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内幕!MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技。吹牛大师做假“nagacorp金界控股”背后的故事。黑白两道大通缉!

Publish date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016, 08:26 PM
Looks like and sounds like but not like. How con masters run away.
通缉: 谁是“郑英发” Wanted: Who is Teh Eng Huat?


2016年12月16日,槟城,马来西亚 - 远在柬埔寨金边本周黑白两道谣言满天飞,官商暗流波涛汹涌。有抹黑政府嫌疑的官员通通连夜消失或押候审擦。消息指出当地政府将调查并严惩假发消息人士,包括违法发放问题赌场经营牌照相关人员。有卖国贪污成分,事态严重。

事关马来西亚股票投机分子做假“nagacorp金界控股”合作消息,并企图暗示取得“方圆100公里范围内“另一个赌场经营牌照,目的在于借金界控股名气推高蚊型股MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技的股价,非法炒股谋利。炒股欺骗小股民事小,但 MQ Technology Bhd 在金界控股的曾立强先生(Tan Sri Dr Chen Lip Keong)头上动土,事情就玩大了。

Nagacorp Ltd金界控股成立于一九九五年,管理及经营柬埔寨首都金边唯一的持牌赌场。该集团的赌场经营牌照有效期由一九九五年至二零六五年为期七十年,从一九九五年至二零三五年约四十一年可在柬埔寨金边市方圆200公里范围(柬越边境地区、Bokor、Kirirom Mountains及Sihanoukville除外)内独家经营赌场。本尊的垄断地位,神圣而不可侵犯。偏偏一夜之间被MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技几个毛头小子挂了一个大耳光。以江湖规矩,人必须交出来江湖处理,不然难以平息。老大的耳光如果任何人可以侵犯缺不杀鸡儆猴,尾随将会延伸更多问题。

媒体智深人士表示,经过相关部门调查显示,MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技透过吉隆坡股票交易所发放误导性讯息,指名说姓nagacorp金界控股,RGB博彩,Donaco Group’s Joey Lim (Genting)等多家赌博业公司通过合作和雷同意向书等扯关系引述来托高自己身份,有误导映射嫌疑。再利用马来西亚多家报纸以高姿态炒作发放消息,以星报(英文报纸)为例,4天内发放了两个假消息,炒股急迫性可见一般。

根据星报报道,The Star newspaper "MQTech discussing casino plans with NagaCorp" - 14 Dec 2016
" MQTech executive director Robbie Hari Krishnan Tatparanandam told a press conference here that the project was estimated to cost US$51.1mil (RM225.86mil).
We are talking to NagaCorp regarding this and we are working with them. This project will be the very first integrated theme park resort and casino project in Cambodia,” he said.
NagaCorp Ltd, which is the largest casino operator in Cambodia, was awarded a 41-year monopoly to operate casinos within a 200-km radius from the Pnomh Penh city centre. MQTech’s proposed project site is about 103km from the capital. "
source :
过后,根据股票交易所报告, 14 Dec 2016, 下午7点。
We refer to the news article entitled "MQTECH DISCUSSING CASINO PLAN WITH NAGACORP" appearing in The Star, StarBiz Section, Page 4, Wednesday, 14 December 2016, in particular the sentences as reproduced below :
“Ace Market-listed MQ Technology Bhd (MQTech) is in talks with gaming giant NagaCorp Ltd over plans to build a casino in its new integrated resort and entertainment project in Cambodia.”
We wish to inform that we are not in talks with gaming giant NagaCorp Ltd over plans to build a casino in its new integrated resort and entertainment project in Cambodia.
source :


最不可思议的是神秘执行董事郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)在同一天(14 Dec 2016)急售股票凭单然后突然辞职,完全违抗交易所法令,以内幕交易“优先卖票”,市场正等待星报和股票交易交代。故事来龙去脉又如何?且看相关知情人士透露。



“ Cambodian finance ministry deputy director Ros Phirun, a reliable source on the nation’s gaming industry, said his office had yet to receive any gaming license applications matching the joint venture’s description. ”



谁是MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技幕后推手?

MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技,自从执行董事郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)两年前(2014年3月19日)以神秘身份被委任为执行董事后,又离奇夺得董事会控制权,往后暗地里就策划为炒股编故事。除了假借在马来西亚马六甲某小镇发展游乐园筹资4千万(马币),策划偷龙转凤把公司钱左边进,右边出,还请来两个印度演员敲锣打鼓伸张进驻柬埔寨赌博业故事,制造假消息摆阵推高股价。项目还没开始就推高股价炒作一番。

可惜股市低迷,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)附加股圈钱大计落的几乎没有散户申请,郑某和另外两个假演员变相“自己淘荷包包场筹资“,还向外炫耀以“特地包场”为借口勉强维持面子,忽远债主拖延时间。相关消息指出,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)自身难保,不明由来得来的钱申请额不够买单,还向地下钱庄高利贷要钱周转炒股,利用各种借口编造故事统统投入豪赌一把。郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)和同党本来打算等待马六甲荒地偷龙转凤大计成功后,再还债主。人算不如天算,附加股马币4千万凑不到,自己亲自押了马币9百万,间接和炒股一伙再押了马币1千8百万 (总共马币2千7百万),刚好可以从“马六甲”空地马币2千7百万偷龙转凤弄出去还债(话说1千6百万买51%,剩下做项目开销)。问题是:本金可能解决还了,地下钱庄利息如何还;空地“打点费”缺口如何填,还没算如何再筹款建设马六甲跳楼园;柬埔寨金边“边”的宏图大计如何筹款;公司基本上“一分钱”也没留下,股票是卖还是不卖来还债?2016年12月14日股票大跌只是冰山一角,刚刚开始而已。

更大问题是,纸包不住火,债主发现郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)不只向一个高利贷借钱,重叠借贷骗了一个又一个钱庄;本身根本欠债累累,却编造故事自己“放贷商业应收”等等虚有“财产”,甚至声称拥有金矿等,好像家财万贯,打肿脸皮其实是为了方便向钱庄借钱。江湖规矩本来就是以理相待,不用浪费一张白纸。郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)撒谎被触破一发不可收拾。经过星马泰地下社团验证,证明郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)根本就是老千。欺骗前科频频,猖狂和心狠手辣手段简直让人发指。


郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)何许人?

郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT),槟城电子厂ZOOMIC老板,十多年来债务累累。早在2010年就因为做假单假借美商SEAGATE合约,贿赂政府财团MDV(Malaysia Debt Venture) 以郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)空头工厂ZOOMIC做假抵押,取得款项马币2千2百万 (RM22million), 贿赂相关人员款项就达马币7百万 (RM7 million),可见出手凶悍,根本没有守约的意识。因为事态严重,美商还报了反贪局 (MACC - Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission)。该款项落在郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)手里后去向不明,后来被发现郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)编制故事解析说他在蒙古“开赌场娱乐城”被骗,钱输光了还欠下一屁股债务。

2012年郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)拖欠MDV马币2千2百万无法还钱,被抵押的ZOOMIC工厂估价只得马币1千6百万,另外被发现工厂还欠SCB银行马币5百万,卖了都不够抵消债务。MDV要求郑某把名下(IRETEX)上市公司股票 一并抵押,IRETEX股票却偏偏已经作为股票贷款MARGIN已经被抵押,二度抵押的MDV根本没有多一碗羹可分。再加上郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)无担保向“阿窿”贷款堆积如山,拖欠银行和个人贷款基本上等于技术性破产。负资产包括股票MARGIN估计不下马币4千万。



也是这个时候,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)于2014年3月19日被“派到” MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技为债主“看场”。

本来咸鱼翻身,应该重新做人,理应好好为委托人看好MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技把生意重振,并努力挣钱还债。可是世事难料,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)突然于2014年尾由“看场”摇身一变连人带车控制了MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技董事局。事关当时委托人刚好商业敌人围巢,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)乘火打劫,以大概6.5%股份把董事局连人带车驱驰潜逃。

既然已经占为己有 ,山高皇帝远,委托人忙于抗敌,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)得以低调卷走MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技自己起家,另起炉灶。没人有空追究,理应心满意足,拜神感恩。

