
Contrarians make the best money..........

Publish date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019, 03:54 PM
0 148
"people want to invest, they want to be successful.......they need to have big dreams, and grit....and of course, knowledge and mind set."

Since 1 Jan 2019 to now, Bursa Small cap index up from 11, 000 to 13,000...........


Jump here jump there cannot make much money ,

Investors investing in very good companies also cannot make much money


Contrarians who are able to buy their shares based on solid arguments and confident to hold makes the most money.


Two months performance nothing to do with investments and investing which by definition means buying shares of good companies to participate in their long term growth......this needs years to see results, but  easiest and most assured way to make money long term for most .....


Two months performance, its all about speculating and trading. 


But speculating and trading also best done with some method, with some convictions, not jump here jump there. 


Last two months, stay invested gave the best returns. This is normal. Most of the time, markets climb slowly and drop suddenly and sharply. 


S = Q r,

S is success


Q is the ability to execute, no Q, market up also no use.


Most small caps did well last two months, some earlier, some later. Those that drop the most  last year did the best this year .....a good contrarian would  be able to find the best to buy the last 2 months...... 


any suggestion for next 2 months?


what are the best themes and group dynamics for next 2 months?


what to look out for?


Speculating and trading look to profit from price movements.









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2019-02-21 16:25



2019-02-21 17:00


cpteh cry cry cry. he miss the boat. the self proclaimed sifu.

2019-02-21 17:01


Since i3 members are mostly into small caps, when the index went from 11,000 to 13,000 everyone is a genius in making money...including one Jon Choivo who, after the results have been announced, says he expected Petron to make a small loss ......but why would he have bought Petron if he actually know it will be reporting disappointing results?

2019-02-22 07:12


some of the best performers since 1 Jan

Astro, Felda, Carimin, Dayang, AeonCr, Ekovest, Seacera, VS,..........others know of others?

what is best web site, tools to sort the winners and losers of this rally......?

....the fine print says, in a bull market, everyone is a genius.....and in a bull market , the more risky an investment , ( by buying some thing popular and doubled already).....the faster it runs..............

2019-02-24 16:25



2019-02-24 16:27


u know of a good web site to do sorting?

2019-02-24 16:28


own add to favourites and sort lah

2019-02-24 16:32


share go up also cannot benefit....

only have confidence and got reasons to buy and hold only can benefit........

2019-02-24 16:39


contrarians make the most money...only contrarian way of thinking makes u want to buy the shares at a low and keep until now..........

2019-02-24 16:53


kyy is good....Kyy says his shares are fastest running horse....................

2019-02-24 16:55


a lot of shares attract smart people.....

but smart is not fast...

and fast not smart, then how?

2019-02-24 17:12


no one can suggest a web site /tool to do sorting by winners/losers?

2019-02-25 15:44


....the fine print says, in a bull market, everyone is a genius.....and in a bull market , the more risky an investment , ( by buying some thing popular and doubled already).....the faster it runs..............

2019-02-25 15:57


Dayang is no longer a contrarian stock...It is The most popular stock and over bought.................will it go higher after the consolidation? whatever it is , it is not a contrarian stock.....

2019-02-25 20:06


Yes...i tried few stock...it work...but need to see what stock...thanks to icon8888 blog

2019-02-25 20:10


contrarian mind , not too bad one.....

2019-02-25 21:07

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