Sslee blog

Love our Palm Oil. Part I: Palm Oil

Publish date: Sat, 02 Feb 2019, 09:28 PM
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Dear all,

I’m sad to read the below comment on palm oil:

Posted by Fortune Bull dated: 31/01/2019 17:46

Palm oil contributed a lot of health problem! I never touch food cook with palm oil! You can see the effect on Malaysians! So many are obese with huge waist line! Eventually many will seek medical help related to palm oil consumption! In contrast to soya bean which is mainland Chinese main ingredient in our cooking! You basically can't cook Chinese without soya! It's healthy and added nothing to our weight! That's why Chinese are so slim!

Please allow me to share some of the fact and figure on vegetable oils.

  1. Oil for foods application:

What we term as vegetable oil, animal fat, milk fat, cocoa butter is chemically called triglyceride. Have the same molecular structure of three molecule of fatty acid combine with one molecule of glycerin. They are different only by the fatty acid chain length and the position of this fatty acid attracted to the molecule of glycerine.

R1, R2, R3 is the Alkyl group (Hydro Carbon chain of saturated CnH2n+1.  Unsaturated, CnH2n-1 , 1 double bond, CnH2n-3,2 double bond  and CnH2n-5, 3 double bond)

Different source of vegetable oil or animal fat (Triglyceride) has the same molecular structure but varies in the fatty acid molecules chain length (R1, R2, R3), position of fatty acid attached (Top, center or bottom) and  saturated or unsaturated fatty acid.

Because of different fatty acid and position of attached hence they have different physical properties (Melting point, Smoke and Cloud point) and chemical properties (IV, Oxidation and molecular size) thus have different food application and influence on human health.

Note: Oils are triglyceride with mixtures of different fatty acids. When you cool down oil those high solidification triglyceride molecules will crystal out (cloudy) and when you heat up oils those low boiling triglyceride molecules will vaporize (smoke) and those high boiling polyunsaturated triglyceride molecules start to breakdown/oxidize.

Fatty Acid molecules in oil are as below:

  1. Saturated Fatty Acid

Caprylic acid


  C8 Fatty Acid

Capric acid


  C10 Fatty Acid

Lauric acid


  C12 Fatty Acid

Myristic acid


  C14 Fatty Acid

Palmitic acid


  C16 Fatty Acid

Stearic acid


  C18 Fatty Acid

Arachidic acid


  C20 Fatty Acid

Behenic acid


  C22 Fatty Acid

Lignoceric acid


  C24 Fatty Acid

Cerotic acid


  C26 Fatty Acid

  1. Unsaturated Fatty Acid:

Oleic acid




Elaidic acid




Vaccenic acid




Linoleic acid




Linoelaidic acid




α-Linolenic acid




In general the more the unsaturated fatty acid in oil the higher the IV, the lower the cloud point and more unstable due to oxidation of double bond thus unsuitable for deep frying.

Many health studies had show that trans fats raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It’s also associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Vegetable oil naturally contain only Oleic acid and Linoleic acid (Cis Fats), thro’ a chemical reaction call partially hydrogenation to harder (to solid or semi solid application) or stabilize (for deep frying application) highly unsaturated oil (High IV)  to saturated Oil (lower IV) the reaction result in by product trans fat of Elaidic, Vaccenic, and Linoelaidic fatty acid.

Note: The table omitted: Coconut oil C8 about 6% and PKO C8 about 4%

Palm oil are the most healthy, stable and versatile oil as the oil itself have a natural balance of saturated and mainly  Mono-unsaturated fatty acid and contain natural antioxidant hence refined palm olein (IV 56-63) is the best oil for industries/commercial/household deep frying because of it heat stability, high smoke point and competative pricing.

Highlight: Oxidative stability is how resistant an oil is to reacting with oxygen, breaking down and potentially producing harmful compounds while exposed to continuous heat. Oxidative stability is the best predictor of how an oil behaves during cooking. The differing stabilities correlate with lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are more prone to oxidation.

