
WiseEye | Joined since 2014-01-02

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2016-03-25 20:58 | Report Abuse

The stupid and shallow minded banglala is just another amateur which loves to spread lies and dumb insights. Forunmers be warned from listening to people like him that has no knowledge in stock market or the company itself. All in all dumb people like him exists anywhere, we should stand firm in our investing principles and research to kick them away.


2016-03-25 16:24 | Report Abuse

Thank you for all your support. Vs-wa moving up


2016-03-25 11:26 | Report Abuse

Take comcorp as an example today. Results were strong and it went up like crazy. It is also an export counter boosted by strong USD. The same will occur for VS. But sadly, it won't happen for glove and furniture stocks mainly due to the expensive stock prices and unattractiveness of traditional business for growth, unlike tech companies like inari or VS.


2016-03-24 23:09 | Report Abuse

Look at the sharp drop in oil price today, and not to mention plunge in the RM. This downward trend will continue and further exacerbated with possible hike by Fed in April. Most of us are working class people in Malaysia hence, more the need to invest in stocks that benefit greatly from weak RM to hedge our wealth.

I personally believe the weak RM will persist looking at the fundamental poor growth in China hence oil price will always be stagnated without strong demand, leading to poor RM. It's now a good time to collect stocks like VS or even its warrants VS-WA for larger leverage.

Who knows RM may go back to 4.30 - 4.40 levels again with the stubbornly low oil price? My best bet is to hedge your wealth with VS or other export related stocks.


2016-03-24 18:16 | Report Abuse

If RM strengthening is your concern, I'm not too convinced about that. The Fed may hike rates again, experts already know that the OPEC meeting will be futile since no one will freeze production, even if freeze it won't be a long term solution, then our BNM governor may be the 1mdb director All these point to a prolong weakening of RM, hence a good buying opportunity into the volatility. Think wider n not just looking at current trends. On top of that Business wise this company won't be affected at all, hence I don't see why it's a bad investment at all.


2016-03-23 23:03 | Report Abuse

i have recollected VS after reading and analyzing its new investment in Australia. Patented technology, one of its kind and surging orders from clients, showing a massive demand for such intellectual property.

I strongly believe VS is not only investing for the sake of cashflows but to be a part of a new technology boom which will reward greatly in future.

Definitely a good opportunity to collect this stock at such cheap valuation considering investors are selling blindly due to stronger RM. We should look into the fundamentals of the business and not adopting such a short-term view in our investments.


2016-03-20 01:00 | Report Abuse

looks like someone is taking advantage of price drop due to USD weakening recently and bought it back all the way up. seems like big players intend to push the price much higher


2016-03-15 09:17 | Report Abuse

Looks like I'm proven right. Let's see how far VS goes from here.


2016-03-15 00:31 | Report Abuse

If long term view I suggest to stay away. But frankly this counter shows a huge potential for short term punt. Why? Because the coming results will definitely be good for the fact that currency did not weaken too much and the management themselves mentioned orders increased in the coming quarters.

Seems so obvious today that operators flood in the market to buy all VS shares from desperate sellers at a cheap price after queuing so long. Moreover, oil price fell significantly today and I foresee RM will weaken further. Fed rate announcement will be made soon and that will trigger another round of RM weakening.

Therefore, like I said in short term VS possesses a great rebound play but long term is hard to tell. If you don't wanna miss the chance of rebound, u need to buy while still cheap, or else it will be too late.


2016-03-06 23:34 | Report Abuse

Looks like a nice golden cross on friday. Dropped so much then recovered, and to top it off, gained 2 cents. Congrats to those who bought on Friday. Monday should be bullish for Bursa overall after great close at Wallstreet last friday.


2016-03-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

GHLSYS is moving towards higher proportion of annuity revenue (meaning revenue that recurs without any new contracts, etc). This one of the very few counters in KLSE that have such business model, unlike in the USA where you have a variety of good stocks to choose from.

Having said that, Msia has too many manufacturing companies or contract dependent companies (O&G, Industrial, etc) that I observed, tend to fizzle out in their profits after several years. In short, their business is just not sustainable.

