
yeochingu | Joined since 2019-03-08

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2019-11-27 18:22 | Report Abuse

Tyyap misunderstand the current trend of property sector
All sector will have a handsome superstar..
Ecoworld will be Leader in future...
6years old company
give him some time to pay dividend
6 years become Top 10 developer
at Rm1.5 Ecoworld is expensive..
but its now just 0.660
Good stock, cheap price u dont buy, wait what?
I bought my Jaks last year when KYY promote Jaks
during that time, everyone telling me KYY gonna dump Jaks
Haters scolding him,but look at the share price now?
Well, I sold it because I think Ecoworld is what I want to buy right now...
Waiting him at 0.700 I will buy 1 more round


2019-11-27 18:17 | Report Abuse

I sold my Jaks just now and I thought want to buy more Ecowld...
Hopefully it will drop to 0.45
Btw, my idol is Tyyap, he said Ecowld no good Ewint good
maybe he is right..Ewint is good
But dont forget Ecoworld is 27% shareholder of Ewint
Ewint strong, mommy also strong


2019-11-27 18:13 | Report Abuse

Omg I sold it just now... it was my mistake!!!
The boat shake too strong...


2019-11-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

seriously ks55..
i dont need anyone to follow
dont buy...

continue call buy ur Gkent


2019-11-27 10:30 | Report Abuse

apalumau @yeo. 这里是股市,不是你家,谁人要放屁,大便,还是跳舞,关其他人什么事,真的要见一个株一个吗?顾好自己的荷包先啦!
27/11/2019 10:20 AM



2019-11-27 10:24 | Report Abuse




2019-11-27 10:12 | Report Abuse

I am nobody, but I will not simply predict and spread fake news

unlike ks55,

wheh someone is fearful, they will speak louder, but we cant listen to his voice here..
how do we know he is fearful and feel shameful?
yea, he will write more than usual
as u can see... he is now keep attack me and try to push the direction to the other side
Parkson is parkson
Parkson can be replace by Alibaba/lazada
but Only Developer can build houses, Alibaba cant build it..
everyone need a Roof,everbody need to buy houses

Well, u can dont buy, just Rent from people who bought houses.
Do not compare a OLD Style business trend Retail business with Development business...

Both ks55 and Rajaychulan is angry... but I am tellibg the truth..i do not see any problem
both of you really did it
Yongch deleted comment
ks55 call buy, fail and keep spread fake news,spam
another G trade disappeared


2019-11-27 09:57 | Report Abuse


If I have promoted GKent, he is welcome to counter and talk bad about GKent in that forum.
Sadly to say, he has no balls to post anything bad about GKent there.
Shame on you Ah Gu!
When you cannot rebutt others, you just choose easy way out by attacking with vulgar words.

I am not interested to look into Gkent
because I will not bad mouth or spread fake news if I dont know about that company
But you were so confident on 1/11/2019
ask people to buy Gkent and promised next week sure earn money...
If you are not SKL, who do you think you are?
I did not write Vulgar words, I just describe your Real Personality from what I observed
You act like A Professional keep spread fake news, and wrong information


2019-11-27 09:45 | Report Abuse

我说过我不再留言,但是看见7300raja chulan在ewint 又乱乱说话,我忍不住再说几句,其实我觉得ecowld 更好,这不是问题
看看你的brother ks55已经是词穷,做robot 一直spam一样的东西


2019-11-27 00:59 | Report Abuse

u guys got no Different with Najib+his macai

spread news without proof
especially a guy , show a so call insider analysis documents and said Ecoworld and Uemsunrise merging proof..

This is just KAF investment analysis on 22 SEP2019


the news date on 20 SEP2019

This is the So call Insider News
Najib macai wan to attack Government
spread rumours try to make Malay believe Khazanah is going to merge Ecoworld(chinese) company..

hello, we are Malaysian
Business is just business, UEMs will not because of you,discount price sell u their houses... Look at their projects in mont kiara...
price keep increasing...

