
vivoinvestor | Joined since 2016-06-20

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2016-07-14 10:13 | Report Abuse

Hi all new comer.....

Me is not a professional hired to write here. so my speed sure not fast as the dedicated operator disagreetoagree. Just please go back previous page to see him how he wrong sycho people to reach his own profit...


2016-07-14 10:07 | Report Abuse

If not because of you and your team keep wrong press down the price for your own group take profit....and your bad mouth wrong psyco new comer, price already keep go up up revenue could be increase more than enough to cover future diluted or ratio strength...


2016-07-14 10:02 | Report Abuse

Anne Kung still in vivo, just another subsi...if vivo sink, she sink as well. u know what call a group???


2016-07-14 10:01 | Report Abuse

A day Dr Yeoh not officially send letter to BOARD, a day MD Choo cannot explain why Dr Yeoh is resigning as CEO because he is consider no resign. How to explain? How to introduce? U follow process???


2016-07-14 09:56 | Report Abuse

Be remind,,, what is the intention / purpose by keeping taking bad to 1 company...what is he rewards???


2016-07-14 09:54 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disturb. I have to ensure this reminder reach to new comer to prevent them get confuse by certain people.

“Someone is professional hired to write negative comment here. I feel suspicious on his "warm heart" intention here. Someone is super "warm heart" to talk negative over here but he said he don't buy vivo at all. He reply every 4-5 minutes, he talk long story, he keep fight but he telling he is not buy...he just "warm heart" and proof his theory / analysis at here. All smart investor, you think yourself what he want la.
When someone is hired for 1 purpose, smart people should go reverse way in order his plan (group behind him) will not success. If you follow him, only them make profit instead majority make profit. Based on the inside info that leaking by him, you can guess he is member of them, purposely push down the price, what are their purpose???? You imagine yourself...
A ship of course need a good captain. Since this captain has informed he want retirement. Just let him be, new captain could be better. Path has been set. Now just need to sail properly or sail better.
Here I need to highlight, a good salesman not mean he is good in operation. Since now all contract is available, we need someone really know how to manage to ensure all project is fulfil.
Once existing project fulfil, reputation build, new contract will automatic come.”


2016-07-14 09:30 | Report Abuse

Vivo is Honda kap...u will see....purposely press down by someone will face his own karma...


2016-07-14 09:29 | Report Abuse

can we only talk today repeat old story????


2016-07-14 09:28 | Report Abuse

Morning....aiiiii sien ler...early morning disagreetoagree and his clone talk old story day repeat same dish....


2016-07-13 14:44 | Report Abuse

NoSteveNoJohnnyNoBob, so far how many pages previously u have follow?...
We see his post until want vomit cho..he keep repeat..sien liao..
He want find fight only..not here to make money...


2016-07-13 14:29 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree is come here to find fight...he purpose offence to grab attraction. Talking bad vivo by saying give real picture just a reason for him. he should be an old single man which work as operator for phantom group to achieve their purpose. No one want talk to him at all in real life, so he find attention over here to make himself busy...
poor man...


2016-07-13 14:00 | Report Abuse

NopainNogain...well said...
don't know why still here if he super don't like this stock...keep bad mouth here by saying proof his analysis. If u are not in this, why u spend so much time here..either he is crazyman so do something unusual as other or he is here to make his own profit by taking reverse side from majority.


2016-07-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

just enjoy the show..only short term...what u so worry?...a long run horse don't even border little bit of can be over later....sooner or later result will come...


2016-07-13 11:35 | Report Abuse

just ignore those is stubborn..just skip his comments


2016-07-13 11:18 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree and his friends is selling...make fear...tactic


2016-07-13 09:26 | Report Abuse

Please ignore this disagree...waste time & energy only..skip his comments


2016-07-12 17:42 | Report Abuse

Now it is proof that someone talk negative just for it own good...brilliant u see who is good guy, who is bad guy...


2016-07-12 16:57 | Report Abuse

i have to repeat.

Office power fighting...tvb Drama always come out this long as new replacement is more already get prepared to let him go...of course new replacement has predicted the most bad possible could be happen and sure alternative plan will be taken....


