
cpteh | Joined since 2011-04-03

Investing Experience Intermediate
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2014-07-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

hi ... i was shown this linked(on GHL) and being asked my opinion on GHL. I admire the way u write. Simply great. I hv not commented in i3 for 1-2 years now. I do not read articles posted here but some are very good, actually. Anyway, can I ask the permission to share your writing here in my blog and I place my opinions in my blog? Sorry, I will not be here to reply comments, read etc etc. Thanks and keep up such great spirit.


2013-11-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

sorry, i dont could answer if TAANN is a buy.

News & Blogs

2013-05-06 17:51 | Report Abuse

thanks for tagging me. i will recover stronger ... and be part of their fighting team.

News & Blogs

2012-11-25 22:16 | Report Abuse

Thanks Pak Lah and KC Loh. Will continue to do what is right, and will ignore noises or negative humans. We only live once, live it to the fullest and do what we needed to. Thanks and appreciate those good words(after many bad ones? haha).


News & Blogs

2012-11-21 20:58 | Report Abuse

Albert(not even real)

You talked and critised. You do not even help. You don't even know me. Did you profit a few times? If not, why talk?

You don't know trading, why bother? TM can contra? How much you can profit?

The whole group profit well for whole year and increasing their knowledge, you sure you get to know the real tratle? Do you know what is called TIME FRAME?


News & Blogs

2012-11-17 13:43 | Report Abuse

hey AlbertLim ... I still did not get your e-mail to meet up? Why hiding? Tell everyone that you are meeting me and we shake hands? How is that, if you want to tell truth ... as if you are being honest? how is that, buddy?


News & Blogs

2012-11-17 13:41 | Report Abuse

Yes, Fat-cat ... as I want you to change nicks to post a few more here, talking to yourself. If u think that is my purpose coming here? hmmm ...

I was just thanking PureBull, and will countinue to appreciate those sharing with me. They are the MAJORITY here. Ask them :-)

Be happy.


News & Blogs

2012-11-17 10:11 | Report Abuse

Dear purebull




2012-11-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

Dear cat,

S many wrongs in your writing about me. No, there is none of my tratles posting here. But there are some one creating many nicks. How low can the person go, no one could tell.

But, staying aside to watch further hurl of words, checking the maturity levels could be interesting.

No point apologizing to you, either. Do not expect honesty from a cheap person, just a quote I read.

Thanks for your comments, anyway.



2012-11-14 11:04 | Report Abuse

dear Albert

the points I will put here is I did not flag you. Wait, wat is that? who done that? check the truth please.

i do not condemn anyone ... I do not even praise my methods? Huh? Again, u can also e-mail me and we can meet as gentleman.

Otherwise, it is ok. Forgive me, I am out ... can I?



2012-11-14 10:46 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Ooi

I did not condemn(that is too harsh and a strong word, honestly) you or your system. Not here, not in my blog.

To start with the dinner invitation, I have said thanks ... I was caught in CAR(with a friend) as he locked the keys inside the car and we were desperately looking for someone to 'unlock' it. Luckily after a looong while, we managed to get someone, and it took the expert a while to open that. My friend paid RM80 for that. ouch. Then, we were very hungry and went for dinner first. Sorry for being late for your preview talk.

After half an hour of the preview ... when you told us you were broke, but profitted millions from Gamuda-wd, with the office being used are 'click' internet marketing site, we thought we do not want to attend the selling part-talk. We just there to listen, with open mind, to listen to the system being applied. Yes, I am a learner .. so, I will attend more courses, to learn.

I think you got me a lot of not-so-right here. But, if you wish to meet up, shake hands ... talk and be gentleman ... sure ... I will be pleased to meet up with you. Writing here might create more misunderstandings as I am not good in words here. Please e-mail me to give me your number. Thanks

I do not fight with you or anyone here. No worry.

As I am leaving this forum too, please e-mail me so that we can meet up. I will bring my friend too, to prove that we were there, our good intention, our mis-fortune, our views and such ... but only with you.

Sorry if you felt offended ... but I can't remember in my life that I condemn anyone. I sincerely apologise for that.

Thanks for listening.


News & Blogs

2012-11-12 17:40 | Report Abuse


slowly telling you many things you DO NOT know about me(if u r a real person).

