My Trading Adventure

Review of "Trading without indicators" talk

Publish date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012, 12:42 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
I attended a FREE trading talk at Hotel Armada(must buy Armada next week la. haha) and I was late due to heavy traffic(Federal Highway la tu) ... and the lady called my handphone while I was on my way, saying they are expecting me. Wow ... good service, indeed.

No dinner provided ... they were showing a clip of "Pursuit of Happyness"(Will Smith) ... how the movie motivated him to be a full-time trader ... I was hungry and walked out to nearest mamak for my mee-goreng and teh-tarik.

Anyway, I know I m going to expect a 'hard time' if I m to use my logical brain. Wait a minute ... I tried to switch off my logical brain and trying to be open-minded, ok?

The crowd is 'small' ... may be there will be better crowd tmr(another tmr noon) ... about 13 of us. Two ladies walked out after a while!! Let all guys ... many 'older' uncles ... motivated by GET RICH QUICK mentality, I guess. Err ... ok ok ... I am supposed to be open-minded. NONE of my tratles joined me ... so, it is kinda 'alone' again ... I used to attend these talk alone till I got my own group, some will join me!! Tonight ... I want to attend this sure-win trading system, no one want to win!! haha.


These powerpoint slides flashing to us ... yeah ... I could have NO RISK trading!!

The strategies he will be coaching :

1. Daily pip
2. Breakout Explosive Trades
3. Reversal, price never comes back
4. No brainer --- profit in 1 hour
5. The daily breakout
Then, he shown his track records : VERY IMPRESSIVE.

In 2009, USD100k turned into USD1.7million
In 2010, USD10k turned into USD79k
In 2010, 1k pound turned into 16k pounds

I did not get the time frame ... I think he said few months or was it a year? Anyway, impressive enough!!

ONLY FOR TONIGHT : Free ... free ... free ... free statistics data, training, guarantee etc etc ...

The course is tagged at RM12k ... don't worry, if you sign up tonight, it is only RM4,999 ....

Too expensive? Get a partner ... it is RM4,499 ... or three toegther, it is only RM3,999.


I walked out ... as forex trading is not for me yet. I am TOO newbie for trading forex, besides ... forex is not legal in Malaysia. They are from Singapore.

Then ... I came back to search internet. He asked us to check google ... as his methods of trading is 'invented' by him and you would not find it in google. Check I did.

Attended their preview couple weeks ago,

1. The MIG report which he showed from $100k to a million + is a demo account.
2. He explained to the audiences that 1 pip = US$10 on the normal standard lot (which is correct), however, one participant asked, what's the capital I should invest? Ryan said US$1,000 ... as many newbie in the rooms, nobody asked WTF with US$1k you trade 1 standard lot ? suicide?
3. He said Top traders are only risk their trade max. 5% of their capital; then why giving the impression that with $1k we can trade 1 standard lot .
4. All his students trade reports show fantastic results, but you should notice the lot size that they trade.
5. During the preview, he said by using his "Instant Reversal" strategy, we can easily get 20 pips everyday x 20 working days = $4,000/month (no one realizes that the assumption is provided his strategy consistently giving 100% accuracy).
6. In short, his basic s@fe course is a full day course, it costs S$599; he teaches you "Instant Reversal" and "Breakout Pips" with Money Back Guarantee.
7. His 'buddy', James, is using pressure tactic; if you sign up today, the course will be $499 (must sign up in a pair), reduce further if we sign up 3-pax at once, the course will be $299/ea
8. In my opinion, the BIGGEST draw-down of this preview is that we have to sign up with FXPrimus as their recommended broker, seems the broker is (said) subsidizing our course fee. So we have to fund min US$1,000 with FXPrimus before we can begin our course.
So this is obvious that they are not just a forex school but also earning IB from their students. Worse still, mislead people to trade 1 lot with capital just $1k.

After all the above, I have my reservation to sign up with them.


The above taken from a forex-forum of Singapore.

I have no comment ... I just know that I am still a logical person, working from 8am to 5pm. I do still have tuition classe tmr, a trading class tmr and a discussion on FKLI tmr night!! And it is 12.45am ... I am still working!!

My policy : Anything too good to be true, be cautious. There is no such thing as easy-money or get-rich-quick.

So ... my common sense prevail. But, it is a good talk, indeed. Thanks.

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Thx 4 sharing, mate, cheers

2012-06-23 22:06

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