2016-07-12 15:45 | Report Abuse

抢櫈仔...tvb Drama always long as new replacement is more capability....since they have plan to let think new replacement never predict what could possible happen and no precautions way???


2016-07-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

wah new strategy come after missing sometime...


2016-07-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

How many of you never play "rebut kerusi" since you are kid???

What mention by disgaree, may be happen usurpation inside.....
if strong like Yeoh or Anne also loose...some body is more powerful will come...this i see...who can make them give way...


2016-07-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

How many of you never play "rebut kerusi" since you are kid???

What mention by disgaree, may be happen usurpation inside.....
if strong like Yeoh or Anne also loose...some body is more powerful will come...this i see...who can make them give way...


2016-07-12 15:20 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disturb. I have to ensure this reminder reach to new comer confuse by certain people.

“Someone is professional hired to write negative comment here. I feel suspicious on his "warm heart" intention here. Someone is super "warm heart" to talk negative over here but he said he don't buy vivo at all. He reply every 4-5 minutes, he talk long story, he keep fight but he telling he is not buy...he just "warm heart" and proof his theory / analysis at here. All smart investor, you think yourself what he want la.
When someone is hired for 1 purpose, smart people should go reverse way in order his plan (group behind him) will not success. If you follow him, only them make profit instead majority make profit. Based on the inside info that leaking by him, you can guess he is member of them, purposely push down the price, what are their purpose???? You imagine yourself...
A ship of course need a good captain. Since this captain has informed he want retirement. Just let him be, new captain could be better. Path has been set. Now just need to sail properly or sail better.
Here I need to highlight, a good salesman not mean he is good in operation. Since now all contract is available, we need someone really know how to manage to ensure all project is fulfill.
Once existing project fulfill, reputation build, new contract will automatic come.”


2016-07-12 12:53 | Report Abuse

all reader please check the reply speed by him...sure is professional dedicated in this forum. so you measure his motive la...beh tahan him keep repeating same story. No one want listen but keep sorry wasting all reader time to long read because no 1 able make him off...but u can skip...see this name, skip...


2016-07-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

That day by 4pm...then show another 2 days...
Keep on post negative by delaying


2016-07-12 11:48 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disturb. I have to ensure this reminder reach to new comer confuse by certain people.

“Someone is professional hired to write negative comment here. I feel suspicious on his "warm heart" intention here. Someone is super "warm heart" to talk negative over here but he said he don't buy vivo at all. He reply every 4-5 minutes, he talk long story, he keep fight but he telling he is not buy...he just "warm heart" and proof his theory / analysis at here. All smart investor, you think yourself what he want la.
When someone is hired for 1 purpose, smart people should go reverse way in order his plan (group behind him) will not success. If you follow him, only them make profit instead majority make profit. Based on the inside info that leaking by him, you can guess he is member of them, purposely push down the price, what are their purpose???? You imagine yourself...
A ship of course need a good captain. Since this captain has informed he want retirement. Just let him be, new captain could be better. Path has been set. Now just need to sail properly or sail better.
Here I need to highlight, a good salesman not mean he is good in operation. Since now all contract is available, we need someone really know how to manage to ensure all project is fulfil.
Once existing project fulfil, reputation build, new contract will automatic come.”


2016-07-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

See....disagreetoagree missing a while to press down the price.
Don't let them success. grab it when low.


2016-07-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

A ship of course need a good captain. Since this captain has informed he want retirement. Just let him be, new captain could be more better. Path has been set. Now just need to sail properly or sail better.
Here i need to highlight, a good salesman not mean he is good in operation. Since now all contract is available, we need someone really know how to manage to ensure all project is fulfill.
Once existing project fulfill, build reputation, new contract will automatic come.


2016-07-12 10:06 | Report Abuse

When someone is hired for 1 purpose, smart people should go reverse way in order his plan (group behind him) will not success. if you follow him, only them make profit instead majority make profit. based on the inside info that leaking by him, you can guess he is member of them, purposely push down the price, what are their purpose???? You imagine yourself...