1. I do not LINK myself here, so ... pardon me again, I do not even know my blog was featured here last year till one of my tratle told me.

2. I m not telling the world, you READ my blog from 08.08.08 and 2400posts now, then u will know I write in daily basis, whatever I want to do and I want to do it REAL. So, it doesnt matter if anyone read bout it, or anyone read my blog. You get that very wrong, indeed.

3. I m not sure if I hv supporters? Heck, if u think I care or my head swelling, you do not know me again! See? And if I m honest of not, I m not sure what u mean ...

4. Why is my stock watch a crap? Wait, i did not even ask anyone buying-selling, I m just merely telling them what I m looking at, with intention to buy. Example, today I like CMMT at 1.80, so I place cut loss 1.77. If they buy-sell, I do not know. Another not so real from you, I do tell many when I cut-loss. Yes, I am a happy person now as many of my tratles learning to trade well and they are better than me. A simple proof is some bought TM at 5.41 levels, while my average at 5.53.

5. Who in trading do not lose money or trades? I trade 'live' with my group, do u think they are really dumb or stupid to follow my buying-selling blindly? Yes, I lost many trades ... but in trading, we talk about risk-reward and money management. You cut-loss in many trades, losing as it go against you, but you need a few good trades to easily cover many of the small losses. Make your losses small, ride on the profits. Do not lose your capitals ... that is called capital preservations. Mind you, I do have whole group trading very consistently thru out the year, and no one could take that from them(gaining experiences ... valuable ones). NO ONE could be experienced traders without taking real trades and NO ONE could improve without understanding how the trading set-up being done. I am merely guiding many in that aspect. Trading is indeed, risk and could be very emotional.

6. No, I did not go to any training except ChartNexus(and it is not cheap, believe me). I m not promoting ChartNexus but the training is good for me(may not for others). And I am charging RM50 per class for my cohort-1, barely RM150 per hour(that is my tuition Maths rate). Now, I hv increased the fees a little but still less than 25% of average trading course out there. I m in teaching mood, not biz-mood. Now, do u know why many of my tratles appreicate me? I have posted some testimonials, did you read or you think that I wrote it myself? Talking about sincerity ... sigh.

7. Don't you worry about my tratles ... we are glad to be in the group and I want to maintain the healthy environment of sharing-caring. Yes, they will donate freely for my x-mas charity drive again. Do you want to contribute? A RM100 from you will be good. Thanks.

Well, I have many accountants, engineers, finance-lines, IT-professionals ... few retirees. You name it. Think a while, is it easy for a Math teacher to cheat them?

Even the facebook page is set-up by them, the tratles word coined by them and now ... I have an engineer who just helped me with powerpoint presentation as I was teaching his batch without a powerpoint.

So, conclusion : You do not know me OR you got the wrong person, Albert.

Yes, enjoy your holiday. Do drop me a line and we could meet to shake hands. Then, please tell me all my lies, wrong-doings ... openly ... and I will ... yes, write in my blog!! My blog is my trading adventure ... things happening in my trading lives since I took my first trade, including my trading classes ... even if I failed, I will write it there!! You get me now, Albert?

Phew ... *shake hand*



News & Blogs

2012-11-12 16:22 | Report Abuse

Dear Albert

I have been blogging the way I blogged for past 10years, I write in daily basis what is going on with me etc etc.

Really? Ok, I will write about 'few'(very few, indeed) who left our tratles. The bitter one were from my cohort-1, two of them, and I m not sure if they are still bitter. Hmm ... but you are 'bitter', why?

No, I do not know how to un-link myself from here. Will you help me to e-mail to i3-admin, please?

You get MANY things wrongs about me, don't you? Well, I will see it as win-win, as those newbies and novices who wish to learn from a sincere teacher will benefit from my sharings, without needing to pay a huge amount. Also, will have a group of traders ... to discuss, share and guide. Why not?

I see things very positively... so, I m going to form a trader's club, to help each other from our trading. I don't see that as cheating others?

Enough said. You do not know me, and it is OK.

Good day to you, Mr Albert or whoever u r hiding there.


News & Blogs

2012-11-12 15:11 | Report Abuse

Hi ALbert(or whoever u r hiding behind this new nick),

U have been busy de-meaning me and insult with words. I wont want to go to your level but let me tell you ONE simple fact : You do not know me at all. It is OK.

