
win1661 | Joined since 2019-07-13

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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse


I warn you sell fast fast but still nobody want to sell to take profit..

80 drop to 50c still very happy like fortuneball...

Good altitude

ya lor... we so bad at trading, now i follow trader king pang72 wherever he goes i go to learn from the master...


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

PBA is not a growth stock... how to grow in penang limited land cannot built DC, and neither is a dividend stock paying peanut div yield of 1.3%.... consider super lucky today for your guy to over 10% jump.... those not taking profit tomorrow u know what to do lor....


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

PBA top 3 shareholders penang government 55%, penang dev. corp 10% yayasan bumiputra 4.1% . these top 3 already own around 70%... free float so few only 75mil, easily cornered to trap u lor.... no foreign fund especially the renowned Norway fund will take a look at this peanut company... even though buying few mils is peanut to them...


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

a gap up like this is to trap water fish... careful


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

RSI over bought... tomorrow might drop back 10%


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Western Digital dares to spend big RM3bil to expand hdd production in Thailand, what does that tell u for the future hdd demand? This is a very good news for JCY. JCY not need to spend any extra single cent to cater for the upcoming huge hdd demand as they have extra 50% capacity to meet the demand. The Group’s two straight quarters of profit is significant given its capacity utilization rate is just reaching 50% in the current reported quarter.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

klci up 13 points yet tech sector down over 1%... speechless..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


Notion crashes at 16% now dip below $1
Jcy 6% down..

Who want to say my chase high method is wrong...
Pls list yourself here

yes, u the best, bursa champion in trading... here everybody knew already... so kindly go to other forum to make your mark... see you in next QR release and hoping that time could hit 17.5c to welcome pang72 the king of bursa trader to join JCY


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

sorry can't share here... u can think of i just simply pluck it from the sky...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


One more QR will be 17.5c

u can wait for next QR nobody ask u to buy now... , if u can buy at 17.5c then that's your very very good luck..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Norges Bank Investment Management or u can call it Norway fund already owned more than 40mil shares... It has increased to 56.95mil shares (2.67%) total amount paid RM44.99mil. u can calculate yourself how much per share the fund has paid..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


Why you stuck high because you listen to Calvin and fortuneball Norway fund coming.
You address to wrong people for your mistake.
I warn many don't buy hdds months ago!

btw, Norway Fund did bought JCY that is a fact. whether u choose to follow the fund to buy in or not is another story


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


Many listens to me is glad that avoiding of losing big money.
Many listen to Calvin and fortuneball making loses are starting to blame me instead Calvin and fortuneball.. YOUR CHOICE IF YOU THINK IS RIGHT

don't be so sensitive... who blame u? i bought not because calvin or fortuneball or anybody, i bought because i like it that's all. if i am stuck i find way to unstuck but will not resolve to blaming ppl.... Good for you if u able to lead many to follow you to earn big money... why not..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


You will never know i3 got many millionsair who earn millions millions... everyday afford to buy

that is why i said who can afford to buy that much are shark not ikan bilis


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

those manage big fund has the KPI to meet regardless lose is peanuts or not... yes i understand wat u meant but tell me is there any small fry can buy 40mils shares? if you can afford then my guess u wont be here poking ppl for fun, adding salt to those stuck high....


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

u think Norway fund enjoy screw up? for any fellow who can afford to buy 40mils shares at 79c will be big shark how to go bankrupt?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


These people like to chase high and screw the truth up.
What and how to kelian them?

so u are the angel here?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

by the way, Notion and JCY are two different company own by different management... no need to compare Notion with JCY...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


The QR is shit but you all scammers tell lies story to twist be good.

Ini la... Byk orang terperangkap in jcy, notion today morning..
Want to escape but have to much 0ainfull cut more lose, lose more mo ey

ya lor, so pitiful for Norway fund bought so much 40mil shares at 79c.... die die want to show off...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

the way i see USA will not let middle east situation out of control... because election coming in Nov simple as that.... so if they use this reason to push down the price... just wait for good price that u like and sapu as much as u can...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


hehe all of you are stuck at 0.75 kikikikikiki

i refer to this clown


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


In fact, manipulators can make money in any stock; just push it to sky-high, sell it to retail investors, thereafter buy back at much lower price.

manipulator or not just buy at the price u feel comfortable if u trust the company growth prospect... Norway fund willing to pay 79c u think they didn't do thorough study of the co and committed big sum?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

i bet u stuck at 0.90 hahahaha


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

found out the boss sold the 40mil shares that is 1.88% @ 79c. current price 56c is offer to u at 30% discount!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

got money just add more...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


Bottom forming @55.5c Can accumulate for long term hold for 80c target

i believe Norway fund paying at least 75c for that big chunk 40mil shares... wonder if they going to sapu some more or not... or other fund follow suit...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Seagate gives strong earning guidance for current quarter of 40% increase from previous QR... so u see JCY coming QR will be in loss??? what AI logic you use....


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse


qr release with good profit also down !!!

patience lah last quater boss said second half of 2024 the HDD start recover and the result proof it... so we just relax and sit back enjoy the growth lor..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

what yen -carry trade got to do with us here? u think got smart fund borrow yen to buy in bursa?


2022-01-04 16:56 | Report Abuse

nice... son premium only 20%...


2021-12-24 12:29 | Report Abuse

The global demand for semiconductors is growing at an unprecedented rate, and GF is responding to this growththrough a series of strategic long-term agreements with existing and new customers and simultaneously expanding global capacity to meet customer demand.


2021-12-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

looks like the latest 110mil contract is from GLOBALFOUNDRIES SINGAPORE....most likely can see more contracts awarded from this customer see below news... :)

AMD amends GlobalFoundries deal, will buy $2.1 billion worth of wafers


2021-12-23 09:04 | Report Abuse

going to be record earning next year...


2021-12-23 09:01 | Report Abuse

more contracts more EPS...


2021-12-07 22:46 | Report Abuse

Kelington Group - Christmas Came Early... Don't be late for the party..


2021-11-30 11:04 | Report Abuse

hold 1.63 and try break above 1.65... good


2021-11-29 09:46 | Report Abuse

touched 1.43 support and rebound... good


2021-11-27 13:03 | Report Abuse

those holding son consider lucky... base on 30% premium the price should go below advice be very careful keep a close eye... once they decide not to support easily can drop over 20% from current price...


2021-11-14 19:06 | Report Abuse

there can be many guesses as to why.... may be current son price consider undervalue...may be the owner continuously buying son for future conversion to increase % of share holding a cheaper way 1-2 years down the road.... may be just trying to paint a good future prospect... may be the owner just feel too boring just want to support the son price.... any guesses will do... the real reason behind the buying, well, only the owner knows... we can only buy/sell base on what has been disclosed.. if u think is good then buy/hold, else just sell...


2021-11-14 18:56 | Report Abuse

the way u commented,.. sounds like already sold...


2021-10-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

someone promised waterfall show...i waited waited and waited, where is it? more like a peeing show...hahaha... so tomorrow promise us another waterfall show or not?


2021-10-12 18:25 | Report Abuse

btw, though I not see research follower, I think should give him some credit also... he made a call to buy son when it was below 0.4.. how many here regretted not follow this call? I think this guy keng88 followed and he made handsome profit! so, at least said a thank u to him lor... if u have follow earlier on would u now cursing him or appreciated what he has done? just my thought ...even u sell now still making over 100% gain! what is there to complain, cursing....