For GHL, as long as the number of terminals keep increasing, the profits will increase as most costs are already fixed. In the quarterly announcements, Philippines is going to be another great avenue for growth and will definitely be on par with Malaysia soon, in terms of revenue.

I've been a long-term investor in this stock and I'm making a bet that this company will one day reap its benefits.


2016-01-21 08:59 | Report Abuse

Looks attractive. Time to get in now


2016-01-12 23:06 | Report Abuse

I find it at a very attractive valuation now. Not looking for long-term play, just taking advantage of severe irrational market selldown

News & Blogs

2016-01-06 19:56 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, what are you trying to achieve here? U should know by now Internet is a wild place and anyone can write any stupid comments they want.


2015-12-08 22:56 | Report Abuse

Well, not sure if you shareholders catch it or not from the Q3 quarterly announcement. Under "Current Year Prospects", management mentioned a very important paragraph which reads"

" With the present implementation of TPA agreements with two telcos and a banking Group, we expected to start scaling the TPA business towards the end of the 4Q15. This should enable the
Group to expand its merchant base more strongly in the years ahead. The Philippine Peso has also strengthened against the Ringgit and this has helped the Group better balance its portfolio earnings."

It will be exciting to see the next quarterly announcement and beyond to see how much they are able to capitalize on 2 telcos and CIMB Group. In fact today, the COO just exercised his rights to purchase additional shares.

We shall see how e-commerce is going to change the payment landscape in Msia.


2015-11-27 11:58 | Report Abuse

Waiting for price to plunge and buy again. I don't think q3 results will be good.


2015-11-17 17:28 | Report Abuse

Looks like the share price did not reflect its results. Should wait till it drops further to accumulate


2015-10-13 19:24 | Report Abuse

Faralenz77, as far as I'm concerned, I made 35% gain within a week for MPAY. I don't think I'm a loser. No one can buy at dips and sell at the top.

I'm frustrated? No, not really. I'm very satisfied with my gains. I'm just speaking for the forumers here not to listen to bullbear777 who only knows how to call buy or sell without justifications. I have only one intention, that is to ensure innocent and rookie traders do not get burnt by his recommendations.

I still hold GHLSYS and will continue to hold it as long as fundamentals do not change. Even CIMB labelled it as their top pick.

I'm trying to change the "goreng" culture here to a more sophisticated and analytical approach to buy and sell. You can definitely make money with much needed patience. I noticed many would have jumped into MPAY today or yesterday at 0.28, 0.285 and 0.29. Look at the price today and monitor closely 2mr and days after. Corrections will definitely come and these innocent people who listen to bullbear to buy at its high will get trapped and caught.

In summary, I will continue to practice strict and disciplined approach to investing while sharing my experiences. As for bullbear, he can crap whatever he wants and forumers shall decide which side to listen to.

To be transparent, I may announce my buy and sell decisions here on MPAY, depending on how the people here behaves.


2015-10-13 18:16 | Report Abuse

what a pity bullbear777. malay that party and drink alcohol. agama tak ajar ke kenot drink alcohol?

just look around the market. cracks are showing and prices will start to plunge 2mr onwards. bullbear is just another jerk which calls for buy at the most dangerous period.


2015-10-13 13:39 | Report Abuse

He acts like a donkey and looks like a pig. Malay like him shouldn't look like a pig but he does.


2015-10-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

Wow bullbear777 talking like a pig again. I still hold ghlsys and riding waves. Maybe u should go back to your kampung and stop criticising others.


2015-10-11 00:48 | Report Abuse

Wow bullbear, can u stop arguing with me and just admit you're stupid? I'm talking about MPAY here, y u keep talking about KNM? Tau baca ke bodoh?

Seriously, you're a real joke and it's a waste of time talking to u. I have bought n sold various stocks and I don't need to tell u that.

U only think stocks will go one direction? Do u know what is correction? Do u read the world news? Do u know what MPAY does? I bet u have no deep understanding of all the above.

