
twobits | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2015-10-10 16:23 | Report Abuse


Yup...dont wanna will the waves to my will.... kekeeke!
Thats what I am scared of.

Thanks for the points. Will stick to the basics and learn more on the variations. Let the waves unfold itself instead of charting them..

Thanks. U have a good weekend!


2015-10-10 15:50 | Report Abuse

Ok ok..hands off


2015-10-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

Capt: I have problem in labelling from 1896

Wave A. 1896 -1671 = 225
Wave B 1671 - 1867 = 196. 0.87F
Wave C 1867 - 1503 = 364 1.618F

For current wave 1503 to 1717 ( assuming intends here)
I can't label it as w4 cuz wave A peak is 1671.
If I were label it wave D...., next wave down will be
Wave E.

Is there such wave major ABCD? Or I am making a fool of myself?

If I label minor abc (green color) to make up major looks really weird on the chart.


2015-10-10 13:24 | Report Abuse

Tony: which brokerage hOuse u using?


2015-10-10 10:00 | Report Abuse

Shooting star iN hsi too
Probably spinning top on dows

Shall wait for monday closing.


2015-10-09 17:14 | Report Abuse

Con: u pandai lor.... i have been buying from long body to short body and finally shooting star. Added last batch just now at 0.25.

Region: tonight we want dows go up high 17200.. but over or not over is ok....then close unchanged or a bit down... next week we du bbq kaw kaw.


2015-10-09 16:57 | Report Abuse

Profitman: yesterday candle no meaning... i look "run eye". Today... classic shooting star... confirmed?


2015-10-09 16:47 | Report Abuse

Today candle closing very important!


2015-10-09 16:46 | Report Abuse

Ok cool!


2015-10-09 16:43 | Report Abuse

Region: what price u in hk? I asked third time liao


2015-10-09 16:19 | Report Abuse

Guys... lets not deleting message... give the 2000th crown to ah con. She deserved it.


2015-10-09 15:32 | Report Abuse

Korek korek..Left out important point.

Preserve your capital. Learn how to cut loss and fast!


2015-10-09 15:19 | Report Abuse

Con: i am ready to harvest my hk next week... if CI up another 30points later... i lagi happy.


2015-10-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

WG: why beria ia wanna trade hk? Did u read rchi 1235pm message... tell me what he told u...

I will elaborate


2015-10-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

Region: what px u in hk?


2015-10-09 15:09 | Report Abuse

Hey con!


2015-10-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

Ann: dont buy anything at the moment


2015-10-09 14:56 | Report Abuse

I will say this for the one last time..

If u are following region or rchi call,
You need to need to your trading screen from market open to market closed.

If you are going for a meeting, appointment, shopping, nap, toilet and drinking!

Dont follow. Dont trade! And NO contra.

I dont follow rchi or region call cuz i cant monitor realtime.

Set your profit target, no need to wait for rchi or region sell call.. u wouldnt have enough time to ACT.

Just now WG said 3% profit ok bor?
He still not learning.
.. 3% one day.. 20days is 60% already.
Rather than losing 100% is one trade.


2015-10-09 14:42 | Report Abuse

SS: u only can get my view adter market closed... i am working... if u can get me a google glass... i can update u anytime.


2015-10-09 14:39 | Report Abuse

Ok...u sold already...good enough


2015-10-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

Region:if he tell me he still waiting, i am gona fly over there and whack him


2015-10-09 14:36 | Report Abuse

Wg: tell me you sold already


2015-10-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

Newbee: u r welcome!


2015-10-09 14:33 | Report Abuse

Region: buy q sell q all MM.... sangat merbahaya!


2015-10-09 14:26 | Report Abuse

Wg: u in the money already...set your profit that u want... later can sell already...


2015-10-09 14:25 | Report Abuse

Bloody hell...nobody believe my toilet paper theory...somebody q buy 0.445 now.


2015-10-09 14:22 | Report Abuse

Fardar: mana lu pergi....


2015-10-09 14:21 | Report Abuse

Region: there will be some selling pressure on hq later cuz they only realized they are holding toilet paper..

Initally, i want to explain to wg after market open 10mins...
cuz i q buy at 0.35 waitin ppl to throw..

After u kacau kacau... i have to up my buy q to 0.39...cuz some of them still wondering they are holding toilet paper or not?


2015-10-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

Wg: follow kuku bird call... i cannot monitor real time. He changed name already cuz spoiling my toilet paper drama.


2015-10-09 13:21 | Report Abuse

WG: u can ask... but when u enter a plan.. if u think 5% profit is good, u close the position... set your own plan... trend change very fast... sometimes it will hit...sometimes it wont... pocket in the bank better then losing...

high risk high reward... u can set 20% or 100% gain...but are you willing to take a 20% or 100% loss. 7 to 10% each day... in one month time u add up... thats a lot!