PORAM ‘s specifications for various Palm products

By refining, crystallization, fully hydrogenation, inter-esterification, glycerolysis to mono or di-glycerides, aeration, water soluble, blending and etc; Many specialty/functional fats (Various cloud point and physical appearance semi-solid, solid, soft, hard, creamy, floppy and etc) thus can serve many functions as Margarine, Vegetable Ghee, Confectionary Fats, Non-Dairy creamer, Chocolate, Ice-Cream (replacing Milk Fat and Cocoa butter), Salad/Cake/Biscuit toppings/fillings, Chess analog, Health Supplements , Vitamins, Energy Foods/Drinks, Animal Feeds and etc .

The latest energy and health supplements: MCT Oil contains only C8 and C10 fatty acid from PKO or Coconut oil. Because of its small molecule size it digest differently and would not end up as fat but ketones that help to burn the fat.

You can buy this MCT oil from above link in Singapore.


  1. Oil for Non-food application: Palm oil and Palm Kernel oil is prefer raw material for downstream value-added Oleo chemical industries.

    Note: Nature had provided us with many oil seeds/fruits and animals that produces plenty of oil and fat (Triglyceride). Man had used triglyceride for cooking (frying) single function. With advance of knowledge man was able to reprocessing triglyceride, either by physical separation or molecular modification that changes the physical properties of triglyceride in order to serve in many different food applications.

    For industry or non-food applications man have use triglyceride as starting material and by molecular reaction where totally new molecules which have totally different physical and chemical properties are synthesized in order to serve many different functions and applications. The oleo-chemical industries: green, renewable, biodegradable chemicals derived from oil and fat as oppose to petro-chemical: chemicals derived from fossil fuels (crude oil, coal and natural gas)

Basic oleo-chemical derived from oil and fat are:

  1. Fatty Acid
  2. Co product glycerine
  3. Fatty Alcohol
  4. Fatty Acid methyl ester.

From these basic oleo-chemicals many more derivatives or finish products can be make to serve industries application or consumer applications: As Surfactants, Personal Care, Cosmetics, Agrochemical, Animal Feeds, Lubricant/Grease, Soap, Industrial Cleaning, Printing Ink, Polyols, Polyurethane, Biodiesel and etc.

So imagine a world without Palm Oil. What will be the consequence? Will you able to find any substitute that give so much health benefit at competitive pricing? I doubt so. What probably will happen is many people will go hungry and sick as many food items and personal care products were beyond many people reach/affordability.

To be continued Part II: Palm Tree.

Thank you

P/S: I am glad, I growth up to become an engineer and now working for PT MM, a fully integrated palm oil corporation that subscribed fully to the principles of RSPO and committed to the production and use of sustainable palm oil for People, Planet and Prosperity. We are in an industry that brings benefit and prosperity to all stakeholders.

Our plantation division planted million and millions of palm trees in a responsible and sustainable way so that our mother Earth can breathe a little bit easy. ((Note: Tree/plant through a process called photosynthesis utilizes the energy of sunlight and capture CO2 from the atmosphere and H2O from the ground water and convert it into Hydrocarbon building block (Basic HC building block that started and sustain all living creature on this World and releasing O2 back to the atmosphere.)). Our conservation and rehabilitation program on HCV areas will allow thousands if not millions of our next generation children to enjoy the beauty of flora and fauna at its pristine natural environment. Our social responsible program of building kindergarten, school and giving bursary to students will help thousands and thousands of local communities children to build a better tomorrow for themselves and their family through better education. Our small holder program of given financial assistance and managing small holder plantation for them had enable thousands of previously landless farmers to own land and uplift their living standard.

Our mid stream operation produce an affordable healthy cooking oil and specialty fat so that millions of peoples do not need to go hungry tonight and many more millions of overeat and fat peoples can still remained healthy.(Note: If not for palm oil, many food items will be unaffordable to millions of peoples)

Our downstream Oleo Chemical operation produce renewable, biodegradable and edible  environment friendly natural chemical at competitive pricing so that our customers can turn it into an affordable hygienic, cosmetic, health and consumable product that enable millions of peoples to be healthy, look good, smell good and feel good.