Property overhang?
Depends on location, demand, design of the house,landacape, security, Lobby, guardhouse, clubhouse


2019-11-27 00:45 | Report Abuse

Ncm88 Yeochungu very tired liao
27/11/2019 12:10 AM

difficult conversation with monsters

start from Over Hang, debt kill Ecoworld, why LKs bought at 45sen, keep repeat none stop..
especially keep copy and paste back the same thing..its spam...
Remind you guys
ks55 call buy Gkent at 1.05 and confirm will earn money if follow his instruction

and today Gkent is 0.990

i am not afraid he delete his comment like yongch did
I will copy their comment down from now onwards
Famous Sifu ks55 callbuy Gkent

7300 simply spread fake news (land price, overhang statement)
Told u many times, Ecoworld sold their houses after they Launched HOPE program+HOC 2019
and 2020 1mil become 600k for foreign buyer
very strong Unbill sales is coming in and Profit of Ecosky,eco majestic,eco ardence, eco botanic and .... is coming soon

July VP eco majestic oct VP eco grandeur +eco ardence

BBCC 60units sold within 3months

go to do a site visit at all of their sales gallery
u can act as a mystery buyer if u scare scare...

dont shout shout shout without giving any solid proof
Chang Kim wah answered you, Not Ecoworld


2019-11-27 00:34 | Report Abuse

Andy0909 EWINT they all gang bought in since 0.65-0.72, becareful this gang. They buy very big and also sell very big
26/11/2019 1:06 PM

whats the problem?
They no ask u to join, they just invest what they think is good..
just because they didnt jio 0.900 u jealous ka?
if u jealous, go do more homeworks before you write negative thing to attack others
normally poor guy jealous rich guy

u got brothers, come to ecoworld forum i introduce your brother to you
7300, ks55 top funny joker
then yongch,rajachulan,apalumau

another JiaHuiFoo last few months June laugh at Ewint
he said Ewint pity..sideway 0.6xx nobody wanna buy...
where is him now? i suspect he changed his ID, he is now Apalumau

I am serious
there are a few people very like to badmouth Ecoworld/Ewint
maybe they are LKS enemy...just because of LKS rich than them, handsome than them...kikiki

let me list down their name again, so thay u guys can check at Ecoworld Klse i3investor forum


if you see them, u will see negative fake news...their prediction, their imagination, their statement without solid proof..
i always explained and show them picture, information,links


2019-11-27 00:24 | Report Abuse

Andy0909 7300
Layhong TYYAP gang run already at peak 0.50, that day they sell from 0.50 all the way to 0.45
26/11/2019 1:05 PM

dont be SKL to tell the world Tyyap sold layhong, because u r not Tyyap...
What I can tell u is, Tyyap still got Layhong on hand..
but why should he tell u?
u r hater and jealous people who is better than you

Im happy to see Ewint investors earn money..
This coming Qr Ecoworld and Ewint is going to make good profit
whats wrong with you?
7300 and ks55 is famous idiots to me
they keep ask people to sell and simply create fake news without proof
Welcome to Ecoworld i3 and read our conversation
you will know why I will say 7300 and ks55 are idiots


2019-11-27 00:20 | Report Abuse

Andy0909 7300
Layhong TYYAP gang run already at peak 0.50, that day they sell from 0.50 all the way to 0.45
26/11/2019 1:05 PM

people buy share cannot sell?
he got use pistol ask u to buy?
he ask u dont follow...sorchai...

tyyap got his strategy to buy and sell
and i guess u got your strategy to buy and sell
waaa..Koon yew yin also wont tell u he is obligate to tell u...


2019-11-27 00:17 | Report Abuse

oh rajachulan here...

hello, Ewint fundemental no problem..why attack Tyyap?

He didnt goreng , he invested early because he saw the potential of this share..

For those who won money is a rewardby Ewint...
dont because of a few haters here and make you unhappy...


2019-11-26 23:41 | Report Abuse

yea sell it... dont buy ady..let ecowld sleep...


2019-11-26 20:30 | Report Abuse



2019-11-26 12:44 | Report Abuse

ks55 talk without facts
Ask him show the proof, he silent and keep re-post those funny question (which I already Answered him many times)
a few of funny (apalumau,7300,yongch,jiahuifoo) oldfolk keep shout with him
(you guys can consider to join HongKong protest)
very stubborn


2019-11-26 12:42 | Report Abuse

Ncm88 Dunno why this sohai is here if he hates ecoworld wo much ?’ Lol i have spsetia, ecoworld , mct and ioipg
26/11/2019 12:38 PM

Ks55 is just a So hei here...
because he feel no face/shameful because his call buy funny...die die wan to talk to cover his FUNNY action
ks55 Sell Ecoworld. Cut loss.
Use proceed to buy into GKent at 1.05
You will make money today, latest next week.
01/11/2019 12:28 PM


2019-11-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

ks55 IOIP is lucky as Tan Sri bought the land very very cheap.
So even it is offering massive discount, company is still making money.