If u have a plan, u wont ask that sort of question already.

U see connie and tsy.... they never ask tp or should they cut. Cuz they set their plan before goin into trade. enough today.

hold your hq till monday... stop loss 0.40!


2015-10-09 13:02 | Report Abuse

ok ok ok ok ... since region the kuku bird broke the suspense..
here's my view..


You are lucky u are in bolehland...
if not, that roll of toilet paper... u throw on the ground with region signature... nobody will touch it.

In bolehland, toilet paper can become gold bar... y?
cuz we are in bolehland!

HANG SENG in overbought region now.. stoch / mac kind of dragging high..
there's a good chance it will go for some kind of correction..

watch for dows tonight!

IF i go in, i will see the chart 1st... i see hsi rsi/macd/stoch in overbought or oversold and a lot of factors... then i will decide how to trade...

dont ask me y MM wanna push up toilet paper...
its beyond my understanding!

the moral of the story is...

i) Dont trade without knowing what you are buying.
ii) dont enter a trade without a plan and start to ask a lot of question
iii) do some simple research AT LEAST... there is no free lunch in this world

I hope you your gain in HQ!

You just wasted my lunch time! but its worth it... cuz i probably just save your saving book!


2015-10-09 12:50 | Report Abuse

rchi: just saving your some q&a session! I am sure lots of silent reader reading now...


2015-10-09 12:49 | Report Abuse

region: assuming he buy 1000 shares of HQ thats like RM 430 for a roll of toilet paper... need to have a diamond ass to use that toilet paper to wipe u know!


2015-10-09 12:45 | Report Abuse

region: apa lu kacau kacau... let him sweat for 2 hours 1st.. lu baru explain.... i susah susah building up the suspense... now u crush it All!


2015-10-09 12:43 | Report Abuse

WG: i am not asking you to sell... I said sure got solution in this 2 hours... Region not sell.. y u sell... he went in sure got his plan...
i am just asking you whats your plan before u enter HQ?

U think Rchi give buy sell call just typing..
buy AA now
buy mitra now
Sell Johor Tin
Sell C2..

its not as easy as that!


2015-10-09 12:40 | Report Abuse

DK: ei... dont think the shark will have mercy on me... if he dont learn now... nanti kena swallow... bone pun tak ada... not harsh liao.

Gkent probably hit target for this round... u decide for yourself!


2015-10-09 12:37 | Report Abuse

SS: yesterday candle dont mean anything... i am a bit hallucinated...
but today see how CI closing... might mean something!


2015-10-09 12:36 | Report Abuse

region: like that can or not?


2015-10-09 12:34 | Report Abuse

WG: CORRECT... you just bought yourself a roll of toilet paper!

I purposely drag this Q & A till market closed so you can do nothing about it...
And you have 2 hours to think about the stupid mistake u just did this morning... by not doing a simple research and follow blindly.

Enter a trade without a plan.

and asking common questions later
1) whats the TP?
2) still can hold or not?
3) should i cut loss?
4) how how how??

So, tell me whats your plan now?
i ) cut loss when market open later?
ii) hentam region?
iii) hentam 2bits by not telling earlier?

u think think 1st... 2 long hours... sure have solution!


2015-10-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

WG: since this is a put warrant..

HSI now is 22735
exercise price is 18600

tell me whats the meaning of HSI-HQ?


2015-10-09 12:24 | Report Abuse

region: i tau... need to teach them a lesson... if not, they thought we buy sell looking at the monitor only!


2015-10-09 12:19 | Report Abuse

wg: whats hang seng reading now?


2015-10-09 12:14 | Report Abuse

WG: check conversion ratio and exercise price and maturity date?
we do some simple calculation here.. and stop calling me sifu!
region laughing there!


2015-10-09 12:10 | Report Abuse

WG: whats the exercise price of hsi-hq? conversion price? maturity date? issuing house? have you checked those info already before u bought?

What if region is the market maker pura pura say hq is good?
and hsi-hq expired tomorrow!!
u die or not die ... u tell me?

u let me know the above information.. i tell u your plan!


2015-10-09 12:04 | Report Abuse

WG: when u go into a trade... you should have a trade plan already!
You cannot ask me now whats the plan now? Have you look at hangseng chart before u enter the trade?


2015-10-09 11:58 | Report Abuse

WG: hsi and a50 is different from klci put and call. Very volatile... if u waanna cut at 0.42, u might as well cut now... the spread can be plus and minus 10bids in a single session.


2015-10-09 11:51 | Report Abuse

Region: lemme check hsi chart... prob will join u.

Jake: it mean... whether u r datuk, king or jibby, market maker wont give u face!


2015-10-09 11:45 | Report Abuse

Region: i find it very hard to play hsi and a50 put or call. MM there dont give face one...


2015-10-09 11:19 | Report Abuse

region: :)