2019 gonna be a bad year, but seems those in bursa are more resilient than those in US market, guess our market condition trained us well, we became something diff than ordinary. LOL.
2018-12-06 09:24
co. that need to raise fund i think they better do it now, think 2019 going to be tough
2018-12-06 09:24
Dow down, must but Malaysia Blue chips.Dow will go down much more.
It just time to pick up Malaysia's Blue Chips.
2018-12-06 10:44
tonight how many points more ??
700 ?? 600 ??
kasi hantam back to 15k level la ....baru syiokkkkkk shopping
2018-12-06 14:42
800 points is for Tuesday or Wednesday. Today is Thursday.
2018-12-06 08:24