
uncensored | Joined since 2021-09-16

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2022-02-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

Tobby you are wrong, there are high end semiconductor manufacturers in America.

Posted by Tobby > Jan 30, 2022 3:00 PM | Report Abuse

Answer : It's true! Only South Korea and Taiwan can produce high end chips! Even US can't!

News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:57 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:54 | Report Abuse

The PLA’s Biggest Corruption Scandal
162K subscribers

Xu Caihou is one of China's big "tigers", the prize of Xi Jinping's anticorruption. If Zhou Yongkang showed that even being a member of the Politburo Standing Committee did not protect you from prosection, then Xu's fall showed that it goes the same even for China's powerful military.

The People's Liberation Army is the world's largest army and probably its second most powerful. The Party controls it through the Central Military Commission, chaired by China's most senior generals and party members.

Corruption in the Chinese military is a largely unexplored topic. Basically, a state secret. Charging Xu for what he did is characteristic of Xi Jinping's style - shaking up the status quo. In this video, let us look at his rise to power and how he fell from grace.


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:44 | Report Abuse


Polishing The Turd 朽木可雕
131K subscribers

中国部分银行近日宣布完全取消现金业务,柜台不管存取款,连自动取款机也要挪走。中国政府预计在2025年进入全面数字化,所以各方政策不断逼迫百姓放弃现金。而为了方便管控居民的实际收入,支付宝、微信等供应商将进行改革,严查个人首款码,对于频繁收钱往来的账户进行关停。而有生产经营需要的百姓,应改申请商家码,这样利于大数据摸清。冬奥会开幕式共襄盛举,社交媒体一片欢腾,中国再次进入没有什么新闻的状态。然而现实的世界里,危机四伏。( 单口相声嘚啵嘚之去现金化)


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:38 | Report Abuse

Is China the most RACIST country in the world?
Foreigners are no longer allowed to enter China, foreigners are being barred from supermarkets, restaurants, bars, karaoke you name it, what's the deal?


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:37 | Report Abuse

Is China the most RACIST country in the world?
Foreigners are no longer allowed to enter China, foreigners are being barred from supermarkets, restaurants, bars, karaoke you name it, what's the deal?


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 13:35 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 old crazy lady. you are indeed senile. Now talking stupxd things...

News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:58 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:56 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:53 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:49 | Report Abuse

有大陸媒體人揭露,在拐賣婦女的案件中,暴力拘禁和虐待相當普遍,但買家和人販子不會被追責,受罰的反而是揭露真相的人。| #香港大紀元新唐人聯合新聞頻道


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:42 | Report Abuse

Severe Chip Shortage | U.S.-China Chip Competition | Supply Chain

China Observer
170K subscribers

On January 25, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the America COMPETES Act of 2022, a bill to address competition with Beijing and to improve the stability of the U.S. supply chain. A key part of the Act is the creation of a Chip Fund, which would provide $52 billion to encourage U.S. private sector investment in semiconductor production, among other things, to alleviate global chip shortages, and authorize $45 billion to improve the U.S. supply chain, strengthen manufacturing, prevent shortages of critical items, and ensure that more of these products are made in the United States.
Since the second half of 2020, the global supply of electronic chips has been experiencing severe shortages, hitting many manufacturing industries such as automobiles, telecommunications and home appliances, and posing a serious threat to the economic recovery of countries


News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:37 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-05 10:36 | Report Abuse

董志民開通抖音,強 J 犯變網紅;徐子捌長子報警?律師願免費相助;女人等於20隻癩蛤蟆,拐Mai婦女只判3年;無人機威脅大增,恐 Bu 分析膽寒;一杯茶暴露身份,剿 S 細節

02:52 董志民開抖音帳號 強 J 犯變代言網紅
05:31 徐子捌長子報警?律師願免費相助
12:21 女人=20隻癩蛤蟆 拐Mai婦女只判3年
18:57 無人機威脅大增 恐Bu份子膽寒
20:31 一杯茶暴露身分 剿 S 細節曝光