Can Ecoworld make any money if LKS gives 25% discount?
Better make diligence analysis before buying at 65 sen.
To have short cut, just use LKS bench mark 45 sen as he had asked his accountants to make due diligence before put up this price to be fair to his son, and to himself.........
26/11/2019 12:36 PM

which project Ecoworld giving 25% discount?
did you check the Launching price Vs Almost Complete Spa price before you talk?
you are not familiar in property pricing, and you keep giving false info/fake news

which one?
give an Example..
I am waiting for your SKL prediction


2019-11-26 12:36 | Report Abuse

ks55 IOIP offers up to 14% discount, 4% referral, 2 years free maintenance, lawyer fees, stamp duties on MOT and bank loan, all added up to almost 25-30% less from S&P price.
Still think its properties in Malaysia still selling?

IOIP is much stronger financially.
You think Ecoworld can match?
If not, mountain size debt definitely will force it to sell at 30 to 35% discount, or just wait for fire sale at 45% in next 2 years..........
26/11/2019 8:59 AM

property guru giving his prediction again...
guys, wait for 45% yea...kikikiki

If I am Ecoworld, I will use hammer to destroy the house also wont sell you at 45% discount..sor lou...

really sor lou...
Joker,forever joker...

Remind you guys, sorlou call buy on 1/11/2019

sifu call buy on 1st November2019
during that time he is so confident teach KYY bro KoonYewSiong to buy Gkent...

ks55 Sell Ecoworld. Cut loss.
Use proceed to buy into GKent at 1.05
You will make money today, latest next week.
01/11/2019 12:28 PM
25/11/2019 2:36 PM


2019-11-26 12:28 | Report Abuse

yongch 哈哈哈。。。又是交业绩表现季报时候!没有意外,这头驴子还是如过往般,傻傻地再度宣告世界它公司业绩是前所未有的夸张好,赚钱赚到数钱数不清,又是年年领奖。。。。哈哈哈哈哈,奇怪的事就是没本事发出马币0.0001半仙股息!!!!更奇怪的事,股价自己则抬不起作人,甚至自己还偷偷左手卖出給右手选择以最下贱最低连头都抬不起的价!!!
Kikiki....当然避兰东佬自己公司买自己啥价交易外人根本无需多言,但就是有位散户期待着马币8.88,还有一个天天在看它家又卖了几十几百间排屋垃圾,kikiki...哦,对了,才6岁还在喝奶小孩嘛,大家就别太高寄望,再给驴子多10年吧,好不?不好??那就100年吧?kikiki...不是我想调侃我新山的这位老邻居,既然家里没本事,人家来提亲还LCLY,就早日选另一条废鱿鱼同行好好过下半辈子吧!tp 0.50....这是我很勉强很不愿意给驴子的底价!!!kikiki...看吧,创历史新高业绩,结果今天股价节节败退。。。kikiki...驴子就是驴子!
26/11/2019 10:04 AM




2019-11-25 16:38 | Report Abuse

two funny come out bark again...
morning disappear..



2019-11-25 15:31 | Report Abuse

ks55 Sell Ecoworld. Cut loss.
Use proceed to buy into GKent at 1.05
You will make money today, latest next week.
01/11/2019 12:28 PM
25/11/2019 3:08 PM


2019-11-25 15:14 | Report Abuse

ks55 until now still wan talk kok... ignore him...


2019-11-25 15:08 | Report Abuse

ur sifu ks55 is a joke..
luckily u laugh 9 him..
no follow his gkent..
if not.. u crying ady

ks55 Sell Ecoworld. Cut loss.
Use proceed to buy into GKent at 1.05
You will make money today, latest next week.
01/11/2019 12:28 PM


2019-11-25 14:36 | Report Abuse

kyy not follow ks55?
gkent? kikiki...0.990?
joker ks55

sifu call buy on 1st November2019
during that time he is so confident teach KYY bro to buy Gkent...

ks55 Sell Ecoworld. Cut loss.
Use proceed to buy into GKent at 1.05
You will make money today, latest next week.
01/11/2019 12:28 PM


2019-11-25 12:16 | Report Abuse
LKS said: who am I?



Hongkong Blue defeated by Yellow
Blue run out from Hong Kong

Target... malaysia...


2019-11-25 11:58 | Report Abuse

If I am Khazanah, i will definately merge uems n ecowld for long term investment..

Ecoworld marketing and strategy is top among all developers..
or maybe their design+concept is really nice

look at Sp setia latest ads..
find youtubers to promote...
but dont you think they are copying Ecoworld?