2016-07-12 10:00 | Report Abuse

Morning to all of u, u all please skip all this disagreetoagree's comments. he is professional hired to write negative comment here. I feel suspicious on his "warm heart" intention here. Someone is super "warm heart" to talk negative over here but he said he don't buy vivo at all. He reply every 4-5 minutes, he talk long story, he keep fight but he telling he is not buy...he just "warm heart" and proof his theory / analysis at here. All smart investor, you think yourself what he want la.


2016-07-11 17:30 | Report Abuse

Speedyboy, wellsaid.

as long u did inform in advance, people believe or not up to personal.
but this disagreetoagree like no face if people not agreed with him, must fight until people follow him. that the reason make people hate him..some more said come here do charity...


2016-07-11 16:04 | Report Abuse

already 4pm, no drop..disagree...1 proven wrong


2016-07-11 15:57 | Report Abuse

Koikoipuipui, we all here want to be gentlemen...please take back your devalue word...


2016-07-11 12:37 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree, U are reply every 2-4 minutes, you are professional hired to write on this VIVO forum. Your intention is really suspicious. i don's care how other judge you, but i need to be-careful on you...


2016-07-11 12:25 | Report Abuse

No idea...forget him...even my opinion not same with you. but i prefer all of us comments here professional...not like samseng, ok..?...


2016-07-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

No me name him dog...he name himself. Now all his comments disappeared.


2016-07-11 12:17 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree, i talking ab that dog, unless u think is that dog or want to become his friend


2016-07-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree, i am not appraise you.
All people here is free to comment, but please don't use "xia liu" word.


2016-07-11 12:09 | Report Abuse

Even disagree make people hate him, but he never use all this bad word.


2016-07-11 12:07 | Report Abuse

that 1 name dog, can u use normal word? please don't devalue the reader here. Don't use bad word.


2016-06-30 10:55 | Report Abuse

ohh... disagreetoagree, u mean u can going in meeting in BOD of vivo?? then u are 1 of ac member or member of BOD u reveal info like that???


2016-06-30 09:26 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree, of course a ship must have a good captain...but captain can be long as old captain has pre-plan the route..New captain can pick up under the guidance of old captain..the moment company need some 1 strong like him.. he pick up, he explore..he business is on track...time for him to train new man since he suppose to enjoy life at this age . Like Dr. Yeoh himself said, anyone can be replace...which this is one of main factor for a good management company......plan / budget, implementation , review / don't repeat the same point many times...sien liao.......


2016-06-29 15:12 | Report Abuse

majority is leaving here due to dirty word comments and long story from disagreetoagree.


2016-06-29 11:46 | Report Abuse dirty word....don't make this forum feel so not respective...


2016-06-29 10:37 | Report Abuse

Justinvestor, leave him...don't argue with him anymore...


2016-06-29 09:43 | Report Abuse

just let him talk to wall, don't argue with him anymore, wasting your time...he is try create fear to achieve his own target


2016-06-29 09:26 | Report Abuse

morning...just let him talk to wall, don't argue with him anymore, wasting your time


2016-06-28 16:18 | Report Abuse

i think someone has changed ID here to keep posting...


2016-06-28 15:15 | Report Abuse

what big deal to swap his position within a year.?? This is Malaysia.....BOD & shareholder give him full right to execute to bring in contract to make vivo up from previous old bad business in on planned...he can enjoy his life while remote control...why must be the in front person...stay behind also that new management only will grew up...he is great really future plan person...not like this disagreetoagree, short sight only, what a shame.......out of sudden this come across my mind...he is single middle age family and friends.....keep posting negative comment to grab people attention to spend his time, if not no 1 chat with him....... so...from this moment...please silence or skip his comment....let him talking to more comment to him..


2016-06-28 14:46 | Report Abuse

Based on statement from Vivo, it truth that Datuk Yeoh will retired any time since he is 60yrs...not because he is not happy with vivo, just he don't hold position of CEO since he is 60yrs....time to enjoy life..he may become adviser...or any maybe...just not CEO....since he is the 1 bring in all to vivo...u think he will just let vivo sink like that because of his own personal retirement plan....pakai engkau punya otak la