We believe we are “Enriching others at the same time enriching ourselves” a Must Do Principle. It is this believes that drive us to do more, to do our best, to be the best and passionate about our work. Together we do make a different to this world. That a life worth living for.

1 person likes this. Showing 21 of 21 comments


Post removed.Why?

2019-02-02 21:41


problem with palm oil is that ALL (being 100%) are chemically processed. You dun see cold pressed palm oil at all.

Hope sslee keeps on drinking palm oil.


2019-02-02 21:47


proper way to consume palm oil is to drink it when hungry, not pour it down the drain.

also when sslee pours it down the drain its not clogged. There is a technology in pouring it. You must lift up your left leg when pouring it with your left hand to the music of Mozart then drain will not be clogged.

Posted by Fortune Bull > Feb 2, 2019 09:43 PM | Report Abuse
Anyway, try pouring palm oil into your kitchen waste pipe! If it's clogged then maybe it's the waste pipe problem, not the fact that palm oil can clogged even a 12 inch pipe!

2019-02-02 21:51


yes, you strike jackpot! Palm oil is ALL chemicals. As usual sslee does not know what he is talking about. sslee has NO experience at all.
I buy many bottles of cold pressed virgin olive oil in my house and they virtually keep indefinitely for years with no problems. Palm oil cannot keep long.

2019-02-02 21:57


Hi guys,
I use fresh olive virgin oil for my salad
But I don't use it to fry food. For frying food I use palm oil.
Now beta carotene is a good byproduct of palm oil.
All the ice cream, cakes, biscuits, hawker food, kfc and other fast food got palm oil
All your Malaysian teh tarik got palm oil substitute for milk
Nestle used tons of palm oil for Milo, kitkat, nescafe and Maggie mee.

So I think all of you will kena eating palm oil in one way or another

THE trick is to eat everything in moderation

2019-02-02 22:09


/////refined palm olein (IV 56-63) is the best oil for deep frying because of it heat stability and high smoke point.////

Refined corn oil
Palm oil
Palm kernel oil
Refined high-oleic sunflower oil
Refined peanut oil
Semirefined sesame oil
Refined soy oil
Semirefined sunflower oil

all the above have the same smoke points of 232°C

Olive pomace oil 238°C
Extra light olive oil 242°C
Ghee (Clarified Butter) 252°C
Refined Safflower oil 266°C
Avocado oil 271°C

what a screwed up biased article!!

2019-02-02 22:16


Haagen Dazs ice cream is 100% milk cream

Nestle ice cream is 100% palm oil.

There are many other products that NEVER ever used palm oil at all. Its not a problem avoiding palm oil. Just choose the brand names carefully!

2019-02-02 22:20


Thanks for the sharing sslee...

I understand what is shared above at 101% level.
It is indeed sad that, media has huge control on consumers perception.

I bet that out 100 who reads above, only 1 may feel that his opinion or conviction slightly shaken to reconsider using palm oil if he had been using different oil earlier.

So we need to find a way to convey the message in a manner it gets to the layman consumers.

I certainly believe palm oil is no way inferior to any other vegetable oil (soy, sunflower, canola, etc) processed in the same way.

The major causes of problem has to do with the 'processing', if you consume palm oil the same way how the extra virgin olive oil is produced for consumption...the benefits are probably equivalent.

It is the refining process that takes away a lot of the antioxidant properties palm oil...which explains its shelf life etc.

and there is definitely no connection in terms malaysian health with the type of oil they use...

2019-02-02 22:23


Olive pomace oil 238°C
Extra light olive oil 242°C

so using palm oil 232°C for frying is like keeping the Mercedes at home and use the Kancil to drive to work.

using palm oil for frying is actually a myth
(The Strongman deals in dishing out myths)

One study found that olive oil can be used in a deep fryer for over 24 hours before it oxidizes excessively

2019-02-02 22:37


its not about whether you can or you cannot use olive oil for deep frying...its about whether you want it?

have you tried in the first place? If you will know the reason why..