News & Blogs

2022-02-04 23:39 | Report Abuse

Recent challenges in reading China’s GDP

The reliability of China’s national accounts data is a perennial topic of discussion among observers of China’s economy. The Economist Intelligence Unit nevertheless holds the view that, while far from perfect, the data offer a reasonable view of the size of China’s economy, as well as the direction of its momentum.
While there is powerful evidence that percentage changes in real GDP are “smoothed” (typically upwards during economic downturns and downwards during upturns), they generally align with other economic cycle indicators. We do not believe either nominal or real GDP data to be widely fabricated.
Understanding the challenges and limitations of China’s GDP data is important for using them as a basis for corporate decision-making. In this article, we note several issues that are making data interpretation difficult, although we refrain from suggesting that the root cause of these problems is manipulation for political reasons. More mundane reasons, such as the evolution of China’s statistical methodology and inadequacies in data collection and analysis, seem more likely explanations, but these still have implications for business.
Ongoing, large-scale historic revisions to key economic indicators tied to GDP are a source of current concern. We have written in-depth on the changes to the fixed-asset investment (FAI) series, which is published partially by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on a monthly basis and is a key input into the national accounts (under the GDP by expenditure approach) through the gross capital formation (GCF) component. The main difference between FAI and GCF is that the former includes purchases of land and already owned assets, while the latter—as a measure of strictly new asset creation—excludes them.

We estimate that downward historic revisions to China’s nominal urban FAI series ranged between 2.6% and 8.6% annually in 2000‑19 (although officials did not revise the initially published numbers for 2018). These changes have been tied to the results of the fourth economic census (published in November 2019) and updates to NBS methodology. The adjustments to FAI are in many senses welcome and overdue: several data scandals in recent years have suggested that this was one of the economic indicators most vulnerable to manipulation.

,,,,, continues by click on the below link for further reading


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 23:33 | Report Abuse

Is China fudging its GDP figures? Evidence from trading partner data

How can we reliably estimate fluctuations in economic activity when official statistics are of questionable quality? Some authors have used light emissions as a check on the statistics (Henderson et al., 2012, Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2016). Measured light emissions have considerable high-frequency noise, so this approach serves as a low-frequency check on statistical quality. But it is often of interest to understand cyclical fluctuations as well. China is a clear example where cyclical fluctuations are of first-order interest.


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 22:14 | Report Abuse

cchong86 just wonder why you dislike medicine salesman.
Because they sold you a fake Viagra pills aaah. Hehehehe
Anyway I didn't make the video la.. just post its to tease small gas little pinky communists

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 21:05 | Report Abuse

Tobby now you have to ask yourself whether could China afforded that luxury investment. So more it is not once off as every year its caused billion to maintain ....

Soviet Union collapsed as they having an arm race with USA...



Posted by Tobby > Feb 4, 2022 7:06 PM | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Burn 4 trillion on useless wars! And you are whinning when China barely use 1 trillion to build mass transportation!

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 20:57 | Report Abuse






News & Blogs

2022-02-04 20:55 | Report Abuse

Revealing Chinese Communist Party's $10 trillion Ark of Doom Project | CCP | US Sanctions

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 20:49 | Report Abuse

China's steel production has shrunk drastically, resulting in lower shipping rates


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 20:47 | Report Abuse

Most Powerful Military in 2022 Ranked

The Infographics Show
11.3M subscribers

Which country is going to rule the world in 2022? Find out in today's epic military comparison that reveals the true world superpower when it comes to military force!



2022-02-04 20:43 | Report Abuse

Don't you thinks that the reason is obvious but yuo just can't accept the fact.

Fact is that at this moment the shares investors don't valued this company above IPO price.

Posted by Baobab > Feb 4, 2022 3:47 PM | Report Abuse

That's just my opinion. Neither of us has the answer to why the share price slipped below the IPO's price.


2022-02-04 20:40 | Report Abuse

Yes, there is why I said SH shares price got nothing to do you you decision to buy elect good from where

Posted by Baobab > Feb 4, 2022 3:52 PM | Report Abuse

And as a consumer, I can choose where to buy from. My money, my choice.


2022-02-04 18:57 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:27 | Report Abuse

Tobby its seem that American went to wars much more than British...
Still they going strong...


2022-02-04 18:23 | Report Abuse

FYI I also have investment in Oil & Steel sectors



2022-02-04 18:21 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

China's REAL military power (Part 1): "Giving Navy the Priority" is SUCCESS or FAILURE?

