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[转帖] 浅谈Fimacorp - 第一篇 - 糊涂

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014, 09:36 AM
Tan KW
0 483,800

星期三, 一月 22, 2014

自从2010年我在1.05分左右投机Kfima获得不菲的盈利后,我一直都跟进Kfima与 Fimacorp这两家公司的进展。这3年里,Kfima的价格已翻倍到1.9x的水平,而fimacorp的价格却只是从4.5左右涨到6.00左右的 水平,因此我从去年7月就开始逢低买进,从RM5.80的价格一直买到今天的RM6.32。它是我组合中最具信心的公司,我一直都认为它的价格最少也要值 RM10以上,目前的价格还是属于非常低估的水平,就算大熊来了,抱股长眠也不会有问题。

它的机密文件印刷业务的稳定性绝对是2线股中仅有的优质资产,它的机密文件的主要客户是政府相关 部分,主要产品如印花、路税、大学/学院相关文件、护照等等机密文件。这独家生意的稳定性是无需置疑的,它的业务也会随着人口的增长而出现3-5%的有机 成长。隆股市中拥有垄断性独家生意公司的本益比都超过了14,即使不计算其它的资产,它印刷业务就贡献了每股50分的税后盈利。若说垄断生意的合理PE是 14,那公司的合理价格 = RM0.50 X 14 = RM7.00。(注:2012/13年的税前盈利=54mil, 假设公司税25%,税后盈利=40mil,每股盈利= 40.5mil/80.5mil = 50分)

若再加上公司每股约RM2.80的净现金,还没有计算种植资产的Fimacorp最少就值 RM10了,我很难理解为何牛市中会有这样低估的公司,或许看到RM6.00的股价就把散户吓跑了,再加上没有基金经理的青睐,所以它的股价就一直这样的 低迷下去。我一直都很糊涂,总喜欢找冷门股来投机,一家拥有着5%DY的公司,绝对是我投资的最佳选择。若从投机的角度来计算,它刚起步不久的种植业务铁 定能够从这次的油棕涨潮+马币走软之下受惠,因此它绝对有机会成为今年的黑马。

顺便附上2013年年报中印刷业务过去两年的表现,听说今年印刷业务的表现更好,我相信它即将在 2月出炉的业绩将会大好,每股盈利突破25分的机率相当高一下。因此若有RM6.30以下的票,我会毫不犹豫的加码,上限是组合的30%比重-成为我组合 的第2主力。我过几天再分享它的主要成长动力-种植业务。

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Hi KC Chong :
Two points attract my attention: (i) 还没有计算种植资产的Fimacorp最少就值 RM10了, (ii) 5%DY.

Since you have done detailed analysis on KFima, I believe you know FimaCorp well too. Would you mind to drop few lines on FimaCorp ?

浅谈Fimacorp - 第2篇 - 油棕业务 - 糊涂

Thank you very much.

2014-01-26 08:29


Is Fimacorp a good investment?

As usual, when I want to determine if a company is a good company, I look at its business and return of capitals, and cash flows. The two major income generators of Fimacorp are its manufacturing and printing of security papers (66%) and palm oil (33%). They appear to be good and durable business to last for some time.

The table below shows Fimacorp’s return of capitals for the last few years:
Year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
ROE 12.5% 16.5% 20.9% 19.2% 23.3% 14.8% 13.8% 17.8%
ROIC 23.1% 32.5% 44.0% 31.4% 32.9% 16.5% 38.0% 34.9%

Return of equity has been all the time in double digit. Last two years ROE has retreated somewhat but it was still good. By the way, tell me which company with palm oil as a major earner has not got its profit and ROE reduced last two years? Some of them have even gone into losses. The lower ROE last year of 12.5% could also be because of its build up of excess cash in its balance sheet.

A better measure of its efficiency is hence ROIC, taking the whole firm into consideration. You can see ROIC is always very high, even up to 44% in 2011. Even the lower ROIC of last year of 23.1% is still well above the cost of capital of 10%-12%.

Yes the lower ROE and ROIC last year is because of the drop of profit. Again can you tell me which company, especially in the cyclical commodity business can grow its profit every year unabated?
Fimacorp’s cash flow from operations is above its net income on average. It always has free cash flow, averaging more than 20% of revenue. What else can you ask for?

After determining that Fimacorp is a good company due to its high return of capitals and good cash flows, the next thing I look into is if the price is good. You can’t make good return if you don’t know the value and simply pay exorbitant price for it as your return is determined by the price you pay.

At the close of RM6.40 last Friday on 24th January 2014, and with earnings of 72.4 sen in year ended March 2013, the PE ratio is 8.8, not expensive in my book, especially considering its high efficiencies. But as it has a lot of excess cash and also a substantial interest in an associate company, a better metric is enterprise value. It EV is just 3.7 times its ebit, or an earnings yield of 27%, fantastic.

So with this I would conclude that Fimacorp is a great company selling at bargain price. Do I need to consider its growth? I don’t think so, but if good growth comes, it will be extra bonus. But is Fimacorp really a no-growth company as opined by some people?

From the table below, one can see that Fimacorp’s revenue and net income has been growing at a CAGR of about 10% a year from 2006 to 2013. That is a reasonable high and sustainable growth rate. I don’t know much about its future but I do read about Fimacorp has quite a lot of land in Indonesia which has not planted yet. I thought I also read that they have been buying plantation land too. And according to the article in Chinese, its FFB production has been increasing. Its margins are also much higher than many other plantations.

So Fimacorp is definitely a good stock to invest in my opinion. But as I have already invested in Kumpulan Fima which holds 60% of Fimacorp, I do not want to put in money in Fimacorp again. By the way, Kumpulan Fima has a more diversified business and it is also more undervalued in term of EV.

Year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Revenue 305145 300174 298479 279110 223465 176788 157312 157190
Net income 61899 78917 84757 64570 59481 31372 27631 32208

2014-01-26 17:01


Hi KC Chong : Thank you very much.I need long time to digest and reproduce the numbers. The methods and numbers are more important to me.
Thank you, 预先祝贺你新春愉快, 球技进步.

2014-01-26 17:15


It is very good analysis, you analyze the stock using growth,quality and valuation as mentioned by Vitaliy Katsenelson in the Active Value investing. Learn something from here.

2014-01-26 23:17

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