但是郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)不但没有感恩,还变本加厉继续以欺骗为生,还测黑挑战社团底线。

此前郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)哭哭啼啼假扮可怜的一贯作风,不但成功得到贵人相助,也成功说服委托人公司贷款投资项目。导致后来于2015-2016年,郑某东窗事发扯上IRETEX盈利担保失信马币6百万,和马币3百万嫌疑亏空公款欺骗案等,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)被IRETEX告上法庭。消息指出案件陆续有来,事情才刚刚开始。

嫌疑人物郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)如何从“债务累累负资产马币4千万” 》 到被救赎身脱困 》再陷入“失信亏空公司公款”被控告马币6百万和3百万案件  》 再到“MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技北上泰国子公司“变卖置产”非法捞本  》然后短时间内变出马币9百万现金购买MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技附加股,关联显著,有待读者自行推敲"钱从那里来"。



重覆旧业编故事炒股,又是“赌场娱乐城”, 柬埔寨版?

2016年,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)终于潜伏成功安排MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技弄来马六甲娱乐园项目,以编故事借题发新股RIGHT ISSUE。附加股本来可以一石二鸟,一来让郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)潜伏多时的股权烦恼通过偷龙转凤巩固自己的股权,二来可以利用股票操作捞一笔资本打算“反客为主”,向他的委托人下手,埋伏策划收购并吃下“老板公司”。后面有有心人通风报信,相关机密早已曝光,司马懿之心,人人皆知。(note1)

Note1: 有心人提供非法资料,陷害鼓励并指导郑英发“犯罪”,是另一个故事。不便在这里叙述。

通过巩固股权,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)招惹了一班炒股分子,变本加厉,干脆请来印度演员,和马来西亚印裔企业家家族扯上一腿,企图映射企业家光环,方便炒作。项目成不成已经是3-5年过后的事。如果股票翻几番,椰子树舞蹈够精彩,观众看的陶醉,自动钱往戏院里堆。如果没人看戏(MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技就是遇到这个问题),公司最多重组再打包变卖,行情好的时候空壳公司可能有8位数的价钱。



MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技懂事局郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)先走,谁待罪?黑白阵容演员谁要来顶?

话说郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)在收到交易所询问,东窗事发发现柬埔寨金边“边缘”赌博娱乐项目根本不可能成立,更何况夸张到制造Nagacorp Ltd金界控股合作办赌场假新闻,2016年12月14日以内情人士身份提前变卖股票,以泰山压顶急售股票和凭单,造成股民无辜蒙受损失。交易所是在当天下午收市7点钟才发布消息,郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)也在同一天引咎辞职,内幕交易嫌疑显然。2016年12月16日交易所发布消息证实郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)的确内幕交易提前变卖股票。

14日当天,MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技股价急挫32%,凭单大跌58.33%,各别收8.5分和2.5分。股票账面损失马币1千6百50万,凭单马币6百40万, 合计马币2千3百万(RM23mil)。

公司发放假消息,所有董事都要承担。通常建议性的消息,投资者可以凭市场自由浮动自行判断,不会怪公司。但是“假消息”就不是误导这么简单。基本上是“欺骗”。截止2016年12月16日,MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技董事包括如下:

Dr. Ch’ng Huck Khoon, Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director
(resigned) Teh Eng Huat, Executive Director
(resigned) Khoo Hun Sniah, Executive Director
Wong Yu Sun, Executive Director
Lim Soon Seng, Executive Director
Na Chiang Seng, Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato Lim Char Boo, Independent Non-Executive Director
Mohd Anuar Bin Mohd Hanadzlah, Independent Non-Executive Director
(appointed)印裔演员甲, Executive Director
(appointed)印裔演员乙, Executive Director

早前公司另一个董事KHOO HUN SNIAH 提前辞职(note2)。KHOO也是ZOOMIC失信案和盗用公款案关键人物兼被告。KHOO是郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)媳妇的弟弟,关系非比寻常。ZOOMIC和MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技的可疑非法勾当一手包办,公司常年报告可以考证。

note2: (IO report: Microlead Precision Technology Sdn. Bhd. (370308-U) and MPT Solution Co., Ltd. (3031305458) are under Teh Eng Huat control. The focus of investigation is MPT Solution Co., Ltd. in Thailand.)