2019-02-02 22:41


Dear all,
Some published seminar paper by MPOB
PALM OIL: Processing, Utilization and Nutrition Datuk Dr. Choo Yuen May Director General of MPOB 28 June 2013
You can Google whatever scientific, R&D publication on Palm oil (Many thousands of them)
This is because Palm oil is the victim of many seasonal oil seed powerful lobbyist (Protect their owe vested interest) lobby their government (USA and EU) by falsified propaganda, NGO and accusation without any scientific basic (Health, Sustainability, Deforestation, CO2 release from peat soil, Orang utan, Elephant and etc) and each time they do so Malaysia and Indonesia Government and Industries will fight back pointing out their fault accusation with actual facts and scientific figures to rebuke each and every accusation.
Facts and Figures on deforestation:

Thank you

2019-02-02 23:06


Post removed.Why?

2019-02-02 23:06


Dear all,
I still remember some simpleton even brought a bottle of refine palm olein and refine soya bean oil to the legislator and try to pour out both palm oil and soya bean oil and because soya bean oil are liquid and palm oil cloud and difficult to flow below atmospheric temperature of 10 deg C thus he conclude that palm olein will block your blood vessels.
How simple reasoning is this? Yes palm olein will block a cold died body blood vessels because the body already dead cold to atmospheric temperature of 10 deg C.

For deep frying purpose you must use oil with high smoke point and minimum polyunsaturated natural oil. If the oil is partial hydrogenated to reduce polyunsaturated to monounsaturated or saturated oil then you will have trans fats that raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease.

Thank you

2019-02-02 23:23


trans fatty acid causes cancer too...the French completely ban these from entering their country

2019-02-02 23:24


Dear all,
You can refer to above on smoke point and the polyunsaturated and present of natural antioxidant to know what oil is good for industry deep frying at competitive pricing. All instant noodle use palm olein with IV of 56 for frying.

Thank you

2019-02-02 23:34


interesting fact:-

3.5 tons of POME generated from 1 ton of CPO

2019-02-02 23:38


////All instant noodle use palm olein with IV of 56 for frying. ////

Somebody should have told this guy NOT TO EAT PALM OIL

2019-02-02 23:41


Dear i3lurker,
A lot of people die of cancer especially smoker and alcoholic. The Palm oil is not to be blamed but the food seasoning, lack of other balance food, living environment, lifestyle, stress and lack of exercise that cause cancer.
By the way many people die of car accident, plane accident or even walking on the street. So by your logic avoid all these activities?

Thank you

2019-02-03 00:11

(S = Qr) Philip

I actually agree with everything written here. SSLee makes a good point.

i3lurker is just arguing for the sake of arguing. He has probably never planted or seen a single olive tree or process in his entire life.

Nor has he done any work in the refining process or looked carefully at the usage of palm oil.

Any and all oil used will increase the calory content of food. If you eat in moderation, you could drink coke every day and you will live till 90.

Its those who don't know how to control their body that blame the food.

I agree with calvin comment, moderation is the key.

2019-02-03 01:45


Dear i3lurker,
Good morning. Milk fat is good and Haagen Dazs ice cream is 100% milk cream and taste fantastic.
Cocoa butter is good and chocolate make from cocoa butter taste fantastic.
Olive oil is good and healthy oil as dressing oil or deep frying.
In term of cost how many low income people or people in developing country like India can afford it.

My question remain imagine a world without Palm Oil. What will be the consequence? Will you able to find any substitute oil that give so much health benefit at competitive pricing?
I doubt so. What probably will happen is many people will go hungry and sick as many food items and personal care products were beyond many people reach/affordability.

Dear Philip,
Similarly Public bank, Top grove, QL and Nestle are great value stocks but INSAS is value for money stock.

Thank you, going for my morning jog.
P/S: You should try out MCT oil. Not for frying (Low smoke point) but just a small tea spoon everyday added into any of your ready to eat foods.

2019-02-03 06:41


interesting info

to produce the same amount of oil as 1 acre of palm oil will take 9 acres of soyabean.

1 acre of palm oil = 9 acres of soyabean.

2019-02-03 13:44

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