China Observer
169K subscribers

According to the U.S. military website Global Firepower, China's military is ranked third in the world in terms of overall military power because of the huge numbers in various categories. To be sure, the Chinese military maintains a large monetary figure. However, since the Chinese military is under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, it is perhaps one of the most wasteful militaries in the world, due to corruption with the Party. Therefore, it is doubtful that China's real ability to fulfill its military strategy will ever reach the top three in the world.

China's vast territory and a large number of neighboring countries make defense difficult. The more sensible military strategy should be to ensure homeland defense first, then to develop effective counterattack capabilities and gradually seek a balance between offense and defense. China's 2019 defense white paper writes that "with more than 22,000 km of land borders and 18,000 km of mainland coastline, China has the largest number of neighbors, the longest land borders, and one of the most complex maritime security environments in the world." It is clear that China's professional military departments were aware of the importance of defense. However, the Chinese military follows the orders of the Chinese Communist Party and puts political correctness first. I wonder which Communist Party leaders have developed and implemented the opposite strategy for the Chinese military, disregarding the long land borders and rushing to move from a land power to maritime power.



2022-02-04 18:18 | Report Abuse


What are you basic of this shouting ??? Most all without any write up....

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:16 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:15 | Report Abuse

China's REAL military power (Part 1): "Giving Navy the Priority" is SUCCESS or FAILURE?

China Observer
169K subscribers

According to the U.S. military website Global Firepower, China's military is ranked third in the world in terms of overall military power because of the huge numbers in various categories. To be sure, the Chinese military maintains a large monetary figure. However, since the Chinese military is under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, it is perhaps one of the most wasteful militaries in the world, due to corruption with the Party. Therefore, it is doubtful that China's real ability to fulfill its military strategy will ever reach the top three in the world.

China's vast territory and a large number of neighboring countries make defense difficult. The more sensible military strategy should be to ensure homeland defense first, then to develop effective counterattack capabilities and gradually seek a balance between offense and defense. China's 2019 defense white paper writes that "with more than 22,000 km of land borders and 18,000 km of mainland coastline, China has the largest number of neighbors, the longest land borders, and one of the most complex maritime security environments in the world." It is clear that China's professional military departments were aware of the importance of defense. However, the Chinese military follows the orders of the Chinese Communist Party and puts political correctness first. I wonder which Communist Party leaders have developed and implemented the opposite strategy for the Chinese military, disregarding the long land borders and rushing to move from a land power to maritime power.


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:15 | Report Abuse

Tobby ya ya your country is corrupted. So what ? Does this made China lesser evil ???


What type of logical think is this .....

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:12 | Report Abuse

China's REAL military power (Part 1): "Giving Navy the Priority" is SUCCESS or FAILURE?

China Observer
169K subscribers

According to the U.S. military website Global Firepower, China's military is ranked third in the world in terms of overall military power because of the huge numbers in various categories. To be sure, the Chinese military maintains a large monetary figure. However, since the Chinese military is under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, it is perhaps one of the most wasteful militaries in the world, due to corruption with the Party. Therefore, it is doubtful that China's real ability to fulfill its military strategy will ever reach the top three in the world.

China's vast territory and a large number of neighboring countries make defense difficult. The more sensible military strategy should be to ensure homeland defense first, then to develop effective counterattack capabilities and gradually seek a balance between offense and defense. China's 2019 defense white paper writes that "with more than 22,000 km of land borders and 18,000 km of mainland coastline, China has the largest number of neighbors, the longest land borders, and one of the most complex maritime security environments in the world." It is clear that China's professional military departments were aware of the importance of defense. However, the Chinese military follows the orders of the Chinese Communist Party and puts political correctness first. I wonder which Communist Party leaders have developed and implemented the opposite strategy for the Chinese military, disregarding the long land borders and rushing to move from a land power to maritime power.


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:10 | Report Abuse

Tobby, now you sounded like qqq3333 only said out positive words..


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:08 | Report Abuse

12 Details of the Communist Party's Celebration Reveals Weakness | CCP100 | Xi Jinping | China

China Observer
169K subscribers

This July 1st, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), was celebrated in a very high-profile manner in Beijing, but at the same time, there were many unusual signs that suggest Beijing was divided and that the Communist Party, led by Xi Jinping, is in crisis.