如果公司制造发放“假”消息,独立董事基本上罪加一等。MQ Technology Bhd 微领科技除了Na Chiang Seng 可能面对郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)和 KHOO HUN SNIAH 在位时段的“在场”拷问,其他董事,特别是独立董事将面对交易所拷问有关假消息的来龙去脉。Na Chiang Seng 是同一个时候和TEH ENG HUAT进入董事局的代表。

至于后来加入董事局的印裔演员, MR ROBBIE HARI KRISHNAN TATPARANANDAM, 以及 MR EDWIN SILVESTER DAS, 则纯粹椰园跳舞牛头不对马嘴,被利用制造假象,对公司整体行政一窍不通,更何况炒股大计,分分钟炒糊了。饼是画的可口但糖太多了,咽不下去。

其他影子“幕后操手“,包括附加股包销嫌疑人物,有关当局已经掌握。内幕消息不方便透露官方机密笔者理解。可能郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)拱了出来龙头老大不再追究,能够避免江湖灾难就能免则免。


得罪柬埔寨黑白两道,星马泰地下钱庄,社团,和相关机构。郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)谎言能扯多久?

成也股市败也股市。市场低迷,股票可能下来2-3年都不可能卖的好价。基本上熊市里,“谁卖谁先跑”只会越等越低。郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)和一伙炒家如果逆水行舟,在没有盈利的基本面支撑硬推股票翻4-5倍,可能重演LUSTER,AMEDIA,等等垄断性泡沫建设,迟早粉身碎骨,庄也亏了,血本无归。到时庄家跑了,连地下钱庄的老大钱都亏了,社团和相关机构冤家债主可能人都找不到了。

是封锁彻查充公变卖股票,还是让社团先找到郑英发向北方的龙头交人平息内讧,可能郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)又会来他那一套“哭哭啼啼自认是炒家的受害者”,装可怜办傻拖延时间,以方便潜逃,没人知道。如果装傻能够了断,那无辜股民看在nagacorp的脸被骗上车买了股票凭单不是要去跳楼?

消息传开了,可能连郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)和一伙炒家还不知道事态严重。得罪了谁。

另外交易所(Bursa Malaysia)和证劵管理局(Securities Commission)黄雀在后,看谁先下手为强从郑英发(TEH ENG HUAT)和炒股一伙股票和资金链下手。这点股票零钱不知道多少水鱼愿意买票;充公所得,黑的也要,白的也要,先到先得,十面埋伏,分到来应该没有剩。







16/12/2016  大揭发!16Dec2016 - MQ Technology bhd confirmed director sold shares and resigned same day on bad news!
16/12/2016  15 December 2016 : MQ Technology Bhd case 2nd letter. The Star and Bursa Malaysia Abnormally Silent.
15/12/2016  14 December 2016 - MQ Technology Bhd case : Open letter to The Star newspaper.
14/12/2016  大件事! - MQ Technology Bhd plunge 31%, warrant crash 58.33%. Director resign. Clans disturbed?


Official sources:

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B)



Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

Nationality/Country of incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) Warrants
Name & address of registered holder 1.TEH ENG HUAT NO 1, Jalan Bayan Mutiara 2, Bayan Lepas ,11700 Penang 2.PUBLIC NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD P.O.BOX 11167 50738 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan 3.KENANGA NOMINESS (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD. 8th Floor Kenanga International Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan 4. AFFIN HWANG NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD Levels 2,3,4,7 & 8 Wisma Sri Pinang 60 Green Hall 10200 Georgetown Pulau Pinang.

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction Description of Others Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted ($$)
Disposed   14 Dec 2016


Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred Open Market Disposal
Nature of interest Direct Interest
Direct (units) 6,980,088
Direct (%) 3.804
Indirect/deemed interest (units)  
Indirect/deemed interest (%)  
Total no of securities after change  
Date of notice 14 Dec 2016


Remarks :
Securities held after the change:
a)100,960,000 Ordinary Shares (24.341% of issued shares)
b) 6,980,088 (3.804% of the total Warrants in issued).