Stop being such a dumb investor anymore. Every time I read your posts I'm overwhelmed by your stupidity. With your broken English, wrong grammars and mixture of BM I doubt u even have SPM. And u want to teach us how to invest? Please go back to your kampung. You're as dumb as the Malay politicians that our government has right now.


2015-10-10 14:06 | Report Abuse

Bullbear777, do u even know what you're saying? Ur narrow vision of oil price affecting the index sounds stupid and speculative. People lose tonnes of money due to such risky mindset without looking at fundamentals and fair price.

I don't make such risky trades like u do. I make sure every possible condition is in my favour while u just buy when price shoots up. That sounds really dumb n shallow to me n 2 everyone else. Maybe u should stop creating new accounts to support your stupid views.

Please go back to your kampung n don't spread your stupidity n childishness to us. And stop acting like a pig. Start doing some research and not buy only price shoots up. Work hard and contribute facts, not spread false facts bcz u didn't read. In summary, if u want my respect and want me stop calling u pig, don't be as lazy as a pig.

Talk some sense n stop being rude to people even if they criticised u. If you're good u should just keep quiet, rather than barking like a dog. Look at your own comments, do u think u also sound like a dog?


2015-10-10 00:27 | Report Abuse

Bullbear777, if you know how the market works u don't need to be always trading. With your broken English, u don't stand a chance to compete with me in terms of technicality and competence. You're just an arrogant piece of shallow minded person trading without a plan.

So what if I did not sell the top? My cost was 19 cents only. I don't buy on highs, that's my strategy unlike you shouting buy when it appreciated so much.

And u talked about oil price in correlation to this stock sounds so stupid to me, I don't even wanna talk more about it.

U sendiri bodoh cukup la, jangan sebar to others. What a pig.


2015-10-08 23:33 | Report Abuse

Globally the markets have been volatile. My stand is not to commit right now as the price is at its monthly highs and I would prefer to buy in huge when there is a severe correction in the market.

For the past few days market has been booming and I foresee cracks coming soon. U.S. may
increase the interest rates soon and we will see a major sell down in Malaysian markets again.

China will also continue to devalue their currency, triggering a violent currency war which will disrupt the global economy in the short term.


2015-10-02 19:21 | Report Abuse

I still find current prices to be slightly overvalued. With the announcement basically factored into the price today, I'm waiting for any severe price distortions from the volatile markets. When price is right, I will buy in huge again.

Was quite surprised actually the price couldn't sustain at 0.27 levels despite such good news. Therefore, it will be a very good playing ground for short-term plays when the price distorts again from macroeconomic factors.

Basically this stock triumphs in either long-term or short-term plays. I would definitely hold a long-term view on MPAY if our economy is in a stable state. But due to the volatile state of our economy for obvious reasons, I think being a short-termist now is the proper strategy for making tidy profits.


2015-09-29 00:56 | Report Abuse

I've sold everything last week. Patiently waiting for it to drop back to 0.18 and I will recollect again.


2015-09-25 14:23 | Report Abuse

i will sell off now in view the global market is unstable and Msia market is even more unstable due to downgrades made by rating agencies and 1mdb problems just beginning to heat up.

The entire market will be in doldrums and the strategy here is to sell when there are tidy profits on the table and buy when prices severely plunged.

It will be very volatile in times like this and holding a long-term view is not a good idea, if it is not your core stock.


2015-09-06 01:57 | Report Abuse

mc88, thank you for your interest in my shares but i am buying more, hence i'm not selling.


2015-09-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

mc88, the increase in cash from private placement will result in increase in number of shares issued. hence, in a perfect scenario, the nta will not change. so please read up some accounting books first before vouching for madiba's statements, otherwise u will look dumb too. looks like you will have eggs in your face.

on the amount of cash that the company holds now, no one is sure because it is yet to be reflected in the latest quarterly earnings.



2015-09-02 23:16 | Report Abuse

Otb, i know you want to expose his dirty secrets. But people who are bankrupt can do all sorts of things that you can never imagine of, to the extend of harming your family. You are in the light, they are in the dark, I hope you don't go too far insulting them because they know who you are, where you stay etc.