2019-11-25 11:46 | Report Abuse

forgive him Alan, As I said..he is just a machine... No brain... I explained to him many times..
we cant control share price..but fundemental is there...
why 0.45?


2019-11-25 11:40 | Report Abuse

seriously happeist moment not ecowld price went up...
is can keep ks55 mouth shut...
keep repeat spam why ecowld 0.450



2019-11-25 11:31 | Report Abuse

so 620 is sell...
655 is? buy?


2019-11-25 11:30 | Report Abuse



2019-11-22 12:25 | Report Abuse

sell la apalumau..
tp 0.45


2019-11-22 02:08 | Report Abuse

Read it before you write property market might crash...It is impossible unless You are Jobless now...


I hope many of my good friends do not get their wishes come true. They are waiting for the property market to crash so that they could buy a property at a fire-sale price. Has anyone given any thought about what really happens when the property market crashes? Some say the prices are too high. I think that’s true for some and if Malaysia’s property price to income ratio is considered high, I am really scared for many other developing ASEAN nations. Many have prices per sq ft higher than Malaysia today. Reminder, median income Malaysia in ASEAN is ranked second. If there are nations where the property price is higher than us based on property price to income ratio, let’s pray for them. Anyway, that’s the topic for another articles. Today, let’s start by looking at why property prices could suddenly fall.

No one would be willing to sell their properties at a lower price than they bought unless they were out of their mind or they were desperately needing the money. In this case, property prices being sold at ever lower prices meant many people are having issues in repaying their home loans. As many of these sellers are working professionals, issues with repaying their loans meant that that they may have lost their jobs.

If they have lost their jobs, it meant that the organisation they were working for has closed down. This meant that it affects all their colleagues, all their friends and virtually everyone working including even the security guards! From needing a total of 8 for the whole factory when it was in operation for example, once it has shutdown, just one or two is needed to guard people from entering…

By the way, if people have started to miss home loan repayments, it meant that their consumption powers have gone down tremendously. Many of the shops selling goods and services will start to suffer lower sales and soon, they too could not keep up with the rental for their retail units. When they move out, then it will affect the owner of those units too. (Earlier article on what happens when an important tenant moves out.)

It is not just the convenience stores yeah. Parents will stop sending their kids for tuition, for piano lessons, swimming lessons, karate lessons and no one will think of buying a new car, not even a second-hand one if their current one works. Some may even sell theirs to buy a cheaper second-hand one. Pity all those car sales people. It does not end there. Car sales down meant there’s little need to keep manufacturing. So, some lines will be shut down and people will be asked to leave. Even more people will be faced with financial difficulties and more will have issues in paying for their home mortgages.

Everyone, this is what happens when a property market crashes. There are no property market crashes when people continue to be able to repay their home loans. There are no property market crashes when people continue to have their jobs and they could continue spending and the businesses who got money from their consumption could then continue to contribute back to the economy.

Please stop pretending as if a property market crash meant you get to buy great deals and nothing else happens. Happy understanding and well, waiting if that’s what you are doing.


2019-11-22 00:51 | Report Abuse

静悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来,挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩
with the protests crippling Asia’s key financial centre and dragging it into a recession, citizens of Hong Kong have been looking to buy properties elsewhere to escape the chaos, which they expect to worsen as China tightens its grip on the area, reported The Malaysian Reserve.

“Hong Kong buyers have been coming in batches to buy the property in Malaysia. They come quietly every weekend and buy around 50 to 100 homes per batch. They have acquired more than 1,000 units in overall Malaysia to date,” said Lee


2019-11-21 19:38 | Report Abuse

bahai4453 0.45 is coming soon then follow by 0.20 joint the brothers BJland and ytlland
21/11/2019 7:19 PM

hohoho...coming coming
just in case you delete comment..copied


2019-11-21 16:44 | Report Abuse

ikan bilis shaking... i feel the rebound is coming...


2019-11-21 16:37 | Report Abuse

monkeys dancing..but too bad...cant drop?
nobody kena wash..because this gang monkey no tickets on hand


2019-11-21 15:10 | Report Abuse

your level, myvi also ger towed


2019-11-21 14:58 | Report Abuse

massive debt with Ferrari
or little cash with myvi..

choose yourself


2019-11-21 14:54 | Report Abuse

我在等一班人洗comment 和 消失在这里



2019-11-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

haha.. jokers jump out call sell..
ok sell la..

im waiting you at lower

sideway boring to me...