My Trading Adventure

Little voices

Publish date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013, 10:54 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI jumped 13 points yesterday, giving many a bullish surprise. KLCI is above 20MA now, and we are on the road to recovery, to 1650 next and 1680.

I will have 8 hours of classes today, so I do need to reserve my 'energy' for that loong hours later on. So, I done somethin 'different' again ... by going for breakfast in a bakery shop!! Days ago, I took an hour off from my busy schedules ... to have a nice lunch, in an 'empty' restaurant ... and reading Scott Adam's Dilbert book. Haha ... and I find it as very nice, worth the time spent by being with myself.

Name calling : I was called 'pai kuat' during my schooling days nicked by a Math teacher as I was very thin. I felt embarrassed and the laughters could drown a young boy.

There are still many being bullied and name-calling is a mild manner. Silently, many will keep many things to themselves and seeing their world to be dark.

Not until we grown up, we get bit matured that we could let-go, laugh things off and seeing things positively. We are being ridicule silly because we are 'different' may it be physical or we are not following the mainstream/trends.

Always remember that we are all born equal. We should not discriminate ... The colours of our skins, our so-called status, our political views, our nationalities, our wat-have-u. In God's eyes, we are equal. But we would be discriminating others? What culture is that?

Make the world a slightly better world to others. That is when we could say that we have 'lived'.


I worte the above in my facebook after listening to the 'poem', creatively created. Do listen. We may not mean it, but at times our words will hurt others, un-intentionally. There might very 'bad' people who enjoy insulting others, but I believe they are the minority. When we were kids, nothing we joked or said ... meant it. But, somehow ... when it is an adult(parents, relatives, teachers, friends ...) insulting a young child, that is an abuse. We see physical abuse as major 'crime' but the 'emotional' abuse could be more harming. These kids losing their self-esteem, to be part of the society ... playing a role in the community and being involved in the 'normal' activities. Yet, many of these 'abused' kids will end up ... sadly, ALONE.

Many of things bottled up ... and with further suppression, their voices would not be heard, in the midst of noises ... and every word they said will be 'ridiculed'. The insult could do damage to a person's characters ... moulding them into 'hatred' individual ... and they do need to open-up, getting some supportive ones to understand what they are trying to convey ...

Many of them do not manage to see lights, as they have been hiding in their shells. The 'comfort' of dis-comfort .. they lived with it.

Be-frienders : I worked as a volunteer with be-friends PJ 20 years back ... and it was an amazing experience. I do hope I could find time ... one day, and help more in distress, who needs their voice to be heard.

got to go ... for my 7 hours of classes.


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I call you teacher I hope you don't mind ... it is not name calling huh.. because you always claimed you are a teacher and I hope you don't feel embarrass being call teacher or cikgu

There are pros and cons in the ang-mo and asian ways of teaching kids..

like for example in one of my kid school occasion the headmaster give a speech and said to all the students.. of course the headmaster is a Malaysian la.. he said to the students seriously, "ur all must always listen and respect ur parents, whatever they do is for ur good".. i know i know some of these teachers teach in asian ways... parents, are you happy if our school teachers talk like this to our kids ?

something kids can be too young to learn what is rights or freedom.. if your kids know there is child abuse center, if one day before you want to scold or beat ur kid for some wrongdoing, actually dont want to beat one, jus try to scare them, but ur kid warn you.. if you beat me, I'm going to call child abuse center. It happened to one of my friend migrated to overseas, you know what she do.. she really beat him up and then she said to her kid angrily .. "Now you can call, ask them to send me to jail and you go to orphan house". She told me her kid never do that anymore.

as a teacher, will you criticize how Asian or Malaysian teach their kids in front of your students ? will you tell ur students like ur parents teach you wrong ways?

always listen to both sides of the story before make any judgement or stay positive..

2013-03-02 11:53

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