My Trading Adventure

Replying comment on the "replying comments" post

Publish date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015, 12:38 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Replying to a hater ... see if we could be friend, one day.

chyokh : cpteh, what's the point of blogging when your writing creates so much unhappiness, scepticism and even anger among so many i3 members. You should try to make the world a better place not do the opposite. You should look at yourself deeply to see why you have so much negative comments from i3 members. Why? If you still cannot see it, please take a look at the top 10 percentage gain posted above. Can you beat them or do you always start shooting only when the war is over and claim credit for winning the war?

Hi ... whoever you are. Welcome to my blog at not in i3, ya. Or go to ... this morning, I posted on AAX.

You are definitely new reader. But, u do not read to learn or share. You are critical, I see.

Why I said you are new? Or are you real?

cpteh, what's the point of blogging when your writing creates so much unhappiness, skepticism and even anger among so many i3 members

Because my blog been around since 2008 Aug. I have blogged for 18 years now, even before existence of blogspot. I was using blogsome/Xanga ... and way before that was site in Canadian and/or yahoo. Dial-up then ... expensive hobby, indeed. Cybercafe is a luxury ... RM15 per hour to check Hotmail and it took you ... err ... you have to be patient to go online. Haha.

So ... you are new to my blog. Perhaps ... u r not. Anyway, you may move away ... so that you could find peace inside yourself. That is what I do ... I have known many bloggers personally, I may not agree with many of them ... I have read many blogs including Marina's or TDM's ...

So ... leave the pages we dislike or not suitable for us. Example : I left i3-forum 2yrs plus ago ... and only during CNY break now, I am free ... to read some noises there. Haha. Thanks.

So ... I am not writing to please you or any readers out there. Be angry ... be skeptical ... be insulting or what-have-you ... that is your right to be unhappy. You right to judge or criticize. I have not control of your words and I have no intention to retaliate (haha ... get a life, man).

So ... I will continue to blog in my own personal blog. After all, I do have few(20% of i3 members there?) who are following my writings and appreciate me? I personally knew many of them in my trading group who appreciate me. Again, you do not need to believe me ... your task to yourself is to find peace in yourself. After all, what is life with a peace mind? How do we trade without such peace and focus? I don't know ...

You should try to make the world a better place not do the opposite. You should look at yourself deeply to see why you have so much negative comments from i3 members. Why?

Who am I to make the world a better place when Obama or Najib could not? What I do ... is to make my inner surrounding a better place to stay ... happier by contributing to them, and help them when the needs arises. What I do is to share knowledge with my trading groups and those few who wish to learn. Believe me, it is not always the numbers ... it is the quality. I would rather teach ONE person rather than 100 un-intended persons. Get what I mean?

I do look at myself ... everyday. I do check-n-balance my life ... and making sure that I do not insult anyone, no negative words from me ... even at my baddest day. As I have followers in FB/Blog, I will put up strong front.

Recently, my dad-in-law turned deft due to his cancer ... I was sad and needing to console my wife. I said that in my facebook ... It was the day justice being murdered. I have not felt so down for some time ... it took me 4-5 hours to digest my sadness, and I sprung up being positive again!! Just like that!! And then ... Tok Guru passed away. Really sad week.

There will always be haters, those envy us ... those irritated with our actions and words. Those opposing to our opinons. Haha. Seriously, living in OUR own lives is very important ... to stay sane. Life is too short to show-off, making noises ... argue, quarrel , dispute ... to show who is right/wrong, who is the best ... etc etc. Leave me out ... I am a loner.

If you still cannot see it, please take a look at the top 10 percentage gain posted above. Can you beat them or do you always start shooting only when the war is over and claim credit for winning the war?

Seriously again ... I never compare myself to ANYONE I knew in trading-investing. We are all unique!! Only we know our risk-appetite, our time frame ... our laziness ... our weaknesses. Good if you have profited well from those nice n good i3 traders. Congrats. Do learn from them ... and learning takes time, ok?

So ... I have no intention to beat any of them. I am not in competition ... I prefer peace and win-win situation. I keep in touch with those around me, knew me and share ideas. Those 20 persons I recently thanked in my FB are those I m in touch with, and some ... I have not met them(will make the effort in 2015 ... to interview them, and share it here).

I m not in war ... haha. Guys ... calm it leh. Live so beautiful, why in war? Why la like those insulting la ... full with anger and being envious of others? Why la ... listen to Zig Z, Robin S, Tony R and such ... learn to think positive.

Then ... I went to search the comments you have written. I found it interesting. You have been tailing me .. using the posts to comment there. Sorry, I didn't read comments from there... perhaps u may send comments in my blog (not i3) or e-mail to ... or even add me in facebook and check there. Be sincere and real la ... if you are.

As I do share my trades "live" in my trading-group ... and I do not say I never lose(are you pulling my legs? ouch) ...

My scores for Feb : 21 - 10

21 wins  and 10 losses.

I took this picture the moment HapSeng-wa trade was done. The high was RM2.76, for your info. I have bought during the hammer formed, 120lots only. Currently it closed at RM2.26 ... and I do have intention to trade HapSeng and wa next week. Will you follow my trades? I am planning 100 lots for mommy, 200lots for baby. And it is shown ''live'' ... I m not interested to win war. trade together ... profit together, how is that? You tell me at what price to enter ... I will follow. Then, what price to sell ... I will follow too. Fair?

You many ask my trading groups. We do have losing trades as I am only human? Heck, I m only novice ... nothing to compare to majority out there, ok? But ... give me time to improve la, I will one day ... due to my persistence ... be a good trader too. Now, being 7 years in market ... and quit my job to learn short-term trading ... I am going for another trading course soon (RM3k fyi).

Teach me ... and I will learn(only if I wanted to) ... but I m selective who I m learning from. Forums full with noises, we cant learn from there. So, selectively ... I use i3 to read dividend announcements, quarter reports, selected broker reports and so ... rarely I will click on forums as it is very distracting with so many sifu/guru/forummers there. Leave me alone ...

here a song for you and all ... enjoy.

Alright ... enough of i3-forum comment replying. Back to my life ... bye i3-forum.

Welcome back to my blah-blah blog .... zzzz

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Mr. Teh only tell about his wins AFTER he sold them. Is this sound honest to you? Can Mr. Teh announce BEFORE he buy?

2015-02-22 20:57


i think it is the way you write that gets to people's nerves. Just read the 3 comments above. You seem to be confused and keep contradicting yourself. Are you a novice or a expert ? If you are a novice, please don't talk like an expert. If you are losing, please don't talk like you are winning. If you are not in i3 forum, why are you here?
Please leave us alone.

2015-02-22 21:37

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