My Trading Adventure

Book Sharing : Financial Freedom

Publish date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015, 08:54 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Morning ... this topic was discussed last night(briefly and I made it VERY long! haha) in my BS-group (BS = book-sharing ... in case you think of something else) thru watsapp ... no, that is not my group ... I was added there as I joined on of the book-sharing session.

Book-sharing group : I have created a book-sharing facebook group(free, of coz) for those who wish to join in my book-sharing (books that I read such as self-help, motivational, biz-related, investment ... life, in general) sessions. Currently, I m doing it online ... will start to record it and upload to youtube next year .... so, I have 1.5months left to try-it-out. Haha ... the crowd is still small but I will continue to do what I like to do ... sharing the books I read.

Anyway, it is about financial freedom ... a word that is too HUGE for most of us. It was near impossible for a lowly paid lecturer(RM3k plus) some 10 years ago ... when I got married and got myself into huge debt. Looking back ... I would never want to be poor n in debt anymore. Hey, who want to be poor? Yes ... it is poor MINDSET ... financial mindset and attitudes towards money.

So ... when they said "who doesn't want financial freedom?" in the chatbox ... that triggered me to answer ... MOST of us around (that is some 80% of population) DO NOT want financial-freedom. FACE THAT FACT ... most of people I got to know some 10years ago when I was struggling financial ... most(if not all) of them are not free --- financially --- as they are lecturers in colleges!!

Yes ... the people around us ... making us ONE OF THEM .... and when I was reading RDPD book at that time ... I started to THINK of WHY am I in huge debt, why am I financially poor after working for 20 years ... why am I stress with all the debt and how am I going to feed my young family?? It is scary ... financially.

So ... my financial brain-cell started to work some 10 years ago ... I was 38 yrs old, financially-poor lecturer, earning less than RM5k with huge financial-debt, obligations and zero saving! Incredibly a financial-idiot ... and to think of financial freedom? What the ... it is almost impossible, right?

They said ... dream-big!! Yeah right ... dream is just the first step ... set goals and achieving it is another. Without dream ... we all could not rely on HOPE. But ... that wont lead us to financial freedom, right?

What I did? Too lengthy to speak about ... that is why I have book-sharing sessions ... that day I shared about WORK and only about 20 turn-up for my interesting session. This Sunday I am going to have another book sharing session!! Haha.

Go to here :

So ... this Sunday night I will plan a book-sharing to talk about FINANCIAL FREEDOM. I don't know what book I m going to share yet ... will check my library(I have been collecting books!! haha).

Besides reading books to increase my knowledge, awareness about money and changing my financial-mindset ... I slowly leaving most of my colleagues, my friends ... those always complaining about money-not-enough circle. I have to protect my MINDSET that I m developing ... and change my bad money-habits. I am a total changed person (financial mindset) than I was merely 6 yrs ago ... when I came back to KL for interview.

Looking back ... I will not want to be where I was, financially. SERIOUS!!

So ... it is BOOKS to change my mindset ... then, people surround me. I avoid those toxic-human ... who will suck your energy, complaining about their lives ... I left my bowling-game and those friends there (most of them are financially not well). I started to learn trading-investing ... I learn about biz-entrepreneurship and such ... I got around people with similar mindset, viewing lives POSITIVELY to move forward ... and help each other to grow.

Yes ... grow in our financial-mindset will set us nearly to our financial goal ... that is to be financially FREE.

Who doesn't want to be financially free? They asked. I will answer again ... MOST OF PEOPLE around DO NOT want to be financially free!! They want to have security JOB ... carrying out their tasks and work hard. They do not want RISK ... they do not want to work hard of SKILLS that could give them he financial freedom. They do not want it strong enough ... that it is NEAR impossible for them to achieve financial freedom.

Today ... I got mood sikit to blog after the BS-group talked about FINANCIAL FREEDOM ... a topic I do like to talk about ... debate about, learn about ... and more importantly, taking ACTIONS to reach that goal of mine ...

I want to be financially free ... so that I could do things I want to do, anytime and anywhere!! Get it?

Who doesn't want that?

MOST OF those around us!! Can face the reality(check sikit) ... most of us LIE to ourselves?

In 2016 ... as I m trying to motivate myself to reach nearer to my goals(financially) ... I have plenty of things in mind ...

It takes a lot of WORK ... and we need to be PASSIONATE ... to make it work.

Join my talk ... and I will share with what I have done right ... and most important part to share, where I have failed, done wrongly ... and move on.

See u this Sunday night ... online.

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2 people like this. Showing 1 of 1 comments

Kevin Wong

interesting, thanks for sharing.
Wishing you all the best...good luck!

2015-11-12 10:38

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