News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:04 | Report Abuse

little pinky communists don't become like FATINVEST
..evil hearted

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:02 | Report Abuse

cheahsk, please don't be so short sighted.. hahaha

Your sight should be longer... don't just turn blind to the evil things... you need to say out althought its take balls to do that

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 17:57 | Report Abuse

The Sad Life of a Corrupt Chinese Banker

China Uncensored
1.73M subscribers

A corrupt Chinese banker has been taken down, revealing deep corruption in the Chinese Communist Party. And Wang LI's story is all too common.

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 17:53 | Report Abuse

GooShem you could blamed & bad mouthed FLG... I don't care at all...hahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 17:52 | Report Abuse

who care about FLG...
I only care about China


2022-02-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

I don't thinks your saying is rational...

First I doubt the owner could control the movement of the share price.
Second whether the co loyal customers decided to visit SH stores are not collerated with the co shares prices. It is illogical to believe that when shares prices going up then more loyal customers or vice versa

Posted by Baobab > Feb 4, 2022 3:25 PM | Report Abuse

It is really short-sighted to allow the share price to fall below the IPO price. They will lose the loyalty of their customers who had subscribed to the IPO.

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 14:41 | Report Abuse

Tobby, this one is talking about how USA look at China

How The Threat Of China Was Made In The USA

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 14:37 | Report Abuse

Tobby the video is talking about Australia la... no USA


2022-02-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

Buy ?? Buy ?? Buy ?????

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 14:24 | Report Abuse

China Rising: ‘Tremble and obey’, Xi Jinping’s ‘era of biding time’ is over (Part 1)

Sky News Australia
2.19M subscribers

Part one of Sky News Australia’s documentary – China Rising – delves into Chinese President Xi Jinping’s mission to topple the United States and become the world’s greatest superpower.



2022-02-04 14:14 | Report Abuse

Raya Airways’ and Raya Aviation Holdings’ directors are Mohamad Najib, Siti Nur Aishah Ishak, Mohamad Yusof Ishak — who are the children of Ishak — and Tan Tong Lang is the company secretary.

The air cargo carrier has embarked on an expansion spree in recent years, strengthening its fleet of freighter aircraft, network of routes and employees. With a team of close to 450 staff, the carrier currently has a fleet of three 767-200Fs and one 737-400F and operates scheduled air cargo services into major regional hubs such as China, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong as well as Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and Labuan.

Raya Airways turned a profit in the financial year ended Dec 31, 2019 (FY2019), marking its first time in the black since taking flight in November 1993. In FY2019, the carrier logged a net profit of RM3.02 million, compared with a net loss of RM19.16 million in FY2018, according to SSM filings. Its revenue rose 25% to RM197.61 million from RM158 million in that same period.

In FY2020, Raya Airways’ net profit surged 2,473% year on year to RM77.73 million, while revenue rose 69% y-o-y to RM334.12 million. It has yet to file its financial statements for FY2021 with SSM.

Last Wednesday, Raya Airways chief commercial officer Muhamad Hidayat Rahim said in a statement that the carrier is exploring numerous routes to add to its regional footprint. “In the months ahead, we will be announcing exciting destinations across Asia-Pacific, including within China and other countries. Wherever there are business hubs with robust future prospects, we aim to be there,” he added.

Raya Airways is the restructured entity of Transmile Air Services Sdn Bhd, formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Transmile Group Bhd whose RM530 million accounting fraud was the biggest corporate scandal in mid-2007. Transmile Air Services was acquired by Amrul Nizar Anuar Resources Sdn Bhd — in which Ishak was a director — for RM40 million.



2022-02-04 14:13 | Report Abuse

AirAsia said to be eyeing Raya Airways acquisition
AIRASIA Group Bhd, which is looking to scale up its logistics business Teleport to take advantage of the booming air cargo market, has approached prominent businessman Datuk Ishak Ismail, whose family controls Raya Airways Sdn Bhd, to buy the air cargo carrier, according to people familiar with the matter.

However, the conversations are in the early stages and may not materialise into a deal. Also, The Edge learns that top executives at Raya Airways are not keen to sell the air cargo carrier as they plan to take it through the initial public offering (IPO) route themselves.

When contacted, representatives for Raya Airways say they will refrain from commenting, given the speculative nature of the questions.

