Stock Pick 2015 - bukithot

Owner: Tan KW
Access Type: SHARED | Tag: SP2015
Stock Pick Year 2015 from bukithot

Posted by bukithot > Dec 31, 2014 05:08 PM | Report Abuse

Hi Mr. Tan, I would like to participant as well.

1. Buy DUTCH LADY - 700 shares
>>1. Beneficiary of low raw material price

2. Buy CLIQ - 80,000 shares
>>1. Undervalued with respect to cash per share in trust account.
>>2. Potential catalyst from announcement of QA.

3. Buy GOB - 20,000 shares
>>1. Boost in 2015 earnings due to completion of da:men mall.
>>2. Undervalued counter.
>>3. Stock price has corrected 40% from peak and is now consolidating around 0.50 level.

4. Buy SCIENTEX - 1,400 shares
>>1. Growth driven by capacity expansion.

(If there is any balance, put all into CLIQ. If there is insufficient fund, please reduce holding in CLIQ.)
Total Value
Today's Change
+84.00 (0.09%)


Stock's Value 88,294.00
Current Holding 4 Stocks
All Time Holding 4 Stocks
% of Total Value 97.77%

Available Cash Balance 2,011.50
Current Cash Balance 2,011.50
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 2.23%

Average Cost 101,848.00
Unrealized Gain -11,542.50
% over Average Cost -11.33%

Total Capital 100,000.00
Total Return -9,694.50
% over Total Capital -9.69%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 2,011.50 2.23%
Total 90,305.50 100.00% +84.00 0.09%
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Hi Mr Tan, please credit dividend for DLADY (110sen per share) for Q2 2015

2015-10-21 15:31


Hi Mr Tan, please credit dividend for Scientex (9sen per share @ 30apr2015 + 13sen per share @ 31jul2015). TQVM

2015-10-21 15:32

Tan KW


Hi Mr Tan, please credit dividend for DLADY (110sen per share) for Q2 2015

Hi Mr Tan, please credit dividend for Scientex (9sen per share @ 30apr2015 + 13sen per share @ 31jul2015).

2015-10-22 17:33


Hi Mr Tan,

Please credit dividend for DLADY (110sen per share) RM770:

Entitlement Details:
A Single-tier Standard Interim Dividend of RM0.50 per ordinary share ofRM1.00 each and a Single-tier Special Interim Dividend of RM0.60 per ordinaryshare of RM1.00 each for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.

Entitlement Type: Interim Dividend
Entitlement Date and Time: 03/12/2015 05:00 AM
Year Ending/Period Ending/Ended Date: 31/12/2015
EX Date: 01/12/2015
To SCANS Date:
Payment Date: 18/12/2015

2015-12-24 09:36

Tan KW


bukithot Hi Mr Tan,

Please credit dividend for DLADY (110sen per share) RM770:

Entitlement Details:
A Single-tier Standard Interim Dividend of RM0.50 per ordinary share ofRM1.00 each and a Single-tier Special Interim Dividend of RM0.60 per ordinaryshare of RM1.00 each for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.

Entitlement Type: Interim Dividend
Entitlement Date and Time: 03/12/2015 05:00 AM
Year Ending/Period Ending/Ended Date: 31/12/2015
EX Date: 01/12/2015
To SCANS Date:
Payment Date: 18/12/2015
24/12/2015 09:36

2015-12-24 11:56

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