Bear in mind that I DO NOT write in i3-site, in case youy still DID NOT realise that. My blog is FEATURED here, meaning i3-admin asking my permission to place my blog here, for educational purposes.

It is funny ... you don't like me(for your own reasonings, it is ok, u know) but you insist in reading?

In case you do not know, charity is close to MY heart. It is personal and please do not insult me that manner. You can be-little my trading skills or my low IQ/EQ, that is your views but ... not something close to a person's wish. In fact, will you help me in my dream of forming a foundation to help others, volunteering and generously giving/sharing?

Perhaps you think you will 'save' many from being cheated by me, to join my groups etc etc ... you do not have your valid reasonings on these.

I may not be good in many things, I admit ... but you can't insult that I m not good in anything at all. I am good in Math, I am good in bowling, I am good in my trading and teaching trading, I am good in blogging? There are many things no one could take it from me. I worked hard for it and will continue to learn.

I do not know what wrongs I have done. Sorry, I can't get what you are up to and why.

So, I m promoting myself in my OWN blog, not in i3-portal here. I will not ask i3 to take my blog out as that is THEIR decisions and choice.

Hope I do not need to come back to i3-forum, which I am leaving(but my blah blah blog will still be here, please write to i3-admin report abuse) as the forums becoming too noisy for my likings.

Those readers who wish to read my posts could go to :


So, I hope I have clarify a few things but not in defensive mode.

Wish you and all well.



News & Blogs

2012-11-06 11:38 | Report Abuse

Many asking me to ignore u as u r too low. So, I think I should heed their views. Take care. Difficult to go to extreme low mentality. Sorry.


2012-11-06 11:37 | Report Abuse

Hi ...today is a sell for me. We buy when it shown signals before it shoots higher. We buy when it is still at cheaper valuations, was at PER 9 when it was at 3.20.

Just my opinion


News & Blogs

2012-11-06 11:30 | Report Abuse

Fat meow, u still around reading my pages? Pathetic.

News & Blogs

2012-11-06 08:29 | Report Abuse

Hi gijoe

sorry ... i mean, MANY not MAJORITY.

in life, i believe statistics is merely numbers. we do not need to complicate our lives with those numbers. Just my opinion.

Hi Awiss

I did not say he is a liar etc etc. We all read newspapers, blogs etc etc and we should be making our own decisions to believe or not? I do remember XinQuan which he mentioned it to be under-valued. He certainly know better than me, definitely. But XQ was at 90cents back then, and well today, it is 70cents. I have cut-loss too, but I do feel it was my own decisions, fully my responsibilies for buying into any stocks. Personally, I still respect him highly. We all have our own views, perhaps.

As for Dali, he is a financial-blogger ... again, certainly know much more than me. I am not a financial-blogger. I am teacher. I dont know if anyone should point to anyone at all as a liar, as we should be cautious with what written in media. It is up to our own judgements, right?


News & Blogs

2012-11-05 20:23 | Report Abuse

Thanks kian Wei, I have to stay focus and positive, not only for my personal being but for the whole group I m leading now. I have to be a good model, indeed.

Yes, no intention to please anyone and certainly won't bother about few of those displeased ones.



News & Blogs

2012-11-05 20:20 | Report Abuse

Thanks Jonathan keung for a very good reply. Majority will not understand what humanity and being human is all about. If money could make a human, it could break that so-called human too.


News & Blogs

2012-11-05 00:05 | Report Abuse


Thanks. It is just showing appreciation for our contributions to i3-portal.

Many active ones with so many posts in forums etc etc will also get one of the nice T-shirt. But not many contributors in actual sense, actually.

Anyway ... all the best to i3-forum and all.

I better quietly leave i3-forum pages before being cursed, chased away by some regulars here. No mean to make any enemies as I hv better things to do.


News & Blogs

2012-11-04 23:34 | Report Abuse


Yeah ... I bought RM6 level, sold half at 6.12. Then, it came back to my cost price and my cut-loss was PLANNED before the trade. When I saw Axiata(ex TMI) moving lower on Thu too, I sold all my TM. On Friday, Axiata gapped down ... and I was too excited. When I asked my group to check 5.85 support, it broken ... and it stablised at 5.70-5.72 for a while, before rebounded to 5.75-5.76, but the hammer-like not form, instead last minute sell-down seen(with a gap of few cents). KLCI minus 4points extra in last of minutes due to that.