Teleport CEO Pete Chareonwongsak tells The Edge that he has no knowledge of any discussions related to news of AirAsia Group’s interest in Raya Airways.

“This is, however, a sign of our growing investment and relevance in logistics. Teleport has just had its best year in 2021 and is larger and growing faster than we were pre-Covid-19,” he says.

He notes that Teleport’s capital raising is underway. “Our fundraising efforts are in late stage progress and we will announce when we are over the line.”

Teleport is looking to secure about US$50 million (RM209 million) to US$100 million of fresh funds as part of a plan that includes expanding its fleet to six freighters by 2023 and going public in three years.

The boom in air cargo demand has led Teleport to convert several of AirAsia Group’s passenger aircraft into temporary cargo planes, as well as permanently convert two Airbus A320 passenger jets into freighters. In November last year, it partnered with Thailand’s K-Mile Asia to operate a dedicated Boeing 737-800 freighter (737-800F) to serve key markets — including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Chennai, Mumbai and all the major destinations in Southeast Asia — from Thailand.

Teleport nearly tripled its revenue for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2021 (3QFY2021) to RM157.9 million from RM55.7 million a year ago as it strategically grew its cargo network to establish its presence in the market by operating more charter flights. Teleport made up 53% of AirAsia Group’s overall revenue for 3QFY2021.

Teleport’s improved cargo business, however, was offset by its investment in last-mile delivery services, which at the current expansion stage is still operating at a loss position, it said when announcing its financial results for 3QFY2021 on Nov 22 last year. In November 2021, Teleport completed its acquisition of Delivereat, a Malaysian food delivery platform, for US$9.8 million. The deal valued Teleport at US$300 million.

“Air cargo is one part of our end-to-end logistics, and the industry outlook is good in 2022 as demand from supply chain and e-commerce continues to be strong, while capacity is expected to recover as more borders begin to open,” says Chareonwongsak.

It is worth noting that AirAsia Group was classified as a Practice Note 17 company according to Bursa Malaysia listing rules on Jan 7, and is in the process of formulating a plan to regularise its financial condition.

Air cargo has been a bright spot in a pandemic-battered airline industry. According to the International Air Transport Association, global cargo revenue is expected to rise to a record US$175 billion in 2021 and US$169 billion in 2022. “Economic conditions continue to support air cargo growth, however, supply chain disruptions are slowing growth,” the airline group said in a statement on Jan 11.

Teleport is not the only one making the necessary investments to tap the boom in air cargo. Malaysia Aviation Group Bhd (MAG) has hired Standard Chartered Bank to explore strategic options for MAB Kargo Sdn Bhd (MASkargo), its profitable wholly-owned air cargo unit. “We are looking at having a global reach ... bringing in [a strategic investor] that has a strong network is an option,” MAG group CEO Captain Izham Ismail told The Edge in an interview last month.

Long-haul, low-cost carrier AirAsia X Bhd has also said that it will pivot to the cargo business and is looking at converting a couple of its planes to full freighters.

Fledgling carrier flying high
Sources close to the company say the booming demand for air cargo has provided Raya Airways with the ideal environment to go public. In September last year, online news portal The Vibes, citing sources, reported that Raya Airways had been weighing an IPO.

Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) data shows that Raya Airways’ net worth has more than quadrupled in the past five years, to RM102.64 million as at Dec 31, 2020, from RM23.46 million at the end of 2016.

The filing also shows that Raya Airways is wholly-owned by Raya Aviation Holdings Sdn Bhd, which in turn is held in trust by CIMB Islamic Trustee Bhd, with Raya Airways group managing director Mohamad Najib Ishak holding one share.

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 14:04 | Report Abuse

98 Chinese generals were punished within 8 years due to corruption | PLA generals
China Observer
169K subscribers

How officers in PLA get promoted? There are three main approaches.
The Mysterious Chinese Army: Officers China's generals PLA generals
98 generals investigated and punished for corruption in eight years; The truth behind CCP’s military promotions
As relations between China and the United States deteriorate, the possibility of war grows more likely every day. One cannot help but question the true combat capabilities of the People's Liberation Army. Can they really take on the U.S. military?


As a result, corruption in the military has become increasingly rampant and uncontrollable.
The behavior of generals in the army has a huge impact on the army's combat power. A corrupt army is as vulnerable as rotten wood where it collapses at the first blow.