The form was received on 16 December 2016.


Announcement Info

Stock Name MQTECH
Date Announced 16 Dec 2016
Category Change in Substantial Shareholders Interest Pursuant to Form 29B
Reference Number CS2-14122016-00124


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description <pre style="font-family: Monaco, Consolas, " andale="" mono",="" "dejavu="" sans="" "courier="" 10="" pitch",="" courier,="" monospace;="" background:="" rgb(243,="" 246,="" 248);="" padding:="" 8px;"=""> MQ TECHNOLOGY BERHAD (MQTECH OR COMPANY) ARTICLE ENTITLED "MQTECH DISCUSSING CASINO PLAN WITH NAGACORP"

MQ Technology Berhad (“MQTech” or “Company”)

We refer to the news article entitled "MQTECH DISCUSSING CASINO PLAN WITH NAGACORP" appearing in The Star, StarBiz Section, Page 4, Wednesday, 14 December 2016, in particular the sentences as reproduced below :

“Ace Market-listed MQ Technology Bhd (MQTech) is in talks with gaming giant NagaCorp Ltd over plans to build a casino in its new integrated resort and entertainment project in Cambodia.”

We wish to inform that we are not in talks with gaming giant NagaCorp Ltd over plans to build a casino in its new integrated resort and entertainment project in Cambodia.

However, we also wish to inform that our wholly-owned subsidiary, Star Acres Sdn Bhd (“SASB”), had on 12 December 2016 entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (“MoA”) with Cambodian Resort And Entertainment Co., Ltd (“CRE”) to collaborate on the development and management of a theme park in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

For further details of the MoA, you may refer to MQTech’s Announcement made on 13 December 2016.

This announcement is dated 14 December 2016.

Announcement Info

Stock Name MQTECH
Date Announced 14 Dec 2016
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-14122016-00046

MATERIAL LITIGATION IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company") -Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim by Zoomic Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. ("ZTSB"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ire-Tex against Teh Eng Huat in the High Court of Malaya at Penang



Type Announcement
IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company")
-Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim by Zoomic Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. ("ZTSB"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ire-Tex against Teh Eng Huat in the High Court of Malaya at Penang

The Board of Directors of Ire-Tex wishes to announce that the Company had, via its solicitors, Messrs. Thomas Philip, filed a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim in the High Court of Malaya at Penang against Teh Eng Huat (“Defendant”) on 26 September 2016.

1. Details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim

The filing of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim is a result of the Defendant who was a director of ZTSB (primarily responsible for the financial management of ZTSB), who owed the following duties to ZTSB:-

(a)   the Defendant was reposed with trust and confidence and consequently owed a duty of good faith to ZTSB;

(b)   the Defendant was further subject to fiduciary duties with attendant obligations to exercise his powers for a proper purpose and in good faith in the interest of ZTSB; and

(c)    the Defendant was subject to further wider duties under law to ZTSB to, amongst others, account to ZTSB, including that set out under Section 132 of the Companies Act, 1965 read together with Part X of the Contracts Act, 1950.

In November 2014, the Defendant caused ZTSB to make payment to him of a sum of RM3 million. In a subsequent review of the financial affairs of ZTSB, ZTSB is unable to reconcile the payment of the said sum of RM3 million to the Defendant having regard to, among others, that ZTSB had previously issued 5,900,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each to the Defendant (including one other minority shareholder in the Plaintiff) in satisfaction of all advances previously made by the Defendant to satisfy amounts owing to Malaysian Debt Ventures Berhad.

The Defendant was at all material times reposed with trust and confidence at the material time such that ZTSB had not intended to allow the Defendant to gratuitously retain the RM3 million and the Defendant must make compensation to ZTSB pursuant to section 71 of the Contracts Act 1950 or otherwise in law. Pursuant to Section 11 of the Civil Law Act 1956 and Order 42, Rule 12 of the Rules of Court 2012 and the inherent jurisdiction of this court, ZTSB also claims compensation and/or damages including interest on the said sum of RM3 million from 11 November 2014 until satisfaction.

