
waicheong | Joined since 2014-12-24 12:46:16

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2015-01-27 09:51 | Report Abuse

I wait for quarter result out next month. If not encouraging, Asiapac may go down abit

News & Blogs

2015-01-24 11:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Nov 14, 2012 10:13 AM | Report Abuse
I was the trainer who invited him to attend my market outlook and preview. I told him to complete the full market outlook and preview before you make his comment. I also invited him for dinner to brief him my system. He did not turn up for my dinner and I waited in vain. He turned up late, attended half of my market outlook without attending my preview. He refused to comment after that night.

The next day, he condemned all custom software and accused me of selling my custom software in I3investor website. He accused me of making money and making use of this website to promote my system and to advertise myself in I3investor. He condemned my software because he worried that I take away his students. He described all custom software in the market is to cheat all newbies. Is he promote himself and his course in this website ? Mr Teh, Please attend my preview first before you condemn my system. Without knowing details and condemn people is wrong in the first place. I also scored A1 in maths during my school days. Many of my students are CEO, Engineer, Lecturer, Accountant, Lawyer and also man in the street. I have more than 1,000 students in Malaysia. Do you think it is so easy to cheat aforesaid qualified people ?

Only our Mr Teh condemned me of cheating these people. I stop posting in this website is because of him. I do not wish to fight with any people and normally I give way because I cannot sleep well after I offend any people. I believe I am a honest businessman, all I said above are true without any lie. I am always available at my office on every Wednesday to clarify any doubt on this matter or my system, I am also more than willing to help if you have any question related to stock market. Please judge yourself whether I am a gentleman or not, Mr Teh.

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2015-01-24 11:43 | Report Abuse

2 years ago CP Teh spread lies about Ooi Teik Bee to discredit him and use many false ID in i3investors attacking Ooi. And it is not easy for Ooi to build his reputation. For 4 years now Ooi show us his results for all to see, where is CP Teh ? Why hide and only reveal winnings AFTER selling if any ?

News & Blogs

2015-01-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

CP Teh never reveal his cards until he sold them, but even if he already sold them, he claim to sell them again if the price keep going up the next day. And yet sold again for the third time as the price keep going up like SKPetrol. Is he that good to be able to buy and sell consistently without losing ?

News & Blogs

2015-01-23 23:56 | Report Abuse

CP Teh blog on Myeg and SKPetrol

SKPetrol : Bought last week too ... it shot up 6% yesterday ... and I sold at closing price RM2.64. I was queueing to sell at RM2.68 yesterday ... but it hit RM2.66 only(I think).

Last night, I do have e-meeting to my stock-watch members ... to explain about SKPetrol, why I like it when I dived from RM3 to RM2. Oil-price plummeted ... shariah-compliance issue ... and whatever bad news making me like it very much. So, it is a simple common sense to collect below RM2.50. Hitting 50MA yesterday ... and I am out. Thank you.

Wonder how CP Teh can sell, re sell and sell again countless times. Is there any trading house than can allow me to sell my shares 3 or 4 times ?

News & Blogs

2015-01-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

Sorry, methods not mentions

News & Blogs

2015-01-23 21:35 | Report Abuse

I agree with few who suggested that CP Teh to outline his buying stocks before announcing that he sold them. i3investor should cut out CP Teh blog. One contributer like Ooi Teik Bee for example clearly outline his stocks and mentions. Ooi stated TA and FA as his criteria, I don't know what TA and FA but it's better that CP Teh that has no criteria and all based on hunch and only boast about making profit AFTER he sold them. Can you believe him? I certainly doubt so

News & Blogs

2015-01-23 21:22 | Report Abuse

This was CP Teh yesterday blog:-

Being a contrarian, I like SKPetrol when it dropped below RM2.50 ... very nice as we collected around RM2.30. Today is RM2.80 ... heck, it is a SELL in my opinion. One moment it dived because of OIL PRICES down and SHARIAH stories ... today it shot up also due to similar news. Heck ... how now? buy?

And this is CP Teh today's blog:-

SKPetrol hitting 2.88 this morning is a strong sell to me. Some of my members still wanting more? Well .. buying below RM2.50, take profit today 2.88 nice number la. I said.

As I read further of his blog, he did mentioned buying 10 penny stocks but no mention of SKPetrol. I am confuse now, he is 100% on winning and not a single trade that he lose.

News & Blogs

2015-01-23 12:18 | Report Abuse

CP Teh sold too early


2015-01-22 12:42 | Report Abuse

Bought 100,000 shares at 2.35 during oil panic, today I am sitting on 40K profit.


2014-12-24 13:01 | Report Abuse

Consider buying next Friday after new year holiday...funds only come back then.. low volume no support..many force selling to come..not only SKPetro but all stocks..just sharing


2014-12-24 12:54 | Report Abuse

Today need to absorb 38 million shares.. only 5 million so far..2nd will see further drop and same on Friday..stay sideline


2014-12-24 12:47 | Report Abuse

Today and Friday will drop a lot..better stay sideline..no support for force selling


2014-12-24 12:46 | Report Abuse

Today will drop bcoz no support for force selling