I'm not trying to mean anything, but for you and your family's safety concern, perhaps you can totally ignore these idiots.


2015-09-02 23:08 | Report Abuse

madiba, ur writing sounds impressive but its not mainly bcz u got ur facts wrong. the nta is 13 cents not 17 cents (a bit of exaggeration but i dont mind)

but most significant bullshit part is RM80 million cash in the bank. not sure if you know how 2 read the accounts or not, but there is definitely no RM80m in the bank, jz RM18m. maybe 18 sounds 80 to u.

to be honest, i'm a strong supporter of mpay but not to the extend of conning other people with you blatant lies and wrong facts. u're one hell a dumb, if not dumb, careless investor who read the financials wrongly, totally upside down.


2015-08-25 11:36 | Report Abuse

JamieC, thanks for your compliment. To be honest, I have not sold a single share of GHLSYS eventhough there appears to be a global financial meltdown. For me personally, I do not react excessively against the macroeconomic conditions when the existing businesses remains stable and solid.

I believe to sell a stock which has so much potential in future of evolving e-payment environment just because of external noises while the business is still doing well, will be a huge mistake.

Personally, I have been collecting MPAY gradually as it moves downwards from 0.2 levels as I strongly believe in the e-payment business. It will be just like another booming O&G days, but just a different industry. I believe ASEAN countries now is ripe for cashless payment ecosystem. For individuals, especially the younger generations would be very much tech savvy and will carry very little cash. For companies, having Chip & Pin system will definitely reduce the cost of doing business.

Accounting profit figures do not tell much, just like GHLSYS a few quaters back when revenues and operating cashflows are increasing but profits are decreasing from amortization and other admin expenses.

Just imagine, had there been no meltdown in the stock market, how could we collect this stock at such attractive prices? Private placements for the big shots are at 0.23 and we can get more than 10% discount from their prices. These big shots are from the corporate world and I'm sure they see something in this company, otherwise they would not take up the private placement. I see a very good deal now.

It may be a slightly long haul to see it bear fruits, maybe a year or so, but once they obtained the volume, these income would just keep coming as these are recurring revenues, as compared to most companies in klse where profits are derived based on contracts won (eg O&G, construction, etc) or based on commodity prices (eg O&G, plantation, glove sector, poultry, eggs).


2015-08-24 20:40 | Report Abuse

Don't just look at profits, it's all distorted by non-cash items. Look into their revenue and operating cash flows, it shows the company is generating more cash from its improving revenue growth. I'm more interested in their future prospects when e-payment sector booms.


2015-08-19 23:00 | Report Abuse

Pity those big shot shareholders that bought at 0.23 preferential issued price. Now its cheaper buying from the market directly.


2015-07-27 23:43 | Report Abuse

Sold everything today at 1.72. Good luck to those that held on. I'm sure the long-term view will prevail.


2015-07-23 17:15 | Report Abuse

Good news for GHLSYS but not many comments from forummers here. I believe many couldn't wait and have sold most of their holdings?


2015-07-22 01:00 | Report Abuse

Defensive industry and I am well aware that chicken and egg prices have remained stable all these while. It will only usually go up instead of coming down.

That being said, the recent quarterly announcements was a favourable surprise to me. Would hope to see better earnings ahead with the Company's expansion plans in placed.

Worth keeping considering the price is still extremely cheap now looking at the current PE, ROE and previous high.


2015-07-13 13:37 | Report Abuse

Seng means go up in Chinese


2015-07-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

Actually no one bothers him. Just another amateur investor lost in direction and hope.


2015-06-25 11:59 | Report Abuse

How's the AGM?


2015-06-16 22:18 | Report Abuse

Hopefully 2mr's price will more attractive for us to buy. 2mr will be interesting.


2015-06-16 12:51 | Report Abuse

Tlbeng if u think it's so easy, go ahead and show me who can do it. This is specialised PD software not any software can calculate n track POC


2015-06-15 22:15 | Report Abuse

I seriously don't know how some forumers call themselves investors. When prices fall, give all types of panic signals, how amateurish.