These are what I could recall, and if I am not mistaken.

I could tell all that I analyse with my group,to exit Digi about two weeks ago seeing weaknesses. Similar to the resilient Maxis at the moment, started to show weakness.

Now, regarding valuations of DG, we all know it is over streched. Why would investors buy DiGi with PER above 30 and KLCI at high? No logical sense or merely ignorants?

Disclaimer : It is merely an opinion of mine and please consult those know-how. Trading is a risky activity.


News & Blogs

2012-11-04 20:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Zack

I don't know much about TP or if they will go higher-lower. I do know I bought TM at RM5.71 so far and waiting at RM5.50. I do not know if it will rebound, but I do know I have a plan, a time frame and indicators to show me what I should do.

Yes, good fundamental stocks, indeed. But, I am still a trader, buying to sell(for profits or losses). I just need to make sure my losses are small.



News & Blogs

2012-10-31 15:02 | Report Abuse

Dear ggecko



News & Blogs

2012-10-31 14:18 | Report Abuse

Dear Herbert and Kian Wei

Thanks a lot. It is consoling.

I am not a public-figure and have no intention to be one. I have always like it my own way, doing things by my own ... and my family all should known that I m indeed ... anti-social kinda person.

I do appreciate many nice people I have known and along the way, I have made many friends ... my readers becoming my tratles ... and of coz, I irritated some(tho I hv ignored my so-called enemies?). I do not have enemies ... as I am just trying to help many. Yet, being a human(heck with the public-figure), I do have my mood swings and I do not like faking or hiding it. To me, to be real ... is called living.

Living takes pain of learning ... taking real pain in losing our trades but keeping ourselves sane.

Just not my day, perhaps ... tho I just taken profit with my Takaful ... and focusing in my Astro and GenM trade next.

A good friend of mine(MS) told me last week ... CP, keep your originality. But .... never mind, guess I need to toe the lines.

Thanks and sorry again if I offended anyone.

Note : You could not blog naturally, spontenously ... if you do not allow your thoughts to flow ... I am original. I blog because I like to ... not because to seek popularity, not to seek attention and certainly not to gain anything from anyone. I do things sincerely from what I like ... I like trading, so I learn to trade well now. I like teaching and now, I m known to be teaching trading well. I like ... helping appreciative people as it makes me smile. EVEN without a reader, I will still write because I like blogging. Even without winning trades, I will still trade as I see that as only way of learning to trade ... and I went to extent to tell my cohort-4 once, even without my whole group, I will still continue to do what I am doing ... because of my strong convictions and beliefs. I do things that I LIKE ... my way.



News & Blogs

2012-10-31 12:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah, I totally agreed tho I do not have any anger wat-so-ever. Pardon the wordings. There is a book selling well, a property book ... WTF written there, caught many eyes. That is how low many are going-down these day. I will still keep my own values.

BTW, as I have explained ... I hv no intention to hurt or displease anyone. And I have apologised many of times.

Sorry, it is still my personal blog.


News & Blogs

2012-10-29 20:50 | Report Abuse

Hi all

Yeah, I find it very touching, and it makes us pause from our busy pursues. Money, fame and metals could not make us a human, and most of all, a happy person. As happiness came from our most inner feelings. The closest we could feel happy is when we are in love. If we love ourselves only, and self centered, we will never find real happiness. He left these messages which very strong as a reminder.

Many are arrogants, many feel they are the greatest and all should learn from them, or obey them. As long as we are still alive, and still living in the society, we have to hold to our human values. Without that, we are merely existing.

Thanks for sharing and it could provoke my thoughts. It touched me too.


News & Blogs

2012-10-29 14:57 | Report Abuse

Glad good comments here by many of good contributors. Agreed. It is rotational, telco and now banking. So, it is logical to trade into index-linked counters or some in-play stocks(with some fundamental, please).

Many retailers might jump into some speculative stocks but will be trap when KLCI correcting(soon).

need to continue my writings. hehe


News & Blogs

2012-10-27 22:57 | Report Abuse

Hi Reyes

Please email me.