2. The financial and operational impact of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim on Ire-Tex and its subsidiaries (“the Group”)

The Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim are not expected to have any material financial and operational impact on the Group.

3. The expected losses, if any arising from the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim

The Company is not expected to incur any further losses arising from the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim.

Further announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.

This announcement is dated 26 September 2016.


Announcement Info

Stock Name IRETEX
Date Announced 26 Sep 2016
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-26092016-00090


MATERIAL LITIGATION IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company") - Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim by Ire-Tex against Teh Eng Huat and Khoo Hun Sniah in the High Court of Malaya at Penang (Civil Suit No.: 22NCVC-166-10/2015)



Type Announcement
IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company") - Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim by Ire-Tex against Teh Eng Huat and Khoo Hun Sniah in the High Court of Malaya at Penang (Civil Suit No.: 22NCVC-166-10/2015)

The Board of Directors of Ire-Tex wishes to announce that the Company had, via its solicitors, Messrs Chua Associates, filed a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim in the High Court of Malaya at Penang against Teh Eng Huat (“First Defendant”) and Khoo Hun Sniah (“Second Defendant”) on 2 October 2015.

1. Details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim

The filing of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim is a result of the First Defendant and Second Defendant (collectively referred to as “Defendants”) failing to settle the outstanding amount of RM6,315,113.00, being the shortfall amounting to RM8,815,113.00 of the guaranteed profit after tax for the financial years of 2013 and 2014 (jointly and severally guaranteed by the First Defendant and Second Defendant to the Plaintiff in the proportions of 80% and 20% respectively) less the profit guarantee security of RM2,500,000.00 (“Profit Guarantee Security”), pursuant to the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 18 November 2013, Supplemental Agreement dated 7 February 2014 and Further Supplemental Agreement dated 14 April 2015 (collectively referred to as “SPA”) entered into between the Company and the Defendants.

(i)   By two (2) notices in writing both dated 14 April 2015 to the Defendants’ stakeholder, Messrs David Lai & Tan (“Stakeholder”), each of the Defendants requested the release of the Profit Guarantee Security in favour of the Plaintiff in accordance with the terms of the SPA, which was duly released by the Stakeholder.

(ii)  By a letter of demand dated 7 July 2015 and a letter of demand dated 31 July 2015 from the Plaintiff’s solicitors, the Plaintiff demanded payment of the Outstanding Amount from the Defendants. Notwithstanding the aforesaid demands, the Defendants have failed, neglected and/or refused to make payment of the Outstanding Amount, or any part thereof.

(iii)  By reason of the Defendants’ breach as aforesaid and in accordance with the terms of the SPA, the Plaintiff is entitled to contractual interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the Outstanding Amount from 15 July 2015 until the date of full payment.

2. The financial and operational impact of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim on the Group

The Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim are not expected to have any material financial and operational impact on the Group.

3. The expected losses, if any arising from the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim

The Company is not expected to incur any further losses arising from the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim.


The above matter is fixed for Case Management on 12 November 2015.

Further announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.

This announcement is dated 6 November 2015.



Announcement Info

Stock Name IRETEX
Date Announced 06 Nov 2015
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-06112015-00001




2016-11-06 19:25








微领科技计划在马六甲州开设新的主题乐园,有关项目是马六甲探险家度假村(Malacca Explorer Resort)混合发展计划中的一部份。


文章来源: 星洲日报‧投资致富‧企业故事‧2016.11.06

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1 person likes this. Showing 5 of 5 comments


哇舍 ! 败类 应该 就地政法。
没想到 2016 尾 , 还 有这样的 戏看。
Salute tk the Author. Harimau Canton )/

2016-12-17 21:04


看来 MO1 , 请来 James Bond 破案 也 不为过 吧。

2016-12-17 21:07

Apollo Ang

why teh eng huat and the star editor not in jail yet?

2016-12-18 11:26


Why bursa malaysia announce news and did not reprimand the directors?
Can some one translate all above to English?

2016-12-19 11:27


Mq tech never short of surprises. Early morning shocking news. You mean the star reporter knew the fraud yet still publish the false news?

2016-12-20 08:54

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