Blog Posts
2 months ago | Report Abuse
There’s only one name know the movement SILVERPOND
2024-08-26 12:29 | Report Abuse
Tp raise to 1.02! 三千哥 OMG
2024-08-23 11:51 | Report Abuse
The completion of this plant will provide a comprehensive "one-stop solution facility" and is targeted to commence operation in Q4 2024. CRAZY STRATEGY THEY HAVE PROFIT MARGIN FROM 13% BOOTS UP TO 21% IN YEAR END
2024-08-08 20:47 | Report Abuse
As soon the guy pull out the share Trumble from 51 to 48, 三千哥say so weak the opponent, if pull out again tomorrow confirm trumble 20% . Cos opponent just too weak.
2024-08-07 21:21 | Report Abuse
Good show 三千哥 and his colonies Silverpond ,bkg.
2024-07-29 12:05 | Report Abuse
faster put ur betting
2024-07-29 12:04 | Report Abuse
i bet coraza turn good from now on
2024-07-24 18:54 | Report Abuse
大家应该猜到这个private placement 是谁了.
2024-07-24 09:12 | Report Abuse
理由是博通強攻AI商機,已拿下Open AI、字節跳動客製化AI晶片訂單,對股價有激勵作用,加上收購雲端軟體大廠VMware後,博通得以切入含金量高的AI邊緣運算服務,也挹注強勁成長動能。 inari 更定受惠, 不然 那么多本地机构 突然把目标价抬高了.
2024-07-23 13:21 | Report Abuse
Exclusive: China's ByteDance working with Broadcom to develop advanced AI chip- OpenAI talks with Broadcom about developing new AI chip,三千哥去年能给出5.20的价位,你以为你是大户,哈哈哈,人家才是大户.可以呼风唤雨
2024-07-19 13:37 | Report Abuse
忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你 有一種感覺
忽然間發現自己 已深深愛上你 真的很簡單
愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法抉擇 喔~~
沒有後悔為愛日夜去跟隨 那個瘋狂的人是我 喔~
2024-07-19 07:38 | Report Abuse
They are bunch of super investors in this stocks. UHNWI
2024-07-15 00:22 | Report Abuse
2021-01-22 10:43 | Report Abuse
Posted by yorkyork > Nov 24, 2020 6:24 PM | Report Abuse X
Now u know how I get the Tp 4.20
Silverpond bkg 三千哥!
2024-07-15 00:12 | Report Abuse
一眨眼9个月都过了,谢谢三千哥. 就是他inari 0.95 喊出4.20TP的传奇.
2024-07-13 10:13 | Report Abuse
降息, 美国资金会流去非美地带-亚洲. 他们会想尽办法 让你放弃. 但三千哥 会跟你们抗到底. 直接把klci 1782 为目标.
2024-06-28 10:02 | Report Abuse
This multiple aren’t high as they say during internet bubble, ai is real , it’s not a, this is something very very fundamentally and the growth is real. Don’t take my view on any particular stocks, but the growth potential. There are some big winner in ai space. That’s why all u see all the leading tech companies in Malaysia putting multi million dollar, not just back end capacity but also re engineering their applications.
2024-06-19 19:33 | Report Abuse
市场说减息,通胀回升. 可是美联储不要这样,他要的是减息 也会带动通胀下滑. 我很肯定美联储,他一定能做到. 双赢局面. 减息带动通胀下滑.
2024-03-22 13:52 | Report Abuse
its good ride, thank you for all ur support.
2024-03-19 07:41 | Report Abuse
intel dan microsoft pun mao boyycott juga la. tapi perdana menteri say go go go welcome microsoft sama intel sama nvidia.
2024-03-15 07:45 | Report Abuse
oh think about what u can do, different between me n you
2023-04-12 19:17 | Report Abuse
Ppls start guessing me is pete. Imagination damn sia.
2023-01-11 17:33 | Report Abuse
so many new faces. now im back again. apple in house didnt invest in RF department. they planing to buy from broadcom RF department. after the contract end in 2023. last time offer 10b usd. so in the future inari will be direct to apple as a osat. tp 5.20 15months.
2022-04-29 11:01 | Report Abuse
high end machine in the making. God bless.
2022-02-20 14:19 | Report Abuse
This not gonna end good.
2021-12-27 23:58 | Report Abuse
I not longer see already. Now using Tesla auto drive.
2021-12-27 23:51 | Report Abuse
U 2. Very early lo that time 0.7 near ma. The problems u didn’t hold ma.
2021-12-10 01:27 | Report Abuse
How much they pay u to keep the heat up in here. Why not open a telegram and talk at there. U should really think for ur future. A person who’s hold tg from top never have this kind of attitudes to entertain ppls. 87仔,u think ppls don’t know what’s ur motive.
2021-11-30 17:18 | Report Abuse
Nice, should all buy penang tech, after few years some also can go in klci index.
2021-11-28 21:27 | Report Abuse
明晚dj大青, 如果跌就去收,不用怕. 都不知道大家在panic什么.
5 days ago | Report Abuse
China don’t have commercial Nvidia. Source from 三千哥