
upsidedown19 | Joined since 2014-11-27

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2014-11-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

God willing, we shall eat Aussie abalone then with Puncak at RM8 !!


2014-11-29 14:35 | Report Abuse

I don't know about out leng looi siao jie Jacklin, but you have just helped to make my next CNY. God willing, we shall eat Aussie abalone then with Puncak at RM8 !!


2014-11-29 14:34 | Report Abuse

I don't know about out leng looi siao jie Jacklin, but you have just helped to make my next CNY. God willing, we shall eat Aussie abalone then with Puncak at RM8 and SEAL at RM3, KSL at RM5 and WINGTM at RM5!!


2014-11-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

Watch Puncak share price. If it goes up, then likely UMNO will take-over without a snap election. If it goes down, then Azizah likely takes over. It it trades range-bound, then likely snap election! The market always seems to catch wind before public announcement!


2014-11-29 14:30 | Report Abuse

Watch Puncak share price. If it goes up, then likely UMNO will take-over without a snap election. If it goes down, then Azizah likely takes over. It it trades range-bound, then likely snap election! The market always seems to catch wind before public announcement!


2014-11-29 14:23 | Report Abuse

We need to have faith in what we do before we can proceed. Faith bridges the gap between doubt and facts. Science will not progress if the scientists have no faith in what they are doing. Faith kept them on despite all doubts and ridicule. Faith keep their eyes on their goals and their convictions and give them extra strength to persist irresistibly to achieve what those of less faith deem impossible. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). The Bible says that for Christians, Jesus Christ is the Author and finisher of their faith! i.e. the Christian's faith comes from Jesus Christ Who will also preserve their faith till He returns! Excuse me for the sermon. Thank you!


2014-11-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

If want to buy, buy now. If kali goes, new MB stuck with deal. If try to revise, fed wasia them...follow by 'adequate compensation' to comply with fed constitution. New MB will come in too late. Also pengerang contract with Petronas..! All signs at present points North for Puncak! But risk is always yours of course


2014-11-29 14:20 | Report Abuse

don't worry too much about the politics. It boils down to 1) Heads - Puncak wins and KPS loses; 2) Tail - KPS wins and Puncak loses; 3) Neither - Puncak wins because Khalid likely to remain till Dec 14.


2014-11-29 14:00 | Report Abuse

Good night everyone. I did 2 hours of hand-weeding in my garden this evening and am feeling tired. Got to sleep now


2014-11-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

Ok, some people will always give the low-down. But it irks me when they claim to predict with 100% certainty. As tan1868 said, we will see if there is 1.30 tomorrow. According to my chart, strong support at 1.35 tomorrow. Then 1.33 and 1.32; i.e. it will need to breach support all the way down before it will touch 1.30!


2014-11-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

@Alex Chan. I was the one mentioning strong support at 1.39 but on that particular day only. My chart recalculates after every trading session. Today's support is at 1.35.


2014-11-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

Professional_loser, are you hearing things from some 'nasty realities' with which Alex Chan has infected you with? Are you going nuts like him? Just check the thread and you will see (if those lunatically 'nasty realities' have not stop making you see things) that I have not called anyone 'names'! But you have named yourself very correctly!


2014-11-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

Professional_loser. I have just checked back this thread. I did not call Alex Chan directly a 'farting colon'. I did say that he was farting when his 100% certain prediction was shown to be inaccurate. Like now, when he is shown to be farting from his hell-hole of 'nasty realities' with -130 degree centigrade temperature!


2014-11-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Professional_loser. If you are not against, then stop behaving like a clown with inane negative predictions, especially when the price closed down. Otherwise you and your ilks will be no better than farting colons!


2014-11-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Alex Chan & Professional_loser. Constant farting at others will challenge people mentally and emotionally sooner or later. If that's your game, what do you hope to gain by it? Of course you can bear your own fart, but why be so sadistic? Why derive pleasure at others' discomfort. If you are simply lighting fires in the kitchen, please get out of this forum!


2014-11-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Alex Chan. Oh yeah, you think you are the genius of the forum? Mentally on top? Despite being proven wrong so many times? You are shamelessly boasting! We will see...! But it's not worth the time charting your mental decline into your 'nasty realities'. But if you try to drag others, especially the newbies into your mentally deranged 'nasty realities' the newbies have been thus forewarned!


2014-11-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

BTW Alex Chan. Nut cases, and there are several in other forums, always thinks and implies that they are geniuses, even God by trying to predict prices in the stock market with 100% accuracy. You may be showing the first signs of dementia!


2014-11-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

Alex Chan. You just confirmed that you are a jerky sadist! You are sooo happy I bought at 1.49 and holding paper losses? HaHaHa! Listen forumers, Alex Chan is delighted if I make paper losses. What a low life, exulting at others' losses and misfortune! I'll like to disabuse him, but then he will be sooo unhappy and it may derange him further. I will let him have his twisted pleasure believing that I am holding paper losses! HaHaHa!!


2014-11-29 13:54 | Report Abuse

FX LEE. I have studied both the TA and FA of the SEAL, although not like out resident genius and his ilks! I can assure you the TP is very high. It all depends whether the next quarter results will confirm the improved performance of the last quarter i.e. without the one-offs windfall profits!


2014-11-29 13:53 | Report Abuse

Rafizi's questions are now irrelevant now when the knives are out. It's obvious that Kali is now a disaster for PKR, BUT not yet for PR. For us small fries, if Azizah takes over, very good for KPS but not so good for Puncak as far as water is concerned. If UMNO takes over without snap election, it will be good for Puncak and bad for KPS although Gamuda can make a strong case for SPLASH. If snap election is called (very likely I think) it will be too close to call.


