
wongchin | Joined since 2015-11-24

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2021-11-13 13:01 | Report Abuse

Each time i comment.. Its all abt warning newbie to be alert. There r so many paid promoter in sd. Js be more careful n alert if u r reading promoter comment. U might get roasted.


2021-11-12 22:34 | Report Abuse

Cash flow definetely a big issue. Imagine 24 million also cant get frm banker. What abt 100 n 200 million? Kasse elek ....


2021-11-12 18:27 | Report Abuse

Karam pocketed how much divedend frm his 21% sd share n hw much his yearly income n claim anyone can calculate? My guess is 100 blue collar work life time also cant match his income wealth frm sd alone. And sir good or bad or release or not also his reputation is already a goner.


2021-11-12 14:01 | Report Abuse

Bob... U give a good lecture to the no shame cat. Well done..


2021-11-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

New project 64 m does not translate to big profit. Some project r tender bottom price or negotiated lower price js for the sake of award project to show to the share holder. Dt dream too big la. U might get roasted...


2021-11-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

Desperate attempt by promoter to promote sd n smear bursa n ey. This taukey besar really pay promoter big money. For me i rather eat white rice than take nt halal money.


2021-11-11 16:55 | Report Abuse

Pity this SHQuah... maybe newbie. Pls learn frm your mistake n take this as a lesson. Never invest in this kind of co if hear something fishy or auditor concern.


2021-11-11 06:45 | Report Abuse

I guess bad times is ahead for sd. So small loan with building as colateral also cant go thru. This show banker has some real TALK with sd already. Not a good sign for such a big n famous corporate.


2021-11-10 20:48 | Report Abuse

Wow big money coming..
Sue 1 get 4 billion
Sue 2 get 4 billion
Sue 3 get 4 billion
Sue 4 get 4 billion
Later sue ah mow
Later sue ah kow
Easily can get 40 billion frm sueing.
Those DREAM buying big mercedes big hse small wife small darling can laugh to the bank again.
Ps take note i mention DREAM.


2021-11-10 18:43 | Report Abuse

Im wondering when will sd announce the multi billion dollor epcc termination n cancellation like scib does.
To : Shquah
U always mention abt 18 billion contract sd having. Now u see the other side story frm scib. Later u will knw abt sd story. Many times i wanted to warn u. Bt i see u as a die hard fan. I hope u dt listen to these unethecal promoter as most of them r paid.


2021-11-10 16:23 | Report Abuse

I think scib did the right thing to announce the terminated / non ex... contract. At least this will give confidence again to investor on the long run. Share price will rise again with good book management. Hopefully sd will follow scib foot step if there is any to terminate or cancel.


2021-11-10 13:08 | Report Abuse

Im glad bursa suspended sd. If not more innocent buyer will got trap by sd. Bursa done a good job. Bravo...


2021-11-10 08:37 | Report Abuse

Gd morning everyone. Each time i comment still the same. Thou sd is suspended for what ever reason there r still many crazy promoter there. I guess most of them r paid to promote or some of them stuck high floor n no choice hoping some water fish take over thier place. Newbie beware ya.


2021-11-09 13:29 | Report Abuse

Actually those naysayer is not busy body. They r js kind enough to warn newbie abt scib risk suspension. Ar delay might be cos new auditor take over or querring double checking some account. So good or bad u decide cos its your money to buy sell or hold. Counter already suspended so there is nothing much to say. Js hope all is fine.


2021-11-09 13:17 | Report Abuse

Yes waiting for the next big news. Not hw much job contract win. See who is next going to get sue.....
Wakaka can get billion compensation...
All fan boy waiting to buy big mercedes big hse n small wife small darling.


2021-11-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

Limit up limit up today. All become instant millionaire. All must be happy counting your money to the bank. Hehe..


2021-11-08 20:20 | Report Abuse

Dt worry durian runtuh coming soon.
Who knws later sue ET
Who knws later sue Fitch
Who knws later sue Hedge
Who knws later sue ah mow
Who knws later sue ah kow
Wow im counting all the billion billion share holder going to get dividen soon soon. All dream mercedes big hse small wife little baby... dream what ever u want lo.
Ps take note ya i mean DREAM.


2021-11-08 20:00 | Report Abuse

Bursa wont dare to suspend scib liao. If suspend nanti kena sue lg kata cospiracy. Wow scib tomorrow limit up kaw2. Hehe


2021-11-08 18:22 | Report Abuse

Yes good idea stocknotfun. If sue 10 corporate or individual can get 40 billion without lifting a finger. No need tender job also get quick rich. Share holder all can dream buy mercedes buy big hse 100 fold limit up coming soon. Those promoting can now promote kaw law after this. Hehe


2021-11-08 17:48 | Report Abuse

Good news for serba dinamik. Sue bursa this time. Money come money come
Sue kpmg ===== 4 billion
Sue i3 ======== 4 billion
Sue bursa ===== 4 billion
Later who knw sue Fitch = 4 billion monopoly money
Wow all can sleep well put the sd under the pillow la. All can dream big mercedes big house triple forble limit up


2021-11-08 09:17 | Report Abuse

Haha i already hv a million hair. Give u all chance risk to become million air. Million air or million water what ever. Hehe


2021-11-08 08:52 | Report Abuse

Casino de sci? Opening in 8 minutes frm nw. Get ready your chips to place a bet. Hehe


2021-11-07 10:02 | Report Abuse

Freddie going to be a million air or million hair soon. Best wishes to the hero man.