News & Blogs

2012-10-27 20:53 | Report Abuse

Hi roger

Please go to my blog to check on it.



News & Blogs

2012-10-25 13:19 | Report Abuse

Hi Roger

Finally, something nice being shared.

Yes, as newbies/novices ... we should share and learn. So, thanks for sharing.


News & Blogs

2012-10-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

Hi everyone

Sorry that I do not add anyone, actually. U may email me if u want to join my group. Thanks.


News & Blogs

2012-10-15 09:27 | Report Abuse

yeah ... i will write NOT for readers here or whatever to read. I write blog for my own pleasure, my own readings and keeping as i m pacing myself in my learning curve. I will post AMedia reversal signals seen before the dive as I do detect that, technically speaking.

I m still writing my blog, even as I m writing here now(9.25am ... KLCI down 2.4points ... early signs of corrections, expecting to correct to 1640-1645 levels before we see some rebound with more plantation counters seeing rebound)

i will even write if there is no viewers. Haha. Plain stupid, I guess.


News & Blogs

2012-10-15 08:48 | Report Abuse

Morning Berid

Oh .. it is ok. Thanks, buddy. I do know you are great in your TA. Yeah, wish to learn more from you, tho I hv many 'mental' blockage when it came to using those indicators.

Cheers and glad to hear from you.


News & Blogs

2012-10-15 07:00 | Report Abuse


Yes, we could find signals using TA to check before it falls. That I do agree.



News & Blogs

2012-10-15 00:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Fatty

U do not understand. It is ok. Why change nick?


News & Blogs

2012-10-14 23:03 | Report Abuse

HI gijoe

I think u mean good. So, i will reply a little.

first of all, MANY mis-understood TA very much way off. TA could not be applied to MANY stocks in KLSE. So, we placed CRITERIA and CONDITIONS for trading using TA. TA alone will NOT work, and AMedia failed MANY of my conditions for even trade her. It is too speculative, in short. But can I trade her now. Yes, there are opportunities for punters(experienced one) to move in as many more losing money. So, we follow the the movements of so-called syndicates, then we could be able to trade her. The risk is too high ... and trust me, if u REALLY an experienced traders in KLSE, you will know TA will not work. Those using TA for such stocks, u need to ask them honestly if they take the trade?

I do trade with TA for my stocks and satisfied conditions very well. Thanks you. But, that needs beyond TA ... again, perhaps you need to ask more experienced ones. Learning TA will help a lot ... but NO ONE could time market, giving an edge is what we are looking for.

I am not against those trading using TA. But, we need to know when it works, and when it doesnt. We have to accept reality.

If TA works well, then many traders learning those TA must be profitting well? ASK them honestly, if they want to be honest.

So, are you personally using FA or TA or mixed of them? Or perhaps just buy simply because it is 'hot' or someone told u so?

Be honest, be real. Then ... be in markets for 5-10years. Be there to learn ... then, u tell me when TA could works well, when it doesnt.

Thanks for pointing out. I am not a technical person. ALL in my groups knew about it as I am being honest with them.


News & Blogs

2012-10-14 13:58 | Report Abuse

Dear Ben

Glad u read and reponse here, sir.

Yes, it is obvious the moment the rumours out that it will be moved to main board. Then, someone started to 'promote' it. I do got the alert around 60cents. It is a ACE-counter, I do not like such counters but we all know the market operators involving. SC? Well, even with UMA ... it still ignored and moved higher.

Yes, traders would have cut-off when the support broken. We DO NOT avarage downm certainly not for such stocks. Heck, people telling me about their good profits and good FA(remind me of RA, an accountant told me she is a good FA stock!! I was like ... wat? haha).

No one could tell how low AMedia could go ... these stocks could not be traded using TA, but those hardcore TA kakis will try to convince us with those technical signs that is is reaching the bottom.

With bonus 1:1, it will be adjusted and more rooms for some goreng-ing. And the warrants? We shall watch.

General rule in trading, take a trade with a trading-plan. Be discipline enough to carry out our plan!!

My sharing will be simple : Do not trade what you don't know. Ignore noises.

Thanks again, Ben. I do like your wisdom too.


News & Blogs

2012-10-11 20:02 | Report Abuse

Hi AL833D

Yes, should avoid as more retailers obviously have to sell for losses now. Those bought at 50cents to RM1 levels most likely selling too.