2014-11-29 13:51 | Report Abuse

The sadistic resident genius farting again and waiting to grab. He boasted sold at 1.46. He sis here to give the low-down, panic the seals and grab at 1.18. We should make him go back to his snooze!


2014-11-29 13:48 | Report Abuse

Don't worry friend, I rotates to SEAL and PUNCAK qute often. Can't leave my GF jolie2 behind lah!


2014-11-29 13:48 | Report Abuse

I have checked Hovid. According to my chart, uptrend not yet confirmed. Tomorrow support is at 0.415 sen; resistance at 0.435. 0.445 and 0.46. It needs to break decisively above its last peak of 0.48 to confirm uptrend! As for FA, its still a recovery play. It has started giving dividends. It's annualised dividend yield is 4.19%. My assessment: This is still a technical play on expectation of sustained and improving results that is not yet proven. My conclusion: upside is limited unless Q4 i.e. last quarter results is much better than Q3. Risk is always yours of course. For me: I like stocks with both FA and TA in this order. Example: KSL & SEAL.


2014-11-29 13:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah wise to take some, BUT not all for Wing. Likely to take wings tomorrow it it closes at 2.30 and above. In the last two months or so, it has most times rallied for 2 days!


2014-11-29 13:43 | Report Abuse

Real men rather bleed than bleat (tearfully) meaning they face challenges/set-backs with resolve, not with tears.


2014-11-29 13:43 | Report Abuse

I have felt what true love is in the love of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour! No philosophy, but real unconditional love for me, not for who I am or what I am; just love for poor little me, lah!


2014-11-29 13:41 | Report Abuse

Being such an evil mocker, how do you know God won't make you fulfill your nick this very night?! 'If you are a mocker, you alone will suffer' - Proverbs Chapter 9 verse 12b, The Bible.


2014-11-29 13:41 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or not. The same God who gave that verse in the Bible will fulfill it in His own time for ALL mockers!


2014-11-29 13:41 | Report Abuse

Very deceptive like the devil - delete your post when I quoted your foul words from your post so that it will seems like I am talking like that. What a cheap trick! Phui! You reflect well the image of the father of lies. And you will share his fate if you continue mocking!


2014-11-29 13:40 | Report Abuse

Even if you make profit tomorrow, you will likely lose it all ultimately and more to those who are generous and do not enjoy and mock the distress of others!


2014-11-29 13:40 | Report Abuse

Yeah, for your sake, I hope and pray it won't happen to you as written in the Bible!


2014-11-29 13:39 | Report Abuse

all mockers and more. We will see whether your god can save you when it happens. When it happens, pray to the God of the Bible to forgive you. Drop me a post too and I will pray for you as well!


2014-11-29 13:39 | Report Abuse

Not a curse, but what the God of the Bible has written and said He will do to all mockers and more. We will see whether your god can save you when it happens.


2014-11-29 13:36 | Report Abuse

To err is human, one can be like the blind leading the blind!


2014-11-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

God do exist!! Another sweeping statement!!


2014-11-29 13:34 | Report Abuse

To forgive is divine!!


2014-11-29 13:33 | Report Abuse

have a sense of humour lah!


2014-11-29 13:33 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, KSL is a different stock than SKPetro. That's why my remarks at the time. KSL's fundamentals are verifiable, visible and potential value are known! Also KSL is going to pay divvy with share or divvy


2014-11-29 13:31 | Report Abuse

The Bible says repeatedly that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Life and death are in His hands. Even your ability to breathe is because He allows you to breathe. He is even reading my post now, not that He needs to for He knows what I am going to write even before I write it!
I wish I am as good as you winning ALL the time. I only win some and lose some. In SEAL, I must say I was caught by the pump and dump syndicates. But hopefully I've learnt! Yeah I would like to learn from you


2014-11-29 12:24 | Report Abuse

And the Bible says that He is the Judge of all and in His time, you will stand before Him to account for your mockery and sin - you and all the demons which inspire you!


2014-11-29 12:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, for your sake, I hope and pray it won't happen to you as written in the Bible! God do exist!!
Lembu penile and testicular meat are for those too shy to ask the beautiful lady chemist for viagra


2014-11-29 12:18 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter whether you believe in Jesus or not. The Bible says repeatedly that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Life and death are in His hands. Even your ability to breathe is because He allows you to breathe. He is even reading my post now, not that He needs to for He knows what I am going to write even before I write it!


2014-11-29 12:18 | Report Abuse

The future is anybody's guess and even a fortune teller can give an opinion. Anyone trying to predict the future 100% as in a stock price 'will' rise or fall is either mad, a conman or a fool or worse!


2014-11-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

In Britain, there was a case of a dog beating the market with its stock picks! HaHaHa!


2014-11-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

The only unaffected sector is property. That is why i invest in KSL!!


2014-11-29 12:16 | Report Abuse

Also I recommend chee tai cheong for those farting colons, they can fart even more and make very good whipping boys! I can exercise my vocab 'whipping' them! Lembu penile and testicular meat are for those too shy to ask the beautiful lady chemist for viagra


2014-11-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

Lembu penile and testicular meat are for those too shy to ask the beautiful lady chemist for viagra


2014-11-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

Yeah, for your sake, I hope and pray it won't happen to you as written in the Bible! God do exist!!


2014-11-28 17:08 | Report Abuse

Go to SKPetro to hear my preaching. God do exist!!


2014-11-28 17:07 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter whether you believe in Jesus or not. The Bible says repeatedly that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Life and death are in His hands. Even your ability to breathe is because He allows you to breathe. He is even reading my post now, not that He needs to for He knows what I am going to write even before I write it! And the Bible says that He is the Judge of all and in His time, you will stand before Him to account for your mockery and sin - you and all the demons which inspire you!