2021-11-07 09:52 | Report Abuse

Gd morning everyone. Each day i will still comment the same. Newbie sud beware of those promoting non stop. They r paid to do so to catch water fish for shark in tis forum. I can see them promoting non stop n my guess is shark also got stuck n lost alot of millions in sd.


2021-11-06 21:13 | Report Abuse

Solo means in cantonese every chinese sud knw what it mean. Real solor...


2021-11-06 17:41 | Report Abuse

Good research by alert. Monday must be a busy day for scib.


2021-11-06 17:01 | Report Abuse

Hai bear bear. U knw what is this forum name?? Its not bear bear forum. Its call i3 open forum. U hv your righ to comment posively abt sd or negative abt sd. Everyone is equal here unless someone comment abt race n religion than u hv the right to ask someone leave. Hope uunderstand my frd. Thks


2021-11-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

Thank Jenny for sincere comment sharing. U should have paste it into SD forum also.


2021-11-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

Gd morning everyone. I js finish sell pau. I enjoy read i3 forum here. Haha cant stop laughing every time i see ppl promote sd. Already the whole world knw sd got SIR pending report. Already suspended by bursa. Still got water fish swimming around here??


2021-11-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

Now in this i3 forum GOOD vs EVIL. Those who r paid to promote is evil n those who do good to warn other abt a few promoter who promote non stop for whatever reason. Thks


2021-11-05 10:18 | Report Abuse

Who paid n who r not paid sendiri makan cili sendiri rasa pedas. Definetedly one day bad KARMA will reward those paid n those not paid who warn others will be reward good karma instead. Ami...taaaa...ba


2021-11-04 13:12 | Report Abuse

Today i give a thumb up up for lurker comment. Its the best comment n sincere comment i hv read today. Keep up the good comment. Kong yee chai pls read lurker comment ya.


2021-11-04 12:01 | Report Abuse

Can buy la. Its worth the price of the gold toilet paper!!


2021-11-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

Whats next move for sd? Can sue fitch rating or not? It will definetedly pls the diehard fan here. Gehgeh..


2021-11-03 13:06 | Report Abuse

Wakaka.. i really admire karam. He is great in the kitchen cooking deliciously for his diehard fan. No wonder so many great fan here.


2021-11-03 12:52 | Report Abuse

Who is situpid here?? I guess those who stuck high in sd is the most situpid gambler. Referee already give red flag bt still insist to play the game.


2021-11-02 16:28 | Report Abuse

I totally agree with Josephn comment.


2021-11-02 14:03 | Report Abuse

I hv mention many times b4 those keep promoting non stop got agenda. Either they r paid or stuck high. So js beware of it. There is no such thing as a "Big female pigeon jumping around let u catch". Thks


2021-11-01 14:45 | Report Abuse

Yes this mag i also dare not buy n top up. I only still holding 10 lot perviously bought at 0.21.


2021-11-01 08:56 | Report Abuse

Gd morning everyone. I js wanted to give some advice to newbie here. Sd has the most promoter here with self interest. Im nt asking u to buy sell or hold. Pls make a wise decision. Thks


2021-10-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

U knw what is your biggest bad attitude? U r boasting when stock up a few cents u keep on bragging the whole i3 here how much u earn. U think all the I3 people here r nut? Alot of people here loss until cant see the road already. U want to promote who care. Inter promote i dt care. Pearl promote i dt care. Bt pls dt brag if u want to promote. If want to carry on i dt mind cos i only post in sd here only.


2021-10-30 14:30 | Report Abuse

What kind of TP is this?? Newbie also know 1.22 is i3 tp. Public bank 0.31 ah mow n ah kau also now.Haha js ask your tp also people here were knw u only copy n paste people tp n idea. Is this what u can post?


2021-10-30 13:59 | Report Abuse

This marble every time come out to con newbie. U not sian meh. If u r so clever like what u talk. Give la TP?? Give tp what price u r buying n selling if sd unsuspended. Talk 3 talk 4 no point. If cannot give TP dt talk rubbish here.


2021-10-30 11:23 | Report Abuse

Wow this Meow come out to.promote to con people again. Really pity la. Js for a plate CAT food posting non stop. I enjoy life selling pau. No money buy cat food tell me lol. I donate for the Meow. Hehe


2021-10-30 07:51 | Report Abuse

Gd morning everyone. I have mention many times these promoter every day promote non stop js becos of a few dollar of commission. Every nite they hv to crack thier head hw to promote in order to get a plate of CAT food. I eat full already now waiting to sell pau. Real pity the CAT everyday meowing for cat food.


2021-10-29 23:04 | Report Abuse

Honesty can u tell me what is the average holding price of epf. U seem very knowledgereble. Or hv u seen b4 big snake piss??


2021-10-29 16:38 | Report Abuse

I very seldom comment in i3 here. The only counter i comment most is SD. I js wanf to warn some newbie here to beware of those who promote non stop. These r paid promoter n they receive comission or some token. Js beware of them.


2021-10-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

If bursa unsuspend serba tomorrow what will happen??