.....huat ar...huat ar....toing nam go go go...

toing nam wo ai ni......


2020-12-08 17:42 | Report Abuse

Private placement @ 0.435 to Mr. Ong going to approve this Thursday........


2020-12-08 17:40 | Report Abuse

please read the article of the edge....


2020-12-08 17:35 | Report Abuse

hoot 9 e, dun be shy to share this information with your frens, relatives. Let us huat together welcome the year of golden bull. i love you Mr. Ong deep deep.


2020-12-08 17:33 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

What I predicted is 100% correct at closing price of 1.00.

According to the edge, Mr. Ong ( MD of Tiong Nam) confirmed that the Reits is in final stage and decision to be announced soon.

To me, Reits is 99.9% confirm, hopefully to announced on coming Thursday after EGM.

Based on the assets size of tiong nam, i suspcet the Reits size is about RM4.5Billion and Tiong Nam can get of about RM2Billion ( after minus off all the borrowings)

Hence, Tiong Nam will become a net cash company after Reits.

If counter suspend this Thursday, I think will limit up at least 2 days consecutively.

So 1.00 limit up 1 time=1.30 , then 2nd limit up will be 1.60

This Friday RM1.60, the NTA will shoot up to RM2.80 per share after reits listing.

So my dear frens, please keep and let us huat together with our beloved Mr. Ong Yoong Nyock ( my idol who is known as the logistic giant in South East Asia)

I think January or February price will shoot up to RM2.00 and above.


2020-12-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

hoot 9 e.. the dropped (yesterday and today morning) is fake drop. To wash out contra and weak holders. Now is clean clean d...can go up chiong d. Today close at RM1.00

Hoot 9 e. Wu Chang going to buy call later in his facebook. Buy before Wu Chang.


2020-12-08 12:27 | Report Abuse

according to MD Mr. Ong Yonng Nyock, reits to be finalized soon.

If jadi, reits going to release RM1.58Billion to Tiong Nam. By that time, TNL will be a net cash company.

So target price is RM1.50


2020-12-08 10:45 | Report Abuse

my kuku right here waiting. so boring....haiz...Those who chased high I feel so sorry to you guys....next time be smart ok....dun cry father cry mother ya...listen to me wont go wrong see you guys at 2.20


2020-12-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

target price 2.00...hoot 9 e.....


2020-12-04 14:40 | Report Abuse

I want to cut kuku, where is RM2.50????day dreaming, see you guys at 2.20


2020-12-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

haha......I want to cut kuku also cannot la....pity those who chased high.


2020-12-02 17:16 | Report Abuse

Hold tight, privatization news coming by this month end. Offer price 0.95. everyone sure huat huat got angbao from Late Tan Sri.

Harnlen harnlen go go go.


2020-12-02 17:15 | Report Abuse

tonite DJI drop 600 points, this Ata 2.30 tml


2020-12-02 17:14 | Report Abuse

lembik punya counter....bye bye....sold all at 0.79 this morning my cost 0.72


2020-12-02 17:13 | Report Abuse

WONG ENGINEERING coming result confirm koyak. I think will report losses due to not favourable USD rate. Run while you can. I think price will drop to 0.65 by this week or early next week.


2020-12-02 17:11 | Report Abuse




2020-12-02 17:11 | Report Abuse

closing price 2.46 I wish to cut my gugu bird also cannot la....Push it to 2.50 la.

Shame on you guys....

tml drop further to 2.35 then 2.20. No justifiable reason to shoot up.

VS yes la, VS financial result going to announced next Monday is super fantastic. Ata Ims profit merely from foreign exchange gain. Somomore USD rate drop so much. Next QR Ata result sure koyak.

My gugu bird right here waiting.

Those who chased high today I feel so sorry for your hard earned money. Buy VS ma. Why buy Ata?


2020-12-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

faster sell and go. Vaccine to be delivered by Apex and DKSH. Tiong Nam lorry driver dunno how to handle vaccine. Please let expert do their jobs la.

Handle vaccine and handle FMCG are totally 2 different segments.

Sell and go. Tiong Nam share price will drop soon. Today proved me right.

Those who chased high this morning and yesterday I feel so sorry for you guys...

Tml 0.85 dun cry father cry mother.


2020-12-02 12:49 | Report Abuse

hahaha.....no reason Ata Ims Bhd can shoot up to 2.50
If yes, I cut my gugu bird.

The share price will drop to 2,20 anytime from now. The reason the price spike up is due to VS Industry good prospect.

Ata lembik 1 la.....


2020-11-30 16:28 | Report Abuse

report losses of approximately RM100Million??


2020-11-30 16:27 | Report Abuse

run while you can.....run run run.


2020-11-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

Islamic Fund Managers dispose TNL like no tml. Tml 0.70


2020-11-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

run! Tiong Nam has been kicked out from shariah list......


2020-11-27 11:42 | Report Abuse

Breaking news,

New cluster in Tiong Nam warehouse.

Most likely, KKM will instruct Tiong Nam warehouse to stop operation for at least 2- 4 weeks. All the affected staff have to go through SWAB Test.

I heard toing nam customer already switch their orders to other logistics player in order to reduce the risk.

In short, this coming 2-4 weeks will affect Tiong Nam's operation.

Human Resource department will inspect the foreign workers hostel of Tiong Nam.

Be prepares, same thing happned to Tip Glove will happen to Tiong Nam soon.

Another negative news is that Tiong Nam has been kicked out from shariah listing.

Islamic Funds going to dispose the shares for this 2 weeks.

Sell now.....sell call target price=0.59


2020-11-26 12:43 | Report Abuse

wah....price dropping like no tml. next support 2.00. If support broken then see you guys at 1.85 sayonara.Share price almost peak at this level.

Run before too late...1.85 only enter la.why so kanjiong?


2020-11-26 11:16 | Report Abuse

good support, go go go...yesterday the drop is fake drop. all the way to 0.90/0.95


2020-11-25 14:21 | Report Abuse

Ata Ims's total workforce is about 13,000 most of them are foreign worker. If 1 of the staffs kena covid-19, I think the story of Top Glove is going to happen on Ata.

Avoid this counter at all cost.