There are a few comments I've noted due to the sharp fall today:

1) GST frenzy over. Time for IFCA to close shop. - Please read their annual reports and quarterly reports. 80% of their revenue are non-GST related. And they are witnessing steady growth in Msia and exploding growth in China.

2) SaaS services are free now. IFCA can't make a dime from it. - Utter bullshit. SaaS services that are free are like Google and Microsoft products. Hell you will find SAP free for you. Probably that forumer have no idea what is SaaS.

3) Sharks playing this share. Game over. - I seriously sharks alone causes such heavy plunge. What happened today was majority of the investors made the first sell-off. After first half, many people bought in again to collect cheaply, or they think so. Then another sell-off happens, hence those that bought today proceed to sell as well, triggering a chain of heavy sell-offs, way out of proportion.

What I thnk:

1) First, ask yourself. What do you think of this company, FUNDAMENTALLY? If you think its game over, don't touch this company because you have no faith to ride through and more waves.

2) If you believe this company's fundamentals are not only intact, but you see full potential ahead, consider buying staggardly. It is attractive now and will be more attractive if you can collect 80 cents levels. After you have collected enough, just wait. Don't regret anymore if the price continues to fall because you can never predict price movements. Most importantly, make sure you have sufficient safety margin.

If you need more advice, let me know.


2015-06-15 17:17 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett once said if you cannot withstand seeing your stocks going down 50%, you're not ready for investing. So on a positive note, don't look at the stock price for many months. Hopefully it miraculously return back to RM1.80 levels when you open your eyes.

Why worry when the company is doing so well in Msia with expanding China market and Indonesia soon? Just chill and enjoy the ride.


2015-06-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

To those that cut huge losses today on IFCA, take this as a lesson and move on. To those scavengers out there hunting for discounts, I recommend staggard buying over 3 times. I think a selldown will continue tomorrow and play safely. I believe if it hits early 80s, it's very attractive based on its quarterly performance. IFCA's future performance wise may be intact with its strong moat, focusing nichely on Property development and construction industries.


2015-06-15 14:37 | Report Abuse

Seriously, this counter deserves a revisit since the price plunges so sharply within these few days without any fundamental reason. No offense to those that bought at a much higher price, but its really attractive to buy if it plunges even more tomorrow. Quarterly results are intact, ROE is high, new services are launched and there are plans to acquire Indonesia distributorship. I foresee the next quarterly result to be intact, hence with the above, it gives me a strong case to buy its shares staggardly.


2015-06-01 19:40 | Report Abuse

I am just wondering how much will the share price of this Company 3 years from now. RM3? RM4?

Looking at the potential of cashless transactions in Malaysia and overseas, I believe this trend is looking favourably powerful for this company. I believe this stock is strongly favoured by investors seeking for the next big thing, considering the change of trend of payments in our society and abroad.

The most impressive thing I noticed of late is the quality of its quarterly results. The explanations, charts and tables gave investors strong confidence and knowledge of its company. Think about it. Can its current management propel this company to its highest potential?


2015-06-01 19:29 | Report Abuse

Of late, this counter has begun to catch my attention again. The previous Q3 and current Q4 results (PBT) have been looking strong and yet investors failed to spot this due to weak share price performances.

Before I proceed allow me to highlight the previous Q3 results. PBT has been strong at approximately RM9.8 million, however Profit atrributable to equity holders dropped to RM846k. I believe there is a slight error here, unless anyone can highlight how Equity holders got shared lower profits compared to NCI.

Probably an error like this should not have occured, but it actually gave investors with sharp awareness a rare opportunity right now.

With such a depressed price currently, I believe there is ample margin of safety to buy this stock. With consistently 2 stellar quarterly results, I believe this counter should, at minimum shot back up to RM0.60 levels or higher. Also, by browsing its Bursa announcements, CENSOF has been awarded with numerous projects.

I believe when the market rebounds, CENSOF will sharply rebound as well like how it did many times before, looking at the charts.

All in all, I believe there is very limited downside to this stock due to its attractive discount at this juncture, but extremely huge upside. I have gradually collected this stock since yesterday and will continue to do so if its price remains attractive.