I do not believe in indicators much, and certainly could not be used for cases like AMedia. It is matter of how much 'they' want to press it down further, and what will be the decisions on bonus-warrant news.

I did not follow the developments for this so-called good FA counter as it is in ACE, speculated to move to main board. That piece of news being used to push it higher as many do not want to 'miss the boat'.

It attracts many counter-trend traders like me. But, it is not time to buy yet, certainly.

Waiting for signals.

Do watch but avoid.


News & Blogs

2012-10-11 00:46 | Report Abuse


I do not buy when it went higher and high tho my groups talking about it. I did punt when it dived to 0.70 rebounded to 0.725, sold too early at 0.78.

That was crazy. If you see such opportunities, will u grab? It went to 0.90 day.

Now, technical rebound in play. I will not advise anyone to catch a knife. It is an interesting case study, indeed.

I do not owe anyone any explainations, but u asked in good manner.




2012-10-10 18:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Colin

My honest opinions. Trading is a very difficult and enduring job. If oneis a novice, there is no way we should take trading as full time job. So, yes ... Get a job and learn to trade, say for 5-10years first. See if u r doing well, have the traits of good traders. Learning is very difficult too, so some courses might help to shorten your learning curves.

Do not fall for those software salesmen and those boasting around in forum. Think logically is very crucial in trading. Do not let greed overcome your sensible logic.

Think over it. Good luck.


News & Blogs

2012-10-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

Haha. You are showing how low u could go, indeed. Hmm. Sad world for u.

News & Blogs

2012-10-10 12:27 | Report Abuse

We need stories to push up stocks. We need runners to spread the news to ignorant public. We need to convince others about it. Once the whole herd believe in the stories, it is easier for the stocks to move. That is creating sentiment.

Genneva gold? Scam? Really? How bout stock market? Logical?



2012-10-07 18:05 | Report Abuse

Hi kcc

You give very good analysis here. Ok, I hope I could find some time to look into these as a case study, for educational purposes. I need my charts, my data and my spreadsheet for these.

Yup, do alert many here not to touch call warrants. We have too many gamblers around here without much knowledge. Do share and educate hem.



News & Blogs

2012-10-06 09:17 | Report Abuse

will continue to write long blog as that is MINE, not urs to see or comment.

Will not add anyone as that is NOT my purpose being here.

will igonre u.

Hope u well


News & Blogs

2012-10-06 08:02 | Report Abuse

Hi Fat Cat

Again, ur hatred towards what I m writing amazed me. It is difficult to comprehend and so difficult to go THAT low to your mentality. You do need friends and perhaps, God.

I started late, at age 40 ... I did not say I am young, but I certainly working to make a living ... you are too. The difference could be I m more concern about my owb progression while you are 'bitching' about others.

Don't worry, u will realise one day. Hope u well



2012-10-05 21:35 | Report Abuse

Fat cat, it is hard to go too low to your level to talk to. Sorry.


2012-10-05 18:14 | Report Abuse

I do think they will send another person to make all trapped here to trust him, then send the stock flying again before they distribute to the herd, who somehow like to follow the crowds.

As they said, market is the only place where u do not need to learn, study or use logic. Proven by so many illogical followers here. Perhaps greed in play.

When should we look at any stocks again? When no one interested to check her anymore. When this noisy forum quieten. When some illogical forummers here biting their nails, and start to realize they are losing money and wasting their time.

I m saddened to see actually we have so many believe him that it will go to rm2, calling him sifu, god etc etc. whether we mean it or not, we are lowering ourselves to his level. Many profit hugely from this speculation and of coz we have many more followers, late comers continue to feed into the system. I will like to write another post about jcy if it really goes to 50cents?

Till then, take that as a lesson to learn. Do not blame him or anyone. That is how market works.


News & Blogs

2012-10-03 12:59 | Report Abuse


technical rebound is for short term trading(in 1-2 weeks) and certainly with tight cut-loss points. I m pointing out 10 conditions for an extremely good rebound. It is not easy, and certainly not for everyone.

Being patient to wait for such opportunities is very crucial.




2012-10-01 19:50 | Report Abuse


It is not fall. We use the term adjustment. I will not buy anything if I m to hold for mid to long term now. Yes, as trader, it is a sell soon.

